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Everything posted by Genki

  1. If there must be flash-backs, non-linear flash-backs might be best. Just something to contrast with the present day and not every episode and not always Oliver's story. But I doubt it would happen until after S5. I was disappointed he didn't go with Argus because various mission for Amanda Waller could have easily incorporated this.
  2. I think I saw NM first in Boomtown, and he was intriguing character, can't remember the details. I also agree the villains on Justified are much better written and fleshed out, but I enjoyed DD on Arrow and I could not wait for his character to die on Justified. lol!! SA was apparently at the cinema closest to my house on Monday, for his TMNT promotion and I didn't even realise d'oh!
  3. The series lost it's magic for me when they killed Sirius, I finished it but never really enjoyed it as much anymore.
  4. Not to mention there was a lack of urgency and drive in resolving who kill Sara and the Stupid reveal it was Thea and Malcolm got away with it with little no consequences. So combining Palmer island, the creepiness and douchbaggery of Ray Palmer, the the propping of Laurel, Quentin being hateful, Killing off Sara, the separation of OTA, no job or life out-side the Lair for Oliver, a lacklustre big bad & Olicity fighting Season 3 had a lot of lows with only limited highs (which, granted, were really really high). It still pisses me off how they ruined Dyla's wedding by needlessly inserting Ray into it. Bleh!!!
  5. That is an amazing catch I don't think anybody noticed it.
  6. I think because KC made it a bit of a Deal (at 2015 SDCC IIRC) "Black Canary" vs plain ol' "Canary" was meant to indicate the "true" comic destiny. IMO Sara was The Canary, and since 'Because Comics' isn't a good reason for plotiness in Arrow, for me, she is the definitive and superior Canary.
  7. It wasn't definitive enough for me. I just assumed because the PT sets were going to SG (is this definite?)Felicity may not get the CEO position back.
  8. Now that Oliver is Interim Mayor [and I assume legit Mayor by 5.01] I really like the idea of Quentin being his deputy mayor (someone suggested it somewhere over the last few days). For me it could work for so many reasons. Since LL was outed as the BC, QL can be the "Official Liaison" to the Team Arrow for the city He could still be the Law enforcement connection as well, also the precinct set can be re-purposed to the mayors office He could cover for Oliver when he needs to go Arrowing Good way to keep him tied to the plot and to Team Arrow, beyond just Donna For Felicity, I found it strange that they didn't indicate where she was professionally when the season ended, even though I loved her final words. Hope she continues to work to effectively give people to affordable access to the bio-stimulant, over the summer, in offscreenville, with CH. Also if she is starting her own company, she can set up shop in Oliver's old campaign headquarters. I would like Thea to get her own thing to do away from the mayor's office, I wish that they had let her keep Verdant, but I assume the set got repurposed and also the with lair moved, maybe the campaign office could be turned into a bar that she runs? As for Diggle, I'm just in wait-and-see mode to find out how he ends up back in SC. Also I'm curious about his new mask.
  9. Plus they don't have to waste their promotion budget doing actual promotion to maintain these numbers.
  10. After watching 4.23 of Arrow, I immediately watched 2.23 of the The Flash an boy was that terrible, I was tempted to switch it off because I was bored, Barry was annoying and lots of things were not making any sense and that was before the selfish time travel which I was spoiled about. Regardless, they have done what they have done. Considering this it would make sense to me, to have the cross-over at 3.01 Flash, 5.01 Arrow, 2.01 LoT. I'm not sure how to incorporate Supergirl, since I'm not up to date but maybe she could kick it off by going to look for Barry in E1find an unpowered Barry who hasn't yet been made into The Flash...I dunno. But also as a marketing ploy and a way to introduce Supergirl to the CW's line-up I think it would be interesting. They would generate and shitload press and interest, and it's something that other shows don't tend to do. Also it could make it clear to all those non internet viewers that Supergirl has moved to the CW...I digress. If the Flashpoint Paradox is going to affect the rest of the Flarrowverse I guess I would prefer this than waiting for the shoe to drop in the x-over episode (Ep8) of each show. And while I don't mind an alternate universe for an episode of Arrow, I don't want Flash to affect it too much, who wants to invest that much time in something that could be reset anyway, who know what level stupid they can do. This would also have the added bonus of Arrow's 100th episode being about Arrow and not anything else.
  11. For myself, I fear any potential changes they could do; Arrow S4 was an improvement on S3 and has left me hopeful for S5. While some of the slog to get there was hard (BMD, Olicity break-up, Laurel's canonisation), I happy at the place each character has been left in. If "Flashpoint Paradox" undid all that, especially Laurel's death, I would be super annoyed. Also I'm not a comic reader and therefore, while I enjoy occasional easter eggs and nods to comic cannon, I do not need to see set-up to purely get to an iconic comic moment, doing that only seems to lead to BvS levels of terribad. As for the episode not the best season finale, but it didn't have to redeem as much as say 3.23. So I'm satisfied the show is heading in the right direction, would I have preferred more between Oliver & Felicity? Hell yes!, But I loved the last scene.
