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Lady Calypso

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Everything posted by Lady Calypso

  1. True. Frankie did this exact same thing with Zach as he's doing with Donny. If he wants to keep someone around, then he better speak the fuck up and not play it as him wanting them out. He could have done the Team America mission and used the excuse of wanting to keep Team America around. He thinks getting Zach and now Donny out is better for his game, but he's actually 100% wrong. I have no sympathy for someone who had the power to keep his allies and, instead, campaigned to get them out. It didn't work with Zach, whatever his plan had been for him since week 2, and it's not working with Donny. If that was his game play, then he's a worse BB player than I thought. He's literally getting rid of people who could have his back over Christine and Caleb, who have actively tried to get him out. Fine, Frankie, you're getting the TV coverage that you so clearly want over the money. It's just not good TV coverage. Not anymore, at least. Not since you exposed your secret.
  2. You know, Caleb has many faults, I can't deny that. His crazy stalker-ness with Amber is definitely horrible. But, he kind of is growing on me. He's entertaining, at the very least, with his sneaking around and random Donny guesses and this is the second time he's helped out someone who was sick without batting an eye. Better than Frankie, at least, who literally didn't care that Victoria was not feeling well. Also, Caleb does seem naturally stupid but he doesn't even realize it, which is hilarious. Sadly, now that Zach's gone, Caleb is our only hope left for a semi-entertaining season! C'mon Caleb, don't disappoint us!
  3. Ok, so I'm gonna lay out some life lessons, for y'all: never, ever live with four other roommates. Ever, when you're in university/college. It creates more drama than it's worth. To further this fact, never EVER EVER live with two people who have been dating because they will most likely break up and you will most likely get caught up in unnecessary drama. Seriously. Long story. But the short notes version? My female roommate is pissed because me and her now ex went out to the movies and he grabbed my hand and I told him afterward 'no don't do that I don't like you like that' and then I told her right after it happened. She's pissed at me because I didn't rip my hand away fast enough and...urg, it's just so stupid and unnecessary and I'm too old for this shit (and I'm only 20). This is why I've been happily single. I'm heading off to my campus library so I don't have to feel awkward in our apartment anymore, and I will have the story written there.
  4. I'm not really surprised, seeing as only four people seemed to actually care about Victoria's well being (Caleb unsurprisingly enough as he did help Jocasta when she was sick, Derrick, Nicole and Donny). Christine and Frankie's DRs indicated that they couldn't care less (and Christine was more concerned about comforting Derrick after taking Victoria to DR, as she was rubbing her hand on his back) about Victoria and who the hell knows what Cody is thinking. I only skimmed the episode online right now, but I love how Frankie's getting the worst edit ever. Production actually doesn't seem to care about him being a Grande because they've basically shown him to be a selfish little brat, with his unscripted DR when he was powdering his face, his DR about Victoria only being a vote and basically everything else. They're showing Derrick in a better light than Frankie and honestly? I love it. There's no way he's winning now, and hopefully he doesn't win Fan Favourite. Production seems to be on board with the majority of us for 'Who Gives a Damn about Ariana Grande's Brother' train. I think it's more because Nicole knew Derrick was just in the kitchen and she needed help in lifting her. I don't mind that Nicole froze a bit. It's been a few months since she's done any practising and like she said, it's different when it's somebody that you actually know that needs help. I'd probably freeze too. I barely skimmed the veto competition but I did laugh at Frankie getting out quite quickly. Like, idiot, don't be so cocky next time. That play was ridiculous. Donny and Derrick's impressions were great, but Derrick's gonna be after Frankie when they don't win the money. At this point, I don't mind if Derrick wins because he has been playing the best game. I wish it could be Donny or Nicole, but I don't think it will be.
  5. I definitely contributed to voting no. I honestly think they won win this mission, and hopefully Frankie realizes that it was a shitty move to not save Donny and they lost money because of it. Of course, he won't say that on the feeds and he'll just go 'oh, we weren't funny enough. But next time, guys'. I understand him wanting to live in denial, but I think the votes will make him think twice about America from now on. I want Donny to go, like I've said. There's no use in continuing to, as Frankie would probably put it, euthanize him and let the drip slowly make its way through Donny by torturing him longer. He's already lost so much and they're just going to vote him out next week. It sucks because I want Donny to make it, but I know he has no chance, as nobody will take him to the finals. Plus, Derrick and Frankie won't get to earn more Team America money (granted, I'm betting on TA ending once Donny goes, but I could be totally wrong).
