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Lady Calypso

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Everything posted by Lady Calypso

  1. I really liked this episode. First off, Josh and Aiden? Squee. Cutest romance I've seen on this show, and on TVD. Now, if anything bad happens to either one of them, I will be furious. I still expect Aiden to die and have Josh's little heart break. I wish we could see more Josh as a vampire, though. For a supernatural, we don't see him use his abilities much. I don't mind seeing more of his human side, but I'd love to see him just zipping around with his vamp speed. I knew Davina was gonna ditch Josh, though, when she invited Aiden over. I love their friendship, but I feel bad for Josh. He's being pushed to the side for Kol. Well, kind of. I think Davina was more thinking about Klaus, but this Kol/Davina romance? I'm still not loving it. But yay for Davina getting the one up on Klaus again. Too bad he can't just stay gone. Of course Cami's gonna get Rebekah in her body. I don't think Leah Pipes is great enough to embody Rebekah, though. Leah's not the worst actress, but she's not Claire Holt good. I'd rather Esther accidentally jump into Cami's body. I think Cami being Esther would still suck, but be better than Rebekah. But I guess if Marcel/Rebekah is still a thing, and Marcel/Cami is too.... I love this Elijah storyline. I think it's very intriguing and I've always wanted to see Elijah unhinged. I know this could partially be because of Daniel having to film Saving Hope at the same time as this show, but it's still a very welcoming storyline. I loved his reunion with Rebekah and Hope. The three did look like a happy little family. I love how Rebekah noticed something was wrong and snapped his neck the moment she knew what. Yay for Finn's actor becoming a series regular. That means Finn's staying for some unknown reason at the moment. Now, I have to wonder about Kol/Daniel Sharman and if he's gonna jump back into his original body (assuming Esther has been keeping it for *enter reason here*.) So, the werewolf storyline? Gotta admit, I skipped the wolf meeting scenes entirely. I figured they would become engaged because of Elijah ignoring Hayley and Hayley wanting to help the pack. If the ceremony actually works? That remains to be seen. I do like how Klaus went 'screw that' and went right for Plan F (put Finn in the coffin...AGAIN) once he realized Elijah wasn't doing well. Finn's pleas not to go in were actually not great to hear. Dude's been stuck in a box for 900 years and now he has to go back in, but alive this time. Also, Finn telling Klaus about Dahlia? Perfect. I'm just waiting for Freya to make her appearance (if she hasn't already...).
  2. Well, because I like the drama, and there are excellent points made on both ends... 4 to David Lynch The Crazed Spruce (SVNBob, Dougal, Tabbyclaw, jessied112); 5 to shout obscenities into the trunk of his car. If we do get Laurel, I'll be more than happy; I'd love to watch her die in a fiery death of paperwork, cars and arrows being shot by the undead Sara, AKA, THE REAL BLACK CANARY.
  3. Happy birthday stacey! Have lots of fun!!!!! Yeah, I've been reading the story over and over but I haven't found a single thing that sticks out to me.
  4. I actually don't mind the fact that Barry is making a bunch of mistakes. Just because he has super powers, doesn't mean he's going to automatically know what to do with them. He's shown to not be a fighter in any way, so for him to actually be losing fights is realistic. Same with Barry continuing to lie to Iris and revealing his identity to his childhood nemesis. Those are big mistakes on his part, but it makes sense. Barry thinks he's protecting Iris by lying to her (which is not working) and also getting a one up on his bully by showing him how much better he is now than him (which will come to bite him in the ass). Two normal reactions by someone still learning the ropes of the supernatural world. I'd hate if Barry could win every fight and protect his identity and know when to actually reveal his identity to someone. Barry's been getting better and he has his team to help him win these fights, but he's certainly not doing it on his own, which is nice.
