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Everything posted by frenchtoast

  1. Hi! Previously TV Name and TwoP name: frenchtoast, on both sites. Why you love to talk about Elementary: I love JLM's performance and I appreciate that Sherlock isn't such a huge whiny child. I prefer Sherlock to be a champion of justice and helping those that need it. Favorite minor character: Does Alfredo count? Because I love him. Also, the internet group Everyone. Watching Mycroft and Watson in bed was like... I don't know. It was surely not what I was wanting to see. I think Sherlock took the heroin because... he is keeping in case he needs it to help him in his work. Like his drug dealer friend said, to clarify his thinking. I also think it's a bit of an escape plan--if the pain is too much, he can escape with heroin. My Thursday nights are so quiet now. In fact, all my weeknights are quiet now because of all the finales. I'm looking forward to some scheduled rewatches. I'm hoping to hook my 11 year old son on Chuck but he is adamant that he doesn't want to see it, which I can't understand. It's just starting to warm up here after a really chilly May and I'm one of those really odd people that like it cold. Summer is not my favorite season.
  2. I do, I like it a lot. I have another DVD (Extreme Shed and Shred) of hers, but I like the Ripped in 30 better mainly because I find it easier to follow. I may check out that 30 Day Shred. I find I like the way she motivates and encourages. I never watched Biggest Loser, but in this she shows how not to do something which I find just as important as showing how to do something. And it kicks my ass every time. I also appreciate that you don't need a lot of space at all. Ahh, gotcha. And I don't do the cool down either. Usually because I'm gasping on the floor thinking: this is cool down enough. I'm not moving until the cool down is over.
  3. I'm the exact opposite--I hate doing stuff outside. Popping in my Jillian Michael's DVD or a tv show and hopping on the elliptical, that I can do. I'm going to try to get Mr. Toast to walk with crostini on these nice evenings. He's gained so much weight and he has bad family history of kidney and heart disease. Hopefully it will help his mood too. I find after getting in the groove I feel better, my mood is better, I sleep better. It's getting there that's difficult. An hour sounds like a lot to start with Pixel. As the song goes, it's not how you start, it's how you finish. I'm starting at 5'3" 148 size 12--14. I want to get to 130, size 8-10 again.
  4. I don't thnk Erik/Magneto is a nice or good guy. What I find fascinating is how he operates out of fear and rage, even if he would never admit that. Allowing fear dictate choices usually ends badly. So I understand why Charles tries so hard to bring Erik to a place where he isn't fearful and angry, but the scars run too deep. That's what I enjoy. It's not just hamfisted, mustache twirling villainy. I know what he's doing is wrong, but I can understand and relate to why he's making those choices. I think Days of Future Past made it quite clear when elder Charles was talking to younger Charles: "We need you to hope again." Erik has no hope and I find that tragic. He's still a bad guy, but I can see how the tragedy of him losing all hope has led to his villainy and I find that better to watch than, say, Malekeith.
  5. I'll join you with the exercise, Pixel. I had lost weight last summer and I gave up after the dog passed and school started and then it just slipped away. I will start tomorrow morning and either pop in my dvd or get on the elliptical. 15 minutes at least. Solidarity!
  6. Oh, I said the same thing about Fassbender being way too good looking to play Rochester but so was Timothy Dalton and that's an excellent adaptation, too, despite that flaw. It's something I can get over pretty quickly. And yes, they all looked great except for Quicksilver. I haaaated his jacket. But otherwise, it was normal clothes, not "fashion". My kids were not happy with the backside shot of Wolverine. I found nothing to complain about. But they all looked good. Very good. I like a beard on Shawn Ashmore, too.
  7. We saw it this morning, too! And I didn't have my normal cup o' joe figuring I could get one at the theater. Apparently the fryer for the fries and chicken fingers was up and running but not the coffee machine. Whaaa? It was a 9:30 AM show. I enjoyed the heck out of the movie, but I've always loved the Charles/Erik relationship and this was just teeming with it. Fassbender was awesome, McAvoy was awesome even if he doesn't look like Patrick Stewart. Actually, the whole cast was terrific. Can't wait for the blu-ray release. Have you seen Fassbender in Jane Eyre, LL? Because damn!
  8. If I ever see it in the $5 blu-ray bin in Wal-Mart (which is likely never because I deliberately avoid Wal-Mart) I'd pick it up. Some of it was a lot of fun, and Ray Stevenson and Orlando Bloom were having jolly time. But otherwise, not going to spend too much money on it. If only because I was fascinated by the pearl drop earring Stevenson's character (Porthos) was wearing. I just couldn't look away. Buckingham (Bloom) was rocking one, too. It was pretty awesome. Also it had a steam punk flame thrower. Didn't know steam punk was 17th century, thought it was more 19th century, but whatever. Steam punk flame thrower. With bellows.
