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Everything posted by ozziemom

  1. Jill really struggles to make cohesive sentences in her Instagram posts. Lots of um and like. Does that make her more relatable to her followers? IDK, I just feel bad for Izzy and Sam, it seemed like public school was the plan for the Dillards. Now it seems they’re homeschooling with a mom who won’t answer questions about it. It’s not our business, but she puts out content that teases her followers with “oh isn’t writing on windows cute” and looks for engagement by asking for other fun suggestions.
  2. Amy was very close to Gramma Mary, who was apparently the driving force behind a lot of Boob’s schemes. So maybe Amy was also pushed by Mary. IIRC both Mary and Deanna were in Amy’s show where she went to Nashville to be a singing star.
  3. From what JillR has shown us, I think there is a machine that does the folding. Anytime she’s shown Dave working, he seems to be mostly standing around. Which I guess for him is very strenuous. Lots of pictures show that the kids do all the stuffing type work, often late at night.
  4. Lawson posted some pictures of construction work at his house, looks like all the Bates men and some in laws were there too. Didn’t watch enough to really see what exactly they were doing and I can’t stand Lawson’s voice so I didn’t listen either. This used to be how Chad spent all his time so I’m sure he was happy to be far away from another Bates family project.
  5. Does this mean BME and Dave aren’t hauling all their work down to Florida themselves? Isn’t January usually spent in Florida “working”?
  6. That wouldn’t fit the Carlin aesthetic of beige and everything very orderly. I think they use her room as the guest room too?
  7. As a Florida resident I can verify everything said about storing clothes in plastic tubs is true. Stuff gets mold and mildew very quickly. I’ve had sneakers fall apart that were left in the unairconditioned garage. Florida humidity is unlike other places.
  8. How many beige outfits can you own? Carlin probably can’t decide what she is doing to wear and brings everything, including multiple shoe options.
  9. Looks like their baby was born Christmas Day. That may have been why the festivities at TTH seemed quieter than usual. But a baby isn’t really so unusual for the Duggars so who knows. Baby girl is cute, that’s all I got.
  10. Based on the gender guess board, looks like Siren was there along with the Seewalds, along with other random people. Bigger crowd than Christmas.
  11. I’m guessing she will be using her thumb or the blanket she usually has for a long time for comfort. BME won’t stop her since she views Janessa as a permanent baby.
  12. One of my life long friends still sucks her thumb when she is really tired or anxious and let’s just say we’re over 65….
  13. Did we ever see Spurg’s birthday week? Jessa is usually way behind on her posting but it seems like we’ve seen nothing since her posts for the Christian health insurance company. Maybe all the negative comments made her so mad she’s on a social media break. ETA: I spotted Fern in an Instagram story of one of Bin’s sister. Very brief and no other kids.
  14. If they are really at the Big House, not sure what other rooms they could be in. Maybe one of the Howler construction crew made partitions somewhere? It always seemed like the oddest configuration of rooms at TTH, but you know, the Duggars do things a little bit different.
  15. The dog is very cute but doesn’t look like a Yorkie or a poodle, looks like a mutt of mixed ancestry. Hopefully this dog will be cared for and treated better than most Fundie pets.
  16. It looked like Evan’s mom was definitely over the Carlin filming nonsense. Can’t say I blame her. I guess C & E think the hiked up shirt look is cute, Layla used to have that look too when she was younger.
  17. So they rushed to Nashville last night so they could dump the kids and go run errands? I’m guessing the original plan yesterday was to leave earlier than they actually did. They are so chaotic and the kids were probably cranky from the chaos of the previous day, they left much later than planned. I think Bates Time is similar to Duggar Time. And since they probably didn’t check the weather until they were already on the road, could be why they were annoyed when Lawson popped by their car at the gas station.
  18. JillR has made her own miscarriages, ie the SEVERE miscarriages, into a way for attention, so her children, if one had a miscarriage, would be fair game in her mind. Is one of Jonathan’s aunts in JillR’s Plexus upline? Give her enough Plexus and even Timbits might look attractive.
  19. I’ve been looking at the 1950 census when I have a moment, I know once I start, time flies by, so I’m hoping to do a deep dive in January. I was born in the 1950’s so this census is more real and fascinating to me.
  20. Oh I had forgotten all that! That was so ridiculous, KJ at her most obnoxious.
  21. Wasn’t KJ just as bad about the ring? It was annoying. Tori and Carlin always seemed to be paired up on the couch for TV questions on BUB. Both loud and totally dumb acting, like Carlin is now, just with Evan instead of Tori.
  22. Tori seems to have grown up in a way that Carlin hasn’t. Back on the TV show Tori was as loud and obnoxious as Carlin but the little we see of her now, she’s more like Erin or Michael. Maybe she really hated the attention being on her? And now she & Bobby have settled into a life that suits them both together.
  23. I think at one point Katey referred to the party as ugly sweater, sort of costume. It seems like wear whatever ridiculous outfit you want.
  24. Or maybe no companies are begging for her to promote their products.
  25. Just saw on YouTube their most recent post. Erin admits she is struggling with leaving her family and the only home she’s ever known. But they may only stay for a couple years in Florida and then go home again. So clearly she considers Tennessee home. Not sure how she will adjust to Florida feeling this way. But Paine Construction is moving to Florida. I wonder if Chad will insist on staying in Florida if Erin is miserable.
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