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Everything posted by Souris

  1. Yes, according to the first post in this thread. Can't wait!
  2. I did not care for the jeans on the opening ceremony outfits. The closing ceremony outfits look better (albeit making the athletes look like they're NASCAR drivers) but are wildly inappropriate for the Summer Olympics -- they look absolutely sweltering. I sweat just thinking about wearing that in August. I've been so happy to watch the swimming trials this week, though I feel out of touch because there are so many top swimmers who I didn't know. Can't wait for the Olympics! Michael Phelps needs to stop calling them “girls” instead of women.
  3. That was not the result I was expecting based on the judging comments. Maybe they gave Danny extra credit for Manny wrangling. It unfortunately looked like Michelle hurt Savannah, with the bad pasta and suggesting the plantain dish they didn't like. Never call a dish something if it's not exactly that! The season ended how it predominantly was: meh. I did think Kristen was terrific, though. As a UNC alum, my favorite bit was Tom asking Savannah "UNC or Duke?" and then giving the thumbs up when she said she grew up in a UNC household. I think she was going to say she became a Duke fan after working in Durham, but she wisely stopped, LOL.
  4. Have there ever been this many technical issues in the penultimate episode? Yikes. That was disappointing. Disappointing level of cheftestants this season IMO. I wonder if something changed in casting. I do think Kristen has done a fantastic job. I honestly haven't missed Padma at all, and that surprised me. Glad N.C. homegirl Savannah made it through. The break didn't do her any favors, unfortunately -- it got her out of her groove. Hope she can get it back together for the finale. Good thing nobody was seasick. I was queasy the whole first day, day and a half on the cruise I took. Which, by the way, included Half Moon Cay -- but it was with Carnival, not Holland America.
  5. Damian yelling at Marcus "I don't want to talk to VENDORS!" had me in stitches.
  6. Also, somewhere in time Anne Shirley is 😍 about Cressida's puff sleeves.
  7. Which are bigger, Cressida's sleeves or Queen Charlotte's wigs? 🤣 (I don't know why I couldn't delete the emojis in the quote.)
  8. Dang, Rasika. From obvious finalist to out after one round on LCK. Quite the reversal of fortune. Very underwhelming LCK episode. It's still not up on Hulu. I had to watch it on Peacock.
  9. I cannot believe how many teams there are this season who CLEARLY won't be winning. I feel like some team is going to win who would be middle of the pack in any other season. I feel for the guy with the trouble with stairs. I suffer from the exact same thing. I do not know why but I have always been crazy nervous walking down stairs. My legs get all wobbly and I'm convinced I am going to fall. Yegads if no rail!! If past lives are a thing, I must have died falling down stairs in my last one. 🤣
  10. That skate by Ilia was AMAZEBALLS!! It is insane how easy he makes those quads look. I was in awe. It was like I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I need to go back and see the skate of the guy who went from 19th to bronze. That is also amazeballs.
  11. I logged in tonight; it’s been a week at least, and the site is an absolute mess for me on my phone (Android} to the point where it’s unable. Having lesser issue on my iPad — poster names and avatars are duplicated. See below for screenshot of phone issue.
  12. I was afraid of that. I’m out. I never got around to watching the last episode. I realized I just don’t like Eliza enough to keep watching with just her. Plus it annoys me when shows change the basic premise. The relationship between Eliza and William was a big part of the show for me (it was in the title, FFS!). Episodes without William and the dynamic fell flat for me.
  13. This episode didn't sit right for me in multiple ways. James going AWOL didn't seem in character. And I was unhappy he gave away Oscar. I sure hope he talked to Helen first!! It just bothered me a lot. It was like, "Oh, she has a baby now, she doesn't need the cat for comfort anymore." Poor Oscar, going from an easy life in a veterinary surgery to who knows what kind of life outdoors on a farm. He'll probably end up like he was found. Oscar deserved better!
  14. WTF?? I thought Stuart Martin being absent for several episodes last season was a blip for some personal reason. But now it’s a regular occurrence? Or did they just write off one of the title characters? What is going on? Welp, my interest in the rest of the season/series just plummeted like a rock to be honest. I was already missing Moses. Nash is an extremely poor substitute for either. I am not happy.
  15. I thought the actor playing young William had Stuart Martin's voice and cadence DOWN to an uncanny degree. I swear it almost seemed dubbed it was so spot-on. Major kudos!
  16. I wish the season had one more episode that showed the fallout -- especially Siegfried Judd being ousted.
  17. Surprised not to see a finale thread. This season kicked ass! So good. But wow what a body count. The MVP of the ep was definitely Shirley. She took out a ton without a working gun. Impressive. Very creative. (Though not as creative as Lamb. Obviously.) Thrilled Louisa took out Duffy. Poor Susan (or was it Sarah?). Dead sister, dead brother, destroyed house, destroyed wedding bus. But good on her for managing not to die and actually take out someone trying to kill her.
  18. Most likeable F3 ever? Y/Y? On paper, John and Greg are the team to beat, but my money is on Rob and Corey. J&G have a tendency to randomly and inexplicably bleed time sometimes. Plus it ending on them saying they are definitely going to win is an editing indicator they don't! I laughed when John said he was glad the Riverdance Roadblock had a musical component because he played (listed seemingly the entire orchestra). Add me to those shipping Corey and the instructor. Though talk about a long distance relationship! He is seriously attractive. Honestly, he, Greg and John are three of the most attractive male Racers ever. Steve and Anna Leigh lost it on navigation from Riverdance to the stadium.
  19. I am from North Carolina and have been to the Biltmore House multiple times, so I have been looking forward to the movie for awhile. The house is even more opulent than came across, and it gave only a hint of the grounds. Time travel isn't my favorite genre, as it tends to give me a headache. But I enjoyed it, and I must confess I teared up at the end. I'll just ignore my pesky realism questions like how someone from the past can function today without a Social Security number or any records. As a Star Trek fan, it was fun to have Jonathan Frakes in it (plus a tiny bit of Robert Picardo).
  20. Yes, Harry, you totally got Stan killed. Man, I hope Jan got some chicken. I hope Jan got ALL the chicken.
  21. I keep getting sucked into the Sunday Bones marathons on Cozi TV. The episode where Bones wanted Booth to be a sperm donor so she could have a baby was on today, and it reminded me again that I'm still salty we never got to see the team find out Bones was pregnant with Booth's baby because they did a time jump with the season opener. I know WHY they did that, to sync with Emily's real-life pregnancy, but damn, I wanted to see their reactions (especially Sweets and Angela) even more than I wanted to see the scene of Bones/Booth getting together!
  22. Wow, there wasn't much time separating the first and last teams leaving the Pit Stop John smashed that Roadblock! From arriving last to leaving second (IIRC). He and John seem to have bad taxi mojo, though, which will bite them if it continues. Anna Leigh and Steve are a surprisingly strong team. The U-turn foreshadowing was strong with them. What a close finish! A taxi driver's shortcut really was!
  23. E! Is showing it, if you have that channel on cable.
  24. I enjoyed Malinin's Raspberry Twist. It was unexpected! Ugh, Eteri.
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