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Lady Calypso

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Everything posted by Lady Calypso

  1. I actually liked this episode a lot. Mostly because it had actually decent people who aren't too annoying. Adam annoyed me a bit, but that's his character and I could actually stand him in this episode, despite his negativity. Maybe because I can relate to him on some level? I don't know; all I know is no Kristina, Max or Sydney makes for a good episode. Crosby was the star player this week for me, actually. Followed very, very closely by Camille and Drew. I think I like Crosby's way of handling his dad's surgery the best. It showed a lot of layers to him as a character. He was very positive, reacting in a way that works for him, wanting to be there for his dad and setting aside his business for the day to be there for the family (unlike Adam, who had to send Crosby out for that phone call....although I don't entirely fault him for that because life keeps going on, but Adam calling Crosby incompetent knowing he would make the phone call annoys because Adam's negativity was bringing the mood down so he should have left), and his meltdown ultimately worked for me. I wonder if he'll tell anyone about his accident next episode, or if it will actually be building up to his collapse (and another red herring?) in the upcoming episodes. I would be impressed if they did that. And it's also very selfless of him to keep his injury secret to focus on his father and potentially not make Adam feel guilty about the phone call, and selfless is something Crosby has always struggled with. I actually loved when Crosby muttered "You're such a dick" to Adam. It's so very realistic, it's something I would absolutely say and he was entitled to react appropriately in that situation. Because yes, Adam was being a dick and it's a tense situation that nobody wants to be in. Camille's breakdown right after Zeek went into surgery was well done. Bonnie Bedelia did an amazing job. It's one of the few acting moments this show has given her to stretch her range and show off how amazing she is at it. It was a moment I definitely loved to see, because my heart was breaking for her and since she's more of an introvert, I relate to her in the sense that she needed her moment by herself to cry instead of around a bunch of people. And Drew, oh Drew how much I do like you. He's back to the actually smart, insightful boy from the earlier seasons. He does so much better when he's not surrounded by love interests (well...ok, pretty much just Natalie). I love how he was also coming to the realization that Ryan is like their father. Like someone pointed out, Drew's always viewed his dad in a more positive light than Amber has so seeing him admit that their dad really is screwed up was a great moment. Also, Drew displayed so much confidence when he was telling Amber off. His eyes never strayed from her and his voice was very steady. A really good job from Miles there. Like Bonnie, one of the few moments they allow him to show off his acting chops. But I'm guessing both with go back to the background after this. Well, it's nice to see before the show ends. I really could have done without Hank and his daughter and his ex wife. I really think it should have stuck to the hospital scenes and even the Amber/Drew/Ryan scenes. I get they only have thirteen episodes this season so they have to cram some storylines in, especially with the limited amount of episodes the actors can do. But...yeah, Hank's storyline could have waited until next episode. Oh yeah, Julia/Joel. I get why Julia told him over the phone about her new guy. I actually don't mind that much that she did. Joel's been a jackass all last season so I'm not extremely sympathetic to him finding out. I like the two together, and I appreciate that Joel came to stay with Zeek for a bit. That was actually really nice of him, because he didn't have to. They'll probably end up getting back together by the end of the season, but it's nice that Julia can have some fun with another guy for a bit. I kind of want Joel to be able to go on some dates as well, even if it's for both of them to realize that they still love each other and can work through the issues that was last season.
  2. Not a horrible episode. I found myself neutral on the scenes with Elena, at least, so that's progress. Seeing that flashback to the Mystic Falls pageant reminded me of how tolerable Delena was back in season 1, when they weren't forcing the pairing and it felt more natural. Now, Delena is all dull and all forced and it makes me want to claw my eyes out half the time. And, of course, compulsion is the go-to tool, besides magic, to fix problems in an instant. I'm torn with the Stefan storyline. Like others, I agree that on the one hand, Caroline and even Enzo have a right to be upset with Stefan for breaking off contact with almost everyone, disappearing and not even following the leads that Alaric was sending. Of course Caroline had a right to snap at Stefan. They've known each other for three or so years now, possibly four. It's long enough that Caroline deserves at least an explanation beforehand and even though Stefan has probably run away from people he's grown close to for more times than he could probably count, it seems that he really got close with this group of characters and they deserve more than a 'see ya'. But, on the other hand, Stefan should be allowed to grieve and do things his own way. He's fought for his brother time and time again. This is the only instant where we've seen Stefan fully give up with trying to save his brother. All the other times, he's fought hard to save him, just like Damon has done many times for Stefan as well (but even Damon has given up on Stefan). So Enzo basically judging Stefan for trying to move on, knowing/thinking that Damon is probably not coming back to life, is just as much of a dick move. Stefan's no angel, sure, but Stefan was the closest person to Damon. Not Enzo, not Elena, but Stefan. Enzo killing Ivy was over the line. Him calling out Stefan was almost crossing it too. If Enzo was calling Stefan out for leaving everyone without so much as a goodbye, then ok, but he has no right calling Stefan a dick for giving up on Damon or Bonnie, because Stefan was his brother and he thinks that there's no hope in saving Damon this time, so let him deal with things on his own. Caroline has the right to call Stefan out, but Enzo has no grounds to. He barely knows Stefan, and visa versa. Jeremy/Matt/Grand Theft Auto Girl? Eh. If she is telling the truth about her dad being in town though, it makes me wonder who it could be. I actually thought Bonnie's dad and she doesn't know she's dead, but I hope not. I hope she's not related to anyone in town. Just let her be a big fat vampire hunter liar or something. Speaking of vampire hunters, I hope they make more of an appearance this season. I like Tripp and I've liked the idea of exploring hunters, who are absolutely human (and no stupid Five stuff) so if new chick is a hunter, or related to a hunter or whatever, I'd be happy. Just have more humans, some vampires and that's it. No more stupid Travelers or whatever. I'm happy to sticking to vampires, humans and some werewolves/ghosts/witches. Also, have Jeremy/Elena done any of the picnics like Caroline and her mom have been doing, or are the siblings basically not talking with one another? I liked the fact that Elena finally remembers Damon snapping Jeremy's neck (can I dare to dream that Damon compelled her to forget sometime in season 2?) but I feel like the writers added that in say to us viewers 'ok, we get it! We hear your complaining about Damon killing Jeremy! We're addressing it already, so stop pestering us about it!'. Poor Alaric, and Matt Davis. He comes back to basically be Elena's therapist.
