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Everything posted by adora721

  1. Ralph's absence is especially egregious because the Flash announced to the entire city that Elongated Man was CC's new protector. Tonight, Barry acted like he was the only one the city could count on for protection. And speaking of protection, how did Killer Frost get to Mecury Labs only a minute after Iris sounded the alarm? There are no extrapolators to use for quick travel anymore, and even on her ice slide, there's no way KF would arrive that quickly.
  2. I did like that Barry used his brain throughout and thought of using Nora's diary in the end. I still think Chester should be included in the creation of a new speed force. Since they made it sound like Thawne's consciousness is out there looking for a new body, why not find Hunter Zolomon's doppleganger. In the comics these two are often intertwined. I liked Teddy Sears in S2, or perhaps bring back the real Eobard actor, Matt Letscher. Matt was even scarier than Tom's.
  3. So, Black Hole thinks Killer Frost is some kind of asset. Guess they don't know how many losses she has in her history. The pumping up of KF just doesn't ring true especially coming from the woman who just beat her easily.
  4. I'm wondering if Cait will establish the biological aspect of Barry generating speed force energy when he runs. Hopefully, Barry will then enlist Siri to see if she's still his lightning rod. Iris told Barry about the literal spark between them when he was in a coma. When there's no literal spark between him and Siri, perhaps then Barry will realize that Siri is a fraud.
  5. Barry made a point to mention that the speed force is like gravity or light; it just doesn't die. And yet, it died. Then Thawne gaslights him into making his own speed force. I hope they bring Chester in to help since Chester created another force of nature - a black hole. If Chester isn't helping, then this is just a forced OTF thing.
  6. Exactly. This therapist has made statements that are demonstrably untrue. Just watch the show, and you'll find zero evidence for what she claims to see in John. It totally diminshes her credibility. To think she'd risk being shown as incompetent just for shipper bias makes no sense to me. One thing more illogical than shipper bias is racial bias, which is what I think is driving her weak arguments. Even if it's shipper bias, it's possible that racial bias is the driving factor for that shipper bias. For evidence, see the Snowbarry shippers who don't like Iris for "some" reason. They think Iris and Barry just don't "look" right together. They claim that WestAllen is boring and Iris is just a love interest, but then swap Caitlin's face on top of Iris' body in WestAllen gifs or make whole videos of so-called Snowbarry moments that are strictly platonic. Shipper bias and racial bias are not mutally exclusive; they often go hand in hand in genre fandoms, unfortunately.
  7. When Wally is angry with Barry about not telling him about the trouble with the speed force, Wally tells him that he's seen his own kids (Wally's) and saw Nora using the speed force. Here's the scene:
  8. I wish Joe would have given Wally his father's watch in this or another episode, but that's in Barry possession.... sigh. Really loved having Wally back; such a delight and a joy to have his presence. And the writing respected Wally and didn't disappoint. I hope he'll return in the future. Again, Caitlin continues her hypocrisy streak. She chides Cisco about not using her bioengineering skills to work on stopping Turtle 2 after she didn't use Cisco's mechanical engineering skills to control Killer Frost and used tech from Amunet Black and worked in human trafficking instead. I feel like Thawne mentioning him making his own speed force was a trap to goad Barry into doing likewise. I mean, Thawne doesn't seem to have his negative speedforce either. I'm sure Barry's artificial speedforce is exactly what Thawne needs to restore his own powers. Will Barry never learn?
  9. Oh look, DP tweeted just her part at 8:26 AM, assuming that's Pacific time, before the Flash account tweeted the one with both ladies at 9 AM. I gotta think she got the image from CW marketing since it has the logo and she tweeted just her part a bit earlier. Interesting....
  10. Does anyone know if any of the CW shows will be affected by the COVID-19 outbreak? Chyler Leigh (Alex on Supergirl) was scheduled to attend Emerald City Comic Con next week in Seattle, but has canceled. Now, the entire convention has been pushed to the summer. At least one state health department has stated that pregnant women (and other at risk groups) should be particularly cautious and avoid crowds and public settings. I was surprised that "large" meant 10 or more people. DP is pregnant and, now, so is Melissa Benoist. I know the cast and crew amount to more than ten people.
  11. Would they really have another, "Barry loses his father figure" plot? And if they do, they'll make it about Barry instead of Iris or Wally. JLM is hardly there as it is, and he has the most gravitas of anyone in the cast, including Tom C. Paying JLM for a few Joe sightings has to be worth more than losing what he brings to the series.
  12. Some fans having fun with the every growing Flash series regulars:
  13. I realize that getting pregnant isn't an exact science in which you can just have a baby on command. My point is that both women seem to have waited until the waning years of their current contracts to try to get pregnant. It would make more sense for both women to not actively try for a pregnancy in the early years of a contract when committing to shows that require lots of time and are in their early seasons, during which cancellation (therefore, joblessness) is always a threat. Their shows are now very mature and, hopefully, both are on financially stable ground because they've been employed for five and six years respectively (you usually expect to get future residual income once a show is eligible for syndication at season 5 (or 100 episodes, typically)). Both women were in their mid to late twenties when their shows started; both are now in their early thirties. Aligning their contracts ending or renegotiations with trying to start a family makes sense. Perhaps we'll hear Grant announce a bundle of joy coming his way soon, too.
