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Everything posted by Ijustwantsomechips

  1. I guess we’ll find out the summer of 2020 when they get around tio airing the full episode.
  2. Joy and Austyn look they live in a van in someone’s drive way a la Vint and Naomi on Mama’s Family. Oh wait, they practically do.
  3. Cousin Eddie did give Clark a pair of white pleather dress shoes on National Lampoon’s Vacation when they picked up Aunt Edna. Classic!
  4. So I took one for the team and read about JTTH. Ten minutes and two web pages in, and I still can’t tell you what the hell it is. It sounds exactly like that new age crap where they teach you to “live your best life” at a seminar in a hotel conference room. The kind where the motivational speaker is standing in front of rays of light on the poster. There appears to be team building (deprograaming), focused sessions (indoctrination), and developing a relationship with God. They did prominently post the prices though. https://lifesrealjourney.com/about-the-journey/
  5. I got ya Jynnan. People like to gossip when you don’t live up to their norms. That comment about the bigots was directed at the Duggars and all their hateful kind. Homophobic jerks! Laura is just weird to me. She’s such a tag along. And she never talks. Did you notice Jessa didn’t even bother to hug Jeremy?
  6. I’ve had close buddies and been +1 many times. But traveling states away to help my friend’s sister and her husband recover from childbirth even though both moms and another sister will be there? Never! I could care less if she was gay. That’s her business and her right, but I do have a problem with people in the closet who spew hate, bigotry and intolerance.
  7. Can Jana go anywhere without Laura? Laura obviously has no life, but has she no family of her own? I’m starting to think those rumors of the special friend are true.
  8. So all the older girls went to JTTH and yet no one can cook a decent meal or keep a tidy home? What the hell are they teaching them besides that goosey-eyed look they have for their headships?
  9. I wouldn’t want Jana in my photo shoot. Can you tell I am not Team Jana?
  10. Is that Mackynzie in the denim jacket? She is pure Keller.
  11. My mom’s go to was that red & white Betty Crocker cookbook. It’s a classic. And also the Pots Pans & Pioneers series. It wasn’t always the healthiest, but boy were those some tasty Cajun recipes. I’m actually not bothered by Jill or any of the wives being on stage. I’ve known some minister’s wives, and while you don’t get the education or the ordaining, you definitely have duties and responsibilities, and it’s a sacrifice for the entire family. It’s appropriate IMHO to acknowledge the men cannot and do not do it on their own. I also don’ think Joy is overweight, she’s just frumpy. A good bra and properly fitting attire, along with a major haircut would probaby do wonders to her look and outlook on life. She seems resigned to her fate at the moment.
  12. I wonder if Joe ate everything on both plates because he’s hungry and/or greedy, or if it’s because the food was that good to him. Judging by the sludge Jill cooks, and where she learned it from, he can’t be very accustomed to savory, tasty or exotic foods. Jill doesn’t even use pepper most of the times, so he’s probably only used to bland foods and salty, mushy casseroles. Can you imagine growing up on tater tot casserole, and dog shit “enchilladas”, then finally tasting authenitc falafel or mousaka for the first time? I’m surprised he didn’t orgasm right there at the table.
  13. I said the same thing last nite when I rewatched with my niece. What annoying little know-it-alls they are. Like how are you an expert at life when you’ve barely been alive? Emily was being super needy about the hospital bag. As a woman more than twice their age, I can’t imagine my husband wanting to watch me pack nursing bras and maxi pads in a duffle bag. It amazes me how these teens on this and other teen pregnancy shows think they’re going to have the June Clever ideal family and life at 16 when they’re knocked up by total d-bags. Babies do not a man or family make. And for Emily to say “things like that” don’t happen to her confirms my suspicion that she was the mean girl cheerleader who probably looked down on the fat, ugly, nerdy, unpopular and/or promiscuous girls at school. Now she's got to eat humble pie. And she’s going back to cheering? Same thing happened to Farah Abraham. Didn’t work out for her either. Diego is an asshat, and rude, twerpy one at that. He’s definitely going to bail. Chloe and Max...where to start? Max is a controlling little bastard isn't he. When he shushed her and said he was still talking I knew she was in trouble. He’s a Shayden 2.0. I see why her mom doesn’t like him. She’s married to real man and the difference is mind blowing. McKayla is manipulative as hell. Calean is a jerk from what I’ve read and seen on celebrity gosspi sites. I never liked him or his wart-faced mom. They’re both arrogant asses. Lexus is an over-indulged brat who craves attention. She should focus a lot less on dating and more on motherhood. Does she think she would do anything besides sit at home with an infant? She’s wey immature. Kelsey seems somewhat sensible, but she probably wasn’t strict enough. Then again, some kids are just wayward no matter. At least she has Scarlett’s best interests at heart.