  3. Ah, yes, spooky night lynches! Spoooooky! Ok, so tomorrow is the first day of my week off from school, so I'll probably be able to whip something up tomorrow night. So...send me your lynches...VIA PM! MWUHAHAHA
  4. The one thing I find hilarious is that no matter how hard Katie Cassidy tries with her scenes with Stephen Amell, you can tell he couldn't care less about her. In all the Laurel/Oliver scenes, he makes it seems like she's just an acquaintance. While KC tries her lovey dovey eyes at her, SA just blinks at her. It's hilarious. Stephen seems really over Laurel in general and I'm not too sure how he feels about Katie. He tried this whole Laurel/Oliver thing back in season 1, but now it's clear that he's given up on her in general and I think he'll be a secret protestor for this Laurel as BC BS. I really thought they'd wait longer than the premiere to kill Sara off, I really did. I really hoped that the writers actually were getting a clue on how popular Sara is, but either they don't care and they're just doing this to further their own agenda, or they're really not smart. Do they even realize that Sara's death isn't fully what the fans are upset about, but the fact that it's a clear path for Laurel to become Black Canary? And as long as it's not a path to Laurel/Oliver again, which I don't think it is (plus, I'm pretty sure SA will be extremely unhappy and we might get less media coverage from him), then I'll be less infuriated.
  5. That ending...just no. I was perfectly happy with the first 59 minutes (well more like 43). But that last minute? God, no. That may actually ruin the season for me. I don't give two craps who killed Sara at the moment. All I can focus on is the fact that Laurel has the Black Canary role drop right in front of her (LITERALLY! SYMBOLISM SUCKS). I didn't come into this season for a Whodunnit premise. We JUST lost Moira last season, which is about six months for the gang. There was no purpose for this death, other than for shock value. Laurel's path of being a lawyer was perfectly fine with me. I even liked Laurel this episode, especially when she tells Oliver that he stops criminals, and she puts them away. That's a perfect arrangement for me. I don't need Laurel fighting crime literally to be useful. I'm just hoping she never steps foot in the Arrow lair again. I would have been fine with Sara popping in and out of the season. The only thing I can find positive in this is the fact that it was actually shocking. Sara didn't come back to tell anyone some major news, so she didn't hold any secrets (ok, no secrets that are vital to the season...yet?). She just came back to see her sister and happened to help Oliver out. Which makes it all the more frustrating. Ok, now for the rest of the episode. I am a huge fan of Olicity so I loved their scenes this episode. I'm glad to see they made more progress and the writers, at the very least, are acknowledging that this is a popular couple. I laughed at the dinner scene where Oliver just jumps right into 'let's talk about me' instead of asking about Felicity. Sad thing is, I know they only did that because of lack of time, or else we might have gotten a little more about Felicity. But then again, Oliver can be selfish. I love the Arrow and think he's a great guy, but Oliver Queen is definitely a dick. I like how he's acknowledging it. Ray's a creep. I like the smarmy behaviour because he's clearly not supposed to be liked, but he's still a creep and I worry for Felicity's safety. Aww, Diggle and Lila's baby girl is adorable. I should have made the connection between the birth and death this episode, but I didn't. I'm guessing Sara will be the middle name of the baby? Nope, I got nothing else besides Lance is awesome.
  6. I think that it could go one of two ways for me in regards to Lila: either Annalise is right, Sam did kill Lila and is covering his affair with her up. Or, Annalise is actually wrong and Sam didn't sleep with Lila nor did he kill her. Maybe it was Nate, the hottie boyfriend or one of Annalise's colleagues that is pinning it on him. As for Rebecca possibly killing Sam, I don't think she did. She was clearly there around the time of his murder, but she didn't kill him. She probably saw what happened, or saw him right after his death and freaked out and called Wes because she's afraid of being implicated. Maybe her fingerprints are on the evidence. I think fifth law student, Asher, is involved somehow. Whether that's a good or bad thing, I'm not sure. We don't see him in the flash forwards yet so either he just happens to not be around at the time of the murder, or he's not seen because he's dead/missing. Like I said in the episode thread, he becomes more interesting because of the fact that he's not around in the flash forwards. I think there's a very specific reason why he's not seen and that's why I think he's involved somehow. I'll be sorely disappointed if we find out that the reason he wasn't in the flash forwards is because the show wanted the coin toss to be tied two-two. But again, that makes no sense because why would Asher be included in Annalise's group of students? So I think that he could be seen in the flash fowards toward the mid season finale, or the actual finale, depending on when they'll stop the flash forwards.
