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Everything posted by Opine

  1. Funny, as I was watching I actually thought that we should rename the Potthasts the PottyMouths.
  2. The dresses are anywhere from ok to adorbs, but Elli's shoes and Marissa's shoes - no. That look makes the leg so chunky and these girls don't have chunky legs! It's probably what they are hiking through the airport in, but a flat would be way cuter than those. But I am older than most of you, so it's definitely an opinion that may not be shared!
  3. That woman is a hot mess! The outfit just doesn't work. However, I bet she has a personal shopper. Hopefully her taste isn't that bad! And the hair is just an awful lot for a tiny body, but it is gorgeous hair. Obviously she has had a lot of facial work. Can anyone identify it? A nosejob and a tightening?
  4. Oh Nooooooooooo!!! I thought you and I agreed on everything!!!!
  5. Well that’s my idea of utopia!!! Do a two week delay only so we see real reactions not storylines!
  6. I see your point, but I think the difference that most of us started watching DCC for the DANCE. Being dancer-obsessed was after the fact. With shows like the Bachelor, it is all about the contest from the get go. Oh, that's right. And rookies practice while they are gone? Maybe you could stalk the parking lot????
  7. Holly, you need to go to that game!!! Then we will know for sure!
  8. I think Julia is becoming as crazy as Natalie. A baby????? Last week you wanted a career? Same cycle.......
  9. I've always thought it would be adorable to have a little skirt there.
  10. It could be a new thing. Maybe after the likes of Sydney and Alexandra they don’t want to bring someone in that’s already close to burnout.
  11. I am cracking up! Are any of y'all old enough to be reminded of Bewitched when Samantha Stephens would call Dr. Bombay? "Dr. Bombay, Dr. Bombay, care you there?????"
  12. Yes!!!! I was beginning to think I had lost my mind with folks taking Nutalie's side. I mean, Mike is a total douche, but that bitch baits all day long. She baited him on the surgery stuff, she baited him on this episode about the gifts and every past item, she even baited him with the whole hooker thing. I mean if she was going to continue to bitch about it forever, she should have confronted the awful Trish. Then even when they get Trish on the phone, Nutalie won't ask about it because it didn't happen. And I agree that Trish is hideous and inappropriate and over the line. No disagreement there. But Mike and Trish would both be happier with the Nut Queen gone, the Nut Queen would be happier.........why doesn't she just leave????? Edited to add: Wow! I see I wasn't the only Nat-hater out there. And I agree with so many of you, Mike has just been pushed to far. Of course he that brings out his bad side. And I dislike Trish so much (and cannot stop seeing the lovely Foghorn Leghorn pic someone posted!), I'd be a little bitchy if I thought my son was being taken like Mike.
  13. As the show opens, Kelli is in the underground parking deck wearing her skin tight blue saran wrap dress doing her best Vanna White imitation as she introduces.......what? a bus!!!! In comes a bus! We see it only from the front, then it turns sideways and the bus is covered in LEMONS!!!! The doors open and there stands our very special own legacy - VK - in uniform! And she says, "Hey Lemonbus", this one's for you. I didn't take a break, I am back!!!!!" Then we see the first episode and at the end the camera goes to the subway - scenes similar to what we saw yesterday from Jalyn. The doors open and who is there in a glowing blue dress? Jalyn! Holding a sign that says "Gooodbye Dr. Manhattan, been nice knowing you!!!"
  14. That's how I've felt from the beginning! Maybe Gina will retire and Amber will be point next year. There's slim pickins for 2022!!!!
  15. That's so funny! Because when I looked at it again today I was like, "I need to edit that with an as".
  16. This Ga Peach is disgusted by being identified with the likes of Meemaw and Mama June. Rebecca and Molly are at least not embarrasing!
  17. It's basically 90 days fiance but one of the couple is Carribean. Same conflicts, same drama. One girl gets knocked up by a vacation employee. Another falls in love and wants to bring the guy but clash of the cultures he is not getting his stuff together. Another the guy wants the foreign girl to come to USA and the only thing she thinks is better in USA is peanut butter. And the fourth couple includes a party girl from Miami and the HOTTIE she picks up in Jamaica who tells the camera in his first sentence in his first TH that he is a player!
  18. I would say a definite no on LB being KC. LB's opinion of Victoria differs from KCs opinion - remember the LB story about the stolen phone case vs the KC opinion of giving Victoria the respect and time to lose weight.
  19. I say we start a Go Fund Me to buy Holly season tix and she can go take pics for us of everything and we can say F those who don't want to be spoiled. That is just stupid.
  20. I noticed that Steph is supportive of all the women and none of the men. She seems to just hate men. Wonder if it's a daddy thing?
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