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Everything posted by ozziemom

  1. The Webster girls will never go to school, that would be more work for Alyssa. She posts on Instagram on the days they go to co-op and makes it seem like a miracle they got out the door.
  2. I get creepy vibes too. I think the woman’s IG name is Tikki something or other. If you go to her IG it doesn’t appear she has a store or anything like that. So she just sends clothes to Alyssa out of friendship? It seems like it’s a fairly frequent occurrence too, not just once or twice. Alyssa has been asked about this and her answers are vague at best.
  3. And JillR is so nuts, she doesn’t even realize what a parenting fail it is that none of the kids ever praise David. We hear plenty from JillR about how hard working etc he is and what a hunk he is, but not so much what a great father.
  4. Meal prep does not seem to be Alyssa’s thing. KJ is similar to Meechelle in teaching her daughters how to be buddies/sister moms, but not much else in the way of skills necessary for life on their own.
  5. Is part of Josh’s release to the Rebers that he could only have phone with no internet? So maybe now his internet is limited but I would guess before that he was not.
  6. I think Katie and Alyssa are visiting Tikki (?) in Miami. She’s the one who gifts Alyssa all those matchy match dresses for the girls.
  7. Who is this Noah dude? Have we seen him before? He’s all over the place suddenly.
  8. In the same picture you see another Duggar guy sitting on the bench, so maybe it’s a threesome?
  9. Once again the Duggar males and friends show a mean streak disguised as boys having fun.
  10. No Bates as speakers either! I recognize some of these names from the g3 conference the Seewalds were at recently. Maybe IBLP is changing direction and away even further from Gothard. Didn’t this get together have a lot of homeschooling information in the past, mainly to push their own products?
  11. @Jeeves I also listened to that podcast and you summarized their take on JillR perfectly. She’s definitely bats**t crazy and her kids are paying the price. They will end up being even less educated than JillR and I think their health is compromised as well. Between poor diet and Plexus, the long term health prospects seem poor.
  12. As much as the Duggars sometimes called the TLC film crew family, there was a lot in the episodes that seemed like TLC was poking fun at the Duggars. And not in a cute, naive way, but aren’t the Duggars ridiculous.
  13. I read somewhere that Senior Gold level at Plexus, which JillR just got to, means the person’s income is about $22,000 annually. But it was vague about if that was before expenses or after. Usually in these MLM’s the person has to buy all kinds of products and they count prizes as income too. So the actual net increase to the lower tier person’s bank account is minimal. But part of being in the MLM is constantly talking about how wonderful it all is. Which JillR certainly does about Plexus.
  14. Speaking of Family Camp, any Duggars featured this year? Like maybe there could be a session on what to do if your child is under arrest?
  15. Giddy is what, 3? Hopefully by the time he’s kindergarten age they will realize Joy isn’t the best one for homeschooling. Joy and Carlin Bates are best friends, Carlin has already said she’s going to homeschool, and Carlin isn’t too smart either, so there’s probably no hope for Joy’s kids.
  16. Does Josh have to wear an ankle bracelet right now? That is another condition that sometimes is used after release. One of my neighbors is on the sex offender list and even though he is 88 years old, he still has to wear one for life. But this is Florida so could be completely different in Arkansas.
  17. Just the other day on Instagram, Kelly Bates was discussing how all the children were told about her miscarriages and each one was given a name. One of the younger girls, maybe Addie, was there too so Kelly then quizzed her on the names. So it must be a Fundie thing to speak endlessly about this. And Meechelle is famous for telling her kids on their birthday how she could have died giving birth.
  18. The Bates boys all sky dive so it must be an important thing to learn. So far we’ve only seen the Bates use this important skill at their grandparents farm as 4th of July entertainment. But hey, they are ready! But other than flying family and friends around, how much is he actually working? Maybe he’s not into posting every little thing but past history with the Duggars would indicate he’s not doing much of anything.
  19. It is just mind boggling to me that in these Fundie families the girls are so sheltered and raised to be a wife and mother, yet so many of them can’t cook and go crazy with fast food.
  20. Happy belated birthday @Scarlett45, Cosmo is adorable. Thanks for sharing! How is your mom doing? Back at work?
  21. Since Jessa appears to be homeschooling Spurge at the mold house, do we know if Bin is still the “head teacher” at SOTDRT at TTH? Seems right now the younger Duggars are all on the road, I guess Boob is calling it a school field trip? So maybe the M kids are on an extended school break? Or maybe Anna gives the older kids a tablet for an hour like Alyssa Webster and calls it a school day. Who knows what schooling any of them are actually getting at this point.
  22. Jill seems to stop posting then after a bit, it’s a deluge. Like a separate video for every day of their 10 day road, yawn. They were asking for questions in advance of a Q& A, maybe too many questions about Dreck and the bar exam???
  23. Carlin and Katie together are very dumb acting, not sure how much is real and what is for the camera, but I can definitely see Erin rolling her eyes at those two.
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