  6. The Derrick/Victoria and the Christine/Cody situations are very similar, I find. The only difference that I find though, is that Derrick doesn't seem to like Victoria in the way that she likes him and he's really just doing this to further himself in the game. Still, it's gross and I put the blame on him for egging her on. Just like I put more blame on Christine in her situation with Cody than Cody himself. Christine seems to genuinely like Cody, though, and Cody seems to just be doing it as strategy. It's a shame, though. This season there have been very weak female players. Nicole's self esteem issues got the better of her at the beginning but she has been a better player after Hayden was evicted. Christine's been a bully, shit talking about people behind their backs and trying to be 'one of the guys' and her thing with Cody. Victoria is relatively weak as a player, although she has won some competitions but just has not made any moves by herself to further her own game. Amber was a really nice girl, but she got tangled in with Caleb unfortunately and she didn't play her own game until it was far too late. Brittany was doing ok at times, but then she would give up, push people away and then try to flirt with them. Brittany generally wasn't that great of a player. Joey tried but she was screwed the moment the Bomb Squad was formed and she tried to form her own all girl alliance. Paola was very weak as a player as well and contributed very little besides her fight with Zach after he was backdoored. Ultimately, the guys this season have been playing the better game; not all the guys, of course, because we have Cody who has talked a lot about making big moves but chickens out due to Derrick's hold on him, and we even have Zach who may be entertaining, but he wore his heart on his sleeve and he overplayed the villain role when it clearly does not fit his personality. Donny's been very sly and he could have a good game if it wasn't for Derrick's hold on everyone else in the house. Derrick has been playing the best game, but he knows it's a game too and doesn't get personal. He knows he will have to backstab people to get to the end and weirdly enough, he'll probably have the votes to win, no matter what kind of damage he does. He can sweet talk his way out of anything, I guess due to his experience as an undercover cop, and I'm oddly endeared by him, but also kind of annoyed by his game play. That's why his situation with Victoria isn't that upsetting to me, because he knows it's a game and I highly doubt anything will come of him and Victoria out of this, not that he'd ever want it to. Is that a good move to play with Victoria this way? No, absolutely not. But I do think he will take her to the end over all others. It's why Derrick should win at the end if he makes it to final 2, and why everyone should be getting him out, because they know they won't win against him. I just don't want an Andy/GM/Spencer repeat from last season, so I do want Derrick at the end, because nobody else has been playing a great game, except for MAYBE Frankie (but he's the last person I want to win) or MAYBE Caleb, because he's somehow went from target #1 to the safest in the house (besides Victoria).
  7. I haven't seen this positive reaction to any houseguest on the show. Granted, I started watching season 12, but I hear Jeff was received warmly by most fans? I don't personally like him after his homophobic comment but whatever. Zach seems to definitely be the biggest part of Big Brother this season and I'm now 90% certain he will win fan favourite (and I only say 90% because there's still that chance that Ariana fans will somehow sneak the win away). I'd love to see Zach again, even if it's not as a game player. I mean, imagine him doing what Rachel and Jeff are doing with Big Brother. I definitely think he will be asked to do something for CBS, or for a reality show like Survivor or The Amazing Race. Too bad his brother isn't a bit older, or else I'd guarantee Zach and Peyton would do The Amazing Race together. Maybe it'll be Zach and his mom? Regardless, Zach receiving nothing but positive comments from all the previous houseguests is nice to see. Even from Dr Will, who rarely comments on anything Big Brother and I'll bet last season, he was given a major pay check just to come to talk to the jury. I love seeing his high number of Twitter and Instagram followers. Both are over 100k, if I remember correctly. Isn't his Twitter over 200k by now? And he's only made three tweets before the house. I guess he'll quickly become Twitter-savvy after this is over. I'm happy for him; more to that, I'm thrilled that Frankie is going to get shit on when he sees how popular Zach is compared to him. He'll be slobbering all over Zach when that happens, and I think Jill Rance will be making sure Frankie's around her son for the right reasons. The producers must be kicking themselves with letting someone like Zach go. They saved Jeff and Rachel and even Frank when they were in danger, so I wonder how they feel now. Not that I didn't hate that Zach went, because he did have a shitty game overall. I just love the guy and I can see that most of his actions were played up for the cameras and for entertainment value, both which he delivered with pride. And now the feeds are boring, with a month left to go.
