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  1. I agree with all of this. They really are some lovely kids, with the exception of that simpering man-child Ethan and the manipulative, fake-pious Lydia. I especially like Amber and Isaac for their sweet, quiet, loving personalities. Cassia and Mercy are adorable and fun, too.
  2. She’s my daughter and she’s actually pretty fun to be around. 😜 Vance and James are lovely humans and are just as sincere and cool as they come across on TV.
  3. This is magical. Thank you.
  4. This made me snort. And what is up with the face of the one on the left? His features are all smushed together. 🤔
  5. I thought it was wild rice with sardines. 🤷‍♀️
  6. I do not understand the timeline of this show. They have the same exact clothes on in every single talking head. It makes no sense. Oh, and FUCK THESE MANIPULATIVE PARENTS. I literally want to smack that tiara and smug smile off Kim and Barry’s faces. Micah and Moriah are ten times the parents to those poor sweet children than those horrible asshole adults are. When she rammed that pie into the quiet boy’s face I recoiled. What in God’s name is wrong with that woman? I really think that Cairo, Ga. CPS should make a visit to that household.
  7. Yes, Olivia is certainly Kim’s Bitch Eating Crackers, isn’t she? Micah is just adorable to me, mainly because of his sweet personality. I just snorted.
  8. For someone who is raising 8 children, Kim has absolutely zero parenting instincts. Woman, you have 20+ years on these young adults, AND you have actually lived in the outside world, unlike them. Quit "allowing" them to come to you on "their" terms. YOU are the parent, and you are the one who should be unconditionally loving them. They are still CHILDREN. Don't just say you're there for them, be a parent and BE there for them. Text them every single day how you love them and want them back, whoever they might be as people. God, I just weep for those poor young adult children and want to fly to Buttcrack, GA and just love and support them. I can't imagine anything worse than my older teens not knowing without a doubt that my home is a safe place for them to land. Regarding LA, the look of disgust that crossed Olivia's face when Ethan said he wanted to be a third wheel on her vapid California binge-drinking girls trip with Liv told me absolutely everything I need to know about how she percieves him and her marriage. She can up and move to the west coast and leave poor Ethan to his sweet little house and his his newsboy hat, jazz piano, and junk cars. He would be much better off in the long run. This episode alone showed me very clearly that selfish, control-freak Kim is a 45 year old version of Olivia and dorky and emotionally-unavailable Barry is a 45 year old version of Ethan. Honestly, poor sweet Issac and the youngest blonde girl with the twee name are the only likable people in that entire house. Don't even get me started on Lydia. "Mummy, Papa, after I churn the butter and highlight my bible, can we maybe talk about whether or not I can have contact with the outside world?" Please. It's been what, a year that your family has been TLC famewhores? Drop the act. Oh, and Kim, quit profiting off the story of your dead son. "Girls, earlier you were asking about the baby I ran over and killed. Let's talk about it right this minute, even though all you want to be doing is giggling and eating cheetos." Mmmmmkay, Kim and TLC.
  9. Ahhhh yes! Thank you!
  10. So OTT. At every commercial break my husband and I are like, “Maybe Izzy started the fire.” “Maybe Bill started the fire.” “Maybe Linda started the fire.” “Oh! Maybe the manager at China Palace started the fire!” Out of all of the horrific mothering that has been portrayed on this show, Elena’s temper tantrum in cutting those pictures and leaving the remnants in the garbage can for Izzy to find was the most unforgivable to me. Exactly. Bebe was completely bullied by Mia into trying to get that baby back, and I’m certain she knows on her heart of hearts that Mai Ling is better off in the custody of the married rich couple with birth mother visitation. Nope, Bill said it himself—he was so pissed at her because now he has “lost the element of surprise.” He knew that Mia knew he knew, and likely had an eloquently prepares response. He’s a shit father and person, but a good enough lawyer to know that nothing good was going to come of him bringing it up, other than him looking like a dick to the judge. Brian had no interest in going the distance with Lexie. He clearly has as much disdain for her and her family as Mia does. He was fully willing to sacrifice his principles in pursuit of sex, and once he conquered that quest, she didn’t have much else of value to offer him and suddenly he was able to stand on those principles and walk away. He was a wretched human, too. Elena is the most unfit out of all of these mothers and I think “Put on the fucking Tartan Keds!” needs to be the title of a discussion thread about terrible parenting. Brian has been clued in all along, but he’s been blinded by the promise of that frigid bitch bootie. Exactly. WTF, Bill? Man up and be a parent to that poor child—she is a walking cry for help and clearly your bitch of a wife isn’t going to protect her. I completely hate him as a father.
  11. She is a wretched human. I’m watching BIP Season 3 right now where they supposedly “fell in love” and she has nothing but disdain for him. I assume she barely tolerated him for two years and then when they were forced to co-parent through Covid she couldn’t fake it any more. Those are 5 kids who are never going to have functional relationships as adults. What disgusting parental figures to model.
  12. What a weird and completely abrupt ending. I just can’t with the timeline in this show. Four episodes cover two weeks, then we jump ahead 6 months, cover another week, and then from 9 to 10 we jump 10 years? Gah.
  13. I felt like this was incredibly lazy writing. The time skip, which completely glossed over any bit of the fallout from the report, did nothing to advance the story—in fact it removed me from it. It was also ridiculous that they never followed up with the teacher friend storyline . If that is the case then her dramatic, busybody ass needs to stay in her lane even more than I previously thought. I wanted to slap her when she was so over the top in the kitchen with manchild Logan when she was on the phone with her other Karen friend.
  14. He likely has significant allergies, which cause contact dermatitis around his eyes and cheekbones. My son gets red, sore skin around his eyes when his ragweed allergies are particularly flaring.
  15. Same, same, and same. 😁
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