  5. It wasn't the worst episode I've seen of this show. But it may be one of the most frustrating. Listen, Oliver's an ass. I know this fact about him and am aware of his douchebaggery whenever something doesn't go his way. The therapist is right; he does need therapy, and maybe more than just talking to Diggle. Diggle's a great start, but he needs someone unbiased. Diggle can only do so much with Oliver AND Felicity before he has to start choosing sides. Him telling Felicity to 'do what she wants' in a snide way and acting like an asshole wasn't right. Of course Felicity would go to the dinner. Of course, after hearing that Oliver 'needs' to be alone for the third, fourth or even tenth time, that she would go back to Ray and might possibly be curious about moving on. Ray certainly is like Oliver in many ways and it's probably crossed Felicity's mind. Ray has no baggage to what she knows about him, so why not? She definitely got into the kiss the moment Ray kissed her. It's her compensating for Oliver, once again, being a stubborn asshole and not wanting to form anything with her. Of course she's going to react in a way that won't make Oliver happy, because he needs to man up and be with her. However, I can also see it from Oliver's point of view. He's doing what he thinks is best. He doesn't quite realize that not being with Felicity is actually worse. Felicity's already part of the team. She's already signed herself up for getting in trouble and getting into danger just because she's Team Arrow. She's already gotten herself kidnapped and almost killed for the team and that was way before they were together. I could see Oliver being worried about the emotional connection being formed and possibly being distracted by her safety, but he can move past that. He already has feelings for her, the emotional connection is already there. He's already distracted by the prospect that Felicity might actually be moving on with Ray. He's hitting things in anger and he's being an asshole right to Felicity's face now. And that's because he's losing his ability to hide his emotions. His walls are certainly cracking hard. He didn't even attempt a smile when Felicity asked if she could take the night off. He looked so angry and he didn't even try to hide it, which is not common with him. He wants her to be happy, but he also doesn't want her to be with anyone else so he's struggling with that. Diggle being on Oliver's side was nice and it kind of worked, although I do think him going to Felicity's office to tell her how distracted Oliver is was slightly out of line. He knows as well as anyone that Oliver's in the wrong and he needs to make the move, not Felicity. I do get Diggle was probably trying to explain Oliver's shitty actions while trying to maintain the peace between the two. He shouldn't have to, though, like Felicity was saying. Oliver's a big boy who needs to learn how to communicate. Carrie was actually very interesting. It's clear she hammed up her performance but I loved it. Awful writing aside, Amy G did a great job with what she had. I'm just impressed she could fight as well as she did. Ok, maybe not very well, but she managed to last a good chunk of time against Oliver. DJ Prick was, well, a prick. I love Austin Butler, but that hairstyle does not look good on him. Go back to the short hair, dude. You look infinitely better. Also, his kiss with Thea? Random. Unless he has some sort of plan with Thea, I found it too...weird. I love seeing Roy still affected by the cop killing. It'll take him a while to really get over it, and I appreciate that they haven't let it go. Also, when Oliver hit the things off the table at the end and Roy appeared from behind the mannequin? Hilarious.
  6. Honestly, I doubt that Ansel is really dead-dead. Klaus' bio dad is too good of a story point to just drop within two episodes and it would parallel how Mikael was brought in to TVD and died three episodes later, only to be brought back for this show. I think Esther will find a way to bring him back, or Ansel will find himself a new body somehow. If I'm wrong, then they have the balls to do something like this. That would mean Klaus kind of wins again, as Esther used Ansel to weaken Klaus, and I would rather see Klaus lose once. So, Finn gets captured because he's too far in crush mode with Cami to see an obvious trap. Not that Finn has always been the smartest guy, because technically he's much younger than the other Originals in a way, but still. Esther is also getting more villainous, and it's quite obvious. Aiden/Josh happen to be adorable and I wonder if anyone else really notices their budding romance. Kol/Davina is growing on me, but still, Kol crushing on a sixteen year old is a little more than creepy. It's never worked with me when this kind of stuff happens. I get they can't exactly crush on people their own age, but sixteen years old? Just because Kol's in a young adult's body, doesn't mean that should coincide with his feelings and emotions toward others. The family scenes are pretty great, though. I like Klaus best when he's actually caring about his siblings. Y'know, when he's not daggering them or biting them. Um...yeah, that's all I got on this episode. No opinion on Cami, Hayley or Jackson.
  7. Yeah, there's no way they can truly redeem Ward now. Not that they could before, but hopefully, we get confirmation that Ward did kill his family and then it might put some of the Ward fans in a less redemptive perspective. I like Ward and think he's a good villain for the team, but I don't trust him to be redeemed and back on Coulson's team. Once he injured Fitz to the point of brain damage, I don't see how he can be trusted ever again. He didn't even really apologize to anyone for his actions. And no, 'I love Skye' is not a good enough reason. Kyle MacLachlan is just amazing at Skye's dad. I liked him before, but this episode really solidified what a good villain/morally grey character he is. I liked his interaction with Coulson and I wonder how that'll progress. I figured Hunter/Bobbi would hook up eventually. They seem to have that kind of relationship, where it can be passionate and hot but it never truly goes deeper than what they want. I can see why their marriage would fail but why they're still attracted to each other. I doubt they will ever have a functioning romantic relationship, though. But hooking up once in a while? I'll bet that is their thing. Yay, Fitz is getting better! I'm glad he's slowly getting better! And as much as I do miss him with Simmons, his time away from her seems to be doing quite well. Simmons definitely seems different, and I'm not sure whether that's because of her experiences at Hydra or if she is brainwashed. Yay Peggy! And yay backstory on Whitehall! And oh, Skye's mother!
