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Everything posted by Growsonwalls

  1. To me it looks like the Spiveys use some sort of birth control. The kids seem rather evenly spaced out -- two to four years before each kid, reaching six kids over the course of 15 years. It might be rhythm, pull out, or condoms -- "non-hormonal" birth control.
  2. Growsonwalls

    The NBA

    Not to mention the injury-wrecked Derrick Rose is having a sort if Indian summer and playing pretty well. I actually can't believe hes still in the league.
  3. Another shocking fact: between 1992 and 1995 Mia adopted five more children. Two of those children are now dead. I am shocked that amid all this dysfunction Mia thought it was a good idea to adopt MORE children.
  4. I'm a bit shocked Allen sued for full custody. How was that going to work? He admits he doesn't like kids and doesn't stay around for the diaper changing. He's dating his barely legal stepdaughter. But somehow he wants full custody of Dylan and Ronan?
  5. Ok that was heavy. Woody's autobiographical excerpts about SoonYi - gross. He seemed to think of her as a hot piece of ass. And she seems very troubled. That video with Dylan was chilling and can dispel the "coaching" accusations. Dylan did not look coached at all. And the fact that it was the babysitter that first reported it is further evidence that the "coaching" accusation is just another way to victim blame and deny sexual abuse survivors their voice. Also: SoonYi is definitely Woody's type, When you look at his previous high school age girlfriend SoonYi is like the Asian version of that woman. SoonYi also is similar in build and expression to Mia.
  6. The GG's arent the same without drunk Hollywood stars wandering onstage to slur some words for an acceptance speech.
  7. Well she said she was "showing what I do with food that is unethical." By pouring it down the tub? But she did get lots of social media likes and attention so I'm sure she felt validated that she threw out a neighbor's goat milk when someone could have really used it.
  8. Hmm. When the book ends Rhett is in deep depression. Today we would recognize that both Scarlett and Rhett probably have clinical depression after Bonnie's death. Rhett's also lost someone he values greatly in Melanie. When he gets his equanimity back he might feel differently. Maybe, maybe not.
  9. Growsonwalls

    The NBA

    Kevin Durant got into a little twitter scuffle with Kashdoll about who gets to be "the real KD":
  10. Some people are serial offenders with a distinct pattern. Larry Nassar, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby. Some people do seem to be one and done. Like OJ Simpson -- there haven't been any reports that he was violent or obsessive with anyone but Nicole. I also am wondering if Woody started to use Soon Yi as an alibi eventually. Like he was fooling around with her but decided that she'd make a good alibi and so he got more serious with her. I still can't think of a single reason Dylan would insist on this story 30 years later if it wasn't true. I also don;t really believe in false memories.
  11. I feel like the energy is just not here tonight. Last week;s episode had a giddy, zany energy while this one was sluggish from the start. The cold open was not a bad concept but no one sold the sketch.
  12. I'm not that fond of cheese or dairy milk but I do love eggs, ice cream, and yogurt. Could never give those up. Maybe this is a larger peeve but I'm tired of food shaming. I feel like some of it has become performative. The other day someone I follow on SM was making a big show of dumping goat milk a neighbor had sent her into the tub. Don't do that. Just decline the goat milk. Don't make a big show of dumping all that milk into the tub. A food bank could have used that milk.
  13. My point is I don't need a lecture on the evils of soy milk every time I drink it. Like when did almond milk become the only type of milk you could drink without getting yelled at?
  14. Joy and Austin are miserable but extremely smug about their own righteousness. The worst kind of miserable.
  15. I wish Joy would get some nicer skirts. If she's absolutely committed to only wearing skirts she doesn't have to wear the same denim skirt for every occasion. I feel like some of Austin's negative energy is rubbing off on Joy. She seems to have a hard mean streak now. Her inviting all her relatives over to make Christmas wreaths except for Jill was a real bitch move.
  16. I'm glad they were included in the wedding. And their dog is really cute.
  17. I'm convinced Allen is guilty because if this were like a one-off out-of-nowhere charge then I could see it being something Mia cooked up out of spite. But he has a history of wildly inappropriate relationships. His relationship with Soon Yi might not have technically been illegal but it was wildly inappropriate. His movies specifically focus on him romancing much younger women.
  18. I've got a new food preferences peeve: I'm tired of getting lectured for drinking soy milk. The lecturers inevitably talk about how I need to be drinking almond milk. They'll make a face at the mere mention of soy milk. It's starting to feel a little microaggressive -- Chinese people drink a lot of soy milk. It's our thing. Why is there so much judgment? What is wrong with soy milk?
  19. Here's a peeve: wine and cheese parties. I have a very strong reaction to the smell of some of the hard cheese odors in those gatherings and wish that wine and cheese gatherings could include more than wine and huge sticks of hard cheeses.
  20. There's this one: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10538712.2018.1477224?journalCode=wcsa20 and this one: https://www.nationalcac.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/False-allegations-of-sexual-abuse-by-children-and-adolescents.pdf
  21. https://www.nsvrc.org/sites/default/files/Publications_NSVRC_Overview_False-Reporting.pdf https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45565684 https://www.thecut.com/article/false-rape-accusations.html Here is the actual study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21164210/
  22. The testimony by the doctor is reflective of what a stacked deck victims of sexual molestation were up against back then. Doctors repeatedly believed that victims could be "coached" or "precocious" when time and again research has shown that false accusations of sexual abuse are extraordinarily rare and when they are false fall apart quickly. It gets me so angry I can barely breathe. People are garbage.
  23. I don;'t think they get back together romantically. Sometimes I think they might open a business together though. And since they seem to be sexually compatible I could even see them having another oops baby. Idk, I just see that happening. Most people who are sexually compatible end up rekindling a physical relationship. Especially when they're legally married anyway. And Rhett doesn't seem to want an official divorce.
  24. I found an article in the NYTimes from the trial. What a disgusting hatchet job that smeared Dylan's testimony as "inconsistent." Like a traumatized 7 year old is supposed to have every detail the same every time. That was how sexual abuse was covered back in the day -- as something that "precocious" or "coached" little girls made up. Here's one stomach-churning excerpt: Dylan's story was not heard at the time. People were determined to listen to Woody's side of the story.
  25. It wasn't big enough of a deal. He got away with this narrative that he just "fell in love" and he got to marry and adopt kids. Dylan's story was ignored for the tabloid sensation that was Woody and SoonYi. We never even heard about all the stuff with Dylan until 20 years later. The only rightful conclusion was him going to jail.
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