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Everything posted by Inquisitionist

  1. Carrie talked about that incident, but I don't recall the scene actually being in the show.
  2. Remember this scene in O Brother Where Are Thou? where Pete's clothing is left behind on some rocks down at the river after he's succumbed to the singing sirens and a horny toad jumps out of his shirt? I turned to my husband in the theater and whispered "She turned me into a newt."
  3. The writing is perplexing, but the casting of THC and SJP as a couple is a flat-out disaster. I simply don't think these two actors COULD be written in a way that would make me believe they ever fell for each other.
  4. I assume you are referring to his 2nd wife, Casey? I think that was a complicated situation, as this 1982 People article describes.
  5. I'm feeling this way as well. At this point, I'm watching it as background noise. I don't understand the relationship Frances and Robert are supposed to have had.
  6. Yeah, they made Steve increasingly juvenile, IMO, and Miranda was the one who always had to compromise for him rather than there being a sense of true give-and-take. Did anyone see the recent episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine where Captain Holt (Andre Braugher) learns everything about SatC so that he can cozy up to a security guard they need to bamboozle? One of his lines was something like "Wait, Miranda chooses Steve over BLAIR UNDERWOOD?" Made me LOL.
  7. Possibly the best opening credit sequence ever! A few years after the movie's release, I happened to see it in a theater in Geneva, Switzerland, where it played in English with German and French sub-titles. There were many moments when my British colleague and I were the only ones in the theater laughing. He knew French quite well and said that some jokes simply weren't translated at all while others did not have the same impact in translation.
  8. And Part I sets it up nicely, with Sam's insecurity around his accomplished brother Derek. Some great lines in that one, too. Sam: Oh, are his eyes blue? Carla (wistfully): Like Windex. and later.. Diane: He's a man, like any other man.... you'd meet in Greek mythology.
  9. About 20 years ago, we had some friends visiting for a few days with their sons. The youngest, about 5, asked if we had any video games he could play on the computer in my office, where he was relegated to sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag. The only thing I had was a Monty Python Holy Grail CD, which I used to play a bizarre form of Tetris where the "blocks" were corpses, one of whom wasn't quite dead yet, which would throw off your gaming plans. So I loaded that up for him, and he seemed happy. The next day at breakfast, he said he'd found some other games to play, and he really like the one where he had to spank the ladies' bottoms. His parents and I looked at each other across the table, stunned, and said "what????" Turns out there was a "Spank the Virgins" game on the CD which I hadn't found that was sort of like whack-a-mole except that cartoonish bare bottoms would pop up and you'd have to spank them for points. Fortunately, he was still too young to get the perverse sense of this activity, and his parents were cool about the whole thing, but it was quite a shock at the time. Lesson learned: always check out video content carefully before sharing with a 5-year-old!
  10. Loved the first season, but didn't really watch most of it until syndication. I think I watched a few episodes here and there, and then managed to catch the last 3 or 4 in a row at my brother's recommendation. Its first season really tanked in the ratings. Gotta give NBC credit for sticking with it!
  11. Julian was played by Jemaine Clement, who I guess was on Flight of the Conchords. IMDb listed him in the credits for episode 1, which suggests .
  12. I thought the grounding comment came after the daughter back-talked. I recall her saying something pretty obnoxious that I wouldn't tolerate. I dunno, I'm not a huge fan of SJP, and I understand all the criticisms above, but as others have pointed out, pilots are often a bit uneven. I'm interested enough to watch the next one or two episodes.
  13. I thought the dynamic between the birthday party spouses was that each resented the other becoming a different person than they had expected, but instead of communicating this is reasonable ways to each other, they let it bubble up in ugly public ways. Add alcohol, and an explosion may well happen. I was only half-watching the pilot this morning, but it interested me enough to turn in again and see where this goes.
  14. Pleasantly pleased to see Talia Balsam and Tracy Letts in this.
  15. WhosThatGirl, this outfit? I'm not sure why it calls for those shoes, but not bad. Yeah, this one is beyond ridiculous.
  16. I have to think they were deliberately yanking our chains at that ^^ point.
  17. I'd love to see Martha again. I suspect the show runners will keep that under wraps, so that it's a surprise if and when we do see her again.
  18. From the NY Times: In ‘Divorce,’ Sarah Jessica Parker Wants to Ditch Mr. Medium I'll probably give it a spin out of curiosity. It debuts this Sunday on HBO.
  19. Just received an email message from AFI saying that they're honoring Diane Keaton this year. The message did not mention a broadcast date. The AFI honored John Williams this year. I still have the broadcast on my DVR, unwatched as of now...
  20. I don't think it was the character as much as Underwood himself. I finally was able to watch this episode last night, and I think the line was: "So Miranda could have been with Blair Underwood but she chose Steve?" Totally cracked me up. I'm right there with you, Captain Holt!
  21. Dunst lost to Sarah Paulson. I won't quibble with that. And Sterling K Brown was great in his supporting role in the OJ series, too. Just bad timing for the Fargo actors this year.
  22. SJP is starring in a new HBO series called Divorce: I like Catastrophe quite a bit, so Horgan's involvement is encouraging.
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