  12. Barry's behaviour in the finale reminded me of the HIVE cultist from last week, both willing to destroy the world(s) because things weren't working out the way they wanted.
  13. As long as the company ties to Ray (i.e. is called PT) I will not care about it as much as if it were Queen Consolidated, Queen Incorporated or Smoak Technologies (Although I assume, according to the darkest timeline ST is the company that occurs when Oliver and Felicity do not get back together).
  14. I'm talking about the suit and general Styling...I think this great suit was his best fitted look so far for upfronts. I prefer scruff to full blown beard but SA is pretty enough to carry off both looks, IMO.
  15. He looked great at the Upfronts this year, I credit TMNT team.
  16. I didn't say they were bartering, her, but as far as DD knows she is dead.
  17. Does Felicity know that TA has Darhk's daughter? Maybe that is what gets rid of him initially.
  18. I'm still wondering if they are going to do Oliver revels himself as the Green Arrow. There was a time in 4.22 where the awful family was complaining about not having hope, which made me think maaaybe. This quote gives me hope that is will not happen. I really would like more of Oliver's relationship with the city, but in double life way. I wonder how they will advise people of Ruve's death, will they out her as being Mrs Evil? I wonder if he will get the Mayorship in 4.23.
  19. I'm trying to work out what parallel they are trying to draw in 4.22 between Felicity, her parents and her and Oliver, and I feel they were trying to show the following: Felicity gets her strong stance about people, (and their ability to change or not), from Donna. Which is understandable as she raised Felicity and was her main influence, and a constant, in her formative years. Donna has also been shown to have some pretty firm lines and ideas about right and wrong, which Felicity has always accepted, probably without question, (also it is in text that the her personality and behaviour is strongly influenced by Donna - 3.05). Recently Noah has proven to Felicity that Donna was right, and he is not reliable and that he will let her down again, reenforcing Donna's POV, to Felicity, that "People Don't Change". So it is easy for Felicity to draw a line, specifically after hurting her so badly, that Oliver will hurt her and will let her down again. Leading to break-up with no hope of reconciliation, from Felicity's POV. Now, in this week's episode, Donna is shown to be, not quite as honest as previously believed. She has also be shown that maybe, she is holding a little too firmly to her stance (pushing Noah to leave again), maybe so that she won't feel guilty about breaking up Felicity and Noah's special bond*, maybe because she does not want to loose Felicity over the decisions she made for their family, in the past. She has also shown Felicity that her unconditional love for her, trumps her strong stance about lying, (in spite of her hurt about finding out that Felicity was keeping secrets from her, Donna quickly moved past Felicity's Team Arrow reveal), which made it possible for Felicity to quickly move past Donna's lies about Noah leaving. All this brings me around to Felicity and Oliver, if she can forgive her Mother for her lies, so easily because she loves her so much and because her Donna has shown she can forgive Felicity's own lies, plus if Felicity feels that maybe her mum has judged her dad a little too harshly, (by not being willing to "gamble on him"), but she has seen there are some redeeming aspects of his character, for her, maybe she can put some hope with Oliver, who she loves so much, so she can start to moving towards regaining her faith in him and their relationship. I would have liked to have had Oliver demonstrate definitively to Felicity that he has learnt his lesson, but as far as character growth goes, Felicity regaining faith in Oliver and their relationship, could be better for Felicity in the long term (and also helping Oliver counteract Dhark's magic) and we can always have Oliver proving her right in S5. *Please note: I don't doubt Donna's reasons for what she did I'm sure they were legit and I'm very intrigued to find out what happened.
  20. My crazy fandom viewing ways, is little to much for people at work...it not anything major or overt, they just they know I like it and have OPINIONS....hahaha. But they know to come to me if they want spoilers.
  21. I hope not... 1. it negates the message they just put out that the Earth2 counterparts are not interchangeable with our Earth1 heroes. Do not provide hope for Laurel's return please!! (Thank you LoT for Nope-ing her return in every timeline) 2. I don't like JWS (for irrational non-specific reasons, I enjoyed the heck out of that ice-cream scene in Dawson's Creek back in the day) 3. I want it to be Ronnie (just because I don;t like letting go of my theories) I'm also wary of Supergirl moving to the CW (even though I intent to binge watch it its it is released to netflix) since I think Arrow will get shortchanged in an even bigger ways next season for promotion, general attention and possibly in the crossover as well.
  22. I was only interested in NCIS because of Tony/Ziva, but realised after a couple of seasons that there would be no pay-off. I feel vindicated for dropping the show all those seasons ago.
  23. I was looking forward to checking out "Drew" too. Also offend by the "skewed too female"....boo!!!
  24. Arrow's S2 always gave me Ironman vibes which I appreciated waaaaay more than the Spiderman vibe I was getting in S1. Count me in as another who doesn't really enjoy Captain America's character, (even though I like the actor a lot, he was my least favourite in Avengers for a long time...now it might have changed but I'm not sure yet). Tony is flawed but he pays for his flaws and mistakes and they come back to bite him, sometime years later, which is another thing in common with Oliver.
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