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Lady Calypso

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Everything posted by Lady Calypso

  1. So, I'm going to hesitantly guess that nobody is going to die again this season? I liked the episode, for the most part. Scott/Kira are still super adorable and I'm glad we got some moments with them. That's what has been lacking this season. I liked Scott's dream/nightmares and I'm still trying to figure out exactly what it means in terms of his Alphaness. Malia, don't trust Peter...damnit, too late. And, of course, Peter keeps acting shady and provides zero answers for any of us, besides Desert Wolf, something I don't care about. But I did like the scene with Malia/Stiles at the end. We're finally getting some insight, and I felt there was a parallel with Peter being in his coma and Malia being in her werecoyote form. Poor Melissa; she just wasn't signing up for her son 'dying'. So...Lydia's grandmother is the Benefactor? Did I interpret that correctly? Clearly Lydia's grandma was a banshee and knew about werewolves, but...I'm kind of confused on that. This better be the start of answers with Lydia and banshees. Yeah, I got nothing else.
  2. Actually, I think this is exactly where they're going, just with a different, more subtle type of abuse. Hayley's using manipulation and emotional tactics to basically get what she wants. I could see her working her way up to physical abuse, but right now it's more mental/emotional. She hasn't appreciate Jesus' attempts, no matter how lame they've been, and she's using sex as an excuse for him to be the one to apologize and beg for forgiveness. Freaking hell, she even manipulated him into getting a tattoo, a process that will be more painful to get reversed! He's a stupid teenage boy, yes, acting on emotions and feelings and sex, but he's also young and can't see the signs of an abusive relationship yet, and this is exactly what Hayley is doing. You can already see him ditching school assignments, and I'll bet wrestling is the next thing to go. I do wonder if Hayley will hit him eventually, though, or if it'll stick to emotional abuse. Either way, I'm actually interested in this. It reminds me of the Dani storyline. I thought she was pointless too and just another piece of useless drama that we had to endure, but it actually started to go somewhere interesting. I love the Mariana storyline. When she's not doing her dance team storyline, I like her a lot better. I love her and Mat together. He is such an interesting character, and the best love interest to date (although that could change over time). I love how he wanted to bring them both to cultural roots; he really is a sweetheart and I love how he was sharing his own experiences to show her that he understands in a different way. Oh, that Stef subplot was glorious. It started off light hearted and comedic and then went into bittersweet, which I liked. I think it was important to show how Stef is dealing with the loss of the baby, and I understand why we can't get more of Lena's perspective right now. I like Wyatt, I really do, but I can understand now why him and Callie are better off as friends. I felt more of a friendship vibe this episode, so I hope they at least are friends after all is said and done. I understand Wyatt wanting to protect Callie, and I love how he told Brandon that Callie shouldn't see Liam, but she also shouldn't be the one to leave either. I also understand why Callie is upset with Wyatt. She does need to figure things out for herself and she also needs him to be there for her as a friend/boyfriend and not a protector. It sucks, but I would rather they break up and be friends. Brandon/Lou are not my cup of tea, personally. I'm not really growing to like Lou at all. Her character is just not doing anything for me so I couldn't care less if she stays next season or not. I think Brandon does need time to figure things out, and I suspect that he and Callie will be bonding over their traumas next episode. Aww, no Jude and minimal Lena again. I understand both not being around (Hayden being a kid still and Sherri obviously on maternity leave) but I still missed them. On the plus side, I liked Ana this episode. I think her development has been very interesting and I like the place where she's at right now. It seems Mariana does want to see her again, and I kind of expected her to. She was obviously close with Ana, unable to really break free and I can see why she wants to reach out once more. Jesus, on the other hand, is a tricky one to figure out in terms of Ana. I get the sense that he'd like to separate himself from her but is he willing to meet up with her, especially after what happened the last time?
  3. LOLOL, I just reread what I wrote @MarkHB. I know, I know! I was actually busy all day, and I have company over at the moment, so the story's a bit more delayed. I'll whip one up sometime later tonight, or tomorrow morning. Sorry guys! My mom just came back from Florida and I've had to do some things with her the past couple of days.
