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Everything posted by Ijustwantsomechips

  1. I wonder if the groomsman in the wheelchair in th SiRen affair is the same person in the picture with MOTY in the tin man dress?
  2. I got that vibe from Jeremy too. I mentioned it a few pages back. He might be low key with it, but there may be some passive aggressive comments about the time Jinger devotes to Felicity or how much attention Felicity needs. Especially once it interferes with her devotion and adoration of him.
  3. I hope you took your gift back on general principle ?The two reception thing is still better than not being invited at all. I’ve heard of people doing two. One example was for a pastor or deacon or something. The cake and punch reception was for all the chirch members and fellow clergy who wanted to attend based on a professional relationship, and the sit down dinner was for the wedding party, family and close friends. And they were a couple hours apart. I wouldn’t do it, but I got where they were going with it. Personally I’d rather serve everyone important to me to grocery store sheet cake and Costco sandwiches than exclude loved ones in favor of a fancy meal. And I would rather someone do the same for me. The Duggars shouldn’t need to make any exceptions though. If you can afford private planes, than you can afford to feed 1000 people a cheese tray, meatballs and finger sandwiches. Or a reasonable buffet of fish or chicken, a starch, veggies and a roll. It’s not like they’re drinking and dancing so they could have the reception at about 2 pm and skip a fancy meal.
  4. I don’t care to bake most things, with the exception of gingerbread and tea cakes. But I’ll stand over a stove any day of the week and cook anyone under the table. I bet you’ll never hear those words from Jill or Jessa. Izzy looks like maybe that picture was taken mid-tantrum. It was probably a very long day for him, and he may have been over it. Or wanting more candy or cookies and they said no. With all the sweets at that reception I could see a kid going overboard.
  5. I wonder if Giddyup is just a naturally slim baby. Some are. Maybe ge takes after his dad in that regard. I also wonder if Joy has any feeding issues, needs to supplement, or if it’s time for solids. I could see the Duggars in their infinite wisdom assuming he’s eating enough based on the size of Joy’s booby doobies. Logic like big jugs= high milk volume. Would she even know to speak to a professional about this, or know the signs especially if her mom or sisters didn’t have those issues? Based on what I’ve seen on tv, she doesn’t seem like she would assert her concerns as strongly as someone like Jessa. Would Austin pick up on issues or is that wimmin’ talk? She’s kind of isolated, and a clueless kid so I hope she has th support she needs.
  6. Yep, but she could invest in a nice Baby Jogger or Uppa Baby, and get new seats as she needs them. A lot of baby stuff is way overpriced nowadays IMO, but if you desire a mega family, and your dad is loaded, why not make the investment. It’s not like she won’t get her money’s worth from a $500 stroller. It beats recreating that death trap on wheels.
  7. I have to get in on this snark while I await developments on other forums. Lwt’s start with the fools on the boat. Her husband is a jackass and a selfish little twit and there is no excuse for his behavior. However...I get the feeling that she wanted to get married, and she wanted to marry him, and wouldn’t stop until she did. She’s making excuses and saying she doesn’t care where he goes, so she’s always known he was shady. She just probably wanted to be a Mrs. and he wanted to take her off the market. She didn’t set expectations early in that marriage, and things won’t change now. Their both idiots for moving into that tuna can of a boat. Just because you couldn’t buy a house or condo doesn’t mean you couldnt rent a nice 1 bedroom apartment. That could work with a baby for a while. I give it 2 weeks on the SS Shitshow before he bolts and she’s ready to jump into that marina. If the dog ere smart he’d run now before it really hits the fan. The couple with the kilitary recruiter...I need him to put on his big boy panties and get over it. Jeez, he acts like the only person to have his widdle feewings hurt. Man up dude. His girfriend is a bit of a nag though. Someone should inform her that ultimatum marriages never last. And just because you play house with his kid it won’t make him move any faster. Y’all rushed the kid. Don’t add fuel to the fire with a shotgun wedding. Ally and Josh’s kids are cute. I’m happy she’s doing fairly well. I felt last season like they focused more on the second daughter they adopted (Vera?) than on their biological miracle baby. Nobody’s perfect but it was weird. I’ll be in West Monroe next month. I’ll look out for them. I hope the Dallas triplets are okay. I don’t know what another loss would do to them. They seem like kind-hearted people and I hope they are blessed with the family they’ve been praying for. The show always picks up after the babies come so the next episode should be good.
  8. I could see why Michelle would have created this baby hack twenty years ago. People didn’t know then what they know now. But Jill has no excuse other than just parroting everything MOTY did. Jill, they make this this called a travel system. You should invest in a good one since you’ll probably have a bajillion kids too. Or at least a good baby carrier.
  9. White chocolate raspberry is good too. Hell they’re all good. Red velvet goes fast though so I usually have to order those. Oh, and the marble...sweet mother of Jesus the marble bundtlette! Eat at your own risk.
  10. I watched that movie this weekend. Love it. I’m hoping they stuffed Sam into his infant seat just so he’d have somewhere to sit during the reception and that they’re not still using it on a daily basis. Then again, these two are idiots so they probably do still use it. That can’t be safe or comfortable.
  11. This is without a doubt the most accurate description of the Duggars I’ve ever read. Bravo!
  12. @ Natalie68 we have Nothing Bundt Cakes!!! The lemon and the red velvet are to die for especially the mini bundtlettes.