  9. I stayed until the SQL errors at 12:15 and crawled into bed. I shouldn't have stayed up because we're seeing X-Men at 9:30 this morning, but I had to. I did have two glasses of champagne. Also, a TWoPper from the Star Trek Meet Market set up a Facebook page and we were setting that up while TWoP was having its last hurrah. (I'm pretty sure hurrah is spelled right, what the heck spell check?) So, I read somewhere that the 2011 Three Musketeers was actually a lot of fun and not as terrible as Rotten Tomatoes would have you believe. So, on Friday, I figured I'd give it a go and see if it's one of those movies like The A-Team--not great, but just fun to watch. Most of the actors got the point that it was just meant to be a little silly and scenery chewing was accepted (hi, Orlando Bloom). Some did not get the memo. Or they did and they just couldn't figure out what to do (hi Matthew Macfadyen) Also, if you show the planning session discussion intercut with the execution of the plan don't change it afterwards because that's just annoying. It's not the type of movie that can be too clever because then it's just annoying, as in, why did I just watch all that nonsense? The worst scene was with D'Artagnan and his father. Good lord, they did not get the get a bit silly memo. As I'm watching this, I put myself in the mindset that I'd have to discuss it here and not TWoP. But then, I wouldn't know where to put it, so I came here. Also, I think Pixel saw this and liked it. I enjoyed it, and Milla Jovovich always makes me smile, but I don't know if I'll buy it.
  10. Yeah, but we have this Chili's. And it's the people that make it, not the location. Mostly. I don't have any more rum, thanks to Mr. Toast, so I'm drinking some pink champagne. I'm rapidly running out of booze in my house.
  11. I'd love a rewatch! We're not watching anything this summer, and it'll be interesting to see how it holds up watching it in large chunks.
  12. I enjoyed Frozen, but I also thought Tangled was a better movie--editing, character, story, music and lyrics--just a better movie. Let it Go just makes me grind my teeth with the flurries and the fractals. Because, I GET IT. You're so effing clever. Ugh. And DIsney gets knocked for bad parents, but Rapunzel's parents (her real ones) are good. And so are Tiana's, and Mulan's, and Merida's and Belle's. They're not perfect, but they care about their kids. The parents in Frozen are terrible. Locking away a daugher? WTF? Having said that, I don't think most young girls understand how evil Mother Gothel is. That is one fascinating villain. My daughter knows she's bad, but she doesn't see how she messes with Rapunzel's psyche. She's seen as bad and the parents in Frozen aren't. Whaaaa?
  13. Cress said (with some snipping on my part): I agree with many of the points in the above save for the idea that the writers had him say he did nothing wrong. I got the feeling that Sherlock just couldn't admit that he had done anything wrong. Sherlock doth protest too much, as the saying goes, and I think that's what they were trying to show--that he can't say that his rude and imperious (and illegal!) approach was the wrong method. Clearly, Dillon is to blame for shooting anyone; Dillon is not innocent of wrongdoing, he pulled the trigger and made a bad situation the absolute worst. But I think the whole Bell story was to show Holmes seeing that perhaps the expression catch more flies with honey has a certain truth to it. Which is why I liked the sponsee relapse story. I like seeing Holmes trying to figure out what approach would suit best. It's more work, certainly, but it's far more interesting. Look how well it works with the internet group Everyone. It's what I enjoy most about this iteration of Sherlock. He's trying and exploring and sometimes fails. And it makes him human to me. I like human Holmes. It's why I like the Brett version, and the ACD version.
  14. Maybe your new purpose in life would be to make a jet-pack?
  15. I can tolerate Keira Knightley's Pride & Prejudice and there are enough things that I like about it that it doesn't make me stabby (though I haven't watched it all the way through from beginning to end). The Austen adaptation that makes me stabby is Mansfield Park. So, so stabby. I haven't seen the other ones, and thankfully I didn't spend money on it as I borrowed it from the library. Mansfield Park is difficult to film because it's such an interior book. There is so much telling and not much showing. But making Fanny into an author? No. Just...no. And that's just one of the many issues I had with that film, though the biggest. On the flip side, I enjoyed Jane Eyre with Michael Fassbender as Rochester. I found I didn't mind the weirdness with the story telling and timeline (and leaving important stuff out like St. John is her freaking cousin) because I think it hit the right emotional notes. For me, the movie is akin to flipping to favorite scenes in the book rather than a page by page reread. And Judi Dench as Mrs. Fairfax is delightful. I have enjoyed the MCU so much, but I'm not a comic book reader. What I appreciate about Marvel is that the films can stand alone, but all the background that comic book fans explain enriches the movies for me. It's a great synergy that I'm fascinated to see how long it can last.
