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  1. Fun looking back on how much people hated Trevor in the very beginning. I adore his character and his growth and bet I’m not alone 😉
  2. But what YS did was “explain” many of the things we were told on TBBT. A big one being the blonde he caught his father cheating with. One of the last episodes of YS showed that what Sheldon always thought was actually incorrect. That it had been his mother in a blonde wig all along. That leads to the conclusion that other inconsistencies were likely due to similar reasons…that Sheldon didn’t see the whole picture, or misread a situation. And those colored his memories of his father, who wasn’t there to correct him as he grew up. I think that we are to believe YS is canon for Cooper family history rather than TBBT stories as one showed us, while the other was hearsay.
  3. Mary’s comments and feelings towards George on TBBT could be explained away by her anger at him dying. Perhaps she never got over those feelings expressed at the funeral and it was easier for her to focus on the negatives (and amplify them) than to deal with her loss. and Sheldon had convinced himself that his father cheated on his mother with a blonde (which turned out to be Mary in a wig she got in Germany) and that, along with his guilt that he didn’t say a proper goodbye to his father (see his reactions in Funeral) colored his memories. Yes he has an eidetic memory, but he also has difficulty changing his viewpoints even if he remembers everything. Memories aren’t created without context.
  4. Angrily muttering “PATIENCE PATIENCE PATIENCE” shall be my new thing to replace, “ow mah layg” (it’s a 600lb life thing)
  5. Hell is freezing over. chet Hanks is coming across really well and like a good person 😳
  6. On rewatch of Funeral, MeeMaw had a tissue up her sleeve. Great continuity with the BBT episode where she visited and Sheldon had her show off the tissue trick to Amy.
  7. Rewatching Funeral. Just noticed MeeMaw has a tissue tucked into her sleeve. That’s continuity with the older MeeMaw on TBBT who pulled one out to show Amy.
  8. I think they did it so they could show Raj be interested and have hope. in my mind, he and Missy end up together and are at that hockey game, rooting for Leonard :-)
  9. Mary got pregnant at age 24. That was said several times over the course of the show. I’ll wager there will be a time jump for when the new show takes place. Allowing for Georgie to have stayed in Medford to take care of Mary and Missy until Mary was comfortable enough to sell the house and get on with their lives. Probably enough years for them to cast a cute little precocious kid as CeCe rather than a baby.
  10. In his mind he thought he caught his dad with a blonde. That would be a “mistress” to him. So if some blonde woman gave him an action figure he might have simply made the connection 🤷‍♀️ it could even have been Brenda giving Sheldon a birthday present back when he and missy were suspicious of their relationship, and he hadn’t yet learned about the standard gift giving exchange (I can’t remember the phrase he would use on BBT)
  11. Having the entire show framed as Sheldon’s memoir allows the discrepancies with TBBT to be addressed. I see the negative picture both Mary and Sheldon painted there coming from two different places. As she is still deeply hardcore religious, she still seems to be in the state of mind George’s death put her in. Where a major component was ANGER. And that colors her memories. That’s how she’s protected herself all these years. Sheldon protected himself with standing on the outside looking in, reading situations incorrectly and allowing his mother’s anger and his regrets to reframe his memories. But writing his memoirs, with the distance of time added in, allowed his love for his father to break through the barriers that affected the stories we hear through TBBT.
  12. Re: Kimberly and TJ; I’ve been married to an Indian man I met in grad school for 35 years and he has never been what I’d call “open” to discussing feelings or being emotionally supportive. He prefers to just pretend a fight never happened and gloss over it, ignoring how I will continue to be upset. So I felt for her as they argued at that moment. And we live in the US. I would never have agreed to marry him had we been in India; in his parents house even though they were very Westernized and spoke fluent English. That would have been a deal breaker. Love does not conquer all.
  13. There is literally nothing about this face that looks left over from God
  14. Tuna dude who is also a mama’s boy wonders why he’s single🧐 We need a 90 day fiancé crossover here
  15. To his credit, Sumit worked in a call center in New Delhi so he had to be able to speak English. Rishi is a personal trainer who is tall and just needs to be able to communicate enough to get his clients to mimic him and maybe swoon a bit
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