  8. What I like is that they've established Eddie as anything but that. Well, I guess it's more that they established that Eddie was not a jock in school until much later on. They didn't really even say what he did in high school in terms of sports. I like the twist that Eddie was bullied in school, much like Barry, Caitlin and Cisco. It goes to show that not even Eddie was that cool and he even could relate to Barry. I also love the line about him knowing that friends are hard to come by. It goes to show that Eddie probably wasn't even popular, or he was popular but extremely lonely. They could have made him out to be a jock with tons of friends and not being able to relate to Barry, but showing that they're alike not only established a friendship between them and helps make the bonding this episode make sense, but it also helps build the Iris/Barry relationship and why Iris may be attracted to Eddie and possibly Barry in the future. I'm really liking Eddie. Sure, he's the weaker link of the show, but he's definitely still interesting enough for me to want to stay on the show. Another thing I love about this show? Iris is not that typical damsel in distress. I remember the first episode of Arrow, with Laurel coming to save Tommy and Oliver from some punks in his club and I didn't buy it for one second. Iris, on the other hand, is intelligent enough to flirt with Tony long enough to pull the fire alarm. Not only that, but she delivers the final punch and it actually makes sense! Go Iris! They even establish that her dad taught her how to defend herself at a young age! Also, I love that she's now going to look into all the meta humans, not just The Flash (yay! The Streak is dead!). It actually makes this infinitely more interesting, and more dangerous for her. At least she won't be solely obsessed with The Flash, so it does make the story better. The Joe/Wells scenes were excellent. I love how Joe is genuinely curious about him, as he's probably protective about Barry (and has probably already done detailed background checks on Cisco/Caitlin) and Wells is still acting very sly and mysterious. Also, that ending? Poor Joe. That would freak anyone out, but I do think Joe will survive. It would be the worst thing if they killed Joe off at the end by Reverse Flash, or whoever the killer is. I think it's much more interesting if everyone stays alive. And this show really isn't disappointing me much yet, so I hope they don't get rid of Joe just for shock value. Barry's relationship with Cisco and Caitlin are really great. I love how Barry constantly thanks them for their help and that he NEVER thinks of just himself as the hero. He considers them to be a vital part of what he does, and that's amazing. That shoulder scene was hilarious. I understand why Barry revealed himself to Tony at the end. Now that he has him beat, he wants to show Tony how the bullied can overcome the bully and he wanted to get closure himself from his childhood nemesis. Tony's locked up anyway (for now) so he doesn't have the chance to tell anyone, so why not? Wouldn't that be funny if Tess, Wells' dead wife, was the Reverse Flash? It would be a twist, that's for sure! I'm not sure how it would work, and if people would be happy, but it would be potentially interesting. But I highly doubt it'll happen. It may not have been the most interesting episode, but it certainly furthered Barry/Eddie's friendship'ish, brought back together Iris/Barry and it had Wells/Joe! So, the episode still wins in my book. I'm not looking for the most accurate show in terms of science (not that I'd know what works and what doesn't). As long as it surprises me, turns the cliches on its head and keeps me entertained, then I'm happy!