  4. Well, there IS a reason she says she wants to be like Britney in the Brigade.
  5. Ok, so I've been lucky to have not had the feeds on these two (much) when they're in the room together, but for the past...two, three weeks, they've been quite intimate with each other. There's been a lot of cuddling, hand holding and touching between the two of them. I know this is Cody's strategy, but he has been touching Christine a lot and she has basically been encouraging it. She's even talked about how 'Cody hasn't been touching her much' a few days ago to Victoria. It's gotten to the point where her husband has expressed his dislike over their PDA and how he's not going to let Cody touch his wife ever again, which is understandable. Cody shouldn't be provoking this behaviour, especially knowing that Tim is watching and that she's married, and she shouldn't be encouraging it either. They are both equally at fault and Christine's even noted that Tim may not be happy about it, yet she continues to cuddle with him regardless. Also, Tim has been getting a LOT of messages regarding these two, mostly talking about the two divorcing, and it's gotten to the point where he's come out and asked for no more hate and to leave him alone (they have not been stopping the rude comments). Oh my god, yes! I bet you this is what Zingbot will say to him, and I can't wait!!
  6. Ah, right, story, crap. Ok, I can't get it up tonight because I'm doing a few things, but I'll work on it tomorrow so keep drinking until then!
  7. Lucky you guys. I've got the Teen Choice Awards *barfs*. I used to like it when I was, like, fifteen. Granted I'm only twenty now but I've grown and learned from my mistakes. That 'reality' show is even more rigged than Big Brother is.
  8. I hope Zach isn't falling for Frankie's shit right now. I don't know if he is, seeing as he has been calling out Frankie but then Frankie is continuing to blame him for their fallout which is annoying. Like, you say you're taking responsibility but then you keep saying "But it's your fault. You've been pitting us all against one another." Like, no. Frankie was even talking about evicting Zach not even 24 hours ago. I need Zach to be playing him hardcore right now, but I think he's fallen right back into Frankie's trap.
  9. Oh, he absolutely is, there's no doubt. He practically confirmed it once he gave off the idea of Zach/Victoria and he said "Well, if they are up on the block together, we're going to have an interesting talk to see if Victoria is better for our numbers". So that basically says it all because if it's Zach/Vic, Zach is 100% going home, there's no doubt in my mind. So basically Donny/Zach's gone this week regardless. I really wanted Victoria to play and win POV, so we might actually have some drama and Christine's cards would be forced to be shown.
  10. Zach and Donny seem utterly defeated and both are pretty much ready to leave at this point. Honestly, I don't even blame them; Donny's treated like the bottom of the barrel and Zach is realizing how low he truly is on the totem pole. It also doesn't help that Derrick/Cody have been saying to each other if Zach's against Victoria, he'll probably go home. Great allies you have there, Zach! I just wish he knew what they were saying about him, although he does seem to realize this. Nicole/Vic are also realizing how outside they are too, but they still trust Derrick for some reason. I just feel bad for these four regardless because the other houseguests suck and these four (Nicole flip flops) are the only ones I can stand watching. I'd rather watch feeds of them being upset than Derrick/Cody's kitchen convos, or Frankie's bragging. I agree with Vic that he's changed since yesterday and he's so much worse than he had been before. Now all he talks about is himself, his followers, his sister and Youtube celebs that he knows. Like, shut up, nobody cares. Ultimately, I do want Donny to win, pull himself off, have it Vic/Zach and have Zach leave, just so it's confirmed how shitty his alliance is. I think he'd be happier in the jury house, even if it's just with Hayden and Jocasta. Actually, Donny too. Part of me wishes both of them could leave and be put out of their misery, but then we're stuck watching the rest of the houseguests and that'll be insufferable enough.
  11. I agree; Caleb's comment was hilarious, but it had to be asked, since he was lying about a lot of things. Plus with the way he flirts with all the guys, it's even more of a legitimate question. Oh, I just want to go up to Zach, shake him and tell him that nobody's going to actually vote for him to win. People are very petty and a lot of people will vote for purposes of money and now everyone has the thought planted in their head that Frankie's only there for fame and he doesn't need the money, so nobody's going to give him the money. Also, his game play hasn't been as great as he thinks so he now has maybe a 5% chance of winning at the end. I know Zach's upset that Frankie will win America's Favourite Player but honestly, I doubt that he will (unless Grodner rigs it). I think it'll be between Donny and Zach, since they seem to be the most popular, but I'm sure Frankie will be the third one, just because of his sister's fame. Frankie's unfortunately caught in an impossible-to-win situation and he should have prepared himself for all of this going in.
