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Everything posted by DaphneCat

  1. While that's certainly possible, we don't really know anything about Tony's upbringing or HIS financial philosophy. He didn't grow up a Brown so it's possible that wasn't his way of life from birth (his parents could be normal, responsible people for all we know.)
  2. WOW!!! What a ROCKSTAR tip!!!! I've been holding my bagels over a fire trying to get them crunchy. This changes EVERYTHING!!!!!!!
  3. No one told the United States official who was interviewing us 😆 You forgot about the question "Do you plan to engage in commercialized sexual activity?" That was also on the immigration form. And wasn't there a question along the lines of "Are you a beggar or professional vagrant?"
  4. I keep forgetting to bring up the windows of that apartment. They are FILTHY! You can't see a thing through them. I get that it's a set, but couldn't they put a "tree" and some other apartment building "outside"?
  5. I think she's trying to say she didn't know you could use a peeler on a butternut squash - not that she's just discovered this utensil. But seriously, if THIS is what she considers earth shattering she really needs to get out more. As a COL, I miss the good old days before people felt the need to post EVERYTHING on the internet. What's next - she discovers that you can use a frying pan to do things that aren't technically frying? That it's a really great idea to change her socks every day? What? Oh my. I hope he improves.
  6. Hello Sunday does pretty harmonies but something about them seems very pre-packaged. Sort of like what you would expect to see on a Disney show or something. While their talent is undeniable, something about them just leaves me cold.
  7. What struck me was telling the kid to his face that Anny thinks he's a monster. Way to start out on a good note. Tell him his "stepmother"(?) doesn't like him before she even gets there while encouraging him to misbehave - what could go wrong here? At least the beekeeper couple met on a website devoted to a mutual interest - she wasn't out trolling for a foreign man and he wasn't automatically looking for any American woman he could find. He is also age appropriate - so I have some hope for them. The communication thing is a problem, but she seems genuinely interested in learning from him - like she won't still be using a translator app a few years from now (looking at YOU Paul). As for her teenage sons, I would be a LOT more alarmed if they WERE showing wild enthusiasm for this guy. Though I don't really know a lot about teens I think their general lack of interest, (along with a somewhat juvenile interest in trolling him - offering a Muslim bacon) seems like pretty standard behavior.
  8. She has an EXCELLENT reason for taking a picture of herself. This picture is supposed to entice you to buy the crap Meri is selling. After viewing this, are you SURE you don't have an overwhelming desire to buy ugly, ill-fitting, cheaply-made clothes?🤣
  9. Soaps used to do much more of this. Have people on who were friends and have them have actual conversations. I would really like it if there was more day to day stuff. No, we don't need to see people buying groceries, watching TV or reading a book, just people doing interesting things at their jobs, and talking with their friends about what's happening in their lives - maybe low key drama about stupid jealousies and misunderstandings. If every other day is someone coming back from the dead, someone committing murder, and stupid plots like brainwashing and revenge, there is no shock/suspense value in anything. We know they aren't going to kill off certain characters and never even feel slightly bad if they do because we know it is more likely than not that the character will be back in a month or two. If everything is a main event, then nothing is a main event.
  10. I think SM encourages your worst instincts in terms of self-absorption. I think people SHOULD learn about mortgages. They also should learn about history. How is it bad to know about both?
  11. Are you trying to steal the NEW love of my life? You never loved me!!!! Liar!! You ruin EVERYTHING!!!!!
  12. I LOVE YOU!!!! MARRY ME NOW!!!!!😍😍😻😻😻😻😻
  13. Fun Holiday Fruit Cups?????? Come on. It's fruit. I (like many other people) eat fruit most days - I did not know it was only a holiday treat requiring excitement and hashtags.
