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Everything posted by Valerie

  1. I love this show even though it's just campy reality trash. The bromance between Rob and Aron was very sweet. I'm glad it was genuine and that they keep in touch and get together outside of the game.
  2. Liz's tantrum was embarrassing. Tiff was one of my winner picks so I'm super bummed.
  3. What the fuck did I just watch? Q is such an arrogant douche and he needs to go, he went off his lid at Tribal, and they still went with Tevin? Of course now Q is going to say oh, it was a loyalty test. Just like it was I think him last week who was like oh I threw the challenge. "Hide and seek proved these people are trying to take control of my game, if you can hide form me blah blah blah" no Q it means you suck at a game designed for CHILDREN. He is so full of crap and he needs to go. The banter during challenge is a really unique part of this season and I do love them interacting with Jeff. Tevin whistling, of course he'd be a peacock! "Jeff, how long do you think you'd last up here?" "Longer than 20 seconds." It reminded me a bit of Christian in DvG talking his ear off. Very glad Tiff didn't waste her idol as I love her. Those voting confessionals were some of the funniest and they just kept coming. My mom and I loved that.
  4. I love Venus. She's a hot mess but she is entertaining as fuck.
  5. It was a bonus for the person in danger, but not the person who actually grabbed the case. Meh.
  6. Boston Rob is in the new reality series, Deal or No Deal Island. NGL I'm watching it just for him, it's pretty harmless fun.
  7. Liz is so annoying. She can go. I really like Ben. Charlie, not so much. His alliance with Maria made me lol, they are a far cry from Denise and Malcolm. Sad to see Jess go, but she seemed to take it in stride. Bhanu needs to go -- if we have the purple tribe decimated and have a tribe swap like last season, he's going to blab all of Yanu's secrets to his new tribe.
  8. SECRET TUNNEL! Loved the flashback with Lu Ten's funeral. The relationship between Iroh and Zuko is so very layered. Katara's actress is still underwhelming me. I felt her fight with Sokka in the cave was really the first time she's shown depth to her acting.
  9. Osric! Hi! Osric! Bye! Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee were all great casting. I know Momoko from her work on the BSC series so it was cool seeing her again. She's very talented. I like that they introduced Jet in this episode and also the Mechanist plotline. It worked well. Also: Danny Pudi! I forgot about that little bit of casting which was a treat. MY CABBAGES!
  10. I WOULD DIE FOR SUKI. I loved loved loved this version of her so much. The way you could tell she was initially so suspicious of Sokka, but then curious, and then confused about her attraction -- the two actors had great chemistry and I loved the scene where she was taking off her makeup and her costume so he could see her as herself. The giant Kyoshi spirit that Aang was channeling was also so cool. I hope we get to see similar scenes if/when the Gaang get to the other shrines. DADDY OZAI. <3
  11. Love that we got to see Aang's past with Monk Gyatso. That was painful to watch. Gran Gran getting the OG opening monologue was a perfect choice. Iroh is wonderful. Zuko is great, and I can see the subtle changes that differentiate him from just a copy of Dante Basco's performance. I found Katara's actress to be the weakest of the three, but overall I think the young actors all have good chemistry off of one another.
  12. Man, Emily went from my most-hated to the one I was really rooting for. Who would have thought? I'm rooting for Austin or Dee at this point.
  13. Great episode but again, these specials don't feel very... "special." They just feel like they could have gone anywhere in Series 4 with Doctor and Donna as standalone episodes.
  14. I kind of get the panic at the water challenge. You're high up, pointed down towards the water underneath you. The only thing holding you up is your own strength. At any second you could suddenly drop and slide in. That sort of unexpectedness could easily freak someone out. She was fine in the water otherwise, so I genuinely think it was just some sort of weird fight or flight response. Bruce is a dummy. I think he had given up at that point realizing everyone wanted him gone. Drew is annoying but I admit I did enjoy the cheesy montage of "boys night."
  15. 10 was never my favourite Doctor, and I am still so angry at how RTD ended Donna's story. There is a lot of broken trust there for me. But this was fantastic. Tennant and Tate have so much chemistry, it's insane. The way they somewhat resolved the metacrisis by transferring half of it to Rose was really well done. Some bits did feel a bit clunkier, and there were so many explosions -- guess they wanted to make use of that big anniversary budget. Weirdly, while the special itself was added to Disney+ for me here in Canada, the rest of the series is not. However, it's now on Amazon Prime Video for me (until the end of Capaldi's run).
  16. That too. I'm torn on whether I'd want the show to continue with a new cast member. It did feel like "lightning in a bottle" once they all hit their stride.
  17. Wow, that is... a surprise. I wonder if he didn't vibe with them as much because he was mainly off on his own focusing on the reno?
  18. That episode was a wild ride. The auction was great. The money added a new twist, the advantages omission was an obvious adjustment. The only thing I didn't think worked great was the "whoever has the most money loses their vote" thing because as soon as that happened, the bidding was forced. We knew who was going to get each item. I do think the idea of whoever has the most money left has a penalty is an interesting twist but I think it could be done better. I thought for sure Jake was going home. JAKE thought for sure he was going home. But damn, that blindside was the first good blindside in a LONG time.
  19. Well, that felt like a series finale. Loki's new costume looks great. It was a solid season, packed with a lot of great characters. If this is Tom Hiddleston's last time playing Loki, I think it was a perfect ending.
  20. Well, my least favourite player and my winner pick both left last night. Perfectly balanced, as all things are. Thanos is probably pleased.
  21. How the heck are they going to wrap this up in just one more episode? Damn.
  22. Glad my boy Kaleb survived, but yikes. I was worried for Emily during the revote.
  23. The 3 person amulets are more interesting earlier before the merge, in my opinion. I believe in 43 (or was it 42?) it was the very first advantage during the opening challenge. There's more mystery/intrigue when you're all split up still. You won't know if your amulet has gained power until the next challenge when the tribes come in, and surprise! Your amulet is more powerful. With the merge happening soon, once everyone is all together it is going to get backstabby very quickly, making it much more of a risk. Why focus on an alliance to keep a weaker advantage when you can start picking people off to power it up?
  24. I love Bruce but I compare him to someone like Maryanne from S42 -- she's probably fun in small doses, but living with her 24/7 on an island where you're malnourished, dehydrated, and exhausted is probably a LOT.
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