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Everything posted by adora721

  1. This team has a history of applauding murderers, attempted murderers, human traffickers, accessory to murder, kidnappers and calling them a "good person", "nobody better", "awesome!", "remarkable", etc. At least Harry actually redeemed himself, suffered some consequence when his lost his daughter's trust temporarily and the team got to express their anger at him, Harry also rebuilt trust with the team and showed growth. That cannot be said for another person on the team who still needs an actual redemption, accountability, and consequences.
  2. I thought he was sorta on the team because he helped with Grodd being stuck in Barry's head. Of course, it's something Chester did that enabled Grodd to telepathically enter Barry's head.
  3. I also understand that ppl asked Hartley to make a supportive statement about BLM or the protest. To paraphrase his response, he said he wanted to focus on his charity work for dogs and other animals instead. This response didn't sit well with some, especially since many of the Arrowverse cast members were tweeting support for the protestors at the time. It seems him implying that he cared more about animals than ppl was problematic.
  4. Will DM you since this has all been discussed before.
  5. Funny you should mention this, but one of the actors did purge thousands of Twitter posts after Hartley was fired.
  6. I think Grant did a good job playing the Wells'; he especially did Harry's body language and vocal candence really well. It made no sense for Topp to not be in a meta-human wing of the police station that would dampen/suppress her powers. What was keeping Topp from using her powers to push people to free her or cause mass vertigo? Joe's lack of concern for his daughter continues to grind my gears; he showed more feeling over Barry's impending loss in Crisis. It was good to see HR Wells again; he is my favorite and Harry, my second favorite. Candice did a good job acting opposite herself. It did feel odd for Chester and Allegra to share such a poignant moment with Nash and Barry. I hope all the Wells' are gone and that OG Reverse Flash returns with Matt Letscher. His RF was the scariest to me. Cannot say how much I enjoyed an episode without the walking emobodiment of coddled, toxic privilege that are Caitlin Snow and Killer Frost. I missed Cisco, however, and Kam. I hope we see her and Singh next week. Will the ASF bring back the Speed Force beings? Does this mean that Wally has the SF back, too?
  7. But there is a net loss because every time DC fails, it damages its brand. It makes fans question the quality of DC offerings. It makes fans skittish about investing in the next DC project, be it a TV show, a movie, or its streaming service (HBOMax). Losing the faith/trust of the fandom is a loss. Marvel has so many hits that even a relatively "bad" movie or two or three doesn't damage the brand or keep fans from investing in the next iteration of a Marvel product, including TV shows about second and third-tier characters.
  8. Here's the thing, the crossovers give a temporary bump in ratings for the shows. However, what happens afterwards is that the individual show ratings go back down to their normal levels. You can see this for yourself at various sites that track show ratings such as tvseriesfinale.com. Therefore, the trade off doesn't really pay off in new viewers after the crossover. By not doing the crossovers well for the current fans, DC risks losing these fans to chase new viewers. However, if DC took the time, as Marvel has done to develop th,e characters and their interactions better, DC properties would be doing better.
  9. I completely agree. DC is trying, once again, to emulate the team ups of the Marvel "Avenger" movies without enough build up. We saw how poorly that went with "Justice League." I understand that DC is behind, but they seem to refuse to learn from their mistakes. We care about the team ups because we've spent quality time with the characters first.
  10. Did any of you watch "Jingle Jangle" on Netflix? Eric Wallace should hire whoever did the hair styling on that movie. The styles for the Black women and Black girls were fantastic!
  11. She's finally resigned to the fact that Cait won't be supplanting Iris West-Allen. I hope the SB fans finally give up, too. They'll blow a gasket when KF/Cait are kissing someone else without trying to murder them like last time😂 (Poor Julian and Barry got the murder kiss!) If only Cisco had powers that could transport him to see his beloved in a heartbeat across long distances.... Oh right!🙄
  12. Turns out Stephen Amell had COVID-19: https://comicbook.com/tv-shows/news/arrow-stephen-amell-covid-19-coronavirus/
  13. Both AJK and Marc G. don't seem to fathom how inappropriate it is for women to date their bosses. It speaks volumes about those two that they saw nothing problematic with Felicity dating Ray or Iris dating Scott.