  14. If she's 5'7" then both David and Annie would have to be 5'9" and Tim and the Woman on the other side of her would both be about 6'. Yup, sure. I believe it. I also believe that HOT 20 year old Tunisian I've been talking with really DOES love me (even though I'm older than Angela) and is definitely my SOUL MATE and the LOVE OF MY LIFE. I especially really love the way he mostly just sends me emojis - we have no need for words.😍
  15. I agree with this 100%. Sadly, I really think that is a curse of her generation, not just Mariah. She'd get a lot more respect if she stopped trying to be an "influencer" and just lived her life. We're all good, bad, messy and sometimes self-absorbed - but most of us don't demand adoration for it.
  16. Hey, I'm Madge from Dubuque and am quite insulted that you think I'm that stupid😁
  17. There was also a "real" Princess Gina - mother of Greta. She died while impersonating Hope when Shawn Douglas was still in high school. (It was some really stupid plot that somehow involved every adult in Salem attending the "Last Blast" dance at the high school.)
  18. Another stupid thing. Are we really supposed to think Jordan was carrying a 1-year old baby in that infant carrier with only one arm (not to mention, do people actually carry a child that age with a blanket over them)? And still had the strength to shove (knock, whatever she did) Ciara without putting him down? Is she training in a weight lifting competition in her spare time? And then she took off running yet Ben couldn't catch her within 20 feet? She's either got superhero strength or Ben is really slow.
  19. Even if she is on the hook for her first husband the chances of a young, presumably fit, man getting social services are slim to none so that is really not much of an issue/risk. As for financial support, the government merely requires you to be above a poverty level income. Even if she had to factor in a 3rd person the amount would not be all that high. While I would not describe her as affluent, she also does not strike me as poverty stricken, so I don't think income would be a factor.
  20. They're doing the same thing with her that they do with other artists. Taking what's good and focusing ONLY on that quality until we're so damn sick of it we never want to hear it again. If someone does good runs they have that person sing a song where every other note is a run. If someone has a good high voice or falsetto (or good low notes), they have them only sing falsetto (or bass). Because Katie can sing loud, they encourage her to do EVERY NOTE OF EVERY SONG at 11. There is no longer any nuance, any build, any interest. I loved some of her other songs but HATED "Take Another Little Piece of My Heart" because it wasn't very good. It was just loud.
  21. They edit the show and don't always show the battles in order. So even though WE thought there were "steals" (I hate that term - they're not stealing anything) available, this battle probably took place after they had all been used. Therefore, Carson won't say there is a steal available for one person and then say it is available for the next one we see. That's why they have them wear the same clothes for all the episodes, so we can't tell what was filmed when.
  22. LL Bean, Eddie Bauer - a lot of stores. (Bean actually has styles that are appropriate for older women also.)
  23. Please, someone, tell me these are pajamas and she won't actually wear them outside the house. Lie to me if you must.
  24. I don't get it. Spend that kind of money on a different car every year (even a lease costs a lot of money if you don't keep the car for at least 3 years - early termination penalties) and yet didn't the neighbors in LV complain that there were always several leaking, broken down, wrecks all over the cult-de-sac? Not to mention that I'm sure the leasing company would require you to allow the insurance company to notify them if your insurance lapses (and you would definitely be required to have collision - really expensive on those type of vehicles) yet there were stories that one of the kids (Garrison?) was driving around uninsured. I know these are the Browns and stupidity is a way of life, but the fact that they are willing to let their children take those kind of risks (breaking down, unsafe vehicles, getting arrested/paying penalties for no insurance) just so they can afford to drive high end vehicles is pushing the bounds of stupidity beyond all reason. How can they think they can sell the loving, polygamous lifestyle (where love is multiplied, not divided and it's all about the FAMILY) if they demonstrate such obvious selfishness?
  25. I REALLY want Gabi to be able to say that unless she logs in to the account on a regular basis a fail-safe will explode Julie's heart. And if Lani tells anyone what she's up to, well, yes, she'll go to prison for murder but Lani will have to live with the fact that her actions actually killed Julie. Yes, this is a stupid plot, but it isn't any more stupid than most of the other plots (Princess Gina, anyone?) I just like watching Gabi in bitch mode.
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