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  1. Indeed! It has gone the way of full on soap opera. Seriously though, she was a YouTube sensation with most folks snickering at it. My brother had braces for three years as a teen. He refused to wear retainers afterwards. They eventually floated right back to where they used to be. You’d never know he had braces, ever.
  2. This show would be more appropriately titled “ So You Think You Can Brand?” It would explain Jojo’s presence, at least, as well as how much time is spent on the ones that we get the backstory filled in (complete with background music from the humane society commercials). I think I’d rather watch re-runs of Dance Moms.
  3. The only thing wrong with this show is they don’t start you off emphasizing that the premise of New Amsterdam Hospital, NewYork City or London, as portrayed in the show, takes place in an alternate universe, or a space station or some other fantasy universe where ANY hospital operates with NO Medical Director/Administrator in place. Even as an interim, until a permanent replacement is found. If they just had some alien species represented, maybe one of the medical staff or at the very least an extra just scurrying by decked out in scrubs in the background, then I could completely suspend my disbelief and enjoy the show!
  4. Most likely Anglican-The Church of England. While many Scottish Anglicans disagreed with the politics of the crown and desired civil change in their country, the King was still the “pope”, if you will, of the Anglican Church-a Protestant institution. Snake handling didn’t start until the early 1900’s in Appalachia. I read him more like a Baptist circuit preacher, without the sweat dripping off of his chin and the thumping of the Bible with his fist. 😄
  5. I think because Freemasonry, as an institution, did not participate in the Revolutionary War and yet, stories passed down through generations provide a backdrop for the individual men who were Freemasons and very familiar with the revolutionary concepts of civil, religious and intellectual liberty standing on separate foundations. When two people or groups are in a fight, much less a war, often the parties are less than cordial to each other. Freemasonry ensured that despite fighting, men on either side would be respected. During the War for Independence, this became important in saving lives. Brant led a group of Mohawks Indians during the war in support of the British. This group captured Colonel John McKinstry, a patriot and a mason. When McKinstry displayed the masonic recognition sign, it is reported that Brant freed him and sent him back to his army. Stories like this are unsubstantiated, but since Outlander is a work of fiction, working tidbits like this in make for a more interesting and realistic approach to the historical elements of the show. Like when they show the orphans that were transported by the English ~ plenty of folks are under the misguided assumption that all the white folks that got to the North American continent came by choice, which isn’t true. George Washington and Paul Revere weren’t the only Freemasons to contribute to the Revolutionary War, either.
  6. According to Kody & his wives, they neither desired nor expected equal power when they chose to “live the principle” of polygamy. They chose a religion and a style of marriage that right out the gate holds women in a subservient position. Their prophet revealed God’s will for his people and in that dogma, women are not allowed to hold positions of power within their church/religion or marriage. Their only power is the power to leave, since their religion allows for divorce, even if the marriage isn’t sanctioned by government entities. They also have the power to leave the religion and denounce its beliefs, but they most certainly are not permitted to be equal to the menfolk.
  7. Hey are you sure we aren’t related? 😊. My story reads very much like yours…I was often the last one left at the table (you couldn’t get up until you finished your plate) because of dietary issues that weren’t addressed until I was a teenager. As a result, doctors put me on a vegetarian diet in the 80’s when it wasn’t in vogue plus I had no internet to search for recipes so I had to go to the library and get religious-themed cookbooks(only ones available) to learn how to make healthy vegetarian meals. Two years into the process I intentionally became pregnant with my first child and I was blessed with a vegetarian pediatrician who encouraged me to continue eliminating meat, sugar & processed crap in my diet while my OBGYN and my own mother couldn’t understand why I would go against God and put my child “at risk” like that. (WTF?) I would never “force” anyone to eat something that has a potential to be an allergen (nuts, shellfish, animal flesh, wheat) but at the same time I’m unalterably opposed to placating children who throw a fit not getting a “Happy Meal”, instead of eating the healthy meal placed in front of them.
  8. IIRC, they wouldn’t let her play on the girl’s team-so, no more soccer. I can’t be sure, but I don’t think anyone is allowed to draw even an ambiguous line between beginning puberty blockers/introducing estrogen and her mental health issues of depression and binge eating. One of her doctors that did her affirmation surgery has gone on the record as NOT recommending the same same treatment plan as Jazz’s pediatrician did.
  9. Why not just make a healthy meal for everyone to begin with instead of placating some whiny kids with meals that aren’t good for them to begin with? It isn’t that hard to come up with nutritious meals for kids on a budget. Plus, you are setting them up into eating habits that will shape the rest of their lives. Win-win! I told my three and their cousins, friends or anyone else they dragged to the table they were either picky or hungry-and picky will go hungry after mealtime. I let them decide. More often than not, our guests were willing to at least TRY what I made! 😊
  10. I tried REALLY hard- even desperately looked between the couch cushions-but I couldn’t manage to come up with any fucks to give about these people. I even tried not watching this last one-on-one couch session but apparently Mr. kicotan really digs seeing my eyes roll and hearing me yell at the TV. Count me out of any spin-off’s. I think having to listen to “Just Christine’s” voice for an entire show would be absolute torture. I might just opt out of any more upcoming seasons of this show altogether. I’ve gone from curiosity regarding their unusual lifestyle based on religious zealotry to not wanting to waste my time watching a shitty soap opera, written poorly and acted even worse.