  7. Night Whatever: We're Not Gonna Take It Waking up the next day was something that was hard for Dean to do. His eyes felt heavy, his body felt like it was on fire and his heart hurt with each pulse. He forced himself to open his eyes, though, knowing that he had to deal with whatever had happened in the last few days. It was all hazy for him, but he had bits and pieces in his head. The first thing he did was sit up, eyes wandering around the room at the sleeping figures. Ellen sat in a chair beside his bed, passed out, and Bobby and his father (his father?) were also nearby. How were they around? They were supposed to all be dead. Was he dead? He didn't feel dead, though. He swung his legs over the bed as the events of last night came back to him. Right, his dad told him what had been going on, information that had been shot into overload for him. Sam was dead, countless others were too and Lucifer was back. It just made him feel intense anger inside of him. He clenched his fist as he stumbled out of the room toward the washroom. He felt like this was all his fault. Of course he had to become a demon because of the stupid mark. "Dean?" a voice called softly from behind him. Dean stopped in his tracks, hand on the doorknob as he turned toward his father, who looked at him with concerned eyes. It was a look he had never seen from the man before. Well, at least not often enough to remember. "Dad," he murmured. He had spent so much time either admiring or hating the man in front of him that he often forgot that he wasn't entirely a robot designed solely for protecting him or fighting monsters. "I just need a few minutes to myself, alright? I get you're trying to help and all but-" he started before he was startled by his father's arms around him. It took him a while to register that he was, indeed, hugging him. It was something completely unfamiliar to Dean. He never really got hugs from his father and it was rare to get one. He was wary of the reasons for a split second. But thinking about what he could have been going through all this time, not only in the last few days but when he was dead, he couldn't even imagine at the moment what that was like. Besides, Dean really didn't care at the moment; all he wanted was this one moment with the last member of his family, so he embraced it. It was a moment that didn't last very long, as Ellen suddenly jumped out of bed, shotgun trained at the door. Dean and John turned toward the noise that just came behind it as Bobby got up too. Damnit, Dean thought. Why couldn't there be one moment where they could just be at peace? They watched as the doorknob turned slowly and the creaking of the door echoed through the house before Lucifer stepped through. "Hi honey, I'm home," he called out, his voice dripping with sarcasm. The look in his eyes made Dean want to put the Devil down as quickly as possible. His eyes darkened (luckily not literally this time) as he stared him right in the face. This was the monster responsible for so many deaths. He was manipulating and using Dean just these past few days to do god knows what. He was just glad he couldn't really remember, or else he would be angrier. Actually, scratch that. He wished he could remember just so he could kick Lucifer's ass that much harder. "Get out," Bobby said lowly, his gun trained at his head. Lucifer just laughed as he waved his arm and Ellen and Bobby both collapsed onto the floor in an unconscious state. Dean flinched, wanting to go check on them but he knew he couldn't, not if Lucifer didn't want him to. Lucifer just chuckled, glancing at the two on the ground. "Don't worry, they're not dead. Not yet, anyway. They're just taking a long nap," he said. Dean gritted his teeth but didn't tear his eyes away from Lucifer. The man just walked around the room, staying silent for the most part for a couple of minutes. Nobody dared to break the silence until finally, it was. The loud ringing from the shotgun echoed in Dean's ears and it took him a few seconds to see the blood splatter on the wall behind Lucifer, and John glaring menacingly at him. Lucifer just stared them down before bringing his hand up to rub the blood away from his forehead. "Nice shot," he commented lowly. John didn't waver as he sent another one Lucifer's way. This time, he was prepared and he deflected it. "Just because I'm unstoppable, doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt," he said before bringing a hand up, forcing John to drop the gun. "I know it's ineffective, but boy does it feel good to shoot you," John taunted. Lucifer took long strides before grabbing John by the throat. "I'd advise you to shut the hell up. You died once. You can join the rest of your family again," he said. John just kept his eyes trained on him. Finally, a smirk came upon his lips. Dean could tell his father had something up his sleeve and he didn't like it. He took a few steps forward but Lucifer's free hand stopped him right in his tracks. "What are you smiling about?" he asked. John just kept smiling, his eyes flicking toward Dean for a single moment before back at him. "You'll see soon enough. Go ahead, kill me. Do it," he said. Dean's eyes widened as he struggled against the magic that held him in place but he was powerless to stop the sickening neck snap echoing in the room, along with a single gun shot. The Deceased: MarkHB: Sam Winchester- HERO. You are looking for Dean; you can send in a name of a player each night and you will only be told if the player is or is not Dean. Once found, you must make the decision on whether to spare his life or to kill him for the greater good. The Crazed Spruce: Klaus Mikaelson- VILLAIN. Unfortunately for you, you're mostly just passing by in town so you don't have any concrete powers, but you are able to communicate with your fellow villains. TJTrack99: Jeremy- HERO and Ghost Whisperer. You can communicate with the officially dead players to ask them one question, and one question only, but this only lasts when you’re alive. Photo fox: Stefan Salvatore- HERO and SACRIFICAL LAMB. You would do anything for your friends. You must use your power once to save one person whose life may be in danger. But be careful; this is a gamble and it could mean your own death in the process. Are you willing to chance a sacrifice for those who you love? Lisin: Jo Harvelle- HERO and Vigilante. You’re angry at your death by the hands of Lucifer and his dogs. In response, you can choose one person to aim your shotgun at. The tricky part is knowing who you’re shooting and whether it’s an ally or not. Egavasc: Elena/Katherine- Hero/Serial Killer. You are a good person, inherently trying to do the right thing, but there are others plans in store for you. There’s one female who is up to no good, who has a plan and has been lurking. You still have the remnants of Katherine possessing you and upon your death, she shall be released and you will become Katherine, the main villain and serial killer. You will be able to make your own separate kills as well. Stacey: Kevin Tran- Hero and Reader. You can send one name of a player to find out who they are. BizBuzz: Damon Salvatore- Hero. You can communicate with Bonnie’s player due to their connection with dying together. TMunz: Bonnie Bennett- Hero. You can communicate with Damon's player. dougal: John- Shady Mofo, but a hero. You’re not really trusted with any powers. The MIA CuriousParker: Cas- Confused Angel. You can use your powers to protect one player each night, if you so choose to. The Living: Athena RebelliousAngel SVNBob JayKay Ok, it's finally done! It's done! I'm done! So, here's one last twist: No Night Actions will be accepted. Instead, you will be allowed to lynch someone tonight. Why? Because I said so, and I REALLY want to move on to the next round so you guys don't have to be playing for another two months or however long this has been. There is one clue in the story as well, I think. I've had this open on my laptop for a week now, so I don't remember.