  12. From what I understand, Hayden and Nicole threw Frankie and Christine under the bus during Double Eviction, and then Frankie was caught in his lies; Zach found out about Frankie trying to get him out (although there's the omission that Derrick/Cody did everything they could to make sure Zach was voted out at the beginning of last week, and they helped to turn Frankie against Zach completely) as well as Frankie talking shit about Zach behind his back (this part is 100% true). Basically, Derrick/Cody are butthurt that Frankie's lies have been exposed and they were worried that they would be exposed too, so they are against him at the moment. That's not to say Frankie didn't do wrong because technically, most of this is the truth so Zach has every right to be as pissed as he is. The only thing that isn't is that Derrick/Cody were the masterminds behind Zach's almost eviction and they roped Frankie into agreeing, but it's still pretty much the truth. I just dislike that Zach says that he can only trust Derrick/Cody when he doesn't have an idea of how untrustworthy they are and how they'll definitely get him out if Donny wins veto. I could absolutely believe production rigged BOB to save Frankie. I don't know why, because it would have been entertaining as hell to watch Caleb legit sit down during the comp and have Frankie panicking/scrambling, but I can see them wanting to put a stop to that because of Frankie looking bad, which means the Ariana/Frankie fans won't be happy and they're afraid of the show's rep being tarnished or whatever. It's a stupid reason, but it's a plausible one. Meanwhile, the majority of fans hate Frankie anyway and want to see him get is comeuppance for all the lies that he told (as with Christine, who, in my opinion, is the biggest liar of them all so her staying HOH is just a lose-lose situation this week).
  13. He seems to go back and forth between defending her, and being absolutely upset at her. I don't blame him because he keeps getting hounded by stupid fans so his mind is probably going back and forth. I feel bad for the guy, personally. He's trying so hard to remain positive about his wife and Cody when really, he just wants to punch Cody in the face and give Christine a stern lecture to about intimacy and PDA. The rigging of the BOB comp is so blatantly obvious. Caleb should have kept his mouth shut, just threw the comp silently and that way, the show probably wouldn't have rigged it in Frankie's favour. I get they are just interested in the drama and ratings, but Frankie's not well liked. Nobody cares if he's related to a popstar; they just want him gone, and now Donny and Zach are screwed because of it. I need Victoria to win POV so she can take Donny off the block. Honestly, I won't care if Zach goes because maybe Hayden can give him a reality check about Derrick and Cody, the two people lying to him almost as much as Frankie has. Like, it pisses me off that they throw the blame on Frankie for wanting him gone last week. It's excellent strategy, but it still angers me because they've driven a major wedge between the two of them and Frankie even believes that he was the reason Zach was going to go home. I don't even like Frankie and I think he's being majorly played. But it is good for Derrick, because his game play is almost on point so I know I can't be too pissed off about that.
  14. I think Zach isn't faking it. He does seem genuinely upset at what he's been told about Frankie, hence his intense anger and bashing of him to others. He was crying in the rock room earlier today when he was by himself, and I think it's because of Frankie but who really knows. Nonetheless, he is definitely angry, but what I appreciate is that he isn't being fake to Frankie's face and he's letting him know that he's angry at him. Unlike most people he fakes with in the house (Victoria, Nicole, Caleb), he's showing all his cards, which is why I do feel like it's absolutely genuine. I just need Frankie to pull him aside when he's calm, tell him about Derrick and Cody's betrayal, find someone to back his story up somehow (possibly Caleb?) and have Zach take that information in on who he's trusting right now. I do think that once this is all over, Frankie and Zach will be close friends (I can tell by the way they've treated each other, backstabbing aside) but I think their relationship in the game is broken unless they find a way to fix it. But outside of this game, they will be absolutely fine, especially with their families stanning hard for the two of them.
