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Everything posted by Souris

  1. That's actually not horrible for a Friday, especially with the increase in viewers. I'd hoped for lower. We'll see how it goes over the season.
  2. My assumption was that Elizabeth didn't actually fling herself down the stairs -- she just broke the urn and then laid down at the bottom of the stairs. Dwight said she didn't have any signs of outward trauma, and she'd have had major bruises if she had actually taken a tumble. I had to look up what the heck was going on with the moon, because that was just some weird effects. Apparently there was a lunar eclipse in England at the time the novel was set, so it was probably the inspiration. And I think they were going for a blood moon eclipse with the reddishness at times. So glad to have Poldark back! I love all the eye candy -- actor and landscape.
  3. Poldark is back on Masterpiece! That makes me so happy. The eye candy is breathtaking -- both actor-y and landscape-y.
  4. There's The Gifted, in the X-Men universe. I don't think I plan to pick up anything new, though I could change my mind. I might give The Gifted and Young Sheldon a try, might not. I watch This Is Us, Fresh Off the Boat, Designated Survivor, Big Bang Theory, Survivor, The Amazing Race, Project Runway and generally what's on Masterpiece. I'm super-excited that Poldark is starting back on Masterpiece next Sunday. Oh, and Man in the High Castle on Amazon.
  5. You know I love y'all, but there are limits to what I will subject myself to! I must think of the health of myself and my tables. I do enjoy the hell out of snark, but I can't do it if it's something I used to love. Too painful. I wish I could! Now, if I never emotionally invested in a show, I can have a ton of fun snarking. Thanks for the info! Since I have totally ignored the newbies, who has gone overboard on trying to sell, sell, sell? There's clearly SOME sort of weirdness going on behind the scenes with regard to the Jen situation. Adam and especially Eddy have come off like even bigger jerks than usual. They've always struck me as the type of guys who would react badly to a woman telling them "No." I have a feeling there's a lot of tea of all sorts BTS, but I doubt we'll ever learn the vast majority of it. Alas. I'd love it if we did, though! The info sounds 100% plausible to me, but like I said, I don't know that it's true. But I could totally see it being true. You have more fortitude than I!
  6. She's always been very, very, very positive about the show, so I don't exactly trust her opinions about what's good and reassuring. I have access to the premiere, but no way am I subjecting myself to it. I have heard that Jen was open to doing a few more episodes but for A&E it was more "all or nothing," and no way was she doing all, and one ep is what came out of it. Take that FWIW, since it's not something I can vouch is true, but the source is somebody I don't think would lie to me (as for whether their source would lie to THEM, I have no idea). I will be very, very curious to see the ratings. Is there ANY buzz out there for the show and new characters at all? I'm honestly curious, since I have tried to ignore what's going on with the show.
  7. Well, Harris forgot about his supposedly dead son pretty fast.... Yeah, I did side-eye her not worrying about Zoe or struggling with leaving her behind, even if the president did order her to go.
  8. I don't care, I enjoyed the show. It put Santiago Cabrera back on my TV for the summer. Ergo, a win. Also, I kinda loved Grace's dad, even if he was basically just a convenient fixer. "FYI, I have more skills than just body disposal." And I loved that Grace shot Claire through the heart. I feel certain there will not be a Season 2 given the dire ratings, but I'm glad they at least left it with a bit of hope. Great for the Salvation fanfic, if there is such a thing.
  9. Bex returning for multiple eps. So they didn't want her before but now they do. Gee, it's almost like they realized there was no buzz on the newbies, fans needed a reason to tune in or the new stories aren't working as well as they'd hoped. Shocking.
  10. I'm depressed because Brandon is so clearly The Chosen One and is going to win and I DO NOT GET IT. His stuff always looks like a hot mess to me. He seems like a lovely person, but ... just no on the designs. Of course, nothing has been as much of a hot mess as Aaron's. Yikes. Kenya should have won. If you make the judges applaud, you should win. All in all, this is a very lackluster group. To have so few really well-done garments on a two-day challenge is sad.
  11. Amen. And ITA. They totally did that. They also did it to her relationship with Hook, separating them the whole season and purposefully making it no longer an epic True Love. They 100% sacrificed season 6 to pave the way for season 7, even with no guarantee it would happen. It's just gross and shows no respect for the characters, story or fans.
  12. Pretty sure at least part of that dumping on Emma as a character and making her so inactive was A&E "punishing" Jen for not signing on for S7. Of course, it's also possible that it was just A&E's horrible writing and general lack of knowledge of how to actually write strong (female or otherwise) characters exacerbated by bitterness toward Jen.
  13. I don't think it's a portal. They were looking up. To me it looked like they were facing some giant beast or something high up. If it were a portal, they'd be looking down. And if he's holding a bean, that means they haven't created the portal yet.
  14. Darius and Tess are totally Liam's bio parents, right? She was pregnant when Darius left her, right?
  15. Well, she would be distraught if she realized she'd missed YEARS of his life yet again. Gotta be emotional and upsetting to realize that the 17-year-old son you last saw a few months ago is now 30ish. I figured this was a "hello" picture -- I don't think they would spoil the "goodbye" picture.
  16. I'm not altogether sure how much attention ABC is paying to Once. My guess is not a lot, since they have SO much else to worry about. And they've been perfectly fine with killing off main characters on other shows.
  17. Since when has this show ever cared about emotional connection? The split-Hook theory is the best one to preserve Emma and Hook's happy ending. But I still think killing her is a very distinct possibility; it's 100% clear they are utterly done with Emma and Jen and will never write anything for her again. They're bitter, nasty trolls. I sincerely doubt they'll do a flash-forward to show Hook coming back to her, because they wouldn't want to limit a new love story for him. After all, they think the show is going to run for years and years. I'm sure they think Emma sacrificing herself for Henry would be super-satisfying. Or maybe she sends Hook off to help Henry but removes all his memories of her so he won't miss her. In any case, I think the one thing we can be sure it's not going to be is "satisfying."
  18. Cost-cutting and layoffs coming to ABC TV Group. I wonder if it will have any effect on Once and show development.
  19. Thank heavens Deyonte won! That dress was utterly gorgeous. Really striking and accentuated her body well. The Michelle Obama vibe remarks were spot on. ChaCha definitely needed to go. He had no clue. Heidi was right -- the dress did look like a scrunchie. I think I might have liked Kenya's dress more if it were in a different color. Like, an actual color. It was impressive she did all that in a day. The twins. Dear God, the twins. I cannot even imagine being in a workroom with them all day. I would stab my eardrums with a seam ripper. The only good thing about them was Margarita imitating their vocabulary. (As an aside, I wonder if they're mirror image identical twins, since I noticed that one is right-handed and the other is left-handed.)
  20. Hmm. She's not always right about stuff, so we'll see. And like @scenicbyway said, he could renew.
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