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Everything posted by ozziemom

  1. A lot of YouTubers, including Evan Stewart, talk about all the equipment they have. Special cameras not just iPhone for starters. And all the time spent editing. I don’t see Jessa being able to do this, 1. Because she’s a Duggar 2. Bin doesn’t seem interested 3. She’s not as interesting as she thinks she is.
  2. Maybe she likes his focus on her by Kelton as opposed to being the middle of a pack of 19 kids?
  3. Really when does Jessa, aka the Plant Lady, have time to think about anything? She must spend all her time watering and tending to her plants. She’s obsessed, y’all.
  4. Really when does Jessa, aka the Plant Lady, have time to think about anything? She must spend all her time watering and tending to her plants. She’s obsessed, y’all.
  5. I think Smuggar and JD occasionally were in charge of a buddy in the early days.
  6. Looks like Austin, his father and BIL on this trip with Jase. Explains why we saw pictures of Joy with her MIL and the kids but no Austin. Is she avoiding TTH? Are any of the other Duggar boys on this trip?
  7. And will Jana bring all her home designs to Jessa’s new house? Stay tuned to YouTube! It seemed like quite a few Duggars posted on SM today. Even Kendra.
  8. Can’t wait to see all the JillR festivities and gifts. It’s probably so much she will have to post later. Which Rod kid will be this year’s author of the lengthy post about BME? Possibly Renee, she’s next in line to be courting. Maybe Timbits is composing a song, he doesn’t seem to be traveling on this mission trip.
  9. Fabulous news! Congratulations to all the Jyn family. Keep us updated on the name and vital stats.
  10. I guess they are milking this trip for every bit of nonsense they can think of? I guess Whit and Josie aren’t breastfeeding anymore. What is Katie going to do once she moves to NJ?
  11. I wonder if Tyler felt more comfortable at TTH and his mother knew that. I could see where for some kids all the comings and goings would be exciting and fun. Plus school at home! In the long run, the lack of education is harmful, I wouldn’t expect a kid to care about that.
  12. Sometimes I can’t bear to keep the sound on in Carlin stories so I missed that they were at the boutique.
  13. Well they referred to Cheesecake dinner as the formal night, so there must be something I’m missing too.
  14. We got our Moderna booster Sunday, I felt ok but napped most of yesterday. Ozziedad had no side effects. Same reaction for both of us as with the first two jabs. Happy to have it done too.
  15. Maybe Zac and Callie are watching Josie’s girls along with his kids, lol. Where did they get the bridesmaids dresses? Wasn’t there a picture of Miss Renee from Duggar wedding dress fame altering Carlin’s dress? And didn’t Katie get her dress somewhere in Orlando? So confusing. Is Up filming all this nonsense?
  16. Carlin thanked Michael for taking Layla while Evan was at work, no idea who is watching Whit’s 4 kids or Josie’s 2 girls. Addee is on the bridesmaid trip and Ellie is in Florida with Alyssa’s girls. Maybe Callie is in charge back at the big house.
  17. Thanks for the reminder about why Jackson has always been treated differently than his older siblings. He’s more of a Lost boy than a Howler I guess. I remember he was the family photobomber for quite a long time too.
  18. We see Tyler with Michael sometimes too. He does seem to be thriving at TTH. I wonder if JBoob will be setting him up in one of his businesses. Jackson is the Howler closest in age to Tyler and he seems to be treated differently than the other Howlers. He is mostly pictured with the Lost girls while all the other boys and girls were separated by a certain age.
  19. Good point! Maybe she had one of the photographers with her. And maybe Gil flew back with her and changed planes in Orlando. Although then he was without an accountability partner. Quite the dilemma. Do we know where Tiff and Law are now?
  20. So KJ was there but she seemed to be on her phone, filming maybe? She had to have been exhausted so not sure why she was there. I think GeeGolly is right about all this partying is due to TV and SM. The sisters and KJ all post and include everyone else’s posts so there’s no missing any of the activities. Not your typical Bachelorette party but it may be the last time for a few years that they will have an excuse to get together like this. Many things about the Bates bother me, but I don’t mind this.
  21. I bet if they told Carlin she could find out baby #2’s gender she would have hopped over to the lab immediately. Seems like that is top priority right now.
  22. Jessa is always so defensive when asked about what Bin is doing or really anything related to him that we’ve assumed it must not be much. I doubt WOACB knows what Bin is up to either, she just seems to speculate based on some connection to maybe Amy, maybe she just reads Reddit. There’s not been anything said about SOTDRT lately, the Duggars were traveling for quite awhile. No one has posted any pictures of major gatherings at TTH either, so who knows what’s going on.
  23. I can just imagine Jessa meeting with new SM advisor and hearing, well looks like you need to have a baby every year to maximize your earning potential. 😂
  24. Hopefully Jessa will follow the advice of this talent group and up her SM game. Otherwise I can’t see her making much $$ on a consistent basis.
  25. I can’t believe the footwear on the Rod girls in those horse pictures. It looks bizarre and dangerous to me, but I’m not a horse person so maybe it’s fine? I guess JillR can’t ride due to her SEVERE injury.
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