  8. I agree that there is something off with the chemistry on this show. I'm not really attached to any character, except for maybe Wes and Annalise. The one person I don't like is the neighbour, Rebecca. The only side they've shown of her is bitchy and distant. Whatever issues she has in her life that cause her to be this way, they better be explained soon because I'm tired of her character already and I definitely don't want Wes to get together with her. I also see chemistry between Connor and Michaela, but I'd also be fine with them just being friends. I do wish Connor was more of the fluid sexual type, where he'll sleep with anyone to get information, instead of being gay right off the bat. Yes, it's cliche for some guy to sleep with people for information, but it still could have been a lot of fun, especially if his reasoning is still 'well, I did sleep with them for info, but they're also hot so why not?'. Also, imagine him sleeping with Michaela just to get ahead with information and in Annalise's good graces. Also, there's a lot of inappropriate relationships on this show, aren't there? Annalise and her hottie boyfriend Nate, Frank and Laurel seeds being planted, the case this week with the cheating husband, Sam and his affairs with students, Bonnie and Wes. At this point, should I be surprised if Annalise tries to plant a kiss on Wes? I'm sure that whatever we're being shown in the flashforwards is not as simple as it looks. I don't think Rebecca will be the one to kill Sam, just like I don't think Sam killed Lila like they're implying. There are always twists and turns, especially for a Shonda Rhimes show, so there are many more questions that will need answers. I would be surprised if Rebecca is the murderer, and I would also be surprised if one of the mains did, in fact, kill Sam. But I like the flash forwards because it gives some details to what will happen by the mid season finale, it's a fun mystery for the audience to put together as well, and it's not like they shove these scenes in our faces every five minutes. They're used sparingly, which is what I like. I mean, I could make the guess that Sam was killed by a female, due to him probably being smashed in the head by that immunity idol and that could have killed him, but we also don't have enough information to determine if that's what really killed him. It's just a little fun thing that I think the show is giving us so we're not completely bored by the predictability of the COTW. I am curious to what's going to happen to the fifth student who's not present in the flash forwards, though. Asher (I think) seems to either be some sort of red herring for the audience, or he's going to also end up dead/missing. He's actually one I'm kind of intrigued about. Either he wasn't there for the murder and it's just that simple, or he did get involved before the other main four and he's in some trouble. In a way, because of the flash forwards, his character becomes 80% more interesting than without the flash forwards, just for the fate of his character alone. Steven Weber is brilliant and creepy; I know he'll never return, but it was great seeing him in yet another show in the past few months.
  9. Yeah, so I really dislike Kristina and Adam, like usual. This whole charter school business is even worse than what I pictured. So, basically Kristina can pull away Adam from his job, the one guaranteed to make a steady paycheck, all because Kristina needs to make people's lunches? Why didn't she leave and go get the lunches? Or better yet, have one of the teachers do it? Are there even any teachers at that school? Also, she's taking too much in for a first timer. Get the kids to make their own damn lunches at home! There's no reason as to why that should be an issue. I went to a public high school and I went to private school, and both of them required lunches to be brought in, although my high school did have a cafeteria but a not so great one so people brought lunches anyway. I cheered when the food vendor ripped up the contract right in front of her. Worst school ever. I'd never want to send my kid there. I get it, she 'cares' about the kids. But taking on too much at once will make it crash and burn, and I hope to god this series ends with Adam and Kristina losing their house because of them spending way more than they can afford. Their 'culinary' program sucks, it's a waste of money they can't afford and I hate how it'll probably turn out to be a success and they'll probably get an award of their school or whatever. Also, why not let Max have his photography class? I know he's the Specialist Snowflake or whatever, but if he likes photography, shouldn't he be able to pursue it? And I don't ever defend Max; I just feel like he should be allowed to pursue his interests, rather than have his parents dictate him. Again, which is weird because I think he should have more discipline, but I thought this choice from Adam and Kristina was weird and an odd time to say no. I laughed at Crosby insisting that he wouldn't cave, followed by Crosby caving to Zeek in two seconds. Pure humour right there. I get Sarah's reaction and completely understand. She was in shock, she doesn't want Amber to get herself involved in a situation like hers, and she just wants what's best. It's not that she doesn't care about Amber having a child, it's just that she knows how difficult it can be at such a young age with potentially no father in the picture. Zeek and Amber's scenes always make me smile because they're always so beautiful. Zeek is 100% tolerable when he's being a grandparent, especially with Amber. It just sucks knowing that he's probably going to die now. Poor Camille; she knew she was in a lose-lose situation with her husband and seeing as she's been with him for so many years, she knows when to back off, which sucks. I'm glad he agreed to do the surgery after all, though. I do love Julia and Joel, and I can see why they might have turned a blind eye toward Sydney's bratty behaviour. They want to blame it on their separation, but really it's because she's always been a brat. Julia is still a Braverman, at the end of the day, so she's bound to inherit some of those negative traits from her father. But the difference between her and her siblings is that it doesn't take her long to see the truth and she does seem to want to try and help her out. Also, I hope Joel is back to his normal self because last season was so out of character, I don't blame Julia for being angry with him. I'd love to pretend last season's storyline never happened, but alas I cannot. Hank does crack me up sometimes.
