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Everything posted by RealityGal

  1. You think those kids are headed for college? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say "technical school fund" -- just kidding, those kids are total Rhodes Scholars, I can tell. It seems to me like she was desperately trying to hide her financial status until the marriage. Like someone else said, when they finally get around to cutting off your phone, its because you haven't paid in a minute. Which means Danielle likely knew there were bad financial times coming before the cell phone got cut off, but she didn't want him to leave so she kept her trap shut. I think Mohammed realizes he is on TV, and if he behaves kindly towards someone who is as hard to handle as Danielle he may actually get a couple of better offers out of it.
  2. In some ways, she is indeed a tween girl. In fact, in a lot of ways, just not the chronological age way.
  3. I don't believe D&D offers an objective definition of what lawful is, and unless Batman and Gotham are in Dungeons and Dragons I don't think it has any bearing on what lawful is. However, by your own definition they are only chaotic in nature to you or to someone else looking at or trying to analyze them. Its not incorrect at all, according to your own definition of what lawful is, because for you, it is not dependent on society. A person you call chaotic may simply have a more complex code of conduct that involves more than one response per situation, but that doesn't make it any less of a "law" as you have defined it, since a law isn't required to be simple, and according to your own definition each person can determine their own set of rules or laws. A man who flies into a rage and beats his wife may indeed have a code of laws that he follows, but that I don't agree with. He may have determined that whenever x happens he will do y. Whenever the house is not clean, he will beat his wife. Its nothing that I agree with, but its the hypothetical you've given me. Just because I don't agree with a law, according to you, doesn't make it any less of a law. You truly have no idea if that is his code of law or rules, and according to you, because society doesn't determine what is lawful, but the individual can determine what is lawful, that hypothetical can represent a person who is lawful, by your definition.
  4. Oh please, the men walking around the Just for Men aisle of the store are clearly asking for it, sales have probably dropped since your departure
  5. well, I could see that, I'm getting hot and bothered just thinking about it. I'm surprised she was the only hussy throwing herself at him.
  6. If it helps, Wikipedia did a page about Project Runway All Stars and it was full of lies, so I think a lot of that stuff is a hoax!
  7. I have to agree with you. I think Danielle is just as much, if not more of a con artist than Mo is. My feeling is that there is sort of an unspoken agreement in these sorts of things. Danielle gets to have a guy at least 15 years younger than her who is out of her league, both looks wise and in terms of intelligence. I'm not saying he is Brad Pitt, nor Stephen Hawking, but comparatively for her, he is a catch both in terms of looks and intelligence. The trade off is that, in exchange for basically having that man under her thumb for at least two years, she is supposed to sponsor him so he can get his green card. She knows that this is an exchange because she failed to mention her financial difficulties to him, knowing that he would have stayed home because he is not that into her, but he is into getting the chance to get a green card. So far, he has kept up his end of the bargain, he has gone everywhere with her, put up with her ignorant family, and her constant clinginess with understanding, kindness and respect. She, on the other hand I think has sold him a defunct bill of goods, I feel like she gave him the impression that she was doing good financially and could take care of him. I think this is why he was somewhat put off by where she lived and her vehicle, because I can imagine that in order to get him to agree to come to the US, she probably misrepresented a lot of things to him just to get him here.
  8. If thats Danielle's FB page, than that is so expected and yet, so creepy....
  9. He sort of strikes me as one of those guys that is just attracted to beautiful people, no matter what the gender. I think a beautiful man might turn his head just as much as a beautiful woman. It is, but there was so little connection to the sponsor throughout the challenge (they didn't even have the models wear the jewelry!) that it seems like the entire thing could have been ignored.
  10. I only see Wikipedia having the season details up to the next episode. I don't know how many episodes a season is or maybe the rest of it was removed.
  11. isn't it though? Isn't it just perfection.....especially because they use the word as the man is combing it in, its such a direct tie, like "men, you want some penetration, here is the product that will get you there, and in case you forget we will also put the word penetrate on the screen....with an arrow.....so you dont' forget"
  12. this is true, but there is a strong supporting cast of trainwrecks this season. But they are the stars.
