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Everything posted by ozziemom

  1. Yeah but he didn’t know if it was next week or the week after. Which tells me they already know the results/findings from the test so they aren’t real concerned about the follow up appointment. The whole situation has a bad smell about it.
  2. Alyssa and Jana met up at a Starbucks in Tennessee. Is Jana in Tennessee chaperoning James? He was pictured with a Bates girl recently even though I believe she is only 15. Supposedly Alyssa brought some Fundie girls with her to Tennessee for one of her single brothers. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
  3. Jeremy Jr. with a preppy hipster nickname. Unfortunately as someone not preppy or a hipster, I don’t know any of such nicknames. But I’m sure Jer can come up with something. Remy?
  4. My mom used to work at a large university hospital in Connecticut and her favorite story was when the patriarch of the gypsy clan was admitted. Apparently the whole extended family camped out in the lobby of the hospital. They were all over the lobby with all kinds of stuff for over a week. Reminds me of something the Rodrigues clan might do. Maybe due to Covid restrictions they can’t do that, but I can just picture it.
  5. JillR did her mom’s hair etc just to post on SM so we all know how dedicated she is to her godly mom. So far it doesn’t seem like the GFM is pulling in too much $$. Maybe JillR is not such a great grifter after all.
  6. My son is a teacher in Arizona and part of the reason is they can’t hire enough teachers with teaching degrees. Last year he mentored a new teacher at his school who was in her last semester of college. She was getting a degree in history not education. So no student teaching or education courses.
  7. Saw part of JillR’s post just now, but with sound off. Even with not knowing what she was saying, it was too much to bear. It is all about her all the time. How far is the Barndo from the hospital? If they’re going to be at the hospital so much, she’s definitely going to be begging for herself, ie gas money and $$ to replace lost income.
  8. I guess Bin & Jessa thought all these women would want to give their babies to them to adopt since they are best parents ever? Jessa probably didn’t realize there was a process to follow, including a home study and loads of forms.
  9. I can’t understand why BME insists on the smallest pie/cake for a birthday when you know there’s at least a dozen people to feed. GWE could devour the cake shown in 2 bites! Poor Kaylee looks so uncomfortable in these pictures.
  10. JillR does not want her posts to be private, she just wants to limit comments from other people. No comments allowed on Instagram and on Facebook, you have to be a BME approved sweet friend to comment.
  11. Well they don’t seem too concerned about any of this. When Layla was having issues, the main issue was that Carlin couldn’t handle taking her to doctors appointments or tests. Someone always had to go with her.
  12. JillR’s parents may be collecting the bare minimum of SS benefits if their work history is anything like the Rods. Sounds like the house they recently moved to won’t be suitable for someone recovering from a stroke without some renovation but that is probably a long way off. JillR’s mom will have a long stay at a rehab facility unless the dad decides he will care for her at home. We are going to be seeing lots and lots of pleas for $$.
  13. Well the Duggars like to buy used and do things a little bit different, so to them moving the mold house is no big deal. Permits? Who needs that? We will probably see a video soon of James or Jase with one of their huge trucks hauling the mold house to TTH.
  14. What does KJV Bible say about this? What will JillR’s family do, leave it up to God’s will? I feel sorry for anyone having to deal with this, but JillR makes it all about HER, so it’s tough to have sympathy for her.
  15. And somehow it’s important for everyone to know that JillR just was there helping, to give them a boost. She really is tone deaf.
  16. I thought the exact same thing. Obviously KJ isn’t really involved in BSB other than some modeling and Whit, Zach, Carlin and Evan seem to always be together.
  17. Is she the one that only recently was allowed to live away from her parents? At school or something? And she’s like 35 years old?
  18. Trace and Lydia were pictured in Arkansas for the 4th. She must be one of the RHOMCs, she was with Joy and “Drew’s girl” lol. Thank you to whoever first referred to them as RHOMC, makes me giggle every time. And yes, Janie was the one who expressed anxiety over the Bateses visits. This was when a lot of the boys were teens and younger and it seemed like the kids were always out of control. Lots of chaos and mess IIRC.
  19. The volleyball game was pretty sad too. No one could get the ball over the net.
  20. IIRC Anna used to make comments implying how much better off she was compared to Prissy. Things like Anna was younger than her sister but married before her, she had more kids etc etc. I wonder if Prissy now feels superior? I know I wouldn’t want her life but she does seem content. And she’s definitely better off than Anna.
  21. My guess is that Anna plopped herself and the M kids with Prissy to be close to where FF is. She probably thought she could visit him as soon as he got there. IIRC last year some of the M kids were shipped off to the Wallers supposedly to attend VBS and this seems to be VBS time again.
  22. Maybe she tried it on GWE and it was a complete waste of time? I’m guessing the guy in her Plexus story did more than just drink the magic potion. Probably made his tummy look larger for the before and sucked it in for the after. Fakery at its worst. And then reverted to the bloated belly afterwards. GWE probably won’t even do that, he always seems like an unwilling participant in BME’s SM other than when he’s preaching.
  23. Isn’t KJ the queen of Sonic? She always has a Sonic cup wherever she goes and she also loves Doordash, what more does one need?
  24. Since neither Carlin or Evan has shown much in the way of long term planning or financial savvy, I’m guessing they are happy with whatever $$ they are making. If they suddenly have to pay for their own health insurance and taxes, they will find their YouTube income doesn’t go too far. Being self employed is hard! And they may soon find their viewership numbers shrinking and sponsors drying up.
  25. You mean the Duggars won’t be able to do things a little different? I’m guessing that is probably what annoys Boob more than anything.
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