  10. So, the dreaded triangle rears its ugly head once more. I love Daniel Gillies, but I am really, really annoyed by Joel at the moment. Him, and to a lesser extent Charlie, keeps acting like a teenage boy fighting over some girl. It's starting to interfere in their work and that is the last thing that should be happening. Joel's reluctance to even include Charlie in the operation with the patients was highly unprofessional. It's two lives at stake and just because he has a problem with Charlie because of Alex, that should not be why two people should die. I know Joel has some guilt over what happened with Alex, but a lot of it feels driven by his love for Alex and that is annoying. This is why I hate love triangles; somebody gets screwed and in this case, it's Charlie (at least for me). That's not to say Charlie isn't also acting immature, but I find him getting the most screwed with this love triangle. I understand Alex's point of view and maybe not feeling the same for Charlie at the moment and with everything that's happened, of course she needs some space. But it disappoints me that she'll clearly get together with Joel because of the 'two truths and almost lie' scene. This is why season 1 was much better. The triangle wasn't as prominent and shoved in our faces, just slightly. So, I'm guessing this is the season where it goes downhill for me. Creepy dead psycho telling Charlie that Alex left something behind and she's not alright? Well, clearly. Maybe she left her love for Charlie behind. I can't stress this enough, but I feel like Charlie/Alex are endgame and this obstacle is only going to hurt Joel in the end too. I liked him when he was dating other women and was a friend to Alex. Maggie getting help from various people throughout the episode was nice. Zach, especially, was helpful. But then there's New Doctor Kantz, who was surprisingly helpful. Her character is still pretty meh for me at the moment, but I'm glad she helped. And I still feel bad for Gavin, who can't do anything right with Maggie. He's clearly still hurting and bitter over the breakup but I want to know how he feels about the miscarriage. We haven't gotten much on him yet. Dawn and Raycraft? I did not see that coming. Case of the week was interesting enough. I knew the girl and the guy were lovers, but the engagement part was surprising. I have a feeling I'm not going to like this season as much as the previous ones.
  11. I kind of understand why Mills acted the way that he did toward his cousin. Mills has always seen his dad in a very positive light, and with his mom (and dad) not telling him why they don't talk to his dad's family anymore, he was unaware of how bad the relationship really was. I think the initial anger toward his dad's family being probably racist is what makes Mills somewhat justifiable in his actions toward his cousin the second time around. I think it doesn't help that the cousin said that the grandfather basically gave Mills permission to see him, implying that he holds all the cards as to whether or not they see Mills. Of course, we don't know if the grandfather has tried to contact Mills and his mom, and we don't really know that side of the story, especially after his father's death (although I'll admit to have skipped a couple of episodes last season, near the start of this storyline so I could very well be missing some pieces). Right now, all Mills knows is that his father's family didn't approve of his black mom, they are (or were) probably racist, his mom was trying to protect him and his sister and with his cousin's cold behaviour in the first scene, followed by 'I talked to Leonard Mills. You can see him', I absolutely can see why Mills would give the cold shoulder back. It gives him some power that he hasn't had. He hadn't gotten to see his dad's side of the family because his parents didn't want him to. And with everything he found out about his father and Boden last season, I could imagine some pent up anger over lies. I'll bet once he hears that side of the story, he'll either grow even angrier or he'll calm down, depending on what the story is. I do like where Mills' story is going this season. Poor Peter; finally getting a storyline of his own, and it's racial issues within his family AND a possible medical condition. I feel bad for Severide, but I also liked what Lindsay said to him, about wanting to be his friend but knowing she can't be his girlfriend right now. It's not a 'no, I don't ever want to date you' but it's more like 'I can't date you right now but I will still be around for you'. I loved the hug she gave him at the end, too. It's weird because for a crossover couple, they work really well together and I've grown to actually like them. Also, better than Dawson/Casey because they're actually not too cliched. Speaking of, I liked Dawson in this episode, surprisingly. I liked the moment when she's in bed and actually starts crying about Shay. It is very realistic and I appreciated that moment. I don't know if I like Straight Shay, though. She looks way too much like Lauren German and I get the feeling like Dawson will stay as a paramedic and become her best friend, which, uh, no thank you. Oh, Molly's. Those storylines aren't too bad. I'm not sure if I'm loving the food truck idea, but maybe I will.
  12. Heh. Story. Right. I'm blaming school for all my delays. I might be able to get the story out today, but it may be tomorrow or Thursday. I'M SORRY. BLAME MY PROFESSORS.