  11. Yes they are, unfortunately and yet many mainstream religions operate the same way except they don’t have the shock value of polygyny to initiate scrutiny of their tenets, rules and regulations that blatantly subjugate women. Since this isn’t the comparative religion forum and I don’t want to get in trouble for discussing anything unrelated to the Browns and their version of Mormonism I’m open to discussing this further through off thread messaging, if you are interested.
  12. There is no “right or “wrong”…it’s Kody’s world and they signed up to be subservient and obedient which means following his rules. They can give input, but they believe their God wants them to follow one man and for his word to be final. They feel jealous or alone when it’s not their turn in the rotation? That’s the suffering their God wants and will reward them for in the afterlife. They disobey his rules? He metes out punishment. They are supposed to suck it up, keep sweet and hope one day they’ll be in his favor again. He didn’t dupe or brainwash ANY of his wives to happily agree to sharing him with as many women as their God sees fit to be “called” to join his harem. The sold their souls to Reality TV, so all I hear from the adults whining about each other is sour grapes, scripted for the fans of their soap opera drama. He probably still screws all of them, in a hazmat suit, of course.
  13. I’m sure Mariah is well versed in her parent’s religious requirement of polygyny as she grew up with 3 moms and 1 dad. There are big no-no’s in their religion. Wives have to be faithful to the 1 husband they share. Homosexuality is to be suppressed, just like a drug addict has to suppress their urge to use. Meri should have NEVER used her daughter as a confidante to her online romance. Meri spun it into oh poor me, I was catfished only because her fillings for “Sam” turned out to be romantic fillings toward a WOMAN. Her revulsion of homosexuality fueled her denial that she was cheating on her husband, because y’know, the poor lonely innocent lamb was duped by a WOMAN. That’s alllllll kinds of inappropriate. Mariah’s coming out causes Meri conflict, again, because of her religious beliefs about homosexuality and her recent personal fillings she had for a WOMAN. Even the mainstream LDS views acting on your same-sex attraction feelings as a sin and you should be chaste and suppress them. They both need to get over themselves, but as long as Meri believes in her religious tenets that acting on same-sex attraction is a sin, there will always be conflict.
  14. I grew up in the country, so I have a bit of a different view on things that are typically considered natural. Mom was afraid of any animal bigger than she was so we ended up with chickens, ducks, goats, dogs & cats. The ONLY reason to own/keep an uncastrated male goat was to breed the females, full stop. He had to be kept in a separate pen because he was a mean and nasty destructive bully ALL the time. If our females-5 of them, had males, they were castrated ASAP so that they would just be gentle lawnmowers/weed eaters. ”Nature” doesn’t require or endorse monogamy or polygamy, however it is a rare species that forms monogamous pairings. If Kody had stopped at Meri he’d only have produced one offspring, instead of the 18 he claims to be the “father” of to make his God happy with him. In the early Mormon days, the polygamous husband was about as useful as that one male uncastrated goat we kept around in a separate pen. The wives were lucky to see him any other time than when they could get knocked up. Kody’s religion has reduced him to the solitary goat pen, reserved for angry, mean, testosterone filled, single-minded bullies while his offspring go about free, living their lives, unburdened by the pressure of a religious edict that reduces them to “stud” or “breeder”. I think this show is the BEST thing that happened for the adult Brown’s collective 18 children. It shined a HUGE spotlight on the adult’s choices for having so many of them-(because God said)-and picking ONE man to be father (God’s appointed Stud) to them all. To me, the whole premise is ridiculous, because polygyny or not, these women have proudly proclaimed him to be the father of 18 children. In the natural world, none of the females he impregnated would give him a second thought after they were done having sex, except to put as much distance between them as possible because, y’know, he might eat the baby. LOL!!!😀
  15. Thank you for the reply! I’ll try to answer your question, best I can. I believe what they said their motivation was for entering into the relationship they have with Kody. They were adults, completely familiar with the concept of sharing one husband with multiple wives and making as many babies as possible so God will be happy. If being subservient and fertile fulfills them, more power to them! That’s the beauty of living in a country where a woman legally has a choice, and all of them were well aware and over the moon when they chose to hook up with Kody. When everything is peachy, folk call it tradition and religion. When things start going sideways, all of a sudden it’s brainwashing and cult. To me, it’s wholly subjective. Since Scientology became an official religion, according to the government, there are people who STILL call their members brainwashed and their official government-sanctioned religion a cult. The Brown Family adults have professed that they believe in the original revelation of Joseph Smith. Polygyny is a tenet, of many, that he divinely received when an Angel visited him and instructed him regarding what God wanted him to lead people to do. It’s where the Book of Mormon comes from. Personally, I’ve never belonged to a religion that teaches I need anyone besides myself to have an awesome relationship with my creator. I have studied many religions because I find it fascinating that so many folk rely on dogma dictated to them by a MAN, who claims to have been visited by a vision, dream or supernatural event, sent by God to make a whole bunch of rules/hoops to abide by/jump through. It’s the reason I started watching this freak show back when it started. Fundie Mormons have existed since it began. They went underground when the federal government started throwing around confiscation of assets, jail time and whatnot as a consequence of practicing polygyny in the U.S. The ones that renounced it enjoy fellowship with the LDS religion based out of Salt Lake City. Maybe these women will renounce Fundie Mormonism and ask to be allowed into the LDS church-maybe they won’t and they’ll find another Fundie Mormon family to hook up with-they have choices, just like they have always had, and they’ve known it the whole time.
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