  13. Its only unpredictable to you because you don't know the code of "laws" or "rules" they have set up for themselves. It could be one which is very complex. The code can be very specific but very complex, a "law" doesn't have to be as simple as "no kill" to qualify as a law or a rule. I'm defining lawful the way it is defined by the dictionary. By your very definition everyone can be lawful, because everyone can have a set of "laws" or "rules" that they follow. You are saying that someones morality and ethics are determined by whether or not they are lawful. But, a person you may see a chaotic may simply have a very complex set of laws that you simply don't understand, because if you're not using society as factor in determining lawfulness then you are allowing that each person can determine their own laws. The same way Batman has determined his own set of laws or rules. Just because something is unpredictable to you doesn't mean that it doesn't follow a set of "laws" that a person has determined for themselves. Even anarchists have a set of laws that they follow.
  14. Although, on the flip side of the "hair color to keep a mate" debate...because there is "no play for mr. gray!" but I love how marketing directed at men is so very obvious.....before the Just for Men beard makeover she basically rejects them....after, she damn near has sex with him in the middle of the bar. Does she know him, did someone put a roofie in her drink in the only 5 minutes he was in the bathroom brushing the just for men into his beard? So basically, a woman who doesn't know you will have random sex with you if you would only use just for men on your beard! Now you know men, now you know. Women don't really want a sense of humor, rock hard abs, or intelligent conversation....what we really want is a guy with a non gray beard! And I mean, we really, really want that....its a necessary and sufficient condition to having sex with us.
  15. Ha ha - I'm watching Blue Bloods on Netflix, and this has to be the most conservative show in history, but right now Jinx Monsoon is in an episode playing a drag queen! :)
  16. I think its sort of a matter of grays. Special K convinces me that life will be better at 110 pounds, and I can get there if I eat Special K. Clairol wants to convince me that my life would be better without grey hair, and I can get there if I just use Lady Clairol. Dating site ads seem to be more along the line of convincing me that there is no way my life will be complete unless I get into a relationship, not just that life will be improved, but my current life is just the pits. And then of course I think many singles (or at least this single) will tell you that the commercials are more than a little unrealistic, are we going to have a first date by candlelight while staring into each others eyes? Is that a real first date as Match tries to convince me? Now I just feel like an ass, because yes, I've had first dates like that, but 90% of the first dates I've had are about finding out all the crap no one bothered to tell you about online (oh, whats that, you live with your parents? you don't really have a degree? you aren't a graduate professor, but you deliver pizza? you aren't sure exactly how many kids you have? you carry a loaded rifle in your car?). But, I keep on, because the other 10% is good.... and thats what I think the less condescending message should be, with the wide open world of dating, everyone is probably gonna have to kiss a lot of frogs, but the frogs are worth it to find the good ones.
  17. But I wonder if she knows her shit is shit? She seems to think she is a pretty reasonable person with a small side of jealousy. And not for nothing, but I've known guys who have embraced just as crazy, or crazier, and they at least had their own place. She could have had a Brett, and while Brett has his own unique set of problems, he at least has a job. Of course, the daughter could never stay there because I think Cassia would be put off by someone else getting any attention.
  18. Molly Ringwalds dress in Pretty in Pink was probably the biggest fashion monstrosity that ever happened, or it was at least in the top 10 of all time. To this day I remember how much I wanted her to look amazing in her dress, and she came out in....that? The thing of it is, they could have gone off in so many directions as to what relationship and love they wanted to focus in on. I don't remember them saying that "love story" had to be romantic in nature, its just what everyone's mind went to, and it seems like that motivated the run towards the red's. But your love story can be something other than romantic love. What about your love of fashion, what about loving your parents, what about your parents love for you, I don't think anyone has children, but why not love for your children, why not love of yourself (and not the asshole-y kind that Helen and Michelle have, but the confident kind that grows with time and accepting and learning to love who you are). Oddly enough, this is the challenge that I wish Alexandria and Patricia were around for because I think both of them would have thought out of the box in terms of what love is. I certainly think Alexandria would have used the love she has for the kids at camp couture. Patricia maybe would have used the love of her Native American heritage as inspiration. Its just so stale and so obvious to go with romantic love. Most people should have experienced love, even if you're not in a romantic relationship.
