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Everything posted by Tabbygirl521

  1. OK, someone on Reddit just said they think it was Ben and Jessa who said they take of different ends of the kids. I hope to God that’s true.
  2. I remember it too. I brought it up on R/duggarsnark yesterday when people were talking about Anna being ditched with umpteen kids. Some were saying, Well, Josh wouldn’t have been helping her anyway. The “bottom half” thing popped into my head and I just wanted to weep.
  3. Right? I keep thinking (god help me), “Did he just sit there at his desk and beat off?” Ugh. Idle mind = devil’s workshop here.
  4. I’m no defending her but perhaps the onlookers were instructed by the court not to react? I’m thinking of Travis Alexander’s poor family sitting stoically as Jodi Arias blathered her disgusting lies, and crime scene photos were shown.
  5. Maybe they feel like we do about Josh, and about her failure to see reality. Although if she were my sister is show up to drag her bodily out of the courtroom and to a deprogrammer.
  6. I think it might be as simple as not wanting to cause an extra circus of reporters swarming them - which they likely would. “How does it feel to have your son on trial? Do you believe the charges?” Etc. I’d be happy to see them hounded forever but I don’t think they’d enjoy it.
  7. THANK YOU! That was my first impression. They could have turned that whole top part 45 degrees or so and avoided that crazy look. It’s unfortunate they didn’t have two days for the challenge, as originally planned. So many shortcuts were taken and were evident.
  8. I just had a horrible thought. Since they think abuse victims somehow bring it on themselves and/or are chosen by some sick-ass God to undergo torment and build character- would they think that the victims in the CSAM somehow…”deserve” it????
  9. There has to be a reason this cult believes sexual abuse and molestation happens in most families. With their perverted and repressive ideas and fixation in sex, it wouldn’t be surprising to me that many cultists end up twisted.
  10. They were all griping about no one making an effort to get together as a family, even before Covid, so it follows that they aren’t likely to make a huge effort to observe enough restrictions for completely safe gatherings. No one really wants to bother. Regardless, I do think Gabe is a jackass for not self-isolating after socializing outside the family, even though he seems to be correct about Kody not giving a rat’s ass about seeing most of his kids.
  11. Now if we could just stop mocking his sisters’ names, especially the little one. I’ve seen variations that make me cringe.
  12. Didn’t they start requiring the girls to sleep en masse in street clothes, as their brilliant solution?
  13. And never forget that Gothardism deems it all their fault anyway. God, I despise this cult.
  14. Let’s also campaign against convenience stores selling beer. Extremely dangerous and sinful.
  15. I think this too. Seems likely when they saw that the truth apparently sent the Holts screaming into the night.
  16. No worries, Jim Bob told the judge that he (JB) ism it going to allow it. The judge told him, “objections will be made but not by you.” And JB told him he was being unprofessional. (Per People mag) What a self-important tool.
  17. He wouldn’t have had to go for the whole six weeks he described; he could have quarantined for a couple of weeks beforehand and at least gone for the surgery itself. The various wives should have been able to spare him for a couple of weeks. Criminy.
  18. I think this is the only episode I’ve ever managed to get all the way through, including the “(14,15,16,17,18,)19 Kids” eps. They are So.Boring.
  19. Not sure if McNeil Island, WA is still open but that would be a good location for him.
  20. He may have received permission to attend the wedding.
  21. I believe that’s pretty typical of English weddings. The zillion-bridesmaid thing seems to be more American.
  22. Maybe they make their matching outfits outside of the time allotted for their competition looks? I dunno.
  23. I don’t like Kody one bit but I will say I support his taking Covid seriously, or trying to. And I don’t blame Robyn for not wanting to be a nomadic family. She said as much when they moved to Flagstaff: she’s done moving. I think she’s kind of over Kody at this point also. Chaos is his middle name.
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