  9. They shouldn't have focused so much on Adam and Kristina's family. For years, they have gotten the bulk of the major storylines. From Kristina's ever changing jobs to her cancer to Nora to Max's autism to Adam's companies to now this Snowflake Academy storyline, it feels like we get very little from the other families. Like Crosby, for example. His major storyline happened in season one, with discovering Jabbar. Maybe a couple of seasons ago when Jasmine moved her mom into their home. Besides that, Crosby and Jasmine's wedding took up one episode, the pregnancy about two in between seasons and he's only now starting to get a meatier storyline, which of course won't be done justice because it's the last season and they all have shortened contracts. Sarah gets her love life as a storyline throughout the seasons, but not much else. What about storylines surrounding her kids? More surrounding her and Seth maybe? Although maybe it's best they left that storyline alone, because it was good with the little attention it has had but it could have been worse. Then look at Julia's storylines and I'll admit she's had the second most good storylines. Well, of course they HAD to have a divorce/separating storyline on this show so naturally it HAD to be with Julia/Joel (because Adam and Kristina must win at everything! Sure. Kristina had cancer but she BEAT it. Sure she has an autistic son but he's AWESOME AND SO BRAVE. Sure she started up her own business/school, but KIDS! Sure she didn't make mayor but...BUT SHE'S A MOM!). The adoption storyline was great, it's definitely my favourite storyline of the series. So basically, too much focus one one household. They pretend that the storylines are divided equally but in hindsight, if you step back and look at the weight of each storyline, Adam/Kristina get the 'hardships' without the true hardships. Crosby gets the struggling with money storylines (I'm impressed by the consistency of Crosby/Jasmine not being rich), Sarah has the single mom with various boyfriends storyline, and even Julia gets the struggling adoption storyline and none of them have been easy. Also, Max. Actually, no, I don't blame Max. He doesn't know any better. It's his parents that are the problem. Sure, Max is a problem child but his parents don't teach him anything, they coddle him and they make him a special snowflake. No wonder he's a horrible child! They never discipline him! Except for maybe in the first two seasons.
  10. Yeah, I'm definitely not the Clock Queen. :( Again, apologies for my horrible updating skills these past couple of months. It turns out I just suck at getting things up. So....I guess my round is officially over. Maybe I'll let you know the brilliant idea to end the story concoted by our own SVNBob.
  11. Honestly, I would actually have loved that. I love Roy this season, a lot more than I have the first two seasons, and even this episode, I found him to be my overall favourite. This episode was bad all around, though. I did love the arrow boxing glove, and I liked Roy showing his guilt, but everyone else was just too OOC or just plain mean. I'll admit Laurel had her good moments. I get they're showing her on the long path to being as good as her sister (after all, it didn't take her overnight to become the Black Canary) but I'm not interested in her journey. Like, at all. I applaud them for making her to be severely incompetent, but that's about it. Oliver seems to turn into a dick mostly around Laurel. Eh, actually he's usually a dick, but it seems to worsen around Laurel. Diggle was OOC in telling Oliver to drop Roy (as if Diggle really cared about Sara?? At least on a deeper level than we've seen?). Not to mention Felicity not telling Roy about what happened with the cop and actually believing that Roy would do something like this? How has Felicity not constantly tested Roy since the Mirakuru incident, anyway? That's the oddest thing of all for me! I just....I can't even with this episode. It wasn't just boring, it was just bad. Everyone was awful, except for Roy. Ted was a little better, sure, but I'm not sure I should go back and actually watch his scenes not just with Laurel, but with The Arrow. Oh, and that reminds me of the priceless look on Oliver's face when Laurel told Ted that her and the Arrow used to date. It was pretty much a 'are you kidding me? Not even Roy has spilled a major hint about my secret identity like that! This is why I don't take you anywhere'. Sure, Laurel not being on Team Arrow right now is good, since Oliver's being a dick in trying to control her. But let's face it, Oliver's picked out some pretty good people to be on his team. Laurel's clearly not good enough to be considered. Yeah, that's all I can say about the episode.
  12. Well, I guess every single Mikaelson is going to be alive, including Henrik most likely. Ok, I'll roll with it, mostly because I love Mikaelson family drama and the more, the better...and the less romance that has to happen. Let's start with Klaus, Esther and Ansel. Damn, I knew Klaus' bio dad was somehow going to be turned up alive when Esther was describing her affair but them not showing it, and I had a feeling it was Ansel the moment we saw him. Nonetheless, I am actually very interested. I was at first peeved that someone else was resurrected, but it makes perfect sense and I'm interested to see how this changes Klaus. The producers weren't lying when they said Esther would be putting all her children through a turmoil of some sort. Elijah's in some sort of dream-coma, Klaus is being haunted by his bio dad, and Kol and Finn are witches now. Good thing Rebekah's far, far away at the moment with baby Hope. Now I'm hoping she doesn't return. At least not yet. Let her stay away from the crazy. Also, Freya being alive and Dahlia (Dhalia?) being the new Big Bad? Of course there always has to be a bigger bad, but I'll go with it. Bring on the crazy, powerful witch! Of course Finn has feelings for Cami, just like Kol has feelings for Davina. You know, I hope Finn is actually playing her and is perfectly aware that she is playing him. Because how glorious (and so Mikaelson of him) would it be if he uses Cami, catches her in an attempted play on him and has her be taught a lesson on trying to go up against a Mikaelson? She may be successful with Klaus, but I hope Finn teaches her that she's not powerful and immortal like she wants to be. Oh great, we have to sacrifice Oliver for Jackson. I had a glimmer of hope that Oliver standing up to the pack meant that he was the True Alpha, but I guess not. Sorry, but Oliver appeals to me way more than Jackson ever has. I liked Hayley this episode a lot. I do like her better when she is spending time with the other wolves, or with Klaus. She's much more tolerable and I'm happy they didn't make her take on all those wolves. All in all, I loved the episode. I'll resign myself to the fact that they're just gonna keep bringing Mikaelsons back. This is the season of the family, that's for sure. Now, if Henrik was magically Josh, then I'd laugh my ass off.