  14. I wonder where they're getting all this money to add to the cast. Is it because "Arrow" isn't airing anymore? I'd think any "Arrow" money would go into the coffers for the new "Green Arrow and the Canaries" show. Perhaps there's a reason DP is pregnant now because there's only more season (S7) on the main cast's contracts. It's perfect timing to have her child and make plans for what happens after S7. Same with Melissa Benoist; although her show is only at season 5. Maybe Melissa has an out clause in her contract.
  15. The way I see it, the best Cisco replacement based on skill set alone is Ryan Choi. We learned in S5 from Nora that Ryan is the one who found a way to shrink Barry's costume into a ring using Ray's Atom technology, and Ryan is also a paragon. Ryan doesn't have the wit or exuberance of Cisco or Chester, but Ryan's skill set is the better replacement for Cisco.
  16. While I can agree that she may be a shipper and that she may also be a bad therapist, I cannot agree that race isn't the source of her bias. John and Peter are well matched in likeability, looks, and in romantic esteem in Lara Jean's mind. The key difference is their race. The main reason I believe the therapist has racial bias is that she ignores all of Peter's faults; she doesn't even mention one fault. And yet can find mutliple faults with John. Sure, that might be shipper bias, but it might be racial bias, too. Often in shipper wars both sides will point out the faults of the other side to make their case and then declare that the ship of their choice has fewer issues or faults and is the best ship. In this situation, Kelly Scott has declared in a public arena that Peter has zero faults and John has at least three egregious faults that disqualify him as boyfriend material. Ms. Scott points out that Lara Jean is insecure, but fails to indict Peter for his continued relationship with his ex-GF as feeding into Lara Jean's insecurities. Ms. Scott doesn't indict Lara Jean for not telling John about dating Peter even when Lara Jean knows they'll both be at the pizza party. However, Ms. Scott indicts John for somehow preventing Lara Jean from telling him that she's dating Peter. Basically, nothing is Peter or Lara Jean's fault; it's all John's fault. If you read her company page, she declares, "I have a solid foundation in evidence-based techniques," And yet, she has zero evidence for her negative conclusions about John. Bad therapist? Maybe. Shipper bias? Maybe. However, the zero-sum nature of her conclusions lead me to believe it's racial bias. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this. For Ms. Scott to ignore her years of training and experience with families and couples, who surely have different points of view, suggests that something far more powerful than shipper bias is at work here. ETA: Here's an article about a study that shows that some White people see race as a zero-sum game and an excerpt: "Michael Norton is a professor at Harvard Business School. He and his co-author Samuel Sommers, a professor at Tufts, published an article that says whites see racism as a zero-sum game that they are now losing."
  17. This licensed therapist should not be acting like a shipper. And it's OK to prefer Peter to John, but John doesn't have to be a "bad" guy for Peter to be the one Lara Jean chooses. This isn't a zero-sum game. I, too, prefer Peter for Lara Jean simply because I was already invested in their relationship from the first series. However, I don't think John is anything like the therapist describes in the article. John is a great guy; I swooned when John played the piano, but he's not the one for Lara Jean. There are studies that show that doctors, and I'd consider this therapist a type of doctor, hold strong biases against POCs, Black people in particuar, that are hard to root out. In the show, "All Rise", a White doctor was sued because he refused to listen to his Black female patient's concerns after childbirth, which led to her death. I suspect the episode was based on these studies. ETA: The "All Rise" episode might also have been based on the real-life experience of Serena Williams after she gave birth to her daughter. A nurse was slow to respond to Serena's symptoms and her request for a CT scan to check for an embolism.
  18. The setup of the show is that John and Peter were equal in terms of education, but not popularity. They even had the same friends. In Lara Jean's eyes, both were loved or crush on when she was very young girl. Lara Jean mentions that being with John feels more easy and natural than being with Peter. As a licensed therapist, Ms. Scott should not have shipper bias. She uses words to describe John that are not based on any evidence in the actual show, such as "self-serving, "manipulative," and "phony." Again, nothing in the narrative supports her conclusions. Again, this isn't just anyone giving their opinion; it's a licensed therapist. I brought up the pizza because John mentioned that Peter did this when they were young kids. Peter doing it as a kid in understandable; kids tend to be self-centered. But Peter still doing it as a 17 year old shows little growth in Peter's ability to let someone else have the last slice, which would have been the gracious and humble thing to do. I don't think it makes Peter awful; he still has maturing to do.
  19. Her impression of Peter was, "In contrast to her impression of John Ambrose, Scott said she was a huge fan of Peter in the movie because his actions and words portrayed emotional vulnerability." "Peter's emotional availability and genuine nature signified a healthier relationship than the one Lara Jean had with John Ambrose, because he came off as more phony and self-serving, Scott said." Did Ms. Scott not notice that Peter brought up John's childhoold stutter in front of the group at the pizza party? Did Ms. Scott not notice that Peter took the last pizza slice like he's been doing since they were kids? Did Ms. Scott not notice that Peter became combative towards John when John tried to clean up after the party? Did Ms. Scott not care that Peter was counseling and hugging his ex (Genevieve) and never told Lara Jean about it? Those actions suggested selfishness since Peter showed he hadn't learned to put others at the party ahead of himself, didn't care that Lara Jean might be feel insecure about Gen or embarrassed about his behavior, and showed a careless disregard for John's feelings about his stutter. While Peter is no villain for his behavior, neither is John for his. So, I disagree that Ms. Scott doesn't have a bias against John.
