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Everything posted by Muffyn

  1. Well, she can't really beat us over the head with it. After all, the shark ate it. I'll let myself out . . . .
  2. I caught a moment while flipping channels. I saw Chris polishing the counter with his ass. Counter wiping - a Manzo family tradition.
  3. Amber is an actress, known for her hair flip and wooden delivery. She has appeared in such critically unnoticed projects as commercials for Jim's business and more commercials for Jim's business and even more commercials for Jim's business.
  4. I am trying to come up with jobs that convicted felon Joe can do. So far I have: fireplug stand-in – he’s built like one; pole – he’s a solid stander; rental party-goer, he’ll make you look good no matter how drunk you get; tackle dummy – we saw in the Joe vs. Joe battle of the century he is hard to take down. Jobs for Teresa: Hat rack; alarm clock – one shriek from her and I’d be awake; warning siren; fog horn; rental friend – being around her makes everyone seem smarter; interior destroyer – since her taste is terrible, she cannot be a designer. Of course, both of them can work as examples of what not to be when you grow up.
  5. The poll is when Teresa will divorce Joe. I assume Joe barfs red wine all over the marble regularly. We would have to do that poll by the minute.
  6. "Twitted" - I will be stealing that. Since we almost all seem to agree Jim is indeed a douchebag, you have not born false witness, so at least there's no sin there to confess. I guess we could consider that is the one bit of good Jim has done, albeit purely coincidentally, he has made us examine our sins. We're still looking pretty good comparatively - damn, now he's got me being prideful. The evil spreads . . . .
  7. I think he's a double-bagger, only in his case one is a body bag and the other is for his face.
  8. I remember her offering to let him "put it in [her] butt" - so classy! I didn't think they actually had sex. Someone else will have to rewatch to clarify. ETA: Dammit! I watched the clip. I'm still not sure what is more disgusting, Theresa mounting Joe or Richie Wakile.
  9. Are you telling me Amber had the cancer and she smoked? No really, she had the cancer and she smoked a cigarette. She smoked a cigarette even though she had the cancer. She had The Cancer and now she smoked a cigarette. After she had the cancer she smoked. She smoked a cigarette and she had the cancer. Oh my god, Amber had the cancer and she smoked! Sorry, just trying to see if I could type this as many times as she said it in just a few minutes. Can't do it. Got a cramp trying to keep going. After all, Amber having the cancer smoking a cigarette is so important, I hope this was featured on the evening news.
  10. I like to think of it as Joe Gorga: Lesser Degree of Idiocy. He's still not really a voice of reasons but compared to the decisions being made by the brain trust he is associating with, he suddenly seems to know what he's saying, even when it's just "Your mouth!" Then again, that might also be what he was saying to Bobby when they were cavorting in the sand. I was talking to a friend about ways to look more youthful - my work attire reads older and more staid. She took it to mean I wanted to look younger and suggested white eyeliner on the inside corners of my eyes. Gave me flashbacks to the housewives. No, just no. Which leads me to one moment of enjoyment in the episode, Mel saying "No! No! No!" to little Jim like she was scolding a dog that was peeing on the carpet. Given the speculation about his strap on pleasures and the way Amber was jokingly slapping him, I think he may have enjoyed the scolding a bit too much.
  11. The application of leeches might help. That should reduce the blood flow. What's that sound I hear? Is that all of the men clicking away from this forum?
  12. Kathy really shouldn't hand out marriage advice. She's married to Richie. Yes, Richie, a mouth-breathing neanderthal with no class, no sense of what is appropriate, and a puerile sense of humor who will happily parade his boner around family and friends. I really don't think anyone wants to know how to keep Richie happy. I'm pretty sure with a couple of fart jokes and some cheap wine Richie is all set. With her clown makeup slowly dissolving, it's so hard to tell.
  13. I'm amazed Eli could get it up when he was that drunk. That guy must constantly walk around with an erection if that level of inebriation cannot put a damper on it. If your erection lasts for longer than four hours or beyond a point of inebriation that would kill a normal human, please see a doctor.
  14. I assumed "boarding school" is a euphemism for the foster care system, just like "college" equals prison. So when the folks are at "college", Milania can go to "boarding school". Of course, since we now know that Tre and Joe won't be at college at the same time, the girls should be able to stay with a parent. Given Joe's love of wine, however, he'd better get some help with them or he may be seeing state college for child endangerment before he goes to federal college for fraud. Hey now, Joe told us he had already released his poison. Although the way he and Bobby were frolicking with the mounting in the water and the mouth-to-mouth on shore, I'm pretty sure he was building up a whole new supply. I have now made myself nauseous. I'll let myself out . . . . .
