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Everything posted by Souris

  1. Right now I'm watching This Is Us, whatever's on Masterpiece (Victoria currently), Fresh Off the Boat, The Alienist, Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon, Top Chef and The Amazing Race. When they're airing, I'm also watching Poldark, The Gifted, Survivor, Handmaid's Tale and Man in the High Castle. I'm almost done with my binging of Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. I have The Crown to finish the first season of, but to my surprise it just didn't grab me that much. But for the rest of the month, I'll mostly just be watching the Olympics!
  2. If that ever happens, they need to bring in JMo, too, given her feelings about the show and kilts. ?
  3. You know, you're probably right. TBH, as much as I'd love another CS moment, I also fear A&E would do something petty and stupid that would be table-flippy with them, so probably just as well JMo is unwilling or too busy to do a finale cameo to hold Regina's train or whatever.
  4. Thank you for the birthday present, ABC! ? Um, Eddy, I think that is exactly what fans opted for. Tosspot.
  5. The "familiar face" death is probably Rumple. Could be more, of course.
  6. Makes me laugh, too, that this season seems like it'd be a nightmare. A&E are so pissy. Bittercakes, party of two. And of course this old favorite line: HOROWITZ: It would be awfully disappointing if she didn’t.
  7. It was kind of a sad episode, with Joe F. and Fatima both going home. I hate Sudden Death Quickfires with the white-hot passion of a thousand burning suns. I just don't think a chef should be sent home for something they had to do in half an hour. It is awesome that Chris won tickets to the Super Bowl AND his Eagles are in it. Now I have another reason to root against the Patriots! I really appreciate that all the chefs (now that Claudette is gone) seem to really get along and support each other.
  8. Half-season arcs are closer to their minuscule attention span than full-season arcs.
  9. I wish Padma had told Claudette to "please pack your lipstick and go."
  10. I kind of liked them -- and then I saw the FRINGE! WHY??? Are we all cowboys now? They look like they're going to go install a barbed-wire fence on the back 40 with those gloves.
  11. Can Claudette and her obnoxious lipstick please go away?
  12. Look who's directing an ep. There seems something perhaps loaded about that....
  13. Yay yay yay! The Olympics forum! That time of year when I come alive and pay attention to little else. I really really really hope Mirai lands a clean triple Axel in the Olympics. And I hope Nathan Chen has the type of killer skate he's capable of. Do we know yet which Russian skaters will skate as unaffiliated?
  14. During Hubbell & Donohue's gala skate, all I could think about what how disturbing I found her costume. Why would you put splotches of red ... there? Thank heavens Nathan Chen didn't injure himself this time. Still cranky about Ross Miner not even getting first flipping alternate. I really, really, really want Mirai to land a clean triple Axel at the Olympics.
  15. Can I like your post multiple times for "reboat"? LOL!
  16. I HOPE his agent is looking for potential opportunities. And I agree that he should have a U.S.-based agent if he wants to continue in the U.S. TV/movie market instead of going back to Ireland and the U.K. A U.S. agent would simply have more connections and pipelines.
  17. If he's lucky and ABC wants to hold onto him regardless of what happens with Once (which they should), ABC will have a project in mind that he could join. Even something they could slide him into where his character isn't heavy in the pilot but would be going forward (thinking kind of like Vaughn in the "Alias" pilot) -- or something for midseason he could do if Once is canceled. I do think he'll stick with the show til the end.
  18. Speaking of Target, I walked in there the other day and was confronted immediately with a massive section of swimsuits. In January. When it was about 7 degrees outside. A little premature there, Target! I know retail goes ahead of season, that was incredibly egregious.
  19. Does Disney own the rights to Samantha and Endora from Bewitched?
  20. If you're looking for new versions of classic fairy tales, try Marissa Meyers' Lunar Chronicles novels, starting with Cinder. I enjoyed the heck out of them. Sci-fi takes on Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel and Snow White.
  21. Oh, no, I hate to hear that. Wow. Glad she seems to have a great team and friends (and cat!) behind her.
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