  13. So, I was going to write the story but it's been a busy weekend. Homework, birthday was yesterday (21 finally! If I lived in the States, I could finally drink legally!) so....damn, this has been a hard semester of university. Keep talking amongst yourselves. A story will be up within the year. (Joking..but probably not really)
  14. Amazing episode. I truly think the show does better when they are allowed to have light hearted moments. Also, Felicity Smoak and Mama Smoak. Lots and lots of Smoak. This is the only time I will ever condone smoaking. (Heh, I'm so clever). I really do love Oliver/Felicity moments. I've missed them a whole lot and I love when Oliver does slip up. That being said, there is something missing in their interactions now, but I can buy that it's because of what happened in the premiere episode and they're in an 'awkward' in between stage. But Oliver listening to Felicity, while still managing to make some of it about himself, actually worked well to help Oliver grow. He did seem concerned and I love how he was immediately concerned when Felicity didn't come back after an hour and immediately got Diggle to call in ARGUS. Also, Sara being in the lair and Oliver immediately being concerned was hilarious. It's almost like it was right out of a fan's head, or out of a fanfiction. "Who's she gonna tell, Oliver?". Seriously, I didn't know I wanted this moment to happen until it happened. Mama Smoak is simply amazing. She was a bit too quirky in her first scene, but I fell in love with her by the end. Lots of layers, lots of family drama and a lot of recollection. Please come back, Mama Smoak. And if you happen to hook up with Quentin, I won't complain. It'll just be funny if Laurel loses Oliver to another 'sister' again. Speaking of Laurel, I honestly find it better when she's, you know, not in any scenes. She takes me out of the show. Her 'black. Definitely black' bothered me because it's the show speaking directly to us and it's annoying. Also, Ted is the worst character I've seen on this show yet and his actor is so wooden, I get why he's paired with Katie Cassidy. Let them just only have scenes with each other. And one scene every fifth episode would be fine, if we have to have them. Ray's creepy as hell. I love Brandon Routh, but Ray's getting creepier. I like how he's there for Felicity and all, but dude, be less creepy. Also, the emotional moments must be saved up for Oliver. As long as Ray and Felicity just stay friends, then I'll be happy. The last scene must be a red herring of some sort. I found it weird that Roy was throwing the arrows, so I do think it's entirely possible that it's him flashing back to killing that cop. I'm pretty sure he had punched the guy a few times, right? I do love how they have been building up to this since episode 2, though. I thought it was weird that Roy was more subdued and mature and stuff. I just thought it was because of Thea or something, but it's nice to see that there is a reason for Roy's change. Thea's scenes with Oliver were decent enough. I like how Oliver finally met her halfway, even if he's not thrilled with the apartment being connected to Malcolm. I get why he's so concerned, but it is Thea's choice ultimately. The Felicity flashbacks were great; EBR looks great as a brunette/dark haired female. Even the cliche of her looking entirely different five years ago didn't bug me.
  15. Aww, you know me so well :) Totally in for a new game, btw. But a certain genius has given me a wonderful idea to end the story, so I'll get to work on it now.