  16. Which is why I love "I need a horse" from the first Thor. Makes me laugh every single time, but I have yet to use it in everyday life. Now, Ta-dah I can use.
  17. I thought it was the equation or formula that Ward stole that Akela was supposed to steal. He was receiving her instructions through the rigged glasses, and all that lines and circles were on a board or something. I'm a little fuzzy, I'll have to see if we still have the episode and rewatch. Not tonight, though ;) I enjoyed the heck out of that and hope they can carry the momentum next season. I guess it felt like they were spinning wheels for a while there because they were waiting for Winter Soldier to open. Timing was not good. Given all the other stories that we'll hopefully be seeing (and please, let provide information in a steady flow and not drip,drip, drip), will there still be a Ward story. Because he is kind of pathetic and I'm not sure that I care if he's redeemed, He just doesn't seem to have enough there for me to be intrigued in his redemption. And yay, life model decoy Koening and his lanyards. Made my night.
  18. Every Friday night, my family settles in for pizza and a movie, sometimes with the kids friends. It's the perfect excuse to rewatch something dumb and silly. My go to for Friday night movies is The A-Team (with Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper etc). RED falls into that category for me, too. The plot makes no sense, the characters are flimsy, but I find them so damn enjoyable.
  19. Hi. That's me. Two brown eyed parents, hazel-green eyes. I was wondering if Josh's abilities hadn't manifested yet or he wasn't going to get them. Aunt Marie wasn't sure if Nick was going to inherit, and it didn't really come into play until after she died, which Monroe commented on. So it's kind of up in the air. At least he has a bit of an inkling. As we've seen with Mama Grimm, it's very difficult to be a parent and a Grimm, especially if you are committed to being a Grimm. It's a crappy position to be put in, either way. At least Josh has so, explanation. And I did like how he wouldn't barge in on Nick while he was eating. It's a tv show, c'mon, everyone does it. But I liked that nod to reality. Pollsters, take a hint. And I'll admit, I giggled when Josh said, "Unless you're all crazy." And they all looked up thinking, "We probably are." Reminds me of when my kids say, "You're crazy mom." To which I reply, "You just noticed that?"
  20. They've been married about 35 years. She's going to try to "make it work" but I'm hoping she eventually realizes she wants something better for herself. Only time will tell, Speaking of mothers, Happy Mother's Day all you fabulous Chili's Moms! You are all awesome and inspire me to be a better mom.
  21. I was not at all interested in Godzilla, but the trailers have been really intriguing. But, we've seen a lot of movies this year and we still have more to go: The LEGO Movie, Muppets Most Wanted, Winter Soldier, Spider-Man, Days of Future Past, Maleficent and How to Train Your Dragon. So I don't know if we'll be able to squeeze in Godzilla. I think I'll wait and hear what others think. It would probably be better for my mom helping her if I lived nearby, but that's not the case. I'm doing what I can from here, and trying to help her navigate through the shock and uncertainty. Thanks for pointing out the council on aging, possibilities, because she could definitely use something like that to navigate taxes and other stuff. I found a community office when I was looking up health insurance exchange stuff, because that was highly successful in NY and that gave me the community outreach info, so at least I know there are places she can go.
  22. We did not buy Girl Scout cookies this year, for which my jeans are grateful. Given that SB has chocolate chip cookies every night, it's kind of moot. Because I eat them, too. So...my mom called me last night to drop a bombshell. My dad wants a divorce. Actually, my stepdad who I don't really have a relationship with anyway. She's terribly hurt and shocked. The biggest issue, for me, is her limited knowledge of finance. She's 63, and would like to retire but I don't think she has the means to. My dad told her he wants her comfortable and is going to give her the money from the sale of the house, but he has to fix it up and who knows how long that's going to take. She's also going to need a car because the one she has is starting to fall apart--the gas tank had a hole in it. So finances and transportation--she doesn't have access or know how to use the internet, so it's going to be difficult for her to find information. So, yeah, weird time right now.
  23. And, I like that story. It's a cute and clever story. Why would they waste the title on that? Grrrr.
  24. I just want to say, from the bottom of my French major heart, thank you, everyone, for spelling milieu correctly. It makes me happy, what can I say. And yes, I do own Good Grammar Costs Nothing. I picked up a little on what the French bad guys were saying, too, but I have a hard time picking up cross conversations in English, in French it's even harder. As for the bad guys waiting for Mycroft to give a speech--eh. It's stupid, but it's a common dramatic trope that I can live with. What I didn't understand was why the main bad guy (forgot his name) drove off before his henchman shot Mycroft and Joan. Wouldn't he want to see that to make sure they were dead? I can still handwave it because it's a common trope, but still. To have both of those in the space of a few seconds dumbed the episode down a little. I can accept it, but it would have been nice if they had subverted the trope a little.
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