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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. I tune into the ridiculous Carnival Eats because it reminds me of the days of sunny carefree fun and crowds.....just last year. I sometimes wonder if we'll ever get back to those things again. And I also find myself wondering how many of those carnival food vendors are now out of business. Nice that Whit had ppl waiting on her during quarantine, because many didn't have that option. No grocery deliveries happened for a while where I live. But she's always got ppl willing to pull her over the finish line, as we've seen all too often. How often were those toilet paper deliveries anyway?
  2. Is that a sample of her contribution to their typical workout video....standing there barely moving? Crap, my senior exercise class could teach her a thing or two. Oops I forgot, "staying active is so easy" for her. OMG
  3. Soooooo funny watching her bee-bopping and scatting on and on as she tries so hard to set up the scenario for the breakup that already happened when the producers told her that Chase was quitting the show because he got his real GF preggers and they were gonna have to write him out of the script earlier than originally planned LOL. 🤣🤣🤣
  4. I'm in my mid 60's now and boy oh boy the horror & indescribable embarrassment & humiliation that I'm sure many my age will never forget either LOL. Those cups were around briefly in the late 70's I'm guessing? Ugh. Cm'on man, Whitney shilling for stuff like this is as believable as her shilling for alfalfa sprouts.
  5. This has always infuriated me! Her parents aren't that much older than I am and she treats them like they're 100. Her dad apparently works full time running a business, and must do quite well judging by his beautiful home and the fact that his wife never had to work (I assume?). And let's face it, he's basically supporting both his layabout children to at least some degree. Whatever it is that Whitney did as a living....dance class, exercise videos, shilling sex toys, clothing, it still required Dadwe to co-sign for the Greensboro house. So much for financial or any other kind of independence LOL. And she didn't take Babs back to Charlotte with her for her safety. She would have been far safer at home in Greensboro. Judging by her pissy demeanor in last week's episode, Whit probably had recently found out that Chase "moved on" LOL and the script was going to have to be rewritten, so I think she very selfishly wanted her mommy with her so she could comfort her and care for her. Let's see, if you were Babs, where would you rather be, at your spacious home with beautiful gardens and plenty of room to walk, where you could sit in the patio with your hubby, barbequing, sleeping in your own comfy bed? OR sitting in a cramped apartment with a giant blathering braying crying baby? And I'll bet it was Babs doing the cooking and the housework. How dare she separate her parents for a period of time like that? Oh well, this is the daughter they raised so they're stuck with her!!
  6. Whit certainly knew about the baby by this time, wish there was a camera on her when she got the news LOL. All scripted but then Chase the Actor got a little "ahead of himself" and they had to up the breakup timeline. I'll bet even the filming schedule, brief as it is, was just getting too much for him. How awful must it be to be around her and pretend to having a hot romance? Maybe she was going to leave him at the altar, or perhaps Buddy was going to jump up when the minister asked if anyone had an objection to the marriage! This explains how absolutely pissy and out of sorts she was this episode. And I'll bet she selfishly took Babs home to her apartment (for her safety LOL) in Charlotte rather than to the comfort of her own spacious comfortable home with her husband, who was only gone for a few days on his business trip after all). She needed her mommy to comfort her when she cried about how Chase couldn't fulfill his contractual requirements, how he went and did this awful thing, and of course, why can't she find a guy just like Chase for a REAL relationship? Boo hoo. Watching the 2 of them walking on the beach was hysterical. He, the absolutely hippest hipster with the most perfect man bun ever, dressed in his beachiest beachwear, and Whitney, older, morbidly obese, fake hair, sinking in the surf and sobbing while she pretends to lose her "engagement" ring. Oh I forgot, it was too big, it needed to be resized. And Chase the Actor couldn't even muster up any sympathy or pretend to give a crap.
  7. Gee I thought her only "business" was filming this show a few months per year at most?
  8. So I realize they're all in on the script, but it's just so cringy that Whit thinks she really COULD attract a younger hip guy rocking a cool man bun. I swear I can almost see the snickering faces of Chase's sister and 'clurb' employees when they see her. Plus there are cameramen (or women) trailing her everywhere, it's not a candid camera show. And in front of those college she kids, she's dancing! I swear I'm just embarrassed for her sometimes, even though she so deserves it. Oh, and there's no way a ring ever fell off one of those fingers.
  9. So....I can't figure something out. Since this romance was obviously phony, how was the end of this romance supposed to go down? Phony marriage ceremony? Nah. I'm more affectionate with my nephews than those two are with each other. Was a planned pregnancy Chase's way of bailing out of this show? Just a thought, if she loves to "challenge herself" so much, why not just lose some damn weight? 100 lbs would really help. OMG the camera was literally up her giant ass as she was walking up the stairs to talk to Buddy! 😱😱😱😰😰🤯🤮 Ok Buddy, STFU. She's toxic to you. Get a real GF and a life. Stop lowering yourself for a few bucks. Either you're acting, but this deep introspection is there in the internet and the world to see. Your presence on this stood show is only needed to stroke Whitney's ego as she counsels you. Ugh
  10. SPOT ON. Her demeanor, voice and attire just scream for negative attention. Her "feats of strength" are as phony as her "boyfriends". I think many of us continue to watch just to see how low she'll go to keep the show going.