  15. Night 3: Death Takes a Holiday Things were silent that afternoon as everyone sat in silence around the house. Elena was locked up in her room, not even letting Damon come to comfort her; Bonnie was sitting in the bedroom, staring out the window in silence as Ellen sat in the other bedroom, curled up on her bed. The rest of them were gathered in the living room, only making small talk to break the uncomfortable silence that kept appearing. "This sucks," Kevin murmured, bringing his knees up to his chest. "Four of us are dead, three of which happened this morning. We need to do something about it." John nodded in silence, his hand tracing the gun he had on his lap. Bobby just pursed his own lips, leaning forward slightly. "Well, what do you think we should do? Because I got nothing. Not a damned idea," he said. Cas stood by the door, seemingly in thought before he turned to the group. "There might be something. There is a spell that could detect evil in a room," he suggested. All eyes turned to the questionable angel. "Seriously?" Bobby muttered, almost unsurprised by the revelation. Of course there was. "A witch must perform the spell, but yes," he confirmed. "So, we just have to convince the witch upstairs to do it and we might get our man?" John asked. At Cas' nod, he muttered a few things under his breath. "Cool. Let's convince the grieving girlfriend. It should be simple enough. She'll want to help catch Jeremy's killer," Bobby said as he got up but a voice interrupted. "Give the girl a bit more time, Bobby." Ellen appeared, teary eyed but standing, looking at the group. "Whoever these guys are, they'll still be here when we cast the spell. They're clearly out to get us anyway." "But we can't waste ti-" John started before Ellen stepped forward, continuing to speak. "She is upset and needs just a little more time, alright? This isn't easy for any of us, and I would expect you, of all people, to understand that." John clenched his jaw but said nothing. Ellen nodded as she turned and walked toward the kitchen. "I'm going to make some tea. Once we sit and have some tea, we'll go talk to that poor girl upstairs." .-. Approaching Bonnie and asking for her help was easier than Bobby thought it would be. Although the girl was still devastated, she agreed quite quickly to performing the spell. He stood downstairs with Ellen, Bobby, Kevin, Cas and Bonnie. Damon was upstairs, still trying to coax Elena out of her room so the basement wasn't as crowded. Bonnie stood in the centre of the circle, candles all around her with the page with the spell on the ground. She was on her knees, listening to Cas explain the details of the spell. Bobby glanced at the young witch, who was reading over the spell. "You guys should wait outside. I...need some space to concentrate," Bonnie admitted, turning to the group. Bobby followed the others outside as the door closed behind Cas. "Do you think this will work?" Kevin asked. Bobby glanced at the young prophet before shrugging his shoulders. "It better," he murmured as they stood in silence, waiting for the inevitability of the situation at hand. If this spell worked, evil would be drawn to the basement. Either it was the evil that was killing them or it wasn't; either way, they'd be dead. A few minutes later, after listening to low chanting, Bonnie finally opened the door. "It's done," she told them before leaving the room, walking back up the stairs, walking past Damon and Elena. Elena frowned, glancing at Bonnie. "What's going on?" she asked. Ellen just smiled a bit as Damon peered into the room. "The witch was performing a spell," he noted. Elena frowned as she walked into the room. "What kind of spell?" She glanced around the room, seeing the candles all around. "To trap evil. Now we just need to figure out a way to lure them into the basement. Bonnie, is there a spell that can maybe draw evil here?" John asked. Elena turned toward the door. "And we're just going to put more people in danger because of it? No, I don't approve. So many things could go wrong! I am not losing another person," she said. Damon went to place a hand on her shoulder, but she backed away. "No, Damon, I'm not going to stay here, waiting for something to go wrong, as it always does!" Except that when Elena tried to leave, she found that she couldn't. She grimaced as she threw her hands at the invisible barrier as the group looked confused before it dawned on Damon. "Katherine. Damnit, you're back," he muttered. Elena's entire demeanour changed and she just smirked as she shifted on her feet. "Took you long enough, Damon. You're really not the smartest guy out there," she said. Bobby frowned, unsure of who Katherine was but