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Everything posted by Wanda

  1. Re: Kimberly and TJ; I’ve been married to an Indian man I met in grad school for 35 years and he has never been what I’d call “open” to discussing feelings or being emotionally supportive. He prefers to just pretend a fight never happened and gloss over it, ignoring how I will continue to be upset. So I felt for her as they argued at that moment. And we live in the US. I would never have agreed to marry him had we been in India; in his parents house even though they were very Westernized and spoke fluent English. That would have been a deal breaker. Love does not conquer all.
  2. There is literally nothing about this face that looks left over from God
  3. Tuna dude who is also a mama’s boy wonders why he’s single🧐 We need a 90 day fiancé crossover here
  4. To his credit, Sumit worked in a call center in New Delhi so he had to be able to speak English. Rishi is a personal trainer who is tall and just needs to be able to communicate enough to get his clients to mimic him and maybe swoon a bit
  5. I met my Indian husband in grad school. Shockingly we are the same age. Well. He’s a DAY older (apparently that was very important lol). I’m American, blond, Jewish. We married and his family adores me. Out of all the Indians we know, a handful have arranged marriages and none of them are the sort shown on TLC. Perhaps the difference is all the people we know are high income and educated, many educated abroad. But not a single one ever mentioned the neighbors back home being scandalized by their American spouses.
  6. A small part of me thinks there’s a small part of Kris that is bummed about missing out on all this juicy stuff for their cadaver of a show.
  7. Kim was known for her beautiful thick wavy black hair. This scraggly messy critter on her head makes no sense unless she has funhouse mirrors surrounding her at all times.
  8. Guess what folks, freedom of speech doesn’t mean no consequences. you can say what you want, but companies and consumers are then free to say they want nothing to do with you. And that’s not “cancel” culture. It’s what republicans used to be all about, it’s Capitalism.
  9. Hope those tats Pete got with Kim and her kids’ names on his neck were just temporary ones.
  10. The AI evolving is like Janet from The Good Place.
  11. I fully expected them to check Ingrid’s thoughts and find they couldn’t because she isn’t actually an upload since that didn’t happen, I’m guessing (dragging these out so I don’t know what is coming), Nora and Aleesha find out she didn’t upload through some glitch and debate telling Nathan in the finale.
  12. At least we finally got a bone thrown to us as to how Luke is affording Lakeview. the VA pays for room and board and he grifts everything else
  13. Wouldn’t the Horizon people realize the very annoying new “upload” wasn’t actually uploaded? Since there would be no record of anyone actually uploading her. And Ingrid couldn’t afford Nathan alone, how is affording such high status that Horizon can’t access her files to realize she’s not actually “there”? Has she moved into a cheap apartment in real life? It looks like she’s eating printed takeout pizza now instead of gourmet real food.
  14. Happy to see you made it back for the important stuff ;-)
  15. Ambers’ bag had autism symbols. Wonder if she’s a special Ed teacher? I hope these two can do it
  16. I just meant he and the parents are all “it’s our culture….must obey the cultural norms…” my husband is a Sikh from New Delhi. And I’ve found it’s more a cultural way of life than a strict “religious” one. Much in the way I identify as culturally Jewish vs religiously Jewish. So Sumit and his parents talking so much how he must follow the rules set forth by their society, I assumed they were Hindu *shrug* because no Sikhs in New Delhi that I’ve met are anything like what he has shown or described (touching feet, arranged marriages, gossip if the children don’t obey the parents)
  17. Finally watching. Summit is Sikh? Gudwara is a Sikh temple. because if he is, they are picking and choosing how traditional to be.
  18. *raises hand* I’m in Sharon. I’ll mask up and come. I’ll go to the gym and get my snark muscles back in shape.
  19. The child playing Mac is Melissa Fumero’s son. Which makes sense that they didn’t have to worry about bringing in a baby actor(s) and their guardians during covid
  20. It’s very important to the Kar-Jenners to have all the same baby daddies. They ain’t no ho’s going on Maury.
  21. During the episode she only lost 50 lbs. that’s the reference I used because I always take the after death articles with a grain of salt. The ones on Lisa and James K claimed they both lost the magical 200 lbs also.
  22. Never bathed, didn’t manage to lose weight…I’m guessing infection or even covid
  23. Just saw the commercial while watching 600 lb life…perfect target marketing🙄. Kate Moss is a lousy model for a product designed to hold in fat and make you look thinner as her entire career was based on her extreme skinniness. Oooo look, SKIMS makes Kate moss look thin. Gotta buy it. Um. No.
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