  13. I have a theory about Puss’ hair. It depressed, lifeless and flacid just like his life and his manhood. I wonder if Pao, with the help of Juan, convinced him it was flattering so they could sit back and laugh at him behind his back. Is his hairless receding or what? There’s no way you look in the mirror each morning and think that looks good. Pao is a sneaky, shady bitch and an asshole, and Puss even more so for trying to ride on her coattails. You don’t even have the balls to stand up to Juan’s bitch ass, so what exactly are you gonna do Puss? I wish Jorge would have shoved him one good time. He probably would have cried. I can’t wait til she leaves him for the next highest bidder. When she can do better, she will. Jorge is a jerk, but at least he checked Puss. If I was a guy, you wouldn’t talk to my wife like that either. Especially when your own wife punks you every chance she gets. As for Anfisa, she’s more mature than the other cast members even though she’s younger. And she really doesn’t talk about anyone else. She also gets extra points for her clapback game. The “c*** from Columbia” was priceless! From here out, Her Majesty Anfisa will be known as the Queen of Clapback. Molly is a fucking idiot, but she looked very beautiful and classy. I like the darker hair color. The other three should take notes. They dress like wanna be reality tv celebrities and it’s pathetic. These tricks look thirsty. Nicole is an idiot, but she was clearly enjoying the mess and drama. Chantal isan idiot, and Pedro is such a smarmy little bastard. He wouldn’t be able to threaten me with divorce. I’d have the papers drwn up as soon as I got back the ATL. Dos anyone else think Devar is drinking his troubles away? He’s probably miserable being isolated as the only black man in town. Either that or Punkesher his baby mama/wife sister said time’s up, come home. Whata weasel he is for acting like this after thr baby arrived. Melanie is annoying but that’s a low blow. I was glad to see Kirlyam and Allen. He’s a super doofus but they seem to love each other and be happy. And his mom is gonna be an awesome grandma! She seems fond of Kirlyam, who really is a natural beauty unlike Pao and her fraggle- red hair and wax lips.
  14. Thats hair stroke thing is a classic sign of insecurity. She’s nervous Juan will spill the tea.
  15. The ex is crazy as hell. She throws a tizzy about Jorge taking a DNA test, but also said she told him to “live his life” after she had the baby. Jorge is a doof and a bastard, but she can’t have it both ways either.
  16. That dress would have looked a lot better without the jacket. Not that it’s pretty, but the sleeves just made it too heavy. With the original neckline, no sleeves, and some nice heels, it could be flattering on the right person.
  17. Something is wrong in the universe when David is the one with sense! I like him more than Russ at this point.
  18. They should have let Anfisa whip Pao’s ass! Did she get across that stage quick or what?!? Pao talked all that shit but she was nerved up after that altercation. That’s why she left. She was rattled as hell!!! Anfisa on the other hand didn’t look the least bit worried.
  19. Never heard about the pennies, but my grandma was cheap so there’s that.
  20. On topic: Do JD and Abby live at home? Will they register for eleventy billion glassware sets like SiRen did? I’m interested to see how their age and perceived maturity affect how they follow the norms.
  21. I’m sure speculations about birth control would be hurtful if you’re having trouble conceiving. But Jinger can thank her freaky family for that. Had they not made such a big deal about sex, conception and birth, people wouldn’t talk about it so much. While it’s no one’s business, if she were using contraception, and wanted to squash the rumors, her best bet would be to just allude to that fact or come straight out and say so. Then people wouldn’t speculate, although they’d probably find other conspiracy theories. It might disappoint a few leg humpers, but I think many people would be quite supportive especially if the end result is her being a better parent and spouse to the existing people in her life, not focusing on future children. Now it might cause a ruckus at the TTH. I could see Joy secretly asking about it, Jessa being pissed because she didn’t do it first, Jana being the person to drive Joy to the doctor to get some, and Jill and Ana teaming up to sneer at Jinger and Joy for not “trusting God” blah blah blah. Kendra would have enough sense not to get involved, and Lauren would side with the biggest group. All while Jim Bob has a complete meltdown over his loss of control.
  22. Charities and what not make sense. I guess I should be more specific since tgere was one extreme case. I actually went to a wedding for a friend who owned a home, lived at home for free while renting out that home, registered for an entirely new home of items from Dillards, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Pottery Barn, and still registered for money towards an exotic homeymoon safari. All while simultaneously bragging about the $30K+ plus reception and this not a HCOL area either. That’s the kind of tackiness that bothers me. People that want everything on someone else’s dime, not the couples who ask in lieu of the toaster or things they don’t need. Oh and did I mention the gofundme or whatever they used to register for the cash for the down payment for a new house too? I’d never seen anything quite like it, and five years later they still haven’t taken that honeymoon.
  23. The only way I can see the pill causing a miscarriage is if she took them while she was pregnant with Caleb I think it was. It happened to a girl in high school, but she took several pills at one time so it was a deliberate homemade abortion. So unless Michelle did something like that... I would think after having one baby, she would have known the signs and symptoms but maybe not.
  24. I’ve encountered quite a few registries with honeymoons on them. Is that a thing now? Call me a jerk if you want, but no way am I contributing to the cost of your honeymoon when I can look at your reception and see where $30K of your budget went. How about you go a little simpler on the wedding and reception and pay for your own trip. The gift grabbiness is out of control.
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