  13. I actually did like the premiere episode. A bit boring at times, sure, but I think it has some plotlines being set up that will be infinitely more interesting than last season's. I was worried with Regina's plotline and her going back in time. I literally rolled my eyes when I heard her tell Sidney that she wanted to travel back. However, this new direction with wanting to find The Writer is so much more interesting, because it's a plot point many people have been wondering about since season 1, especially with August rolling into town and changing the book and people wondering if he was The Writer. Ok, clearly not, but we might get a cameo from Eion Bailey (if he so chooses to come back) and that's a plus. I liked season 1 August, hated season 2 August but I am more than happy to solve the mystery of the storybook. I really loved the Frozen storyline. I was really worried because, you know, it's a new Disney film, very popular and I just didn't think I wanted it. But with Scott Michael Foster (swoon worthy), Georgina Haig and Elizabeth Lail perfecting their characters thus far, I really could love this storyline the best. I loved Anna's quirkiness, Elsa's worry and Kristoff's humour. Also, Sven, especially when he was shaking his head at Kristoff. At least his CGI was better than the Snow Monster, though. I am very underwhelmed by the creature, to be honest. It was just ok but nothing great. I really appreciated Rumple being at Neal's grave. We finally get something with Rumple/Neal and him actually being honest and remorseful toward him. It literally takes his death for him to really start talking to him, which is sad. But this whole Sorcerer's Hat thing, I am curious to see what that's about and whose story it'll connect to. Probably Regina's. I'll admit to not being much of a fan of Captain Swan. I can see the appeal for others, but I just really don't care all that much. With that being said, their scene in the woods was cute enough and I am glad Emma's finding her own happiness, and Hook seems to be a good fit for her at the moment so whatever. I might fast forward through their scenes mostly because of the heavy handled dialogue, but overall they're just ok for me. I was really hoping Charming and Snow would come to their senses and rename the kid. I'm sorry, I like Neal, but their child should not be named Neal. Marion's an ok character. I don't particularly like her and don't like this storyline with her, to be honest. I think we do need a lot less Regina and her having the main/major subplots, though.
  14. Well, if anyone wants to make last minute switches, you have until tomorrow to do so. I could whip up a story in the next hour but I have a late shift soon so I'm thinking that I'll wait until tomorrow, just in case.
  15. I really liked this episode. Lots of Alex and Charlie, which is great. It reminds me of the season 1 flashbacks with these two in a relationship. "He's an addict." "Just like our current mayor." Hilarious. Also the 'strip poker' scene at the beginning with Shahir walking in was hilarious. Michael Shanks' body certainly does look amazing still. I was very happy they gave us that scene. I'm not sure I believe in the new OB-GYN yet. Dr. Katz is definitely different, that's for sure, but I'm not sure if I'm warming up to her. I knew Joel was going to lose his patient once he made the pact. The phone call to the mother just made it really clear. I liked the pregnant couple. Their story was pretty heartwrenching and poor Charlie, having to split his time from Alex, but he seemed to be happy to do it anyway. Of course, Joel kisses Alex like Sleeping Beauty. But I laughed at Alex kissing Charlie before waking up. I wonder if she'll remember anything from the ghost world, though. That confused look on her face at the end, though, worries me. I hope there's no memory loss of any kind.
  16. You see, this would actually be an interesting twist. Everyone expects it to be either Zeek or even Camille, but one of the kids would be really heart wrenching and dramatic. Like, who would see it coming? Imagine someone like Jabbar or even Drew dying either through a horrible accident, or they get really sick. It's something that does happen almost as often as people dying from old age. But I think the show is more likely to go with probably Camille or Zeek dying. It's probably going to be Camille, if they want the 'dramatic red herring' with Zeek. Have him act his usual 'I don't care', Camille dies of a heart attack herself or something and that snaps Zeek into taking better care of himself. I love Joel/Julia, it makes me sad that they're not together but I think they will reunite in the finale. The show may do things as realistic as they can, but they are aware of how popular Joel/Julia is so I would imagine they would want them together, especially with a death looming this season. This Snowflake Academy plotline is just hilariously sad at this point. But hey, Max isn't on board! Seriously though, Kristina has no experience in the education system. It's like my mother, who had been a kindergarten teacher for a few years, start her own law firm because she likes to be right. It makes zero sense. Hank/Sarah? Urg. I like Hank and I like Sarah when she's being a mother. But them together is really painful because I just don't care. Sorry. All in all, I guess this could be a good final season? I wish there was no Snowflake Academy and less Sarah, though, because that would be great.
  17. It seems that now that he doesn't have Garrett to latch on to, he's latching onto Skye, who he's formed a personal connection with anyway. It's really sad because Grant Ward seems like a guy who's actually very dependant and can't make decisions on his own, at least not without orders. I'm sure he has feelings for Skye, but how much of that is just because he doesn't have his mentor around anymore? He'll help, but only Skye. He'll help because he wants to feel useful, he doesn't want to be trapped and he may realize to an extent of what damage he's caused. But he's also very delusional because he thinks Skye would want to talk to him, that he could convince her that his actions were because of his childhood. His actions may have started out to be manipulated by Garrett, but that can't be an excuse for all of this fifteen years with the guy. There's a point where he has to be held responsible for what he's done, no matter what. Can he be redeemed? Sure, I'm fine with that. But if that redemption leads to Skye/Ward getting together, then I don't want it. Let the redemption come slowly and be solely for himself. That's about all I can ask for.