  20. So, Yahoo.com pointed to an Insider article in which a real couple's therapist gives her opinion on the Netflix TV Show, "To All the Boys I've Loved Before: P.S. I Still Love You." What struck a nerve was Ms. Scott's assertion that, "John Ambrose was manipulative towards Lara Jean". Below are a few excerpts from the article: "Scott also said that, to her, John Ambrose came off as manipulative because he didn't give Lara Jean the chance to explain her complicated feelings towards him, and instead wasted no time amping up the romantic tension between them." "He's so full steam ahead with her that there's no space for her to say, 'Oh, actually I have a boyfriend,' or, 'Actually I'm not looking at this relationship the same way as you are,'" Scott said. "There was just no space for her to have an experience other than his." John Ambrose is Black and played by an African-American or biracial actor. I watched the show only a few days ago and found nothing that John did or said manipulative. For the majority of the show, John is completely unaware that Lara Jean (who is Asian) has a boyfriend, Peter, who is White. Even when John brings up Peter, Lara Jean fails to tell John that Peter is her boyfriend even though she has multiple opportunities to tell John. I think the therapist's conclusion that John was manipulative is a result of her bias against a Black person. It reminded me of some online assertions that ten-year-old Iris West was manipulating ten-year-old Barry Allen to fall in love with her when Iris comforted him on the night his mother died and his father was arrested. How can such a therapist treat real interracial couples if she's prone to ascribing some evil intention to a person of color she might be counseling?
  21. This episode just reinforced how essential Carlos' Cisco is to the show. He has a genuine energy that no one else brings, not even Chester. Even after six seasons, Carlos manages to bring his A game to whatever the script demands. If Carlos is leaving, he'd be an asset to any show or movie. And he's been nerfed enough by this show. Victorial Park (Kamilla) continues to be a bland actress; she has zero energy in her scenes or line delivery. Killer Cait is... just merge them already. There's no amount of talking between Cait and KF that would make KF say all those words so easily as if second nature. KF didn't hesitate on anything; there was no sense that Cait was feeding her the words. So, were they just going to let Barry die without even one of them attempting to call his wife or father-in-law before that happened? I don't trust Grodd; he'll revert to his villainous type now that he's free. Loved when Grodd said, "Caitlin betrayed Grodd." I thought, well that what Caitlin does best - betrays. I still believe Eva ultimately means well despite her shady methods. She's been trapped for six years and has watched her husband turn her company into a criminal organization. I suspected that whatever Siri was doing was either about revenge or justice for Carver's wrongdoings. At least Eva: Hasn't instructed Siri to sleep with Barry (Siri has been less than affectionate with him). Hasn't hurt any member of the team or spilled any Team Flash secrets. Hasn't hurt the real Iris (yet). Eva hurt herself unlike another villain who stabbed Barry in the leg twice in S3. I also suspect that Eva is a little bit mentally unstable after six years of isolation. Having the real Iris with her might help Eva regain some mental health and then Eva might come clean about Siri to Iris. Iris, Siri, and Eva want the same things: Destroy Black Hole and bring Carver to justice. Eva might be Iris' Leonard Snart.
  22. My thinking here is that even if they were paying her anyway, they should use her time onscreen to set up a plot for her that makes sense and might pay off at the end of this season or next season. Coaching Allegra through Valentine's Day when KF has zero romantic experience made no sense. How about: What if Cait/KF had seen what they thought was a doppleganger of Ronnie (from behind if Robbie Amell wasn't available for a cameo) while at Jitters with Allegra? What if she then went off to find out who or what she'd seen? Seeing a Ronnie lookalike would play into the Valentine theme and pursuing him off screen is another good cover for DP's future absence. That would have made some sense. It looks like "Grodd Friended Me" has flashback scenes with Cait; so, those could have been filmed out of sequence for the actress. ETA: Another doppleganger option for a Valentine episode for KF to see (as an effect of the post-crisis merge) would be Hunter Zolomon. That would really rile up KF to go after the guy she hates for doing Caity wrong in S2. Teddy Sears was willing and available for a S5 cameo; I believe he'd be available now, too.
  23. Considering DP's pregnancy, having Caitlin and Killer Frost go off alone/together to explore the new metas and post-crisis changes would have made more sense than sending Cisco. Alternatively, Caitlin and Killer Frost could have gone off with Cisco. Later, Cisco comes back alone and tells the team that Caitlin/KF stayed behind to take care of something with her mother who's now an ice meta. Problem of DP's absence/maternity leave solved. When DP is ready to return, Cait/KF will have either resolved her mom's issues off-screen or tell the team her mom is now a threat.
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