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Everything posted by Souris

  1. There's some talk that people believe Hook and/or Henry crushed Emma's heart to cast the curse to save them from whatever is attacking the EF. Something about an EW article and folks on the set talking about a funeral. Adam is talking about Emma in the past tense on Twitter ("nobody loved Emma more than me," etc.). And, of course, Jen making it firm that was her last time playing Emma. I'm not paying enough attention to spoilers to know whether that's on base or not, but it sounds about right for what the show would do. I've long figured they'd kill off Emma.
  2. So A&E used Jen for two days (sounds like only two scenes, one with Hook and adult Henry, and one with Hook and Jared's Henry). A&E probably only even used her at all because ABC made them. I still think killing Emma is highly possible. Henry leaves town and Emma drops dead on the Jolly -- just like Milah.
  3. Jen said on her IG story that today's her last day.
  4. I think Jen is professional enough to never say anything bad publicly about A&E, but given how much she's into story and character, she couldn't have been happy with the way they treated Emma in S6. And I'm sure Robert isn't alone in having issues with the writing. It frankly boggles my mind that so many fans are actually expecting something happy and romantic and wonderful for CS in this ep. It's like, what about the setup aren't you getting here? For all intents and purposes, this ep will be the end of CS, basically. This is the ep that likely explains why Hook is alone and cursed and parted from Emma for the rest of the series. Not something to look forward to, folks. Personally, I could tell she was done long before Christmas. I had inklings almost from the start of the season. I think it was known she wasn't coming back long, long before it was made public. I think all the negotiating talk was about the number of eps she'd agree too, not for her coming back as a regular. And I don't think it was about money for Jen -- I think it was her having so many other things she wanted to do, being creatively unfulfilled by the role, and being flat-out sick and tired of filming in Vancouver.
  5. Jen keeps stressing she's back for ONE and ONLY ONE episode. There's a reason for that. They're going to end her story in a way that precludes her coming back for more.
  6. Pretty sure this is my least favorite thing I've ever watched on Masterpiece. Are we supposed to be rooting for Rose and Lt. Rochester with the mad wife? Because I just want to slap them repeatedly. God, I hate them. I hate them. There's nothing romantic or rootable or appealing about them. Rose finds out her family's livelihood is going to be sold out from under them and she immediately runs out in the rain to go find her stupid lieutenant? Ugh, horrible! I hate her. Honestly, I didn't like ANY character the entire season, except for Rose's sister. I kept watching because I kept thinking, "It's gonna get better, right? Right?" It didn't. If it comes back, I'm out. I should have been out earlier. What an unpleasant, annoying show. And there's not even an actual source book to explain the awful into voiceovers??? It's the first time I've ever felt that Masterpiece did me wrong. I liked stupid freaking Indian Summers about 10,000 times more.
  7. I hate that only 10 dancers make it to the live rounds. They really downsized the show this season.
  8. My God, they're even more devoid of creativity than I thought. Yikes.
  9. Thrilled to see all the Handmaid's Tale nominations, especially the actresses, as well as the costumers. Give Elisabeth Moss all the awards!
  10. I didn't look at the photos, so I have no idea what this means, but why not the entire town of SB? It can be like a clown car.
  11. I checked this out simply because I wanted to see Santiago Cabrera on my TV. It was entertaining and fun enough that I will keep watching. Though I was rather disappointed by all scenes that didn't include Santiago. I think it's possible that the professor and satellite tech guy weren't killed but were kidnapped to keep the info from spreading. I say this because we didn't see any bodies or actual gunshots. Possibly the professor could have been brought into helping the government. I think Liam wasn't killed/disappeared because after he lost the guy in the dark SUV, he was connected to Darius -- who would have been far too suspicious if something had happened to him and has the resources and fame to make a stink.
  12. TBH, I don't think ABC cares enough about Once anymore to rein in A&E that much. I mean, they should care enough to worry about the effect on merchandising and residuals, but they have SO much else to worry about on their schedule, I'm not sure how much time they can or care to devote to Once. I'm pretty sure they expect this to be the last season, even if nothing has been announced. I think S7 was always seen as little more than a sacrificial Friday lamb schedule filler til they can get more shows in the pipeline. Perhaps Henry's TLK effect on bringing Emma back to life in the finale only works as long as he's in SB. Once he passes the town limits, she drops dead. Again, Hook's attempt at TLK to revive her won't work. Henry would then be both guilty and disillusioned about True Love. My mind came up with another scenario to preserve the happy endings -- it keeps happening without my even trying to think about it, so if A&E can't work it out to do that, either they weren't trying at all or they're just that bad and uncreative -- or both, which is always in play. Eddy said something about them "doing another version" of the story with S7. What if when Emma died in the finale, all that light and power zapping around somehow created an alternate realm where she really did die and couldn't be revived? The returning characters could be from that realm. Or SB became the alternate realm and a kind of "pocket universe" that she can't leave because then the "happy endings" version of Emma would also die? That would be one way to explain her not being able to leave and help Henry. Thinking about ways to preserve the happy endings actually just depresses me, because I know they won't do any of them. They never do good ideas anymore, just horrible ones.
  13. Emma dies, Hook's TLK doesn't work proving CS wasn't really TL, Henry's guilty that he had left town.
  14. Congrats on coming up with an even bleaker idea than I have! That takes some doing. Anyway, ep 2 is clearly the ep that will show the destruction of CS -- either Emma's death or CS splitting up. There definitely won't be any CS kids. I totally expect Emma to die -- I got the vibe from Jen when she was asked about doing future eps that it won't be an option.
  15. I binge-watched all 10 eps of "The Handmaid's Tale" this week. It wrecked me. So good, but so upsetting. Far more upsetting than when I read the book in college. Then it didn't seem like a possibility. Now, it terrifyingly does. Elisabeth Moss deserves all the awards for it! All the female cast was excellent.
  16. They know Regina's fans will tune in, but they don't know if CS fans will tune in without Emma. So they're pushing Hook in hopes CS fans will stick around for just him (and his new love interest) after CS's happy ending is destroyed. I don't know that Colin WAS already contracted for S7. Deadline said he signed a new contract for S7.
  17. Possibly. I also think we may see Henry leaving SB at about age 18.
  18. I'm sure the writers have already forgotten about them! Heck, they forgot about some of them while they were still on the show.
  19. Exactly. And they'll do it on purpose because that's the kind of writers A&E are.
  20. Jen's first directing gig got a really good review in The Hollywood Reporter. Also, the film The List that she's in will be the opening night film and have its world premiere at the Burbank Film Festival, and she's nominated for Best Actress.
  21. I second this! Currently bingeing the series. "Delightful" is exactly how I'd describe it. Plus I covet her wardrobe like crazy. I also heartily recommend The Musketeers -- only three seasons with 10 eps each, and it had a satisfying finale. Hot men swordfighting, strong women and costume porn.
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