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Everything posted by Growsonwalls

  1. He lost custody. Big deal. He's a sexual predator and no better than Larry Nassar, and he should have been in jail and never allowed to work again. It's disgusting that the criminal justice system protects sexual predators so much.
  2. Award ceremonies have been my bane for years because in every school I've been at the teachers themselves announce the awards in the auditorium and it's a big school assembly. I have a severe phobia of public speaking and always have a panic attack about presenting the award. I've even taken the day off just to avoid speaking at the assembly.
  3. Growsonwalls


    Wow. I normally don't judge suicide because I can never judge someone in so much pain, but this sort of suicide is so cowardly. So Jeffrey Epstein-like.
  4. OOh David liked this post on IG. https://www.instagram.com/p/CLtHEPMJCJY/
  5. What? IDGI. Kevin was always open about identifying as "Blasian." Half Asian half black. Why would Day have an issue with this?
  6. I'm really surprised by Austin. For someone who grew up under the "strictest parents in the world" he doesn't provide much structure for his kids. Gideon and Evy are going to be as feral as Jessa's brood soon. Austin seems to only care about his hunting trips.
  7. I hope they gave Brielle to a nice family and didn't just take the poor dog to the shelter.
  8. Whether she loves Ashley or not she still made a deathbed promise to Melanie to take care of Ashley and Beau and I think she's going to do it. I feel like she goes back to Tara for a few weeks before she has to go back to Atlanta for her business. She might persuade Mammy to return to Atlanta.
  9. One thing about Belgian Mals and GSD's (they're very similar type dogs) is that they are extremely gentle with kids. High energy, but love kids.
  10. It depends on the dog and how it's raised. I know some Belgian Malinois/GSD's that sleep on the couch all day. Jill's dog seems to be an older dog. Very often they're calmer.
  11. One thing that surprised me to find out was that Soon Yi and Allen adopted two kids. Considering Moses considers all adoption to be child abuse I wonder how family dinners are ...
  12. One thing that I read recently was that even the healthiest marriages often fall apart after the unexpected death of a child. The strain and stress is often too much to bear. Who knows what Rhett will be like once he gets some of his equanimity back. Scarlett and Rhett seem to enjoy sex with each other so that is a plus. I think the movie is less ambiguous than the book. The movie makes the split seem final. The book has more shades of gray. One thing that Rhett will not be happy about is if Scarlett continually supports Ashley after Melanie's death. Which Scarlett will. Because otherwise Ashley would starve.
  13. I think Joy sticks to the Gothard script more than the others. She doesn't have any rebellions like wearing pants, or cutting her hair, or any independent thoughts that we can see. She talks more about being super-Jesusy than anyone else. And I believe she's the only Duggar to have a parler account. Also she seems to be estranged from the few people who don't follow the script to the letter.
  14. India will be one awful pill of a mother figure. Ashley will be overwhelmed and distracted. Poor Beau. I think Aunt Scarlett will be supporting Beau for awhile. Ashley has nothing in the way of job skills and neither does India.
  15. Yeah but children learn frpm a young age how to treat pets. The Duggars were never taught and that's why they make poor pet owners.
  16. Growsonwalls

    The NBA

    A Davis has dropped out the All Star game and Devin Booker is replacing him.
  17. Feel like it's for the show. They have to show them doing something.
  18. I don't see him being hands on with them but I could see him maintaining a good relationship with them and supporting them financially if they needed help. I mean, if you think about it, he's known Wade since Wade was like a newborn and he's the only father figure Ella's ever known either. It'd be out of character for him to cut them off. I kind of wonder how involved Ashley will be in Beau's life after Melly's death. I actually see him being overwhelmed and farming the parenting out to Scarlett. Scarlett's made a deathbed promise to Mel to take care of Beau and I see her keeping that promise. She's not very maternal but she's not neglectful either. Beau could do worse.
  19. Think Izzy is a good fit for a pet. He seems very serious and responsible.
  20. I find it revealing that Woody Allen's response to this documentary was to call it "shoddy," as if he's critiquing it as a film work. And Andrea Peyser is human garbage: https://nypost.com/2021/02/22/put-me-on-team-woody-mia-farrow-is-full-of-it/ This is why victims of sexual abuse don't come forward. The slut shaming and accusations of lying are absolutely disgusting.
  21. Reddit picked this up: Derick has gone on a comment liking spree.
  22. Also it shielded her from accusations she was "precocious" which was a common defense at the time -- that kids were overly, inappropriately sexual and somehow "seduced" adults. I can't believe this was ever an attitude but it was. The early 90s were a time when Ann Landers columns still said wives should take their husband's side no matter what in family matters because marriage was a holy sacrament and kids would leave the nest at 18 anyway.
  23. I was alive too. The SoonYi situation was what got more ink. And even if the DA felt as if he couldn't get a conviction it doesn't mean Allen is innocent. It's incredibly hard to get guilty convictions for famous men accused of sexual crimes. See: Kobe Bryant, Roman Polanski, and so on. In my eyes he's guilty as sin. Period. It's not the job of outsiders to tell a sexual abuse victim she's lying.
  24. We saw in the Ohio State sexual abuse cases as well as Larry Nassar, Jerry Sandusky, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, etc. just how powerful the veil of silence was when it came to influential men. In all of these cases the rumors had flown around for years before these disgusting people were finally apprehended. And also this is true: cases of familial molestation tend to be taken less seriously. Back then the idea was children having some sort of relationship with their parents was paramount, even if the parent was abusive, neglectful, or unfit. Women still have a strong tendency to believe their husbands over children -- I can't tell you how many kids I've worked with who were sent into foster care or group homes when they became pregnant ... with their father or stepfather's child. The mothers sided with their husbands instead of their children. All of these factors make it very believable that the DA would decline to press charges.
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