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Everything posted by Souris

  1. LOL! Wow. Is anybody in the path of totality for Monday's solar eclipse? I'm a couple hours away, so I'm going to try to drive to see it. Though officials are preaching doom and gloom about the traffic situation, so I may spend the eclipse stuck on an interstate.
  2. Except Carlton Cuse just jumped back onboard, keeping A&E where they were.
  3. We don't know this. This is an assumption. We don't know what anybody's contract is like now. Contracts can be revised to include any changes if both sides agree. For all we know, Colin signed on for hypothetical seasons 8, 9 and 10. I sincerely hope there are some shenanigans going on where they end up with two Hooks. I will never trust A&E to do the "right thing" by any characters, though. LOL at the hand growing a new body!
  4. I'm gonna miss Hardy and "Mill-ah" so much. They were a joy to watch together. "Swaggery little shit!" I love Ellie.
  5. Because Adam likes to argue about word usage to distract from and ignore more meaningful things.
  6. Gee, can't imagine why Jen wouldn't jump to sign up for more of THAT.
  7. Why do you think CS would have ever gotten a TLK? There was no guarantee of that. If A&E wanted CS to have a TLK, it would've happened in the finale. They didn't want it. And there's nothing about the S7 setup that seems creatively challenging to anybody, frankly. Remember, it's still these writers that have consistently sidelined characters and given the actors the same beats to play over and over again, and forced the actors to contort their logic to come up with explanations to explain their characters' actions and words. It seems like the same old, same old again. A&E have shown little interest in Emma for ages -- why would that suddenly change in S7? I 100% understand why Jen decided to leave. The actors aren't stupid -- they can see the same writing flaws that we so often do. Given Dungey's quotes about the show possibly going on for years more, I wouldn't be surprised if ABC wanted Jen to agree to a multi-year contract -- and there's no way THAT was gonna fly. I don't necessarily think Regina's cursed role was written for Emma. It strikes me as a role that would amuse them for Regina from the get-go. I mean, it's A&E -- clearly they'd conceive of Regina's role before they would Emma's.
  8. Souris

    Dunkirk (2017)

    For a brief moment, I thought Tom Hardy was going to turn out to be Mark Rylance's other son, but then they said he died. I'm sure there is probably some reason I don't know enough to grasp, but why couldn't Tom Hardy have parachuted out while he was still over the last of the British soldiers so the plane just kept going and eventually crashed on the empty beach? Or pointed it toward the German occupied area? I suppose there would be the chance of it hitting the French lines, but I kept wondering why he didn't. It was certainly intense, and I'm glad the blood and gore was kept to a minimum. I thought it was well-done, though I wouldn't agree with EW that it was the best movie so far this year. I also thought Mark Rylance's character must have been based on Charles Lightoller.
  9. “We’re always thinking of the fans.” Ha! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! To be fair, thinking of ways they can "shock" and "surprise" and "upset" the fans is thinking of the fans. So technically correct.
  10. I highly suspect this as well. I've also considered that if Lady Tremaine is the LGBT character, cursed Regina could be her girlfriend. I feel like that would a very small bit of karmic justice for Graham. Very small, since it wouldn't be for 28 years. They keep saying that these are our characters but with a twist. Yeah, the twist is they're CURSED so they don't know they're our characters. Wow, how novel.
  11. Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were referring to A&E there! Adam is totally playing on people's fears. He's perfectly fine saying that new wicked witch is in no way related to Zelena, which is not #nospoilers at all. Hypocritical much?
  12. I can always blame them. For anything. Including those annoying subscription cards that fall out of magazines.
  13. I saw somebody speculate that he could believe his wife/Lucy's mom was dead.
  14. How telling they have NOTHING to say about Emma and her fate. Apparently AdultHenry filmed at a cemetery in Hyperion Heights visiting a grave, so now even some optimistic Emma fans are freaking out. I swing from my usual pessimism that they're killing Emma and belief that they're playing on fans' fears deliberately to get people talking/freaking out. Of course, one does not preclude the other.
  15. Whuh, are people actually fearing they're replacing Emma? I'd think them killing her off is the greater worry.
  16. Is it just me or does a lot of info about S7 seem designed to upset fans? Emma back for only one ep, Adam refusing to do anything to calm fans' worries that she's being killed off, now the "wicked" witch business. Honestly, I don't think people would be talking about the show much at all except for fans being worried and cranky. Maybe that's the only way they can figure out to create any buzz at all -- as long as people are posting about the show, it doesn't matter whether it's positive or negative.
  17. Really, a dancer "left the competition" by having to go to the hospital to get stitches??? That didn't sit right with me, since I'm sure it was something the medic told her she needed to do. That seriously sucks for her. So annoyed by all the montaging. Jenna still bugs.
  18. But then you would probably have to interact with and run your plot by A&E and listen to their ideas. Seems a steep price to pay!
  19. I think Lady Tremaine is the new LGBT character. There was an answer about her machinations and need to be royal stemming from some personal need/pain/secret -- can't remember the exact phrasing, but it made me think it would be her.
  20. Except Jen didn't film with Lana. Yeah, apart from Tiana, it seems like ABC told them, "OK, you can use the literary characters that are basically in the public domain."
  21. Wouldn't that require magic, which Hook doesn't have? Colin loves dark stuff, and he thought that assuring everybody that S7 will have the same writers so it'll be just the same and as good as the previous seasons was comforting. Also, he's a good little soldier who'll do anything to sell the show. So I'm not sure he's the best gauge.
  22. ITA. I cannot understand why Les Twins keep getting scored so high. I see nothing innovative or interesting in their routines. They leave me utterly cold.
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