  14. Yep. It’s creepy and disgusting, and you just know they (freaky creepy Dad) spend the rest of the evening thinking about whether the deed was done. I wouldn’t be surprised if a few of them went back to that Old Testament/Hebrew/levitical practice of bringing the bed clothes after the consummation as evidence. I can’t remember if it was in the bible, or Talmud, or what, but it happened, and I could see Jim Boob doing it.
  15. I agree. I like and have one just like it, and I’m not quite 40 yet. Although mine is a red giraffe-type print and my print is the same size. It’s perfect for the office or for those of us who are too old to shop in the juniors’ section (I wouldn’t be caught dead personally), but not old enough for Bon Worth and Chico’s. The pearls are fine, but yeay, her hair is a mess. A sassy chignon or stylish bob haircut would do wonders.
  16. I was able to create a topic for Season 2, Episode 1.
  17. McKayla proposes moving in with her mom. Lexus discusses her relationship status with Shayden. Chloe and Max demonstrate they’re too stupid to have sex, let alone raise a baby. Emily is needy, and her boyfriend Diego is a jerk.
  18. Wow. I own more than half of those items. She looks serious about her kitchen (like me). It seems so much more practical and mature than Lauren’s. I don’t get that playing house vibe this time.
  19. Now that is some super creppy, freaky shit right there.
  20. I thought Wafa and Azan had the same mouth and smile. She just doesn’t look smarmy, sleazy and shifty like he does.
  21. #2, which always makes me fondly think of Princess Di, has that eye trapping scarf thingy right in the middle of the bosom. #3 crosses the boob line too, but let’s be honest. On someone like Michelle or Joy, it would be about three inches above their boobs.
  22. I don’t feel like I’m fat shaming Nicole because personally I think the whole shaming thing is overused sometimes. I’m chubby too, but I’m not a neglectful mother who throws tantrums and treats everyone like crap when I don’t get my way. I also don’t traipse around the world chasing after what I can consider to be sexy, model-worthy guys. I know what I’m working with, and expect similar looks from a male companion unlike Danielle, Nicole, Courtney, David, Josh, Bret (the guy with Daya) and Jorge. And Molly to an extent since she’s cute but plump. She does at least have a middle class life though, so she can reel someone else in. I understand where Neurochick is coming from. Sometimes things go to far on forums like these. But Nicole is just awful and manipulative. Personally I wish Molly had chosen better. I liked her other show much better because it was nice to see a big girl doing the damn thing. We need that kind of representation too. I don’t like Nicole but I would watch a spinoff if it was her getting her life together after this mess, taking care of May and maybe going to school or buying a home. I think that would be pretty cool, but she’s horny shallow and delusional as pointed out on this board, so it won’t happen. Danielle is a complete moron, but I enjoyed seeing her buy her own home. She was actually doing something for her kids and not some man for a change. I know I wouldn’t focus on Nicole’s appearance so much if she didn’t obsess over Azan’s looks so much. Plus she always looks so slouchy. She has a cute face but should take more care with her hair and quality fabrics and structured jackets. And please take better care of May’s appearance. Most women would love to have such an adorable daughter to dress up everyday. Where are the cute outfits and hair bows? Can we get some kind of crossover with a quick visit from Clinton and Stacey? Ted could cut Nicole and awesome bob, dress Molly in styles that actually fit her frame, and completely start over with Danielle.
  23. Well, I like Anfisa a lot better than Jorge and his family, but she bit off more than she can chew by trying to be a gold digger. I like her better than Pao though because at least she doesn’t talk shit about everybody else. And in all fairness, Jorge deserved to have the shit knocked out of him and everything else she did to him. I like family Chantel. Even though River is wimpy and whiny, as a guy he should be calling Pedro on his BS. Game recognizes game every time. Winter doesn’t say much but she doesn’t take any crap from Pedro either. She sees right through him. And Mother Chantel may be a little batty, but at least she asks some tough questions. Pedro is sketchy as fuck, condescending, rude, and petty. Kudos to her for calling him on it. Imagine how much more enjoyable and productive Nicole and Azan’s segments would be if Robbalee had the balls that Mother Chantel did to question what doesn’t seem right.
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