  18. What's worse about Ward's redemption is that they want the audience to go 'aww, poor Ward, trying to make up for his mistakes'. But then we see FITZ HAVING A MENTAL BREAKDOWN. We all know why Fitz is the way he is right now and it's because of the man they're clearly trying to redeem. They even said in an interview today that the producers want the audience to have 'mixed emotions' with Ward and they want some sympathy with him. Right, good job right there, with Fitz's current mental state being quite less than ideal. Ward gets a redemption arc and Fitz gets to hallucinate his best friend while he deteriorates. It actually makes it worse for Ward to not only get a positive redemption arc, but the strong possibility of Ward/Skye happening. I can't see it happening this season at all. I don't even see them happening period. Skye would never get with someone like Ward, not now, not after what he's done. I don't mind crazy Ward and him believing that he's progressing with Skye. But I want Skye to remain very cold and detached from him. And now that we know for sure that Ward knows about Skye's father and hasn't told her anything yet, that makes it all the more worse for these two to become a couple.
  19. Day Six: Treasure Things were deadly silent for the longest time. Nobody said a word as they stared down at Dean's unconscious body, waiting for him to wake up. John hoped that his eyes would be their normal colour again. It had been so long since he last saw them and he wanted his son back so they could be reunited. Losing Sam was hard enough, but losing Dean would be harder. He had always been closer to Dean than he had been to Sam and he had done everything for the boy, both of them actually. It was why he had been trapped for so long, dead and gone for too long. Now that he had a second chance, he didn't want to screw it up. He sighed as he stood over him, not making eye contact with any of the others in the room. This was his moment to think, to clear his head and hope for the best. Finally, he felt like he could let out a breath as Dean's eyes opened slowly. He could see the confusion in his eyes and he just offered a half smile. "Welcome back, Dean," he said. To be honest, he was unsure if he would remember what he had done as a demon. It was a tough call, one that he didn't want to make in terms of telling him of his destruction. Dean frowned a bit as he sat up, eyes traveling across the room at Cas, Bobby and Ellen. "What the- am I dead?" he asked gruffly. John shook his head as Ellen offered a sad smile. "Luckily, no. You're still very much alive, as we all are," she answered. Dean seemed to look around once more, starting to rise to his feet but Bobby sat him back down. "Easy there, kid. You need to take a rest," he said. Dean frowned. "What happened? Where's Sam?" he asked, the two questions John didn't want to hear, nor answer. He pursed his lips, his gaze cool as he focused on the man now staring at him. "Dad, what the hell's going on?" he demanded when the room stayed silent. Of course, John thought as he took a seat beside Dean. Of course he was the one to explain things. "Sam's dead," he started off. .-. Things had heated up considerably after the revelation. It took about an hour to calm Dean down, and that was only due to Cas knocking him out for a couple of hours. John remained by his side on one of the beds. With the demons and Lucifer long gone, John's only focus was on Dean. He knew he was very much upset about Sam, as was he, but this time nothing could be done about it. Ellen and Bobby stood in the corner; Cas had gone out to get some food for all of them, so they were lucky. John was worried about any of the demons coming back to finish the job; none of them were ready for any more fighting, to be honest. They were all mentally drained and they needed at least a week before they could go fighting again. Bobby took a seat next to John as Ellen fretted across the room. He grimaced, looking down at his surrogate son before back at John. "This has sure been a hell crazy week. Resurrections and deaths galore. It's like we're in some Days of our Lives shit," he muttered. John barely acknowledged the comment, his thoughts clearly elsewhere. Bobby sighed as he placed a hand on John's shoulder. The elder recoiled, his dark eyes furrowing at Bobby. "We all need some sleep, John. You need some sleep," he said. John shook his head, his eyes meeting his for a brief second before back at Dean. "I'm not tired. Even if I was, I'm not resting until--" he started before Bobby interrupted. "Until you kill Lucifer for good and Dean's alright, right? Well bucko, that aint going to happen tonight, or even tomorrow. We're no use sleep deprived so either you take some time to get some shut eye, like I know you haven't gotten since coming back, or I get Ellen here to knock you out for a few hours," Bobby threatened. With one look at the determined woman, John finally nodded as he stood up, walking to the other side of the room to the bed and laying on it. "Fine. But if anything happens, you wake me up," he said before shutting his eyes. Bobby sighed in relief as they both waited for the elder to fall asleep. It took some time but they heard the steady breathing at last. Ellen took a seat, her eyes tired and cool, but still soft. "You should get some rest too, Bobby. I'll take watch on Dean for a bit. I can't sleep anyway; too many nightmares," she said. Bobby looked ready to protest but even he could admit he hadn't gotten much sleep either. So, he nodded as he took a spot on the floor and shut his eyes. .-. Convenience Store Cas liked going to the convenience store; it reminded him of his job not so long ago stocking shelves and filling up slurpee machines. To be honest, it was comforting to go and relive the human memories he had actually grown fond of. He got quite a bit of food for the five of them, even Dean's pie. He knew none of them had really been eating so he figured this would be a good time to start getting the energy back up. He knew they would need it when facing Lucifer. He hated the guy with all of his heart. He had ruined his life, and the Winchesters'. So many were dead because of him and he would like nothing more than to get his hands on the bastard. He grimaced as he paid for the food and left. The wind was chilly outside but he didn't mind. His trenchcoat tails trailed behind him as he walked toward the car that they had. He could just use his powers to go, but he was liking the thrill of driving. He wasn't very good, but it was fun. He set the food in the car before his ears perked up. Something was around