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Everything posted by Inquisitionist

  1. Well, yeah, that's part of what my young self was reacting to! I understand that Mary started with far less experience and fewer credentials than Murray, but after a few years, she clearly had more responsibility, but was still living in a studio apartment and seemed to be pinching pennies. Of course, she also seemed to spend about 80% of her discretionary income on clothing, and her birth control pills probably weren't covered by medical insurance. ;-)
  2. Thanks for making me laugh this early in the morning, VCRTracking! That is a classic scene. Debra Heaton was excellent.
  3. I recorded Leave Her to Heaven, too, also spurred by the discussion of Gene Tierney here! Won't have time to watch it for a while, but I'll check back in after I do.
  4. I know! It's amazing how often Alicia's little upstart enterprises come up against some iteration of Lockhart Gardner.
  5. That's generally true, ribboninthesky1. I saw Gillian Anderson in person a couple of years ago and was amazed at how tiny she was. A friend sat next to Jon Hamm on a plane two years ago (lucky gal!), and said he looked much thinner than he appears on-screen as well.
  6. Sorry I missed this one. I was too excited about the Cubs to record anything else yesterday!
  7. From her IMDb listings, it appears Jessie Weixler (Robyn) is busy with other gigs.
  8. From this past March: From her IMDb listings, it appears the auditions have paid off.
  9. Sorry to hear about your mom, but glad you found P&R to help you cope. I love Leslie, but I think my favorite character is Ron Swanson, mostly because of Nick Offerman. I met Nick at a book-signing just before the last season aired and I got to ask him a question about working with his wife, Megan Mullally. He said his favorite scene with her was one that hadn't aired yet, so I watched her S7 appearance with great anticipation, and it did not disappoint!
  10. Can anyone tell me what happened in the last couple of minutes? My recording cut off just as JDM showed up to accept Alicia's offer. Naked Boy should have hired a PR firm instead of a lawyer. A big publicity stink would have been more effective in getting the exhibit shut down, and he probably could have gotten a real law firm with real resources to take on his case pro bono.
  11. I love how Stephen cracked up after reporting that Paul Ryan's friend said Ryan didn't want to be SotH because "He's not ****ing stupid." Stephen doesn't break character easily, but that line seemed to really get to him.
  12. Also from the article: Is that a joke?
  13. Even in my early teens, it galled me that Murray, a newsroom writer, was able to support a family with three children in a house that, IIRC, had a family room, while Mary, the associate producer, was relegated to a studio apartment.
  14. It was. Stephen mentions "Stephen's" alma mater during his graduation speech at Northwestern, 2011. Well worth watching!
  15. Best Amy Poehler performance ever, IMO, was The Palin Rap on SNL, fall, 2008. She was literally days away from giving birth!
  16. English was not my first language either, but I don't sound like Claudette Colbert. ;-) I'll keep an eye out for Too Many Husbands. Thanks!
  17. Kevin Corcoran, of Old Yeller and other Disney productions, and later a TV producer, has passed away at age 66.
  18. Maybe Julianna was diverting attention from how crappy the S7 premiere was. We've certainly been talking about it more than the actual episode the last few days!
  19. Thanks, Ouisch. That photo of Mary in the green dress immediately conjured up the parallel image of Ted Baxter gawking at her, speechless. I wonder who else auditioned for the role of Rhoda.
  20. April Ludgate: My mom's Puerto Rican. That's why I'm so lively and colorful. Raul: This kind of behavior is never tolerated in Baraqua. You shout like that they put you in jail. Right away. No trial, no nothing. Journalists, we have a special jail for journalists. You are stealing: right to jail. You are playing music too loud: right to jail, right away. Driving too fast: jail. Slow: jail. You are charging too high prices for sweaters, glasses: you right to jail. You undercook fish? Believe it or not, jail. You overcook chicken, also jail. Undercook, overcook. You make an appointment with the dentist and you don't show up, believe it or not, jail, right away. We have the best patients in the world because of jail. Me: What's not to love? :-)
  21. Garner is always watchable, but I found Doris Day's breathless indignation grating. I prefer Garner with a cynical edge, as in The Americanization of Emily. I haven't seen Claudette Colbert in much, but thought she was divine in The Palm Beach Story (hard to believe she was almost 40 in that). But I can't hear her name without thinking about Bob Balaban's line about Colbert in Gosford Park: "Is she British, or just affected?" Hee.
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