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Everything posted by ozziemom

  1. Actually since she had another baby with FF she clearly thought her life was not going to be disrupted by the raid. She believed whatever story FF and Boob told her about the case and it seems she is still thinks FF is innocent. She’s going nowhere.
  2. And running on real time not Duggar time.
  3. Not sure how of the law in Tennessee but when Ozziedad had a seizure, his doctors told him not to drive. We were advised that in Florida the law is 6 months from last seizure before he could legally drive again. Thankfully once brain tumor was removed he never had another seizure, but he is still hesitant to drive. As a young working mother, that will be tough on Carlin. How far is their new house from the rest of the Bates clan?
  4. Plus JillR didn’t go on the Florida Plexus retreat in March, so she’s really missed out on her special trips.
  5. We were teased with “more information about the move” to come in future YouTube stories. So we are only speculating about where exactly Chad and Erin will live and if they are buying a house or renting.
  6. If Philly went to work at McDonald’s he might encounter women exposing their knees! Or have a woman boss! He would be SEVERELY traumatized. He probably wouldn’t be able to preach the right Bible to random customers either. There are a lot of reasons why the Rodlets can’t work at regular jobs but the main one is crazy parents.
  7. Yes I got that vibe too. I also think Chad’s patriarch ways are coming out. He talked about his childhood memories of running around a farm and that’s what he wants for his kids. He has probably had enough of the Bates clan and the way some of the siblings are not as Fundie acting. If his parents are moving to Florida too perhaps they are already entrenched in this community where senior Paine lives and they convinced Chad to move. One trip to visit doesn’t seem like enough to really tell if this is the right place, especially the whole church family vibe. But maybe Fundies recognize like minded people quickly? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
  8. Just noticed Jessa is shilling BrushX today on Instagram. How many different Fundies can post about that brush? I guess since they all have such long hair the company thinks it’s a good idea? I only glanced at it without sound but she looks like her usual bored self.
  9. I think we’ve heard the Paine’s discuss paying cash for a house and that every one they could afford was too run down. I can’t imagine they can save much but their housing situation was always perplexing to me. If Grandpa Paine lives in a 55+ community, Chad and Erin won’t be able to live there, especially with kids. But there is more land in that part of Florida and they kept referring to the great church family, so perhaps someone is assisting them with housing.
  10. Agree 100% with you Cereality, makes a lot of sense that the elder Paine’s are involved too. I can totally see Chad seeing the way G&KJ have lost control over some of the girls and especially the grandkids. Pants! Exposed shoulders! It makes sense that Erin left BSB and started her card business. As she said in the video, she can do that anywhere. So they are going deeper in the Fundie world. Plus in Florida if there’s no Bates that need help with construction work. Also explains why Chad was not at Carlin’s new house. Was he at Lawson’s house or has it just been Trace or Warden? And where does Jackson fit in? He’s in Arkansas with one of the Duggar boys IIRC. Another thought, what do Chad and Erin know about why UP suddenly canceled BUB? Was that the Lord speaking to them? They mentioned the Lord sent them many messages leading them to their decision 🤷🏼‍♀️
  11. They said that god is leading them to move so who knows what’s up. IIRC they visited Chad’s grandfather awhile back, remember the awkward picture of them at Alyssa’s house? Seemed like they stopped for about 5 minutes. So they are probably moving somewhere in central Florida which is generally not as expensive as coastal areas. I live on the gulf coast near Sarasota and house prices here have gone crazy. And there’s no inventory to buy or rent. So I wouldn’t be surprised if the Paine’s have scored housing from a church friend or family. They mentioned church family in the YouTube story as a reason for the move, so maybe Chad has work lined up through those connections as well. There was very little actually disclosed in the story but tune in for more updates!
  12. So sorry @CalicoKitty. It’s tough to lose a parent no matter the circumstances.
  13. Yeah that would be the Christian thing to do, helping someone else. So for sure G&KJ will be busy doing something else, like visiting Katie or going on vacation. They are the worst. But I’m sure they are busy praying.
  14. lol, Fuhrer Clark. I’m scared of that guy just from videos he’s in.
  15. Jessa dumped all those Sayings of Seewalds posts at once awhile back, maybe she meant to spread them out but goofed up the attempt. We will probably see Ivy’s birthday week at least 2-3 weeks later as well as the big move. Jessa really doesn’t know how to maximize her social media potential.
  16. Thanks for sharing, very informative. Ozziedad recently went through two years of right hand, arm and leg issues where we saw every doctor imaginable. After he had a seizure they finally did a brain scan. Turns out he had a benign tumor on the left side of his brain that was the size of a baseball. Once the tumor was removed all his issues were resolved. But we essentially had two years of pain, anguish and frustration. So I totally understand how stressful it is when you have health problems and you don’t know why or what to do. Take care @sixlets.
  17. Carlin was back at the ER in Nashville yesterday, apparently she passed out 3 times. Sounds like they ran a bunch more tests but still no idea why this keeps happening.
  18. More like they’ve grifted to the max at their home church so they need to branch out. I imagine it doesn’t take long for a congregation to get wise to the ways of the Rods so anytime they can go somewhere new, off they go.
  19. And were the five little girls home with GWE? I can’t imagine him on a bike ride. Once again BME has to hangout with the older cool kids.
  20. Seems like Dreck was planning all along to practice law in Oklahoma. Have we heard anything about what his job is?
  21. Did anyone see Jessa’s quick post on Instagram? It looked like a screenshot of someone else’s post and I’m scratching my head wondering what? It was one of those busy mom type posts but nothing to connect it to the Seewalds. Maybe there was more and I missed it 🤷🏼‍♀️
  22. Once Philly gets a job he will be expected to buy BME flowers and other gifts so I’m not sure how he will afford school plus a car. He is definitely being set up for failure and once again JillR will blame someone else. She and GWE are perfect parents in her mind, so it must be someone else’s fault.
  23. When they were showing off the work they had done on the house Travis pointed out an area in the lower level that Katie could use for doing hair as a small business. Katie was the one who brushed the idea aside, like she had no intention of ever doing that. It was a small moment, but it didn’t seem like Travis was against her working.
  24. Yes, poor planning seems to affect a lot of the Bates. How many times did we see KJ and the girls running around the night before some party buying decorations? Or the day of the party frantically setting up?
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