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Everything posted by Ijustwantsomechips

  1. After not seeing her family for four years, and barely calling them, Paola has the audacity to comment on what a person does to show how much they care!?! This trick has more nerves than a brass-assed monkey!
  2. I never heard him insult the show, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he didn’t think it was Godly enough for Izzy to watch. Yeah I had a crazy dream like that last nite about Mama’s Family. The whole cast, including Bubba and Mother Boylen, were touring for Mama’s Family Live, but Vint and Naomi quit mid tour, breached their contracts and made off with all the proceeds. Eunice refused to go on tour, and Buzz and Sonya were just happy to be working again. I don’t know what was in that beer last nite, but I won’t drink it again. By crustless I assume she means no bread since some casseroles call for bread chunks. As for Deredick and a career in law enforcement...I worked in HR. No way he’d pass the psych exam.
  3. Now that I see the bridesmaids‘ dresses, they seem too long. Or maybe they just came out of their heels.
  4. I actually don’t mind the bolero. It’s appropriate for a church wedding as some sanctuaries require covered shoulders etc. It’s better than that flour sack Jill wore.
  5. Yes I hate that! People always think I’m younger than Inam, so they never use the title Dr. for me. But they also assume my much older male colleague is in chargw when I’m the lead person. It’s so annoying. Chauvanist jackasses!
  6. @xwordfanatik I’m fascinated with cults too. Any cult will do. Escaping Polygamy and Cults and Extreme Beliefs are my favorites
  7. Yep, the paper bag test went on for a long time here. And although that practice is not used anymore, it is sometimes assumed that you must look a certain way to be accepted in certain social circles and families. Some people still don’t like to mix because of skin tone. SW Louisiana is an “interesting” place. I don’t think it’s skin tone for Family Chantal as much as it is social status. I can almost guarantee you that if they were worried about skin tone, the hair texture would win them over. Some people refuse to let the horrible vestiges of slavery go? IMHO if Pedro was a Dominican doctor or entrepreneur they’d parade him around like a damned show pony. They look at him and his family as poor, unsophisticated, greedy “foreigners” not worthy of their middle class daughter. I also think if he were from a wealthier island like St. Martin or Curaçao, they wouldn’t mind. Thye’ve bought into the Dominican stereotypes they see on tv. Both families are assholes!
  8. Father Chantel is African American too. He’d fit right in in New Orleans or SW Louisiana.
  9. Or run away. Maybe he’s holding her back not up.
  10. I would assume it was from the Talmud or some midrash, but I couldn’t be sure. Most likely it’s just misogyny like so many ancient customs.
  11. In all fairness I’d rather it be Jim Bob than Michelle. At least he has some interaction with his kids, even if it is awkward. And you know, Michelle’s missing back muscle. I read that last sentence as “so he doesn’t get punched” which probably isn’t too far off.
  12. I never heard him insult the show, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he didn’t think it was Godly enough for Izzy to watch. Yeah I had a crazy dream like that last nite about Mama’s Family. The whole cast, including Bubba and Mother Boylen, were touring for Mama’s Family Live, but Vint and Naomi quit mid tour, breached their contracts and made off with all the proceeds. Eunice refused to go on tour, and Buzz and Sonya were just happy to be working again. I don’t know what was in that beer last nite, but I won’t drink it again.
  13. You’d still be Catholic because you’re probably spiritual whereas the Duggars are religious. You can doubt the church because your faith is in God, not the priest or building. The Duggars’ faith is in their institutions i.e. Gothard and IBLP. That’s why they’re such rigid followers. They think they’re devotion is to God through Christ, but its really to Gothard and his teachings or else every aspect of their lives wouldn’t revolve around the teachings of one man. A true Christian shouldn’t care if you’re Catholic, Baptist or Church of God in Christ, because it’s all following the same Jesus and the same bible. They can say what they want but their focus is on Gothard not Christ. Their practices are far more ritualistic than Catholicism will ever be with all that long hair and modesty clothing, but they’ll never see it.
