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Everything posted by Opine

  1. I hear you on Lisa and TOTALLY agree. She isn't ugly per se. And she has a decent little body. But none of it is DCC. And the gross little goody two shoes act she puts on makes me want to puke! I was screaming at the TV during media day last season when she had her nose so far up TPTB's butt it was just disgusting.
  2. Actually at different points, being a "good veteran" was defined as helping rookies. We've seen multiple scenes with just that happening.
  3. Hover on top of anyone's moniker and it will tell you when they joined. He definitely came to spill the tea this season.
  4. I wonder if the parents weren't going along so that they could whisper in Dannielle's ear the entire trip and try to get her to see the light. Having the kids there......just ridiculous! Can someone tell me because I may have forgotten - do we know why GarrICK's family ditched him? Was it because of polygamy?
  5. I love PT and the most of this weeks couples. Tim and Veronica are my favorites, but Kenny and Armando may be closing in. I love David and Annie just because my husband thinks Annie is hilarious. It's fun to hear him just crack up. I'd love to know what happened to the guy who was paying his bills. Are they still friends? Alexi and Loren I actually still like a lot but am happy to be rid of Mr. Dirty Diapers. Robert brought it so I do miss them. Please don't bring back Ms. Sick girl and her mom. And if I even see family Chantel people, I am turning off the TV!!!!! I like Rebecca and Zied because I think he is good when he understands what is going on. Molly and her partner were a lot of fun even though that laugh was ALMOST as bad as Big Angies!
  6. Haha, shouldn't it be "technically be auditioning again"?
  7. If they took Mel red it would differentiate her from her little twin.
  8. Yeah, I was thinking maybe health issues (Covid? Thyroid? etc) until our beloved LemonBus commented. From LemonBus' comment my mind jumps to something like the Jinelle issue or the phone case.
  9. Taylor T was asked about the me too movement in her media day. She had no idea what it was. They cut her for it. She came back the next year but didn't make it to training camp.
  10. Yeah, I agree. Many have similarities to past TCCs/DCCs. One of them looks a lot like the "me too" girl. I don't care for the cut of the bottom of her outfit. I think it actually makes her thighs look bigger. And while I am being a picky-girl this am, a lot of these girls need help learning how to stand and hold their hands in a still pic!
  11. I guess you PT people get that I was kidding.....someone on FB seems to think I really thought that. This is a follow up to my earlier post about how much fun I am having not with the retirement (I knew we'd find out sooner or later), but who Dr. Manhattan is!!! That's what's exciting to me!
  12. What if???? What if VK is Dr. Manhattan???? What if she got mad at someone and released the retirees and got found out by TPTB???? Her choice was to continue on under that dark Jenna-esque cloud and she decided to just move on.......
  13. I wish her the best. It wasn't a perfect tenure, but I hate when someone leaves something that was their dream with a bad taste in their mouth.
  14. I love it!!!! At this point I am having more fun thinking about who this insider might be than who is retiring!!! I mean rumor #1 was proven correct so it is a real insider. So who is risking their job to do this? And how are they covering their tracks??? I mean is it a DCC and they call a friend in another state and tell them what to type so it can’t be traced back to them???
  15. I totally agree. I was including Kelli as part of/the only part of the marketing dept.
  16. IKR!!! It's like they want us super fans to just go away and come back at the beginning of the next season. IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY!!!! If you don't keep us involved all year we will eventually move on. And if we move on, all your left with is the kinda fans. The ones that watch it if they happen to turn on the TV and it's on. I cannot believe the complete ignorance of their marketing folks. They may be worse than their social media dept!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. We don't know that Michael really focuses ONLY on that. It may be editing. He may have asked 20 questions about her health and one about her "after". Also, my mom was a foreign bride. She learned quickly that she didn't care for my father, but by then she had children. She stayed and they celebrated 50 years of a very rocky marriage. Then he passed away and she was able to marry the love of her life and have a delightful time until he too passed away. They were like silly, giggly children they were so in love!!! She was 70+ when she married the love of her life. So, you never know. Maybe your best life is also yet to come!!
  18. I don’t even mind Sid’s style so much as the greasy grossness!
  19. IKR! It's amazing how my complete hatred of GarrICK and my "I need a bath feeling" after seeing Sid and my "felony waiting to happen" feelings with the King and his Tribe make me love Colton.....
  20. And love the psychic, I did! You might get married if you choose. You might have kids if you choose........ Wow! Those are some strong specific predictions - not!
  21. Okay, hold on to your drawers! I am going to stand up for Angela. I, too, am a "big girl". Laying flat puts a lot of pressure on those lungs. Plus I am super claustrophobic. Any doc in their right minds gives the lala meds BEFORE strapping on masks etc. If a doc did that to me I would bitch slap the mask out of his hands and walk out. But what am I saying? This is a dude who is so hungry to be on TV that he is doing a breast reduction BEFORE the weight loss.... Someone above mentioned Elizabeth's spackle. Yeah, for sure. It bugs me every week. The current trend is a soft almost skin colored peach on the lid and a blended brown in the crease. Not spackled sparkly deep orange on fair skin. Yara should give her some makeup lessons. And Yara, oh my. Love her but she is definitely spinning out of control on baby protection. But, I am gonna give her a break. She is in a country she doesn't fully understand, speaking a language that is not her first, with no support network other than an albeit well-intentioned but totally clueless man child, and she is grasping at any level of control she can manage over her life. I was never in Mike's fan club but my opinion has gone down. I read him as more middle class. He is definitely low class. All mom and Mike can do is conspire and cackle over the crazy bitch that is Natalie. At this point, mom should be giving helpful advise and Mike should be trying to make it work. Period. Or he just ends it once and for all.
  22. One of the K&K team finally said something really smart - it's hard to be romantic with someone you are mothering. So true in the Kalani/Assholey relationship and so true in real life!
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