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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Quick question, do Lazarus Pits erase older scars? Like if they do, the only good thing that would come from using it on Oliver would be that we'd see him shirtless more often. They need to come out with some good spoilers soon. I'm don't want to see the emotional fallout from Oliver's "death" (especially where it concerns Felicity. That will be so painful), I don't want to see Roy leading the team, I don't care at all about Laurel suiting up, I don't want to see Roy and Felicity grow closer, and I'm not even looking forward to Thea/Felicity after what went down in the mid-season finale.
  2. I hope the trolling comes back to bite them in the ass with plummeting ratings in January. They don't get what people love about the show, and they never will.
  3. With Guggenheim's declaration that the show will never be the same again, I fear this is where we move full speed ahead with Lazarus Pits, tiny shrinking humans, superpowered freaks of the week, etc. If I want to see that, I'll watch The Flash. I fear that we'll never see SA shirtless again, what with all those new scars he's going to have from being impaled with a sword. This mid-season finale literally made me sick to my stomach (the last time that happened was when Sara died). FFS, a TV show shouldn't make me so miserable, I have real life for that! I don't even think that I can take the emotional fallout from this (especially for Felicity), so I might have to wait a while before tuning back in again. Ugh.
  4. Pretty sure that I saw Oliver stash those herbs in his pant's pockets (OK, that's a lie). In the preview at the end of the episode, someone comes upon his broken body, so I'm just going to pretend that they have the life-saving herbs (and Oliver has managed to not bleed out because it's so damn cold being shirtless in the snow).
  5. Haha. Yeah, I laughed at Oliver flexing his pec muscles. Really, I just think SA was probably so damn cold in that scene that he was flinching or whatnot. People occasionally miraculously survive extreme falls in real life, so why not here too? Oliver desperately needs a win, damn it.
  6. I didn't even see Oliver put those magical island herbs in his bag. I must go and rewatch that scene. Do you suppose those herbs heal through and through knife wounds? I'm gonna go with yes.
  7. Not sure how that was a literal cliffhanger. More like Oliver literally playing possum on the side of a mountain.
  8. I don't even think I can look at gifs from this episode. Oliver kneeling with blood dripping from his mouth was way too upsetting. Like, I know you'll be back, but gosh that was horrible.
  9. Maybe Oliver is basically like comatose as Malcolm cares for him. I will gladly accept this over alternatives. Wasn't there a spoiler about them teaming up to take Ra's down, or something? Oliver spared Malcolm's life, Malcolm saves Oliver's life, and now they're even. I'd actually love them as frenemies.
  10. Obviously, because I can't say it enough, I'm bitter about this fucking Lazarus Pit shit. A good chunk of your audience doesn't read comics, and doesn't know anything about bathtubs of magical fucking water that can resurrect people. So please don't even go there, show. Have Oliver survive any other way.
  11. So, how long before Guggenheim starts damage control, assuring us that Oliver's not dead? I mean, obviously we know that but casual viewers might have heard about Buckle suiting up, so maybe they think that she's replacing Arrow in 2015. This episode just reaffirmed my opinion that I will not not not be OK with Felicity moving on with Ray while she thinks Oliver is dead. He's not dead unless you see his body in person, Felicity. I'm not sure why she and Diggle won't be looking for him, even if they think he's dead?
  12. Someone help me out, I've seen this twice now. What two things did Felicity know? I think I missed that part.
  13. The cold will slow the bleeding enough so that Malcolm can stitch him up, good as new. And we didn't actually see how far Oliver fell, maybe it was only 20 feet. I'm not a Tommy fan, so I'm hoping that he doesn't come back. But if he comes back, then I want Sara and Moira back. ETA: Amended to add Shado, too. She was awesome.
  14. Unfortunately, people who don't read comics probably don't know anything about Lazarus Pits. So, I can actually see how people will believe that Oliver is dead. That's seems like a risky move.
  15. I know that this is ridiculous, but I'm just not okay with Oliver really being dead and them using a Lazarus Pit on him. It seems too magical to me, and I liked that this show was mostly based in reality. I think this is the thing that bothers me the most about the finale, actually! I can't let it go. Maybe Malcolm has some magical healing herbs to use on Oliver, or something (but probably not)? But like people said in the Spoilers thread, if they use the Lazarus Pit on Oliver, now everyone will be demanding they use it on Sara and whoever else dies.
  16. So are people actually thinking that Oliver is dead (and will go into the Lazarus Pit)? I'm hoping that he's just mostly dead.
  17. Yeah, see, if they ever want me to like Ray, they need to stop doing things like having him ping Felicity's phone to find her location. Doing that just to have a conversation? Totally inappropriate. But, during their conversation, I did love Felicity's "I can think of one" when Ray said that he couldn't imagine a guy on this planet that would regret kissing her. So, good job telling your mom about Sara's death, Laurel, but Quentin needs to know now, too. And oh great, we have Dinah encouraging Laurel to find Sara's killer and make that person pay. Your ex husband is a cop, let him handle this! Oliver looked totally hot when he was about to choke Merlyn to death. I'm guessing that Thea really isn't the killer, and Merlyn was just manipulating Oliver to get him to fight Ra's. The video is probably doctored somehow. Way too much jumping around this episode. OK, I loved Oliver telling Felicity, "Well, if it's you asking, I'll do it." That's right, you'll do whatever she asks. And of course I loved Oliver telling Felicity that he loves her. But sorry, that goodbye scene wasn't a 9 out of 10. You definitely oversold that one, Guggenheim. However, I'm gonna take it because it was better than what I was expecting based on people's thoughts in the Spoiler thread today :) Ooh, SA and his rosy nosy looked really cold in that shirtless scene. Dang, I thought Oliver would be more impressive with the swords. Man, that ending was rough, but I'm happy that when Oliver's life flashed before his eyes, one of the images was his kiss with Felicity. So, is Malcolm going to nurse Oliver back to health? Someone finds his body (please, NO Lazarus Pit crap).
  18. Because Sara needs to be dead so Laurel can become Black Canary. Basically.
  19. I'm not sure because I don't read comics, so I'm just going by what I see here. But I still don't like the thought of Oliver really dying and being resurrected (like I said, I'm OK with that happening with Sara. Totally hypocritical, I know.)
  20. I will seriously cut a bitch if they have Oliver actually die and come back with a Lazarus Pit. I do not want crazy ass Oliver. And the EPs don't have control over the promos, do they? Won't it be hilarious if the return is promoted as BC heavy?
  21. There's a zap2it interview in the Spoilers thread that has some David Ramsey quotes in it. Maybe that's it. Poor SA. He looks so cold in all of those shirtless snow pictures with his red nose. Filming that day had to suck.
  22. Haha, did you see the dialogue tease. Laurel: "Sara's backpacking in the Andes." If she dresses up to fool her parents, it will not do her character any favors.
  23. I hope we're all wrong. I hope that this level 9 scene ends with Oliver promising to return to Felicity, and then we get some swelling music and a passionate kiss. But in reality I'm basically expecting a lot of rage posts tonight. I just know I'm gonna be so angry after this episode.
  24. I'm being completely honest here. I'm definitely not going to be OK with Felicity moving on with Ray, even if she thinks that Oliver is dead. It's going to be less than two months before Oliver returns, that's not enough time for her to grieve and move on with her life. Then when Oliver returns, why the hell wouldn't they automatically get together (especially if this scene that we're getting tonight is a 9). I'm hoping that Ray is a good friend to Felicity after Oliver's "death", they grow closer, and he wants more. But Oliver returns and she makes her choice to be with him instead. That wouldn't be so bad.
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