  11. Watching these 2 "lovebirds" is uncomfortable on one level, yet quite hilarious too. Geez, LOOK at them.....have you ever seen an odder couple? Chase, the terrible actor that he is, looks extremely embarrassed just being seen in public with her, and nauseated being alone with her. Did he take the job on a dare? Couldn't they hire somebody that could work up a little more enthusiasm than Chase? She's not a stupid woman, we know this is contrived and at least loosely scripted, so she's totally involved in all the meetings, so even though she knows it isn't real, I think she's convinced herself she really COULD attract a young cool bro like Chase. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Yeah, me too Whitney.
  12. There are lots of guys who are into fat chicks but I believe she's said she doesn't want them. Therefore it would need to be her personality that would have to win guys over. Well she's just obnoxiously loud and her fat flaunting style of dressing is frankly unattractive to many. Being out anywhere with her and you'll always be the center of attention for sure! And then there's the tv show, yikes who would want to ride that clown car? I wouldn't give the show another season beyond this one, way better shows have come and gone. She had a longer ride than I would have figured. This show jumped the shark a few years ago). Hey it's her right to be whatever she wants to be of course, but she's gotta face facts and know that her pool of BF prospects is extremely limited.
  13. OMG this was a fad back in the 70's when I was in my early 20's. One word: disgusting. Can't believe the technology got much better, geez did somebody find some in an old warehouse? UGH The posts re Whitney's therapist reminded me of when my nasty SIL finally went to a therapist, she announced at a family birthday party for a child that the therapist agreed with her that all of us were her problem. And she was not joking. Meanwhile my sainted parents, indeed all of us, worked so hard filling the void when her parents died. Oh well. Guess therapists can only help you if you're willing to be honest and want help, not merely affirmation of your distorted view.
  14. Yikes. None of this sounds Dadwe approved at all. She's really gone far afield from her early days of BGDC, which I thought was actually a pretty decent idea. Oh well. Try as she might, she can't keep this show going much longer I think without a breakdown of some kind. But I guess that depends on how many actors willing to do outrageous things to/with her can be hired and whether it will be enough of a trainwreck to make it worth watching.
  15. Moved a few months ago and haven't posted in a while, don't do FB, just catching up with what's going on in Whit world right now. Doesn't seem like she's got much going on currently. What's up with Boo Bear? Does he have a GF or will Whit be all over him again out of desperation for a relationship, now that fake one went up in smoke in a huge way LOL?
  16. LOL!!! No I mean the girl Buddy met in someone like Iowa online and he was going to move there with her and her daughter. Obviously it didn't work out. Season before last. She was only on camera maybe once, when Twit met her.
  17. Things are about to get weird......I can tell by the music. LOL
  18. I mean I know it's not, but why does she remind me of Buddy/Boo Bear's phony baloney girlfriend???? Didn't she have a kid too? Weird.
  19. So who's really sure that Stevens marriage isn't just a lie and that he didn't just hire a hooker to act for that selfie video.
  20. I remember when Dr Paradise had to to try and talk some sense into Steven after he took that amusing phony rolling fall off the golf cart. He was there screaming he needed an ambulance to get his painkillers I think. I'm not sure but I do believe he got that ambulance trip. OMG I remember how vile and rude he was to the hospital staff.
  21. Jesus Christ you lousy rotten excuse for a father, stop trying to get your tainted offspring to be friendly to each other. You're frigging sick and twisted to keep on trying.
  22. Steven very intentionally makes himself as repulsive as he possibly can. By purposely not bathing, by purposely not covering his nightmarish legs, by pulling out his hair. He's the most disgusting human being ever in this show. Dr Now's office had to be fumigated after he left. The father is a horrible man, and honestly I just can't blame the wife/mother of these dumbass creatures for bailing out. Doesn't matter if she was an alcoholic or not The family dynamic is just shocking.
  23. Ok now if Charity learns to drive again, quits drinking, gets a job and maybe some nice new dentures, I'm thinking SUCCESS. Who woulda thunk it!!!
  24. She's on oxygen now? And bedbound again? Yet she thinks SHE'S the provider for her grandchildren?? HUH????? Her delusions have delusions!!! Charity is a major success compared to her.
  25. Teretha is so uber obese that if she just ate a LITTLE TINY bit less say every other damn day, she would have way exceeded Dr Now's goal many times over. To maintain that weight she must be eating practically 24/7.
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