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Everything posted by Vikitty

  1. I love Boston Rob, and ambivalent towards Tony, Carolyn, and Jeremy. If they'd really removed Rob my interest in the season would have gone down a substantial amount (but I still would watch because the show is addicting). I think his Traitor role is just too obvious and I would have rather seen him as a Faithful trying to take traitors out. I'm simultaneously watching Traitors UK S3 at the same time but US was my first so I have a soft spot for it. Carolyn is probably going to be an erratic Traitor, based on her Survivor gameplay. She's smart, but she says what she's thinking and her body language is very revealing.
  2. Re: the selection of traitors. Spoilers for Canada S2 finale. What exactly do the Faithful expect the Traitors to do if they become friends? - Is the Traitor supposed to tell the Faithful friend secretly that they're a Traitor so they know? That's against the game's rules. - Is the Traitor supposed to sacrifice themselves/out themselves so they get banished so the Faithful win? - Is the Traitor supposed to say to Alan/Claudia/Karina/Roger/NZ host: "Oh, sorry, I changed my mind and I don't want to be a Traitor anymore because X is my friend now?" Ludicrous.
  3. Well, my interest in the show just plummeted.
  4. Oh, this was wonderful. A bittersweet ending tinged with hope. Agatha is, at her core, evil, but she is also a mother and her love for Nicky -- though twisted -- is something human beneath all that. Loved the different versions of the ballad that we got to see her and Nicky giggling through as they created it. The costumes on this show are exceptional.
  5. I'm so glad I was right when I picked up on the vibes/UST between Agatha/Rio. I am not at all mad because they have so much chemistry. The songs continue to impress. Seriously, they are all fantastic.
  6. NOOO CHENFORD. Ugh, that was heartbreaking to watch. Nolan is somehow the least interesting character on his own show.
  7. Nolan and Bailey had more chemistry with a 2 year old than one another.
  8. THANK YOU, it was driving me crazy trying to figure out where I recognized her from! Elijah is so boring as a big bad.
  9. The first episode was a lot stronger than the second. Bomb collars will always remind me of the film Battle Royale! It was actually pretty heartbreaking how they weren't able to save Pam -- that would have been so absolutely terrifying. Nolan had so much more chemistry with Tim's sister than he does with Bailey, even from their short interactions.
  10. The unicorn sticker gag was awesome. I LOLed at Tim's reaction. I actually do have a soft spot for Tamara; I think I just tend to like the "found family" sort of trope. The scene with Lucy on the phone with Tamara was one of the clips I saw on Youtube Shorts that got me intrigued about the show to be honest.
  11. She's absolutely wonderful -- been a fan of her since she was on 24. Was very sad to hear of her passing and glad they paid tribute to her in a later episode!
  12. Maybe it's just because I've been binging the show for the first time without any need to wait between episodes but while I agree that Bailey is trash and many of the unpopular opinions here... I do ship Chenford and so I was squeaking over the last couple of episodes. Serial killers that recur in shows like Bones, Castle, and The Rookie tend to get overdone.
  13. Been binging this show for the first time for the last couple weeks. Bailey is annoying as shit. She lied to Nolan, they have zero chemistry, and it's just... ugh. I haven't really liked any of Nolan's love interests except for Grace, the doctor at the hospital. They had a lot of chemistry.
  14. Late to the party but Crave has both seasons available as well as the other versions. Just binged Season 2 and now I'm onto the AU version.
  15. First time watching this series -- I picked it up because I'm a HUGE Survivor junkie and so I'm always wanting to see what alumni are doing. I've been spoiled on the winner but so far I am loving the twists and turns. Just finishing the end of Episode 8 and
  16. The official Survivor Instagram page is now getting involved and asking everyone to practice kindness. Yikes.
  17. I need a cigarette. DAMN that was good. I was spoiled by some fucktard on YouTube last night but even during fire making I was nervous that maybe they were just tricking me. I've disliked Maria since her first confessional. She's a bully and she refuses to own it. And then she betrayed Charlie and you know it's because she was bitter he didn't choose her for the family letters reward. I was so happy that Ben won final immunity, even if it didn't make a difference to how he went in front of the jury, I know how much it meant to him to have that tangible reward for how much he's overcome.
  18. Maria is a fucking bully. She was so nasty to Venus the whole time and as soon as Venus finally stood up for herself and called out Maria's behaviour, suddenly she's so emotionally crippled she's crying after Tribal? Crocodile tears. If she wins I think I'll be more disgusted than I was with Gabler's win. At least Gabler was kind and compassionate to everyone. Loved watching the smirk slide off of her face when she realized Q was going home. Also LOVED the editors didn't even try and hide the votes. I miss voting confessionals. I figured they were either showing us because it was Q, or showing it because although it looked like it was Q due to 4 votes, he was going to play his idol and it was actually Charlie. Charlie has played well but I just find he doesn't have much personality. I would love a Kenzie win but she doesn't have a ton of stuff on her resume yet so unless she pulls some big moves in the finale, I don't think she'll win. Same with Ben. Liz is still exhausting. Glad she got some food at least which hopefully means she'll shut up for the last five days.
  19. If it couldn't be Rob, I'm glad it was Jordan. Stephanie was such a bitch and Amy wasn't much better.
  20. Now that Venus is gone, the only person I'd be okay with winning is Kenzie. Mariah has always given me bitch vibes and this just cemented my dislike of her.
  21. I love this show even though it's just campy reality trash. The bromance between Rob and Aron was very sweet. I'm glad it was genuine and that they keep in touch and get together outside of the game.
  22. Liz's tantrum was embarrassing. Tiff was one of my winner picks so I'm super bummed.
  23. What the fuck did I just watch? Q is such an arrogant douche and he needs to go, he went off his lid at Tribal, and they still went with Tevin? Of course now Q is going to say oh, it was a loyalty test. Just like it was I think him last week who was like oh I threw the challenge. "Hide and seek proved these people are trying to take control of my game, if you can hide form me blah blah blah" no Q it means you suck at a game designed for CHILDREN. He is so full of crap and he needs to go. The banter during challenge is a really unique part of this season and I do love them interacting with Jeff. Tevin whistling, of course he'd be a peacock! "Jeff, how long do you think you'd last up here?" "Longer than 20 seconds." It reminded me a bit of Christian in DvG talking his ear off. Very glad Tiff didn't waste her idol as I love her. Those voting confessionals were some of the funniest and they just kept coming. My mom and I loved that.
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