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Everything posted by Opine

  1. Thank you so much! I've heard a lot of chatter from folks disliking suits. I have to say the worst suit is the one they have Jalyn in, it's like a giraffe print? You know that shows she definitely had a Brazilian. Tacky!!!
  2. Oh I thought she had a tongue piercing and that was the speech impediment.
  3. I have rarely been shocked by this show, but Emily's mother actually shocked me. They kept showing her lurking and listening, so I was waiting for her moment to stand up as the voice of reason. BUT SHE SIDED WITH EMILY!!!! What???? That cannot be real! That whole family needs to take a chill pill! Previews show daddy Emily angrily confronting poor Kobe about supporting the family. What???? Dude can't work and is totally unfamiliar with the country or his options. Dad needs to look to his disgusting daughter on that one. And I agree with the previous posters. Mom can't muck, grown daughter is living off mom& dad - why is she not mucking? Poor Kobe! That guy is a no win situation. My Muslim knowledge is extremely limited. But even I know you have to cover your hair and men/women are separated. Where has Yve been living, under a rock? Do y'all ever think about whether these folks read PT? I don't dwell on it, but in the case of Bile, man, I hope he does!!!!!
  4. I agree about the everybody talking problem. I think it is because it is not all American accents and we have to work harder. Ayan needs subtitles. I can't even understand her, but then I am southern! I don't care for her, and if I drop this show from the lineup she will definitely be the reason why.
  5. But is a dinner worth it to go on TV looking like a total jerk? That's what I don't understand! How do they get these "friends" to behave like this? I mean I wouldn't do it for a free meal or $1k or $2k etc.....I am sure when it comes down to it there is a price I would do it at, but 90 days isn't paying that!
  6. Totally agree. She is not going to beat out Holly in sexy dancing in CA. But she definitely draws people in (pretty much every guest choreographer called her out for sparkle) and has a certain innocence and positivity that may lead her to fall into something unique. She isn’t going to make it in her hip hop!!!!!
  7. Momma Ari needs to hire her a dresser again. What a hot mess Ari has been! She didn't even clean up to go into the city. Momma Ari also needs to get Ari's squinty little eyes checked!
  8. I am very confident in my marriage and my husband, but he doesn't need those high beams showing up at breakfast!! I have a son Jibjab's age and if he and his girlfriend moved in with us (ugh!) I would definitely hand her a big shirt to put over that t-shirt and politely ask her to wear more while in our home interacting with us.
  9. And then along came Vicki.....
  10. Me, too Hannahbanana! They actually have quite serviceable knock-offs available for reasonable prices.
  11. Well, I can say that I just got back from the beach and in general women are wearing more modest suits. Obviously at this time of year there were not a ton of teens, but there were some. Suits covered a little more and were more athletic with less thin straps. Oh, and if you don't have a Bogg bag, you just aren't anything. (I do not have a Bogg bag :)).
  12. I've always loved her makeover! Glad to know I am not the ONLY one! The hair she came in with looked absurd and brought out her semi-masculine features in a bad way. Giving her the badass hair actually softened her IMVHO. Plus it moved! Not in that heavy, flouncy, too many extensions way but in a soft, natural way. I wish she could have liked it as much as I did!
  13. I agree if they are coming together from a position of love and wanting to be together as a couple. I believe that is what SHE believes but it may be based in delusion. I don't have any idea how their conversations have gone while apart, but I can definitely say I didn't get that read from him! I feel like he is just there to see his child and see America. Period.
  14. Preach it! My favorite moment of the season was Jasmine calling Ben a perv. And the minute that he said that first time love bs, I looked at Mr Opine and said “damn, he didn’t hurt them enough already?! He said that???!!!!”
  15. Or......she doesn't really understand the concept of American University dorms just like I didn't understand that they don't have dorms where she is from (but do now because someone explained it). Their rules are probably to strict to let her in if Johnny was going to have that much trouble going back from Dubai. I think there is a connection! I think Ella had something happen early in life that stunted her emotional growth and drove her to this level of weight gain and neediness. Now, Twit? I don't think she had any trauma.
  16. Do tell, Holly! Your double negative makes me think you know the goods!
  17. She's been my biggest let down! Pretty body, pretty face for sure. Facials not so much and awkward body. Maybe VK contacted her and said she'd help her.......and that is the result. Tee hee :)
  18. Totally agree! If all of her pics are this good, we may have a winner!
  19. I've noticed "the look" too. It is like she practice it. It is in almost all of her pics.....she has been my biggest let down in the pics I have seen. I thought she would rock this! Not so much....
  20. They will call VKs wildness and out of control dancing "powerful". They will ignore the belly and focus on her long, American thighs. They will hold her up to the newbies as someone to try to imitate. And I fear they will place her in leadership or the diamond........ She's VK!! The girl fell out of her turn in an audition and made it. The rules are just different.
  21. The "armpit sniffer" poser???? OMG that is the most stupid looking thing! If I was a cheerleader and they asked me to do that, I would just say no.
  22. I am older, so I see these ladies as daughters more than peers. My son is exactly Gina's age , and he is a trained athlete who went to school on a sports scholarship. Due to anxiety, his weight dropped to levels close to Gina's. The doc had a real problem with it. Not because he was currently unhealthy but because he was in a position that if anything did cause him to lose weight (like....say.....Covid) he would then be high risk. So, while I admire her obvious commitment to low calories and high exercise, I would love to see her with just a titch more weight - not in a body judging way, but as a mother who has been there.
  23. When Codouche said "the pandemic has revealed us....blah blah blah", that should have been it - the end - finished - final - shows over folks, nothing to see here! Then they should have brought in this panel of experts and we could have analyzed the hell out of the fall of the great Brown empire. But we would have had to somehow work in that glorious pic of Christina rolling her eyes and going "a nanny? really?"
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