  14. I thought Jingers overall look was the best. She nailed the trifecta of flattering gown, attractive hairstyle and cohesive look. Jessa’s dress was pretty, but her hair sucked and she just had too damn much going on with her color scheme. I really liked Lauren’s gown, but she needed more of an updo to show off the back. Kendra’s dress reminded me of those paper dolls I had as a kid. You could match different tops & bottoms for different looks. The tones just didn’t work for me. Joy’s hair was a mess too. Someone should hvae told her big boobs and 3/4 are not a good mix. Better sleeves and a different waistline would have made all the difference. It was still better than Jill’s though. Did Jill not know your gown should be altered to fit? It fit worse than Anna’s used gown. She should have bought a temple-ready gown instead of trying to make one, or went to Kleinfeld’s or Bridals by Lori. As for Anna, her dress wasn’t cute but it was borrowed. It fit her dowdy, mousey personality, and I can appreciate getting the job done on a small budget. It was obvious her parents weren’t middle class, but it was a nice, low key down home wedding that was focused on the marriage not the decor. So much better than all that me me me, I always get what I want, over the top crap you see on tv nowadays. At least they had real food.
  15. I believe that shade is what Chip Gaines refers to as hot wing orange. Jeez she looked like an oompa loompa. There was no where to go but up.
  16. While I loathe Smuggar and Ofsmuggar’s beliefs and politics, their kids are dressed cute and appear to be well cared for. They have full, rosy cheeks and clean hair. Someone’s loving on them daily.
  17. And just think, if Joy hadn’t let Joe convince her to come back into the fold, she might have found someone more worldly and open like that to help her thrive. Instead she got Nostrils
  18. You’ve got to really be an asshole to find flaws with Paw Patrol. But it focuses on work, responsibility and helping others. Derick probably finds it repulsive!
  19. No problem. That site is my morning guilty pleasure. The show reviews are ridiculous! How did I missthat? Guess I gotta watch it again
  20. You’re probably right. I was hoping against hope the little fella could go to Walmart and pick something special to him. Maybe Cathy treated him to them.
  21. They are better than the Frankenstein waitress shoes (thanks to whomever coined that phrase) that Michelle wears. And she looks comfy and in season. And she’s getting some support for her feet. I really hate out of season footwear, or something that’s cute but totally impractical and that provide no support to your feet. The older we get, the more important that becomes. She can definitely chase two toddlers around in those. IDK maybe she has plantar fasciitis or something like that. God bless her if she does. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, and if you have it, you wear ANYTHING that doesn’t aggravate the condition. And did anyone else nitice Izzy’s paw patrol shoes. I’m glad he has exposure to some healthy child-appropriate entertainment (looking at you Tuttle Twins). I wonder if it was Jill or Derick’s decision to let him get aquatinted with the show, or if Izzy just picked something he liked in the store.
  22. I just posted an article about River’s perspective of the fight in the Chantal & Pedro forum.
  23. FYI...River’s point of view on the fight http://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2018/07/10/chantel-everetts-brother-river-says-hes-mad-at-himself-for-getting-into-physical-fight-with-pedro-jimeno-on-90-day-fiance-happily-ever-after/
  24. You just don’t act like that with your MIL or FIL no matter how mad they make you. It’s just good manners to respect people’s parents and homes. In-laws annoy the shit out of people all the time, but most spuses don’t get in their faces because they know it’ll just cause problems later. I bet Chantal never treated his mom like that because he wouldn’t go for it. I definitely think Family Chantal has some money. They’re definitely the middle class, Jack & Jill, Links, private school, donate to the HBCU type. It’s quite the insular culture in a lot of ways. Chantal started all this based on a lie but Pedro went along with it. He doesn’t seem to have a problem speaking up when it concerns his family, so he should have spoken up then and came clean to her family about why he was there. Who thinks starting their marriage on a lie will lead to a happy outcome?
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