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Everything posted by DaphneCat

  1. Especially since when he came back HE WAS A PRIEST! If he had really had a strong desire to have a child he wouldn't have become a priest.
  2. NOOOOOOOOO! Not ANOTHER child custody battle! I hate this plot line so much. Sarah has a right to introduce a man (even a step-parent figure) to her daughter. As long as he doesn't harm her Eric has no say. How would he like it if Sarah insisted Nicole not be part of Mickey's life? And guess what, it will be like Tate and Holly all over again. Brady barely mentions he HAS Tate and Holly apparently spends all her time with Maggie. They all want the child so bad until they get it - then it's off with whatever random stranger will take it.
  3. She's trying to be funny or "a personality." She is failing woefully at both.
  4. Full disclosure, I hate social media. However, I agree with Robert that everyone has a past, The idea that you can ONLY show your current life is just stupid. It's not like those kids magically disappear because he gets rid of the pictures of their mothers. He's also right that if he can't tell Anny what to put on her social media she shouldn't be able to tell him what to put on his.
  5. But it's taking all their focus. Normally they're on fire - not so much tonight.
  6. They are almost at Darcy levels of fillers! I'm not sure either one of them can move their face. Molly and friend are right - NO chemistry between Blake and Jazmin.
  7. Molly and friend do not mess around when it comes to filling the wine glasses.
  8. Maybe Blake is just nervous but that half laugh at EVERYTHING would drive me nuts. Molly's actually funnier than I expected. Russ and Pao are just boring.
  9. Yup, horrified is a good word. I would be too. Dean: Now you're just stirring up the Kool-Aid and you don't know the flavor!
  10. OK, Molly's friend can stay - "At what age do porn stars retire?" 😄
  11. OK, the MINUTE I say she's actually doing pretty well combining this crap so it isn't a complete eyesore, she goes and posts pictures like this. That'll teach me.
  12. Maybe this was covered but I truly don't remember. Did Jordan say Clyde molested her as a child or that he was after her when she was a teenager? While there is NO excuse for him going after her as a teen - if he did anything he's still a rapist and it's still REALLY creepy - there is a huge difference between being attracted to a 16 year old girl and being attracted to a child. I guess I'm trying to say that I don't think Days is trying to go down the child molester road. He probably found out that Kristen DiMeara used Holly as a get out of jail free card for all her crimes and figured it would work for him too.
  13. She really should stop with the "pin-up girl from the 40's" pucker. It's just silly. Is she losing weight or using a skinny filter? While I wouldn't wear this crap to clean the garage, at least she's learning how to pair it so it looks like something a sane person would actually wear in public.
  14. I wonder if he's going to confess to something completely different from killing Jordan. Wouldn't it be funny if they admitted to framing Will for killing Adrienne and he got out of prison instead of Ben? Way to be a judgemental bitch Jennifer. I had been liking her lately so I HAD to know it wouldn't last. Apparently Justin is simply supposed to spend the rest of his life alone. And hey, let's pile on Kayla without having absolutely ANY facts.
  15. Some people should never wear skinny jeans (or jeggings if that's what these are). While Meri (like a lot of us) could stand to lose a few pounds she is not morbidly obese or terribly out of proportion. This silhouette makes her look REALLY top heavy - sort of like an upside-down bowling pin.
  16. Yup, the first thing I noticed was the curtain fringe. The second thing I noticed was how uncomfortable that camel toe must have been. No matter what they do to "design" their clothes it seems like there is always something that never fits anyone.
  17. I completely missed that! I doubt you could even pull a D in Home Ec with those kind of seams.
  18. There is only about 37 minutes of actual content - the rest is commercials. You probably saw the entire episode.
  19. Yes, I've seen spoilers. But because they are dragging it out so long it's going to be REALLY anti-climactic when the do reveal who is Stefano. I'm assuming they're expecting us all to be shocked (if we haven't been spoiled) but they are dragging it out so long that by the time it's actually revealed NO ONE will care any longer. No one will be able to live up to the hype. It's going to be like, yes, Hope is Gina (again *yawn*) someone has some memory chip (like Hope) where they think they are Stefano (nope, nothing new here) and just like we're expecting Hope will at some point stop being Gina we'll expect whoever it is to at some point go back to being who they were before. And we won't even get any soapy fun in the meantime - just tedious shots of a hand.
  20. I want to know who is voting on this show. Kat was so off key and wasn't even in the save. And yes, I'm probably just a mean old lady but I really want Hello Sunday gone. I want to see singers, not Disney. That dress looked like someone just took random bits of fabric and sewed them together.
  21. OK, when they first started doing this stuff, I was kind of enjoying the pacing of the reveals (what had happened this past year). Now they are back to the same old crap where they are trying to generate suspense but failing miserably. Just reveal "Stefano" already! This garbage with the hand is beyond tiresome - at this point I'm only interested if it turns out to be Claire with a memory chip!
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