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Everything posted by Ijustwantsomechips

  1. You beat me to it. With that many kids, there’s likely other problems.
  2. She’s not even using a baby spoon. How can she not have a baby spoon? My pack rat of a mamman (grandma) still had one 40+ years after her last baby. When you have 20+ grandkids, why not keep ar least one on hand? And Clown Car looked pregnant again. Jeez lady!
  3. Now I could see that. It would have to be Abbie’s idea though. No way JD is clever enough.
  4. That makes perfect sense. Your money went to something you valued more, and it was being spent wisely. But Abbie is marrying a Duggar, so they shouldn’t need the help; it’s not like he’s been paying rent and student loans for the last five years. You’re probably getting a free house, at least you can buy your own damn Kenmore (do they still make those?) These aren’t Sub Zero appliances, but they aren’t bare boans either. IDK. I guess I’m behind the times. There are plenty of reasonably priced items though, which is nice to see.
  5. That’s the first truthful thing Stormy Jill has said. It’s definitely “her Jesus” because there’s no ways she’s following and hearing from the Jesus of the bible. She’s got her own version of Christianity and it is real twisted.
  6. The same person that registers for a fridge, washer and dryer. WTH? Are couples not responsible for any of their own expenses anymore? Am I the only one who saw the aprons and thought of kinky sex games?
  7. I’m in West Monroe until Tuesday so I’ll be on the lookout for Ally and Josh. The kids are adorable.
  8. That’s assuming Anna was bothered by any of it. She’s such a judgmental bitch that she probably didn’t care if it gave her a bigger platform to harass women at Planned Parenthood. I could see her being willing to overlook those “indiscretions” and believing she’s holy enough to fix him.
  9. That’a combo of split ends and poor diet. If you eat crap, your hair and skin will show it.
  10. Anna reminds me of the wives in slave narratives I read in college. The slave owner is always portrayed as despicable because he kept slaves, but the more you read the more you realized his wife was usually more hateful and intolerant than him. That’s Anna. For all Smuggar’s faults, and there are many, she is just as bad. She may not be a molester or sexual deviant, but she knowingly married and procreated with one and still has the nerve to point fingers and judge. What a sanctimonious, hypocritical bitch she is under that veil of meekness and innocence.
  11. Who the hell wrote that legislation, Serena Joy?
  12. Like who expects all the laundry to be done with a new baby? I think ex-wife has been waiting for Jamielynn to have this ah-ha moment.
  13. I’d presume the reason for sending the 13-30 years olds is so there won’t be any 60 year old single men. Gotta keep some in the pipeline dontcha know. I’m sure a 60+ single woman could just wither on the vine beacause menopause.
  14. When they Duggars took the stink bus to Amish country, was is Jordyn or Jennifer who spoke to the elderly gentleman in Pennsylvania Dutch? I just remember because the man was saying hello or welcome in Pennsylvania Dutch to Jim Boob, who wasn’t really grasping it, and which ever daughter it was repeated the phrase perfectly despite being very young. If that was Jordyn than I can see this being true about her personality. She spoke and walked into the home as if she’d been seeing those people all her life, but they were strangers. I’ll have to search for the clip.
  15. I like the triplet mom. She’s lighthearted and upbeat. The fact that she laughs a lot instead of constantly whining like Jamie or the first mate on the SS Shitshow is refreshing. Matt is a douche though. I’d rearrange my schedule for him to be home with his daughter even if I had to sit at my mom’s with the baby for the day. He’d just have to figure it out with work and gym time. Jamie needs to stop playing house with him.
  16. Lauren comes across as a little fake, like she would be the nice-nasty girl at chuch or school. There seems to be fair amount of judgement and bitchiness under the surface, but she tries to hide it. Someone on the SiRen thread said she looks like she has an agenda, and I think that sums her up perfectly. I also don’t find Pa Caldwell attractive. His look is quite common where I live. I got the impression Kendra’s parents, or at least her mom, talked to her about waiting a little while to get pregnant. But again, she was young, healthy, horny, married, and naive about life, so what did they think would happen?
  17. I finally finished that snooze fest. I have some random thoughts. If I were Kendra, I woukd want to decorate my own nursery. Letting Jana help is cool, but Jessa had her turn twice. That consignment furniture looked nice though. I’m not terribly superstitious but isn’t it bad luck to buy baby things that early? At the very least I would think that’s risky. JoKen’s jouse was cute, but why is there no covered parking? Or at the TTH? I noticed how only the Duggars seemed excited aboutthe instant baby. Although the Caldwels let their healthy 19 year old marry a sexually repressed virgin horndog. What did they think would happen? Abstinence? Austin made a funny with “Put ‘er there pops.” Johanna is the spitting image of Jim Bob and Josh. Wow! I hated how they kept referring to the girls as my sisters like Mackynzie wasn’t there.
  18. I totally agree, but I can’t snark on SWAN for one main reason. I think it’s safe to assume the children are from low or moderate income families. People in poorer neighborhoods generally don’t have access to extracurricular activities like piano and violin lessons, but SWAN gives them that opportunity. Is SWAN going to address the social injustice of incarceration disproportionality in communities of color, over-populated prisons or unduly harsh sentences? Absolutely not. Will SWAN provide kids in shit-tastic situations the opportunity to develop talents and use their energy in a positive way? Absolutely yes! Besides, I worked in a prison and you would not believe the level of talent behind bars. One of these kids may get a scholarship to Juilliard. There really were inmates that talented. Furniture building, cake decorating, art, music, you name it, they could do it. SWAN also seems like a perfectly acceptible solution from a middle-class white lady with good intentions.
  19. I did call it on the JoKen board that Kendra used her mom’s doctor. Kendra and Mrs. Caldwell may be many things but they don’t strike me as reckless.
  20. So let me get this straight... because Joy and Austin “travel a lot” they live off chicken tenders? I call bullshit! First of all, I’ll reiterate an earlier comment to get a lunch bag and bring healthy snacks and sandwiches. Second, it’s called a crock pot dumbasses, use one. Dinner would be ready every night, and it helps you avoud fried foods. There are healthy crock pot recipes, and it’s a good way to get some veggies in stews and soups. Even Giddyup could eat some eventually. My roofers brought thier own cooler and microwave and never left the job site when changing my roof. Beans, tortillas and rice right on the patio. Lastly, Austin is a self-centered jerk for not doing better. By now, he has to know his wife is dense, and he’s the headship. He should be encouraging and supporting her to make better food choices, even if it goes as far as dictating the grocery list. I travel for work so get eating on the go, but CFA does serve salads. What about Subway or Firehouse Subs? And if you’re not going to eat a ton of veggies, at least lay off deep fried foods, and add a few grains in the mix. I hope someone has the sense to introduce Giddyup to veggies at a young age so he develops a taste for at least a few varieties. I know getting kids to eat veggies can be tricky, but Jim Boob and Clown Car really did their children a disservice.
  21. Did Si say “one night shack” or “one night shag” when talking about the differences between dating and courtship? ETA: I’m glad the midwife told Joy her diet needed to improve. That’s been a long time coming for the entire family, and Joy is really too young to be having issues related to her diet. She needs to take better care of herself.
  22. Man I hate to give any of these ass clowns compliments, but Jinger is a damn good pianist to my unprofessional ears. It really is a damn shame all her artistic talent has been squandered on fundie cult BS. Hopefully she won’t do the same to Felicity. I thought Jessa’s compliments to JOKens’s house were sincere for a change. I’m bored about 10 minutes in though.
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