  8. Yeah, I don't want all of Donny's friends gone while he's miserable in the house. He has very little chance of making it to the finals anyway, and he'll definitely be targeted next week if he doesn't win HOH, so why keep delaying the inevitable? I love Donny, but literally, they got rid of all his friends, he could lose Nicole twice and they hate him in the house anyway. I bet Derrick/Frankie are only considering to keep him because of Team America and how it will end once Donny is evicted. I'd much rather Donny is sent to jury house with all of his friends and have Nicole slay them all in HOH and nominate Derrick/Cody with Christine as a replacement.
  9. Ah, yes! We shall party and drink until the sun comes up! So, I'm doing some packing and other last minute things but I am also partially writing the story. I will be getting it up before I leave tomorrow afternoon, though, because I'm not quite sure when I'll have the time to post the next story so....just be patient and it'll be up in the next 20 or so hours.
  10. I honestly stopped caring about watching the live feeds as soon as Zach left and it'll only grow once Donny and Nicole leave. This season is too boring; I'm all for playing your own game, doing what's best for you and not the audience, or at least I was until I saw how predictable this season was becoming starting with Devin's eviction, ironically. Unless Nicole wins HOH next week and sends Derrick or Cody packing, I'm not sure what can be done to save this season for me. The show is not promising the 'most twisted summer ever'. They haven't provided any twists, besides the Team America twist. Oh, and the 'Nobody Gives a Shit About Ariana Grande's Brother' twist. So really, Big Brother has lied about it being the most twisted summer ever and even though I usually hate production interference (I was super annoyed when it happened to Frank), but if that's what it takes to liven up the season, then I needed it, like, last week.
  11. Ah, sorry guys, things are getting busy for me right now. I'm moving back to university in a couple of days and then I'll pretty much be busy with a whole lot of stuff for a week or two. Just in warning, as the stories might not come up quickly (like they're coming quickly now, jessie). So yes, I will review the night actions now and I'll make sure I have them all and if I do, I'll get to work on the story.
  12. So, Peter's the Benefactor but he never knew he was the Benefactor. Well, at least the explanation was better than I thought it would be. And it makes sense for Meredith and Peter being connected through the post-Hale fire. But really show? You couldn't have at least tried to put a fake wig on Ian Bohen to pretend he still had season 1 hair? Sometimes, this show is good on small details, and then other times it seems like they just don't care. Peter wants to kill Scott. But obviously he wants Scott to kill someone and lose his true Alpha status first. Ok, then. That's dark. And it looks like Scott's not too far off from giving Peter what he wants. But Peter, really? Working with Kate to achieve this? I like Ian Bohen so that's why I'm tolerating Peter, but I'm not a big fan of Jill Wagner so Kate's presence annoys me. And that reminds me. This show does not do well on continuing storylines consecutively. Like, nobody cares that Kate's alive anymore, nor do they care that Derek's human. They won't address these two issues until it becomes a major issue, which annoys me. Malia/Stiles teaming up was good. I don't like the nature of their romantic relationship, but I don't mind them working together. It's more interesting this way too, and I am liking Malia a bit more, so that's good. Yay Kira's back! And yay the Benefactor storyline is done! And yay Chris was in the episode and being all badass! Guess who was also badass? Sheriff Stilinski giving no craps about Peter. Thank goodness! And poor Jordan. He's just let into the supernatural secret, knows that he's one himself and he's getting beat up. Maybe he should just ask Peter about what he is. He seems to know almost everything (besides his own mindset, apparently). Oh, and Lydia was amazing. I like her storyline this season. And I liked the little references to Alison this episode. Again, this show does good on small details sometimes. And then there's other times...
  13. Elissa Slater also did one (and she did it while in a yoga pose, feet up, which is impressive). And she nominated Alison Grodner, which is double the fun.
  14. Actually I think this was Hayden and he was talking about Amber, because I know Hayden did say this once. I know Zach has said he wanted to punch Victoria in the face, but I also know he apologized for that. He did also say that he would ruin her life, but nothing ever came out of that either. Not that anything he's said or done is excusable but I realize that this was all part of an act for the cameras, to get more camera time and to be entertaining. It's really sucky game play, of course, because he's really not that bad. I got the impression of Zach being a really good guy with all of his other actions when he's one on one with people. When he's in a group, he plays the villain role a lot but when he's alone with people, like Victoria for example, he's actually a sweet guy. I always felt his hatred toward people like Nicole and Victoria was forced in a way. He probably doesn't mind them as much as he makes it out to be. He may love like them a whole lot, but I don't get the sense that he legitimately hates them to the point of wanting to punch them in the face. Again, not to disregard things he's done and said, because he's made some piss poor choices with some of the females in the house.
