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Everything posted by ozziemom

  1. Plus he probably deducts everything as a business expense from the gross revenue coming in and then portions out small salaries to each kid. So his net profit is negligible. Just as @Zella has said , nothing comes between Boob and his $$.
  2. I wonder if Jill is now remembering more details on what Josh did to her and her sisters and realizes how awful it truly was. It’s probably shocking to her that her parents basically did nothing to help the girls and she is now questioning her whole childhood. Maybe she is talking to Derek about it and that is making him angrier and unable to resist responding the way he is on SM. Hopefully she is getting real help and not just prayers.
  3. Yes, I think he will. He isn’t stupid and he seems to spend a lot of time studying. How long will he stick with law as a career is another story.
  4. Have we seen the Duggar totem pole in the front yard of the TTH before? Yikes talk about self important. All in all the video was interesting except for whenever Meechelle appeared. Wow is she annoying.
  5. Happy Christmas and here’s to a healthy, wonderful 2020 with plenty of Duggar snarking. Appreciate all of you, thanks for being here.
  6. Jill’s estrangement from the family is more recent than Jessa’s home birth. I think Derelict made a lot of his comments that seemed to be anti Jim Boob in the last few months. We don’t see the Dullards at Family fun night or any of her family in her Instagram stories on a regular basis. And she posts a lot. It doesn’t seem like we have seen Meechelle or Boob at the Dullards new house at all.
  7. So it took both Jana and Laura to snap this photo?
  8. In the EW article Meechelle states Christmas tree is not a priority. They were too busy hanging Happy Birthday Jesus banners, singing hymns and making baskets for the poor. Hahaha. Somehow I don’t believe it. But hey, I guess their priorities changed? Or maybe now that Jana doesn’t have all those babies to watch she has time for a tree and decorating.
  9. Cos they do things a little differently? Cos they lie about just about everything? Cos getting an ebil woman out of office is more important? Everything about Jed! and this campaign reeks with the stench of the worst Duggar beliefs so we will never get a straight answer from them. Most we will hear is that Boob and Jed! prayed about it and Jesus told Jed! to run for election.
  10. Nice to see Derelict in his high school letter jacket at homecoming. Two things Jill has no clue about and Sam and Izzy probably won’t either.
  11. Very sorry @Jynnan tonnix, take care during this hard time for your family.
  12. The Caldwell family appears to be dressed in Duggar hand me down clothes. Mrs. even has that diagonal long skirt we’ve seen on multiple Duggar women.
  13. Well JD learned how to act as a married man from Boob, who always is clutching Meechelle. It would drive me crazy but maybe fundie women like it. Or just tolerate it since the headship is always right.
  14. Maybe one of the Collingsworth family? Seems like Laura is around again. Whatever happened to her career?
  15. Boy Jill has more posts on Instagram and YouTube than an episode of Counting On. Her content is about the same level of entertainment too. She has commercials just like TV too! She’s promoting Audrey Roloff’s books as well as 3130 store.
  16. Either she got baby clothes from Jessa or they have the same taste. If I didn’t know better I would think they were trying not to dress their baby girls in stereotypical pink.
  17. Most of the YouTubers that I watch always talk about editing which apparently takes quite a bit of time. But Jill doesn’t seem to have a clue. It’s like if she films it, we will enjoy it.
  18. And do we really need five pictures of the same basic thing? I wonder what she does all day besides post on Instagram. Have we seen any evidence of Izzy and homeschooling lately? You know as soon as Derelict is done with his exams they will all be on Christmas break, lol.
  19. Yeah, Fleece is definitely Boob’s business. Are these parties on the TV show or is this just more of their forcing everyone except the Dullards to get together? In this case I think Jill should be happy she doesn’t attend.
  20. We’ve seen pictures of the Rod family visiting the Kellers in Florida whilst on one of their singing tours, so maybe Nathan and Nurie liked each other enough to pray or whatever they do before courting.
  21. Did Jill add Common Cowboys across the post again? Still makes me laugh.
  22. Derelict doesn’t sound too crabby about the interruption, so YAY! They must have done their Dullard Thanksgiving yesterday with Cathy. Maybe this is vintage now, I haven’t seen these aprons in ages.
  23. My MIL wore that same apron back in the day. What a frumpy look.
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