  14. Jay Garrick will be back in season 7: https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/the-flash-season-7-jay-garrick-will-return/ I sure hope Jay helps Barry with creating a new speed force, which would make total sense.
  15. So, no more crossovers with Supergirl as it is ending with season 6: https://tvline.com/2020/09/22/supergirl-ending-season-6-final-episodes-the-cw/ They should have never merged the Earths. It's also sad that the Kara and Iris friendship wasn't explored more.
  16. Was that the one Valentine episode? And why an Allegra and KF relationship? What do they have in common? Why have they made Allegra another KF coddler and cheerleader? Plus didn't Eric say that Iris would have a mentor/mentee relationship with Allegra? That would make more sense, and we've seen none of that.
  17. Well, season 7 is the end of her contract (along with everyone else's). After that, it's not about her choosing to leave, it's about CW/WB choosing to extend that contract. If CW/WB chooses to keep her, I hope they transfer her to "Star Girl" or "Doom Patrol"; that's the next best option for me.
  18. Agreed; plus there are issues of consent to deal with, too. If Cait isn't attracted to the man, does she consent to allow Killer Frost to kiss or have intimate relations that Cait wouldn't want for herself? The writers have no clue about important issues like police corruption (Patty Spivot), informed medical consent (Grodd), legal adoption/fostering (Joe/Barry), white privilege (Caitlin Snow/KF); so, I have zero faith in them dealing with issues of sexual consent or police brutality. Even in the scenario of them dating two different guys, don't the guys need to know that the one body is being shared by two personalities? Don't the guys need to know that the one body is having intimate relations with another guy? I mean, it's not cheating, but what guy would be OK with that? Or perhaps it'll be a big love, polygamy type of plot.
  19. I think Eric is confusing Candice being a focus with Iris being the focus. Candice got focus, but Iris did not, especially in 6A. Iris was ignored, except for 1 episode, by her husband, so-called "friends" on Team Flash, and by her own father. Eric's tenure has been disappointing so far.
  20. Agreed about Joe's cold "comfort". His words, "I need you..." seem selfish. Like, it's not about you Joe. For once, couldn't he let her pain just be about her pain?!
  21. They were afraid to scare away those fans, even if they were toxic. Seems someone more professional might be running the CW_Flash Twitter account now, too. They cosigned Azie's tweet and claimed to love Iris. Let's see if the account is more balanced and fair from now on.
  22. Seems like the CW brass is actually putting some action to back up their statements about doing better because publicist Suzanne Gomez pushed back on a belligerent fan on Twitter:
  23. I'm wondering if the "Heroes will be reborn" text on the poster is a sly reference to Iris' comic origin of being born a thousand years in the future. What if the future is where Iris disappeared to in the season 6 finale. When Iris is eventually rescued, Iris will have come from the future (nod, nod, wink, wink). Just a thought...
  24. They are kinda already doing that. From Amunet telling Cait how "remarkable" she is to Cecile elevating Cait's situation to equal that of Iris, Kamilla, and Singh. Barry calling her a "good person" despite her working in human trafficking; the white washing of her crimes against Iris, Cisco, Cecile, Tracy, and HR Wells when she told Ralph that all she did was, "Kidnap and stab" her friends. Ralph telling KF she's "awesome!" Cisco ignoring the fact that KF trashed his girlfriend's photography and then placing KF's ugly art on the wall of Star Labs. The lack of apology or remorse for Cait nearly getting Cythina murdered by the Thinker and no one calls her on it. Iris rewarding Cait by making Cait her maid of honor, all without Cait taking any responsibility for mending fences with the woman she tried to help murder. Barry yells at Wally for not telling them about his Savitar nightmares, but says nothing when Cait admits to holding on to the missing piece of the stone. Cait and Killer Frost are already on an unearned saintly pedestal.
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