they really didn't need answers because Damon had his hand on her neck. "What happened to Elena?" he demanded. Katherine just let out a laugh as her gaze bore deep into his skull. "She's not here anymore. It's not hard taking over her body anymore. In fact, it's quite fun," she said. Damon tossed Katherine to the side, his anger growing inside of him. “You’re dead,” he growled but Katherine suddenly had him pinned up against the wall, her fangs protruding. “You think you can without consequences?” she asked. Suddenly, she felt a sharp piercing in her back and she fell forward into Damon, who caught her. Ellen stood behind her, a stake in her hand as she pulled it out. “No, but you are going to die,” Ellen said lowly. Katherine gasped as she looked up at Damon, who took the stake and held it over her body. Katherine just smirked weakly. "Do it and see what happens," she whispered. Without another word, Damon plunged the stake into her chest. "Bitch, this is for lying about being in the tomb," he muttered. The Deceased: MarkHB: Sam Winchester- HERO. You are looking for Dean; you can send in a name of a player each night and you will only be told if the player is or is not Dean. Once found, you must make the decision on whether to spare his life or to kill him for the greater good. The Crazed Spruce: Klaus Mikaelson- VILLAIN. Unfortunately for you, you're mostly just passing by in town so you don't have any concrete powers, but you are able to communicate with your fellow villains. TJTrack99: Jeremy- HERO and Ghost Whisperer. You can communicate with the officially dead players to ask them one question, and one question only, but this only lasts when you’re alive. Photo fox: Stefan Salvatore- HERO and SACRIFICAL LAMB. You would do anything for your friends. You must use your power once to save one person whose life may be in danger. But be careful; this is a gamble and it could mean your own death in the process. Are you willing to chance a sacrifice for those who you love? Lisin: Jo Harvelle- HERO and Vigilante. You’re angry at your death by the hands of Lucifer and his dogs. In response, you can choose one person to aim your shotgun at. The tricky part is knowing who you’re shooting and whether it’s an ally or not. Egavasc: Elena/Katherine- Hero/Serial Killer. You are a good person, inherently trying to do the right thing, but there are others plans in store for you. There’s one female who is up to no good, who has a plan and has been lurking. You still have the remnants of Katherine possessing you and upon your death, she shall be released and you will become Katherine, the main villain and serial killer. You will be able to make your own separate kills as well. The Living: Athena stacey RebelliousAngel BizBuzz CuriousParker Dougal TMunz SVNBob JayKay Well, there you go. There's probably one clue in the story somewhere. I really wanted the story to be perfect, so there you go. Sorry it's up late. I'll give some time to get your night actions in.
  16. Well, I liked Sam more than I have...well, ever. I like when he's less of a jerk and more of an intuitive person, so his role with the suspect worked for me. McSwarek was marginally cute and of course just when I can tolerate them, more drama has to happen. I will laugh though if we come back from the break and Marlo goes 'oh, no, this isn't Sam's child. I had a one night stand after we broke up and it's his'. On another note, I do like Marlo and I liked her kind of working with Dov. I could see a friendship growing there. Nick and his new girl are cute together, but of course the new girl is probably involved with a gang or a grow op or has a severe criminal history or something. Which actually wouldn't be so bad. The twist with the children was surprising; I never saw it coming. And I'm happy the bomb exploding was barely a blip. I didn't really feel like 'OMG IS ANDY GONNA SURVIVE?!?! WILL SHE ACCEPT SAM'S OFFER?!?!' Dov/Chloe was cute but I'm super happy they're broken up, Traci/Steve and Traci/Bomb Guy are cool but I'm hoping Bomb Guy is gay or something so there doesn't have to be another love triangle, and Holly/Gail have broken up yet again (or they will) so...really, them getting back together seemed pointless.
  17. Yep, it seems that Zach is now staying. Less than 20 hours before he was supposed to be evicted. I'm happy, and I MAY throw Caleb a bone here for being the one to plant the idea in Derrick's head. So...one time only, but Caleb, you're the man! I will give Derrick this; he has the power to sway people on a dime.
  18. Grr. The problem when I don't want to write, but I have to write. I'll get it up sometime tonight, I promise. It'll be really bad, but it'll be up.
