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Everything posted by Tabbygirl521

  1. It’s weirdly fascinating when Christine and Janelle talk about missing their kids who live elsewhere and wanting to be able to visit. They’re Kody’s kids, too, but it’s almost like they’re discussing people he’s not connected to… do we ever hear him mention that HE misses them, too?
  2. Vax wasn’t available at the time this was filmed.
  3. I’m not ignorant but I tend toward anxiety. And the onset of Covid had me terrified so I was super cautious about changing protocol right away, even after CDC revision. We got a lot of changing info as more was learned about the virus. I opted for extreme caution while things settled out.
  4. I’m with you. I am still extremely careful but until I got vaxxed I was pretty well crazed with following rules. And because of the initial terror I felt, I was slow to let go of certain protocols, even as the CDC revised them. I don’t think Kody and Robyn were out of line for having rules BUT by Oct 2020 I think they could have figured out ways to socialize safely. but they didn’t want to. It sounds like Kody didn’t even speak to kids by phone. And it seems clear now that he really was just about to have an excuse to avoid his huge burden of a family. Well before Covid they were all complaining about no one made the effort to get together - ever since they’d moved to Flagstaff. Now he has a convenient excuse. And I think he was happy to let Robyn be the scapegoat. He looked mighty angry that he had to defend her last night.
  5. No idea. I dont really follow the Duggars anywhere except here and on Reddit 😀
  6. I don’t know. We had a financial advisor suggest faith-based insurance and when we said we weren’t religious, he still had some options to suggest. We didn’t go that route but it seems like we could have. Of course I live in blue blue blue country so maybe Episcopalians and such have those funds around here 😁
  7. No doubt but I’m hoping hard he’s rebelling a bit. Baby steps.
  8. The very fact that the surgery was scheduled during a pandemic implies it couldn’t wait. I believe elective surgeries were already on hold at that time. Kody is a jackass.
  9. Yes, they were in the car. They showed this scene at the very beginning of the last episode.
  10. He could have found a way to go that didn’t violate Covid protocols. He and Christine probably would have had to trade off days in the hospital due to restrictions. But he could have gone. My BIL fell and shattered his knee in Nov 2020. My sis was able to be in the hospital with him amid stringent protocols. She did what she needed to do.
  11. I kept thinking of Kurto’s amazing garment that week. It was weird to hear all the gushing about how Prajje made the doilies look like lace. I mean, they were already lacy.
  12. They think only God (as they define God) has any authority over them.
  13. NO BOARDS ON BOARDS! I still have no idea what that meant. OBVIOUSLY you failed to read all bazillion pages!
  14. Is there some reason Kody couldn’t have spoken directly to his sons, adult-to-adult? An actual conversation might have led them to figure out an actual solution. I dislike Kody intensely but I sympathize with the caution around Covid (yes, I know he’s inconsistent).
  15. Regarding the estrangement of the older sons, Google “polygamy and lost boys.”
  16. Or maybe they can be more honest if no one else is sitting at their elbow. Christine seems so. There’s an episode of Dateline in which the killer was a woman doing her man’s budding in killing his wife. She wanted him and his kids. And before murdering their mom, they all went out and had a “family” Christmas photo made with dad, killer, and kids. Guess what I thought I’d. Not trying to say I think Robyn’s a killer but it seemed equally odd.
  17. The offender needs to feel and express remorse to merit forgiveness, IMO. Be forgiven, then go and sin no more. That ain’t Josh.
  18. You’re right. I was thinking of her regular style that she wears on the show.
  19. Based on Robyn’s old-timey hair style, I’m picturing her VS purchases as looking like costumes for saloon gals in old westerns.
  20. I sometimes think about how “other” those kids likely feel within this shitshow. Imagine acquiring 13 step sibs and a new dad and 3 stepmoms all at once. I can’t see any easy path for them to feel a natural part of this “family,” considering its dysfunction
  21. That subreddit is my latest addiction. Even though it’s normal to only snark there, during the trial and aftermath everyone was free to express support for all victims and a lot of great stuff good convos ensued.
  22. I can’t imagine that polygamy often works well for all the participants. I mean the Browns basically have said the whole purpose is to teach women to suppress their natural emotions and learn to endure suffering. I might be paraphrasing a tad. It’s no wonder that we hear all the horror stories about Warren Jeffs et al. Women and girls have to be forced into these asinine arrangements. I think they’re letting us watch the hypocrisy and downfall. I know I’m more invested now than ever before; I keep hoping to see Meri and Janelle slam on out of there too.
  23. It’s possible Derrick was open about his politics in private before he went public.
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