him. He quickly reached into his trenchcoat, pulling out the angel blade before slicing behind him, hearing the strangled cry of a demon. He could hear another coming and he quickly spun, stabbing that one too and watching it fall. He continued this with demon after demon. Getting punch, doing the punching, getting sliced, killing others. He finally let out a loud sigh as he looked at the bodies around him. Satisfied, he turned back to the car, only to be met with two cold, dark eyes. The Deceased: MarkHB: Sam Winchester- HERO. You are looking for Dean; you can send in a name of a player each night and you will only be told if the player is or is not Dean. Once found, you must make the decision on whether to spare his life or to kill him for the greater good. The Crazed Spruce: Klaus Mikaelson- VILLAIN. Unfortunately for you, you're mostly just passing by in town so you don't have any concrete powers, but you are able to communicate with your fellow villains. TJTrack99: Jeremy- HERO and Ghost Whisperer. You can communicate with the officially dead players to ask them one question, and one question only, but this only lasts when you’re alive. Photo fox: Stefan Salvatore- HERO and SACRIFICAL LAMB. You would do anything for your friends. You must use your power once to save one person whose life may be in danger. But be careful; this is a gamble and it could mean your own death in the process. Are you willing to chance a sacrifice for those who you love? Lisin: Jo Harvelle- HERO and Vigilante. You’re angry at your death by the hands of Lucifer and his dogs. In response, you can choose one person to aim your shotgun at. The tricky part is knowing who you’re shooting and whether it’s an ally or not. Egavasc: Elena/Katherine- Hero/Serial Killer. You are a good person, inherently trying to do the right thing, but there are others plans in store for you. There’s one female who is up to no good, who has a plan and has been lurking. You still have the remnants of Katherine possessing you and upon your death, she shall be released and you will become Katherine, the main villain and serial killer. You will be able to make your own separate kills as well. Stacey: Kevin Tran- Hero and Reader. You can send one name of a player to find out who they are. BizBuzz: Damon Salvatore- Hero. You can communicate with Bonnie’s player due to their connection with dying together. TMunz: Bonnie Bennett- Hero. You can communicate with Damon's player. The MIA CuriousParker: Cas- Confused Angel. You can use your powers to protect one player each night, if you so choose to. The Living: Athena RebelliousAngel Dougal SVNBob JayKay So, I didn't have the heart to kill off Castiel, so I made him Missing in Action instead. But he is out of play so....possibility of being reunited with the gang if they all survive? Ok, so there is one clue in this story. C'mon people, let's make it count and PLEASE KILL THE VILLAIN SO WE CAN WRAP UP THIS STORY.
  20. So basically, they decide to kill off one of two female characters, where they could have killed off one of the bazillion male characters, or even just had someone severely injured but alive. Ok, thanks show, for letting me know to stop watching. I stopped the episode once the 'six weeks later' came on. I'm sure I didn't miss much.
  21. Simmons left Fitz? No, no way. Maybe she didn't leave by choice. Maybe she got kidnapped by Hydra. Maybe...oh damnit. I like how they're not shying away from a mentally broken Fitz, at least. His journey to get better this season will be great. And I wonder if we're going to continue seeing hallucination Simmons for a little while before real Simmons comes back. This Skye was all kinds of awesome, especially with crazy Ward. Look, it sucks that he feels bad, blahblahblah, but he did do some shitty stuff so I hope the show doesn't go for Ward/Skye again. Skye/Tripp had more chemistry this episode than Ward/Skye ever has. I also like this softer side of May, but also one that hasn't lost the badassness. I'm ok with Lance Hunter so far. I'm guessing his character has a romantic affiliation with Lucy's character? Also, Mac is ok but still eh. I like Creel a lot. He's a creepy villain and one I hope sticks around for a bit. Talbot was used better too in this episode. Great start to the season. I like the darker undertones.
  22. Ah, right, story. I got some time tonight and I will get it out tonight for you guys, because like you, I want this story done ASAP so we can move on.
  23. So, great season premiere. I really liked seeing Alex's memory while dying. I liked how ambiguous it was until her mother called her name to the little girl, because up to that point, I thought it was Alex thinking about her future and I totally thought the father was meant to be either Joel or Charlie. I think they even came up with different names for the little girl to be called. It was also nice seeing Luke, having him there to 'help' her and then realizing she wasn't dead, so he let her go. There was also more Charlie, which is always welcoming. Sometimes, I feel like we get too little of him so seeing him on the other side, so to speak, was good to see. I actually forgot he told Dawn about him seeing ghosts until he mentioned it. So, Maggie and Gavin's break up was a bit surprising. Poor Gavin; he's just not good enough for Maggie, apparently. Not that I blame Maggie for breaking up with him. Clearly she is looking for more and with everything that's going on, maybe she realizes she just needs a break. I actually didn't like the couple back in season one, or Maggie for that matter, but they've grown on me. Everyone coming together with this was really great to see. Zach helping to distract Joel, especially, was a great and powerful scene. You can tell Joel is carrying a lot of guilt and he's not ready to face it. Which is understandable, seeing as he was supposed to be watching his sleep walking patient and now Alex's coma and his patient's death is haunting him. Actually, that last scene of Joel walking and his ghost patient following symbolizes that greatly. Even seeing Dawn lose her cool was fantastic, because it shows a different side to her, one that can make mistakes but can also own up to them. Really great first parter and I can't wait until Thursday for the second part.
  24. Argg, shiver me timbers and....all that good stuff...damn, missed Pirate Day. Story is being worked on very slowly but the mod had a very bad night shift in which she got progressively sicker and sicker so.... Flu demons, be gone! (ok, it's not the flu, but flu demons sound so cool)
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