  15. Dear Chris and Jac - I don't believe you are down-sizing because your priorities have changed. I do believe you are in bankruptcy and need to drastically reduce your debt. I also believe you desperately need to be on this show for the income. I know you are painfully boring and not worth the effort it took for me to type this. Dear Teresa G. - Joe will not be keeping you safe in federal prison. No matter how great you want to say he is, we heard you call you his "cunt wife". Unless he is also married to the camera person that was following you, he was talking about you. Dear twins - shut up. I cannot take any more of your screeching. Dear Dina - yes, you are boring. Very boring. Life-draining. Dear Andy Cohen - Not only did I stop the DVR from recording Manzo'd with Children, I made sure I changed the channel.. I will not watch it on the can. I will not watch it with some spam. I will not watch it on TV. I will not watch, no not me. Finally, why was Joe Go mounting Bobby from behind when they were in the water?
  16. I dislike Ameila so much (is that She-Shepard's name?). I dislike the character and the actress. I gave up on PP well before she joined so I don't have any carry over of good or bad will from there. Just really wish she was gone. As for Maggie, I don't hate her, I don't love her, I would just prefer they let her character develop rather than trying to fully create one in one episode. As a way too young for her position doctor, her parents sending her a singing telegram made no sense. Whether they understand her or not, they should comprehend that she is a professional working in a hospital and, as such, she need to garner some respect from her colleagues, not be subject to ridicule from the get go. The thought of taking a job at her sister's hospital is creepy. There are so many more sane ways to meet a relative you've never met or who doesn't know about you. Maybe we can add to the ways that she's just like Meredith that she thinks about herself first and foremost without stopping to consider the effects of her actions. As always, it's a hospital full of toddlers.
  17. Korina's looked like a street person on a cold night, like she had broken into a clothes donation bin and piled on anything she could to stay warm, including an ugly blanket wrapped around her ass. And her model has constant bitchface. Of course her model's face is reflective of Korina's personality, so there's that. I won't miss her.
  18. Your mother is one of us! She should come join her tribe.
  19. Latuda seems to make people move in slow motion. I fear she'll get hit by a car or fall into a pit. As for triple trouble swallowing, having broken a cervical vertebrae last year and having had a few days when I couldn't swallow (I kept shooting soup out of my nose), that alone makes me fear this drug like no other.
  20. Adding to the hate for the Q50 ad. I've already commented on the freakin' package van the guy somehow could not notice in front of him. How big does a vehicle need to be to register for this clown? When he puts on his blinker and is warned that there is a car next to him to his great dismay, I find myself about to shout "You haven't even checked your mirrors yet!" The car saved him because he seemingly drives based on psychic abilities alone - no need to use mirrors or look over his shoulder. I'm not sure he even uses his eyes. He just senses the color of the light from the vibrations of the aura around him. I just get the feeling this is something I would have on my car and turn off in after about a week. Driving in San Francisco (or any other metropolitan area), I think it would have major issues with the size of parking spaces I can coax my car into and how close cars get to one another in traffic. I can imagine hours of me yelling STFU or stop fucking flashing at me at the car. (I may need to work on my patience).
  21. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of the Duggars when they saw defraud. BWAHAHAHAHA. That would make for one hell of a courtroom scene.
  22. Whether it's Arizona or Derek, we still have people making major life decisions without consulting their partners. It's the Grey's way. All of these people absolutely have to be in relationships or they just cannot function. Then, wile in relationships, they act like the don't need to involve the other person. I like the thought of Arizona continuing to work on her skills. It would be nice to see more of them doing that rather than strutting around like they know everything (Bailey). But again it's an "I heard about something this morning and decided to do it" without discussing it first. Even though Mer/Der discussed the move to DC multiple times, he makes a decision to change the plans without talking to her. At some point it's just sloppy story writing. With their short attention spans and inability to stick with a decision, how did any of them make it through med school? How were they not distracted by a squirrel along the way?
  23. Well I have heard Jim is a Master Bater so he really takes the bate, er, bating, er, masturbatory bait, as it were.
  24. The best part of Amber's scenes is watching her look at the camera. She always glances over to make it is on her. I'm sorry to tell her that her acting career won't be taking off anytime soon. Okay, so I'm not really sorry to tell her.
  25. Add me to the pool. Joe 42 months. Tre 9 months on the inside. Possibly additional house arrest. I tried to stay away, really I did!
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