  19. Zach can be a dick, but not to his own alliance members, so that's the main reason why I feel bad. The people he trusts are backstabbing him. It's a good thing Zach's a smart guy and is probably prepared, but that still doesn't mean he won't be hurt and lash out when he is evicted in a unanimous vote. I think Frankie is feeling bad about having to evict Zach because apparently, when he's been alone or talking with Derrick/Cody, he's shown to be looking very sad and deep in thought. They've told him so many lies about Zach that I can see why he might believe them and feel betrayed. I might feel angry about what Frankie's been saying behind Zach's back, but I think he's just really hurt, lashing out himself but in the end, he won't do any of the things he said he would when Zach leaves. He was staring at the memory wall sometime during the night alone, and it seemed like he was thinking about Zach leaving. I think he knows Zach should stay for his own game, but he really has no choice now. I'm really not a fan of Frankie and I get pissed off at him a lot, but there are moments where I do step back, look at how he might feel and put aside my own emotions to think 'oh hey, Frankie might be saying these things because of his own hurt and supposed betrayal'. Not that it excuses what he's said about Zach to others (especially his weight comments) but I don't doubt any more that their friendship is definitely going to be fine after they get out of the house. Zach, on the other hand, isn't going to be happy on Thursday, especially with that 8-0 vote that they're planning. It sucks that his supposed friends can't throw him some votes to prove their own loyalty. Like, Frankie and Cody could easily throw two votes so that they don't appear like dicks. Zach hasn't even done anything to betray their trust like this. Derrick and Cody couldn't care less about Christine anyway, and they know Zach is the type to act on emotions but he's still been loyal to them, so I don't understand why he's getting this treatment. He may be an asshole to others, but he's also less of an asshole than most people in the house. I don't think Zach's said really bad stuff about the houseguests, at least not like Christine, Derrick, Cody and Frankie have. Zach's also stated multiple times that he's a very sarcastic guy and most of the things he says shouldn't be taken seriously. Yeah, I've watched bits and pieces of the things they've been doing, but mostly it's the blatant lies they're throwing on Zach just in order to make sure he gets out. Then they pretend they're besties to his face and say 'oh, yeah, you're safe dude'. Like, it's game play and I get why they have to lie about that, but I don't understand why they're getting him out this early when Jocasta is a wildcard, probably won't vote for Derrick/Cody/Frankie/Christine, depending on who they're up against. Really, it's almost like Brittany/Amber again, except the ones who are trying to get Zach out are the ones who are supposed to be his best friends. So, I just am confused as to why Derrick and Cody are pushing for Zach to go home when they don't even know when jury starts, and they'll definitely get another chance to get him out.
  20. No, not even Zach's 'best friends', Frankie, Derrick and Cody. They're planning to absolutely blindside him, although I think Zach already has his suspicions and has said he wouldn't be surprised if people are lying to him, so at least he might be prepared for his eviction. I get that it's a game and lying and manipulating is a major part of it, but damn if Derrick, Cody and Frankie aren't being absolute dicks about it and making it too personal. Frankie continuously bashes Zach at every opportunity and is planning to yell at him on Thursday so Zach won't get a chance to, as well as saying that Zach owes him a vote if he's in jury and he deserves everything he gets. And Derrick and Cody just continue to pretend to be Zach's friend, with only Cody showing very little remorse of what they're going to be doing to him. And Derrick and Christine (and Cody) have been spreading outright lies about Zach, putting all the blame on him for everything, saying things that aren't true like turning Frankie against Zach, and saying that Zach just started the Detonators a couple of days ago. Sure, it's game play, but it's actually not very good game play at all. There's a certain line to lying that you can't cross and being an absolute dick about it, to me, is that line. And he's not even GONE from the house. Derrick's just lucky that these dumbasses don't have the balls to go and ask Zach about these lies. Caleb at least realizes that Zach would be a vote and doesn't necessarily want him to go. I think Victoria's expressed doubts too, as well as Hayden, although I think he might have been lying to Victoria on that. It is the stupidest move to get Zach out right now, in all honesty. He's a vote for them, he's loyal and he's the bigger target, although now it seems like his target would have gotten smaller in relation to Frankie and possibly Derrick and Christine. That phrase 'it's too soon' absolutely applies because although it will be entertaining for us, it's just a bad game move, especially when they don't know if jury starts this week or next and if it starts next week, Derrick, Cody and Frankie just lost a for-sure vote to Jocasta, who is a wild card. I know there are people who hate Zach and I get it, but I think they could even agree it's a bad game move for these houseguests, so you know what? I hope this does blow up in their faces.
