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Everything posted by Inquisitionist

  1. A purported FBI agent agrees with this.
  2. Or drugs for whatever illness he has? If anyone from the Obama administration had done this, Fox Not-the-News would never have let their viewers hear the end of it. Definitely a highlight!
  3. Whew, glad I'm not the only one. I kept wondering who that woman was. He looks great in nothing, too.
  4. I caught a little bit of Moviola back when it aired and would love to see the whole thing. Hmmm, can we petition TCM to show it? :-)
  5. That's what I'd heard, too, but the "collective wisdom" at Wikipedia has a different take:
  6. Based on the audition clips I have seen, not well. Vivien Leigh was perfection, IMO. Too bad that Melvin Douglas was so wrong physically for Ashley, as I thought he captured the character much better than Leslie Howard, who was too old and basically kind of slept-walked through the role (which he didn't want to do). Was there an equivalent of young Cary Elwes in 1939? He's my picture of Ashley Wilkes.
  7. I thought this transformation was essential to the story. It really drove home for me how deceptive appearances can be.
  8. How many episodes have you watched, Winston? I thought the first few were sub-par, too, but around Ep. 5 (The Race Card), I thought it came together in a very powerful and affecting way. Over the course of 10 episodes, however, I would not have named it the best mini-series or limited series of the year. I thought S2 of Fargo was consistently excellent from start to finish.
  9. He certainly came across that way, but didn't he know he was still the front-runner (or close behind Denzel) going into the ceremony? At least that was my impression. Every additional tidbit that comes out regarding the PwC folks and their major SNAFU continues to astound me. Thanks for the links!
  10. OK, now I'm gonna have to check my DVR to see whether Affleck was in the front row when the ceremony started. Maybe he was a seat-filler by this time as well?!? Thanks, everyone, for the feedback to my questions. ETA: Affleck must have moved to the front after he presented. For the opening, Halle Berry was sitting next to Meryl, with another dark-haired woman on her other side, then Busy Phillips and Michelle Williams.
  11. Tangential questions: Who are the blonde women seated on either side of Ben Affleck? And why was Affleck himself in the front row? He wasn't nominated for anything this year.
  12. A-frickin'-men. Plus, as soon as he heard Faye Dunaway say "La La Land," he just had to look at the envelope he still had in his hand to realize he hadn't given Warren the right one. The flashlight on his iPhone should have been sufficient to read the gold lettering, or just tear it open and see what card is inside. Yeesh.
  13. There may be 12 unopened envelopes, but from a process control standpoint, the ones for categories already awarded should no longer be in the briefcase, or at least not in the same compartment where the envelopes for not-yet-awarded categories reside. The PwC folks are accountants/auditors by training. They have checklists and controls for everything. It's just astonishing to me that the Best Actress envelope was anywhere near the Best Picture envelope once Best Actress had been awarded.
  14. You're not alone in this! For those who are perplexed, go to the 2:40 mark here, and then the 3:40 mark. Oh, heck just watch the entire 5-minute clip. :-)
  15. If PwC doesn't lose this engagement, I'll be gobsmacked. It was a stupid, avoidable error that happened because he wasn't paying attention to what was probably his most important professional obligation of the year. I have zero sympathy. If he weren't a partner, he'd have been fired already.
  16. Well, that's a quality control disaster. As soon as a category has been announced, its duplicate envelope should be discarded or at least moved out of the briefcase. I've read several places that the change in envelope design (small gold lettering on red paper) made it difficult to read the category printed on the outside. This could explain why Warren also was befuddled after opening the envelope.
  17. From the article: How did the PwC guy not realize that he still had one envelope in his briefcase? While Beatty was fumbling around on stage, was Mr. PwC Chairman still busy ogling Emma Stone backstage? What a clusterf*ck.
  18. NY Times reported that "The academy used a new envelope this year, featuring red paper with gold outside lettering that specifies the award inside." This makes it sound like the Academy had control over the envelope design, not PwC.
  19. Then why don't they already know any of Earth's languages when they encounter Louise? A lesson we all should learn, but non-linear time isn't a necessary condition for it. Of the 5 nominated films I've seen (LLL, Hidden Figures, Moonlight, Fences, and this), I rank Arrival 5th. Will probably be 6th after I see Manchester...
  20. It used to be Monday nights in mid- or late-March, and started around 9 or 9:30 EST.
  21. The Oscars In Memoriam tends to include people who had a major impact on motion pictures regardless of how well known they were (i.e., most of the behind-the-scenes folks aren't household names) or whose contributions were perhaps lesser but they were well known to the general movie-going public. IMO, Alexis Arquette doesn't fit either of those categories. As others have noted, Rickman was included last year. There was probably some gaming involved, but I don't think Rose was necessarily a lead role in Fences. The story is about Troy and the people in his orbit. Much of Rose's screen time is background stuff. She has only a few moments in the spotlight. Shandling got a special tribute at the Emmys, which was appropriate given his impact on television. He had a few movie roles, but I honestly don't associate him with films and can see why the Oscars would not include him in their In Memoriam.
  22. Watching it without commercials helps. I started it up on my DVR about 40 minutes after the show began and zipped through the ads. I thought it actually moved along pretty well, and Kimmel's funny bits were actually funny. I recently saw 5 of the BP nominees this year and thought it was a strong year for movies, so I found the program fun to watch.
  23. This ^^ really spoiled the episode for me. Hard to laugh at the rest when I was feeling so sour about Dre's OTT cluelessness.
  24. Unnecessary is in the eye of the beholder. My niece did some script research for the live-action version of Mulan that is also in the works, so I'm glad for her!
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