  15. Oh man. I may be annoyed at Victoria lately, but I really do hope she's ok. Her health absolutely needs to come first and if they need to pull her from the game because of her tooth, or her head or whatever the reason is, then I hope she agrees to it. I have stopped watching the feeds since Cody won HOH, but I hear she's been in a lot of pain and her face has been swollen, so I think she actually needs to see a doctor. Why the DR hasn't let her and has only been given her pain killers is beyond me. I'm sure they have nurses on stand by to check on them once in a while, but I get the feeling like they do the minimal amount of check ups needed when people are sick. Honestly, it sounds like the people behind the DR can be kind of dicks when it comes to giving people the proper checks for their health. I remember when Zach was on slop week 2 and he was complaining to the DR about feeling sick and needing an IV because he was about to pass out, and DR told him that medics would be around if he did pass out so they just let him go. It's not like production is known for taking extra care of the health of the houseguests. I mean, it took them a few seasons to finally allow them food other than slop just to keep their energy going, and they don't seem to take great care of managing their medication. I'm honestly surprised there haven't been more incidents of people's health declining for whatever reason, if I have to be honest.
  16. Poor Tim. I actually appreciate him sharing his opinions on Twitter this much, because he doesn't have any obligations to. He could just support her, speak less, etc. But he knows that the hardcore fans who follow him for Christine will interpret the relationship no matter how quiet he stays and that could be bad for him, so for him admitting that his wife is making mistakes and he isn't happy about it, that's huge. He's sharing information with us that he doesn't have to and I feel bad that he's caught in this spot because of Christine. In other news, Cody is still apparently threatening violence on Donny, saying that he'll put him in a chokehold in jury. So, yeah, outstanding kid, right? Oh, and Christine/Cody? Just because there are no more buy backs, it doesn't mean that leaving mean goodbye messages is better for you. You do realize there's still jury votes you need to work toward, right?
  17. Apparently, Amber's going to be bringing him a new pink hat for him to the finale, and I'm sure many of his fans will provide him with pink hats to last him two lifetimes. Knowing that he's this popular not only with viewers, but also with past houseguests (as per their Twitter feeds) makes me confident that he's a great candidate for America's Favourite. I actually think it'll be between him and Donny, with Frankie as a distant third. Frankie may have the Ariana fans, but Zach and Donny have the Big Brother fans.
  18. Are you kidding me? Actually no, don't answer that. I already know the answer. And people think Zach is the monster and a vile human being. He's the only one to listen to Donny about his brother!
  19. From Jokers: Christine "I was like seriously Julie? I hate your guts." About Julie calling her out on the live show for throwing the BOB. #bb16 #bblf Girl, the one person you never, ever insult is Julie Chen. Seriously what a dumbass and a total bitch. I really think she doesn't realize people are watching her 24/7. I think Julie needs to rip into Christine again just for saying this. Like, is Julie wrong? No? Then shut up and sit your ass down, Christine. The final three is going to end up like last season, isn't it? I mean, if Derrick's in the finals (which he pretty much is at this point), then I guess it can't be so bad. But if the finals end with Caleb, Christine and Frankie, I'm calling them the worst final 3 since GinaMarie, Andy and Spencer.
  20. If Donny or Nicole don't win, I honestly think I'm out this season.
  21. Cody: I'm gonna call Nicole out and Donny out. Oh, Cody is the biggest comedian in this house. Oh sorry, by comedian, I mean clown.
  22. Actually, it's just Frankie's Instagram, which is partly sad, partly funny because..well, he doesn't have 1.5 million followers anymore!
  23. I was legit almost pissing my pants when Julie said Jocasta was in the lead. I was like 'NO SHE'S NOT GONNA DO ANYTHING!'. I wanted Hayden the most, especially after Zach said he would throw the HOH. Dude, no. But at least Nicole's in the house. Now, Nicole or Donny NEED to win HOH or else things are going to go exactly the same as they have the last nine weeks.
  24. But guys, how nice would it be if only the four jurors were competing for HOH? Huh? HUH? Hope.
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