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Everything posted by ozziemom

  1. I think the snarkers should buy and then package tours of Duggarland for the leghumpers
  2. This kitchen remodel was more cosmetic than anything else. Looks like they distressed the cabinets and did some painting. I’m sure JillR didn’t do the countertops or backsplash. JillR is once again a lying liar.
  3. We’re getting our Moderna booster on Sunday. Got an appointment online at a Publix pharmacy as soon as booster was approved, and it was still over a week out. Happy to be able to get it.
  4. Not enough knickknacks and fake foliage, so I’m sure it was the Not Nuries who actually helped. JillR was probably supervising whilst Nurie had to take care of the Rodlets, so more work for her while recovering from childbirth. But isn’t JillR wonderful to bestow her blessings on Nurthan.
  5. @lookeyloo anniversary dates are always tough but hopefully you’ll have some comfort in Sweet Son’s memories and his love for you. @Scarlett45 also hoping your good memories of your Great Aunt will help and comfort you. Families can be a blessing and a trial. The funeral flower story really makes one wonder about some people.
  6. She loves coffee? She has the same coffee maker we had in our office back in the day. Don’t usually see those in someone’s home. Josie is posting pictures of her new Nespresso coffee/espresso maker today. Is this a competition? If so, round one to Josie.
  7. Hopefully JillR didn’t gift the baby Plexus. I imagine he will be receiving clothes that say MeMe’s Angel or something similar, emphasizing the MeMe. Thanks again to whoever first called JillR “MeMe” and David “Poopy”, makes me laugh every time.
  8. Well JillR’s a lying liar and she rarely posts in a coherent timeline, so the trip to St Augustine could have been yesterday or last week or 2 days after Nemo was born. I think she takes tons of pictures constantly and then posts whatever fits the narrative she is currently pushing.
  9. Yeah I would rather spend time with either Erin or Michael than the Carlin/Katie/Whit group too.
  10. JillR usually has her comments off so you can’t ask any interesting questions. I would really like to know how she explains David’s weight. And he looks unhealthy too. I think Italy requires vaccination or proof you recovered from Covid-19 plus recent negative results on a Covid test. No quarantine required.
  11. Good question but I haven’t seen any discussion one way or the other on any of the Bates status.
  12. So where in the world are Jase and Jer? Instagram shows them in Louisville at some mega church and then at lunch with Dave Stone (cohort coach?) and his wife. I thought the wife was Hilaria Spivey!
  13. If I didn’t know better I would think the girls did that on purpose. In Bates family news, Gil and KJ are in Italy with Lawson, Tiff and her parents. Guessing a proposal is coming soon.
  14. Also one of the girls knocks over the container and you could tell JillR was having a tough time keeping sweet.
  15. I can see where Alyssa and Michael were probably given a lot of household chores while Princess Erin was practicing piano or something musical. Each kid in a large family handles stuff like that differently but it does seem to be playing out in family relationships to this day. Back when the girls were growing up, they were probably together based on age and while I always lumped Tori and Carlin together, now we never see them together. Michael as the oldest girl became another mom and she seems to have embraced the role of still taking care of her siblings.
  16. I guess we will have to wait to find out! There was speculation that Whit, KJ, Addee and the Stew crew flew home to Tennessee.
  17. She wears a lot of clothes from this boutique. I guess Bates Sisters Boutique isn’t her style. Noticed in the description that the dress was more for dress down wearing, not really wedding attire. But the boots were the worst. I think she wore them to Katie’s shower too.
  18. Yeah that drive from NJ to Florida is hideous in best of situations but night time is especially tough. Right now the snowbirds have started to come back to Florida so the roads are crowded night and day. Where was John during the shower? He should have been napping. I bet he has a full schedule at work Monday.
  19. I think KJ must think those flared tops will disguise her weight/shape but instead it accentuates it. She looked nice at the wedding so there is some hope, but the shower outfit was not good.
  20. So were Zac and kids somewhere in the RV? With Evan and John? No sign of Jeb or Jud either.
  21. So Justin looks about 12 years old. Claire did look very pretty and they seem happy and comfortable with each other. FDW sighting but Smuggar not so much. Yay. The groomsmen here were a little more successful tossing Justin in the air than the ones at the Bates wedding yesterday who barely got Nate off the ground.
  22. He’s proving to us that he does in fact study.
  23. If I’m Erin and Chad, I probably feel like enough is enough. They did not do a big gender reveal so maybe they only go if Up needs them for filming. Plus I imagine Erin and Alyssa remember their weddings, which, for better or worse, were not such a production.
  24. Oh my, who comes up with these theatrics? I guess when there are so many “events” like I Love You Day, proposals, weddings, showers, gender reveals it is difficult to come up with anything new or interesting. But between the sky diving, singing and helicopters, what’s Katie going to do to top this?
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