  16. Ok, here's the spoiler to the results then: I'm kidding. Here's the real results. Ok, but now seriously.
  17. Honestly, I get that Annalise has to maintain a professionalism at work and she'll probably be a different person outside of it, but I am really getting annoyed at Annalise crying at pretty much everything outside of work. Viola Davis is doing a spectacular job, but watching her go from professional to a sappy mess is making my head spin, especially when she's around Wes. I hate the fact that she's so unprofessional around Wes half the time, like he has a hold over her. I do like that she stood up to his pretentious attitude, but I don't like how he has things over her. I'm not liking Wes much these days, though, because of his infatuation with Rebecca. I actually hate Rebecca, I think she's a bitch who doesn't really care about Wes, and she hasn't said one truly nice thing to him ever. Wes, you deserve better! I want to like you but not when you're with her. I think Asher's become my favourite character. I think it's because he's so on the outside, in the flash forwards and with the group presently. He also hasn't done anything super illegal and has been showing off his strengths. Him blackmailing Annalise was actually great. He protected his father, yet was still clearly disgusted by his actions. Asher sleeping with Bonnie certainly was surprising. I'm not sure I like it, but if it's because Bonnie was killing Sam that night and needed a quick alibi, then I'm all for it. This show is practically about cheese at this point, so let's go for it, show! I don't get Laurel/Frank, I really don't. Frank's creepy, we've gotten nothing on his life or anything besides that he likes to sleep with younger women (apparently, everyone likes to do that on this show, though) and Laurel already has a great guy. Sure, people can't help being attracted to other people, but still, Frank? I like Laurel to a degree, but not when she's with Frank.
  18. This episode was actually really good in terms of character progression. Maybe not so much in plot progression, but we got more on Kol, Elijah and even Cami/Mikael. The Elijah flashbacks with Tatia were actually well done. I always wondered about Tatia's role, since they made it out to be super important and then never explored it, so I always thought she had been killed for the spell. Well, apparently not and it makes actual sense as to why that Tatia was never explored. I enjoy the fact that they focused far less on the triangle, had Tatia choose Elijah right off the bat and went right into 'Elijah killed Tatia'. I do hope that this experience with Esther breaking him down changes Elijah somehow. I'd love to see a different side to him, perhaps one that may be more unhinged, less noble. I don't want him to become worse than Klaus, of course (he's already dangerous enough as it is with his calm demeanour when killing people and I like that about him) but I would like to see a change in him, to actually show some danger about Esther. The Kol/Finn snarking really is top notch. I'm finally liking Finn as a character and it's all thanks to Yusuf Gatewood. I like Marcel, even if he's being put to the backburner a little bit this season, and I'm surprisingly liking his scenes with Hayley. I like when this show mixes up 'partners', so to speak, and lets others interact with people they probably wouldn't usually interact with. Even if I'm not fond with Klaus, I do like how everyone teamed up to save him. I love how Mikael did, in fact, get the chance to kill Klaus and almost succeeded. Klaus, of course, is still a jerk for not caring about the whereabouts of his brother but I am curious to his reaction for next episode. I did like the Mikael/Klaus fight, and I like how Mikael told Cami that she was an enabler. In a way, she really is. It's almost like Elena with both brothers, who dismisses their bad actions and constantly tell them how good they are, how they do have hearts deep down and will choose the right thing always. Like, no. They're not victims here. They may start out as victims, but they have all made their own choices to get where they are. Elijah is no saint either, he's made awful decisions, and we're even learning that he's been hiding behind a red door, so to speak, from his bad actions. Klaus is definitely no exception either. Mikael may be a jackass and the worst father ever, but Klaus seems to take it from him. Davina's certainly different this season, more grown up. Obviously, given with everything that happened last season, and I love how she's still on the 'Kill Klaus' train. I mean, if Mikael could have only been patient and let her unlink Klaus from his sires, we could have a dead Klaus by now. As much as I like Joseph Morgan, Klaus has very little redeemable qualities at the moment. I see that she's still willing to work with Kol, but I do hope the two don't end up together. I'd like Kol to actually act his age, thank you very much.
  19. The @ mentions would be more helpful if they let people know when they're being mentioned. But it doesn't matter, because I'm subscribed to new posts here anyway. I'll probably be able to whip something up tomorrow. The candy is just too good to be torn away from. Or, if you want, I can just write in one sentence what the verdict is and who's dead next.