  21. Don't worry Mark, no spoilers on my end. Although I am still angry, but I think the lot of you are safe for the night. I'll get the story up sometime today, whenever inspiration hits.
  22. Oh..I could see her lying that she is pregnant when Jesus tries to break up with her.
  23. I will give this show credit where it's due: the show turns cliches around so they have a nice, realistic twist to it. Callie telling Rita the truth about Tyvone/Dyvone/one time chick was different, even if it was because of a life and death situation. I loved seeing the Girls United again. I really, really love their plot and I really am sad that it may potentially be over. Maybe they'll find a way to get a new house. I felt sorry for Becca, who seemed to be doing good but could clearly see the signs of her mom heading down the wrong path again, which made her relapse. It's a real shame and I hope she does get better. I really enjoyed Kiara and Callie's talk. I think it was something that she needed and she's right. Sometimes, it's ok to go get help and with everything Callie's been through, maybe trying a therapist will do some good. Poor Cole, though; I really felt bad for him when new chick was using him for drugs and to get out of town. Seriously, what a bitch. I hope Cole is happy in his LGBT home. I'm still assuming he's going, of course. Lou and Brandon are interesting for now, but their relationship doesn't particularly interest me, especially if it turns out to be just for Callie to get jealous. The show does seem to add more layers than that, though, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it helps Brandon. As for the twins...well, I like Mat and Mariana's storyline a lot. I think he's a sweet guy and I'm glad he's around for Mariana. But damn, Hayley? She's psycho to the nth degree. I am pleased that they seem to be going an abusive route for Jesus, though. Not all abusive relationships are physical, nor are they solely for female victims, so having her being very emotionally manipulative actually gives me some hope for this storyline. It could be a nice parallel to Brandon and Dani's messed up short-term relationship, where Dani tried to manipulate Brandon and he was having none of it; compared to Jesus, who is falling for Hayley's traps. I just predict a lot of bad things for Jesus in the upcoming episodes. Although there's two left, I'm guessing it's going to carry over to the second half (actually, I hope it does because I think it needs to be a slow, drawn out landslide). But seriously, what is she going to do next? Make sure he chooses her over his own family? Is she going to make him quit wrestling? Make him stop taking his meds for whatever messed up reason she has? I'm wondering if Ana's reappearance might do Jesus some good, actually. Maybe he'll see the signs when with Ana again and get out of his new relationship before anything bad happens. I'm glad we got a Stef/Lena talk. It was a really sweet one and I think it was really helpful. I am wondering what Stef is thinking, though, with Ana. I think maybe she'll allow one supervised visit with the children, which I personally don't think is a good idea but I can see why she might want to. Good episode, even though there was no Jude. I do like some of the storylines that have been appearing. Even with Jesus' stupid girl storyline, if it's heading in the direction I think it is, it might not be so bad, as it will be teaching a lesson other than love triangles and stuff. I even liked the minimal Brandon and his scene with Stef. It was a really good episode for Callie too. But next week looks positively stupid, so I'm not looking forward to Wyatt and Callie most likely breaking up.
  24. This does make it more unfair than last season because at least last season, the four jurors had their own equal chances to come back. This time, it's almost guaranteed Zach will be re-entering the house. Unless he's up against Donny for some reason, then it might be tougher to determine. Again, though, not that I mind because I'll admit I have a major bias toward Zach so I do want him to come back into the house.
  25. I know there's a lot of speculation that because Zach's probably going this week, that they extended the finale to one week so Zach has the chance to come back into the house. Honestly, I could believe that. Many people I'm sure aren't happy with the rigging, but it's better than rigging it for Jordan/Rachel, Jeff and Frank. Ok, probably not that much better, but I personally like Zach and it would actually create some much needed drama with Zach being in knowledge of his alliance's betrayal and there's the slim chance he'd just come back to join Donny/Jocasta/Victoria/maybe Frankie as he's being blindsided too to get out Derrick/Cody/Christine/Nicole/Hayden. And I'm gonna guess it's gonna be 'America's' Vote, but not for Team America to decide.
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