  20. I was really getting into Bonnie/Damon and loving the chemistry. So, of course, Damon has to be sent back. It's a shame, but at the same time, we got to see Damon care for someone other than Elena or Stefan. The pure panic and the shock on his face while reaching out to grab Bonnie before he escaped purgatory was pretty great. Too bad Bonnie has to make her millionth sacrifice to do it. What would have been a nice twist is if Damon had vamp sped, grabbed Bonnie and tossed HER into the circle to escape. Damon would have had some character growth there by doing the sacrificing. I did really love the last scene with Stefan and Damon, though. After everything they've been through, I'm glad it was Stefan who got to see his brother first, and in private nonetheless. It was a really sweet moment to see. Now, Ian Somerhalder was hamming up that scene for a bit but by the end, I'm glad he mellowed out and they both had a quiet moment to reflect on him being back. I really do love the Damon/Stefan relationship a whole lot. Stefan, other than that, was a selfish jerk the whole episode. I love Stefan, he's one of my favourites, but he was being so rude to Caroline. Dumping Ivy on her and trying to take off wasn't right. I understand that Stefan's used to starting over and having his brother truly dead was a new situation for him, but being that harsh to Caroline makes me root for her not to get together with him. Alaric, on the other hand, wasn't entirely right toward his attitude with Stefan. The two were never close to begin with, but still. Everyone is grieving in their own way (and can we have someone other than Jeremy grieve for poor Bonnie, please?) and they're all being jerks about it. Grief isn't pretty, though, and seeing Stefan react in a way that isn't heroic, helpful or even selfless was actually a side I love to see. It show us that not even Stefan is perfect. I'm also done with the prospect of Stefan/Caroline. Stefan's been treating her horribly, and Caroline's no saint either, but I'm really not interested in them anymore. Everything else that happened this episode was not interesting to me. Kai was a self righteous tool, Ivy was funny (albeit annoying to the nth degree), Tyler/Liv does not work for me at all and Alaric/Jo? I don't even know if that's her name, but I don't really care why she can't be compelled. Elena/new guy? Eh. I'm glad Nina can kiss someone other than Ian and Paul, but her love interest doesn't interest me in the slightest. He's going to die or become some sort of supernatural creature by the mid season finale, anyway.
  21. I'm glad that they're at least portraying Crosby's financial struggles as realistic. Ok, so Jasmine not knowing about the financial issues is kind of ridiculous, but they have always been tight when it comes to money, so it's not entirely unrealistic. Crosby having to say no to Disney World seemed to be very hard for him, but I know my parents have had to say no for quite a few things due to money issues, so at least that's realistic. And they found a compromise, and Jabbar was a cool kid with accepting it. Jabbar and Aida are the two best kids on this show. Crosby finally coming clean to Jasmine was nice, and I wonder if that's the end of Crosby's dangerous motorcycle rides or if it will reel its ugly head once the Luncheonette is sure to go under, and/or Zeek's health declines. Also, not surprised to note that Adam seems unaware of his little brother's spiral.. Jasmine knows, Zeek knows but that's about it. Now, Adam's financial situation is just awful all around. He doesn't seem to be worrying at all. He says that he's worried but we don't see any worrying on his end. He has Snowflake Academy, he apparently can 'get a job at the drop of a hat'. Speaking of, that conversation with Kristina, although it is probably true, is also very condescending. He thinks anything's possible as long as you just believe, and he thinks that he's better than Crosby and Amber. Honestly, Kristina saying that Adam won't quit the Luncheonette feels off because I could see Adam easily finding his next new hobby, much like his wife, and dropping the Luncheonette once it's made clear that they'll lose the business. Adam doesn't worry about money because he's never had to worry about money. Not when Kristina had Nora, not when Kristina was going through chemo, not when Haddie went to college, not when Max needed help with his Asperger's (although I see them lacking in that department), not when Kristina ran for mayor (besides two casual lines about money) and now not even with Snowflake Academy. So I'm not surprised that Adam gives the not-so-smart advice to Drew. I do like Drew. I don't like him with Natalie. Last season's romantic drama with him and Natalie was really bad. That being said, him standing up to Natalie was fantastic. I'm in a similar situation to Natalie, as I am financially comfortable, but I do understand why Drew needs to focus on his future now and not postpone it another year. Natalie doesn't seem to get that, and I don't know if she really will. I dislike her, nonetheless, and I want her and Drew broken up ASAP. Amber.... *sigh* I have no words for Amber, or Ruby, or anything to do with Hank or Sarah. I fast forwarded through the Ruby scenes, actually. Yeah, Dylan is clearly overcompensating for family with Max's. I honestly don't see Dylan as liking Max as much as she claims. She seems to love Nora, and she's grown attached to Kristina, but she seems bemused by Max but that's about it.
  22. Sudden death round!! All bets are off! The gloves are coming off! I don't know quite what that means yet, but...just get the lynches in ASAP.
  23. Day 53949674673454-54756562353634634: Happy Hallows Eve Eve Dean blinked as he looked at Lucifer, who seemed unamused or unaffected by the gunshot. His eyes looked around the room before he saw Ellen in a crumbled heap. "Goddamnit!" he roared as he spun toward Lucifer, who just grinned. "You didn't think I wouldn't deflect that bullet from me, right?" Lucifer asked. Dean growled as Bobby raised his gun, shooting Lucifer swiftly in the face. The devil stumbled backward before he laughed. "Right, like that was going to do anything," he said with a smirk. Bobby shrugged before glancing at Dean. "Not yet, anyway. It felt good to do," he muttered. Lucifer rolled his eyes as he flicked his hand, sending the two flying through the window. "See you later," he called out cheerfully. Dean stumbled to his feet, despite being in pain, and ran to the door. He found himself bouncing off the invisible barrier instead. "Son of a bitch!" he cried out angrily. He turned to Bobby, a frightening look in his eyes. "We're ending this. Tonight." The Deceased: MarkHB: Sam Winchester- HERO. You are looking for Dean; you can send in a name of a player each night and you will only be told if the player is or is not Dean. Once found, you must make the decision on whether to spare his life or to kill him for the greater good. The Crazed Spruce: Klaus Mikaelson- VILLAIN. Unfortunately for you, you're mostly just passing by in town so you don't have any concrete powers, but you are able to communicate with your fellow villains. TJTrack99: Jeremy- HERO and Ghost Whisperer. You can communicate with the officially dead players to ask them one question, and one question only, but this only lasts when you’re alive. Photo fox: Stefan Salvatore- HERO and SACRIFICAL LAMB. You would do anything for your friends. You must use your power once to save one person whose life may be in danger. But be careful; this is a gamble and it could mean your own death in the process. Are you willing to chance a sacrifice for those who you love? Lisin: Jo Harvelle- HERO and Vigilante. You’re angry at your death by the hands of Lucifer and his dogs. In response, you can choose one person to aim your shotgun at. The tricky part is knowing who you’re shooting and whether it’s an ally or not. Egavasc: Elena/Katherine- Hero/Serial Killer. You are a good person, inherently trying to do the right thing, but there are others plans in store for you. There’s one female who is up to no good, who has a plan and has been lurking. You still have the remnants of Katherine possessing you and upon your death, she shall be released and you will become Katherine, the main villain and serial killer. You will be able to make your own separate kills as well. Stacey: Kevin Tran- Hero and Reader. You can send one name of a player to find out who they are. BizBuzz: Damon Salvatore- Hero. You can communicate with Bonnie’s player due to their connection with dying together. TMunz: Bonnie Bennett- Hero. You can communicate with Damon's player. dougal: John- Shady Mofo, but a hero. You’re not really trusted with any powers. RebelliousAngel-Ellen Harvelle-Hero. You can use your protection powers once in the game to protect Jo, but you do not know who Jo is. The MIA CuriousParker: Cas- Confused Angel. You can use your powers to protect one player each night, if you so choose to. The Living: Athena SVNBob JayKay Ok, clearly I've just given up at this point. So, happy lynching? Sorry it's short, but this is sadly what you get now.
  24. I honestly think one of the reasons I like her is that even though she's a human, she's no damsel in distress. She doesn't get kidnapped every episode despite having no powers to protect herself, and that's a rarity in most TV shows, especially supernatural shows. She's also highly intelligent and she's not oblivious to things around her. She stands up for herself and doesn't accept everything that she's told. I don't know; the actress may not be a strong one (although I actually do like Leah Pipes), but the character is actually fairly well written. Well, at the very least I give them credit for trying.
  25. I think that there's a possibility of someone becoming humanized this season, either Elijah or Klaus himself. I wonder if Esther finds a way to take away their vampirism but maintaining their original bodies. Not that there's a whole lot to point to this, but with Esther wanting to put her children into human bodies (how the hell is she going to do that without killing them? i mean, Klaus has apparently done it many times like with Alaric on TVD but we haven't seen it much since...) and trying not to kill them this season for some...reason, with Mikael still wanting to get rid of Klaus (the abomination of the family, supposedly) and the vampires vs werewolves being emphasized much more prominently this season. Also, with Davina finding a way to separate Klaus from his lineage, I can't help but wonder if the season will end with Klaus or Elijah somehow human, or even just a 'regular vampire'.
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