  19. Well, there is no better way to explore a country than to fly thousands of miles to visit and than watch the local news. I feel like Cassia's interest in Jason can easily explained by her desire for a green card, and a semi-well thought out plan to trade up as soon as possible. If I could offer her some advice it would be to find a rich old dude. And I mean really old, with eyesight good enough to appreciate that she has a great body, but bad enough to not see the terrible cat eye and messed up teeth.
  20. Listen, I think there is only one way to settle the debate as to who has the best turkey cooking method. You all can simply send me a selection of your turkey (a piece of white, and a piece of dark meat) and than I shall determine who is the winner. Now, if you want extra points, feel free to include gluten free sides. Whoever wins will get a more impressive made up title than whatever KeriAnn has.
  21. i barely remember Rima, but I think Julie was with Erica, and then Erica beat up Rima and got sent home, and then found out later that Julie had been manipulating her and so beat Julie's ass at the reunion. I'm not a huge fan of Erica's, but I do remember her ass whoopings, because they always looked bad. I thought Rima was with the chubby blonde girl who was sort of slutty but seemed like a good person overall, and I specifically remember Rima abandoning her because she wanted to hang with the cool kids, and I thought that was an asshole move on her part. That poor blonde dummy was always standing up for her, and was super loyal.
  22. Lawful means "conforming to, permitted by, or recognized by law or rules." Batman is not lawful because his actions are not permitted by law. What law, besides the one Batman has come up with permits vigilantism? Saying that your actions have to be recognized by law or rules in order to be lawful implies that they need to be recognized by laws or rules of others or society at large. Or else we are all lawful, because we all conform to a certain set of rules, if we didn't, we wouldn't do the action, because even the worst villain will undertake behaviors that are in their best interest, which, by your definition would be considered "lawful". Joker's "law" or "rule" would be to simply do what is in his best interest, or what will hurt someone specific unless you realize that lawful really means a construct set by society. I think saying that someone is morally neutral says very much that they don't care about others. Concern for others, especially innocent children is evidence of a moral character to me, especially when it is backed by behavior to help an innocent child. morality is defined as "a particular system of values and principles of conduct, especially one held by a specified person or society." Society overall values its children, she showed value for an innocent child by showing concern for him. Her conduct of helping the police, even when it would put her at risk, on behalf of the innocent child is putting the justice above her own safety, and sacrificing oneself for an innocent child, or justice is a principle of conduct that is highly regarded by society. Even showing genuine concern for an innocent child shows that she puts the some value in him and his situation.
  23. Personally, I think she is probably trolling for men online to rescue her from that disaster. But I think that has probably been the plan all along. I don't think she has any intention of being stuck in that retirement community, and you're not going to convince a 38 year old man to suddenly get a job so he can make good money. And you're not going to convince anyone to hire a 38 year old man who only has one year of experience working for the national guard. Former inmates have more work experience. So she got on the plane knowing that she met the only sucker stupid and desperate enough to go through all the procedures to get her the K1 visa so she would have a full 3 months in the US to find a better man. And she gets to live rent free and has her meals paid for, even if they are at the local buffet. And since she is going to start "modelling" she will have a convenient cover for leaving if/when she goes out on dates/meets. There are a lot of foreign women looking to hook up with American men, but it has to be easier to meet and date if you're already in the country. And Cassia doesn't have the looks to stand out enough online to separate her from the countless other women looking to meet a gree--I mean guy online I suspect that until Mo came to pick her up she was in her hotel room, watching TV and eating Cheez-It's, petrified to go out and explore on her own.
  24. I never watched SA in his original season, but did see him last year in PRAS. His clothing was almost always amazing to me, and he makes nothing I would wear, nothing that is my standard style, but I still loved his girl and whatever she was wearing. My feeling is that he wanted to play nice so he can still be a part of the PR empire, so he probably tried not to have too many original thoughts or share his real opinion or disagree too much. If I were him I wouldn't want to say what I was really thinking, which, if I were him would be some variation of "this is what you are sending down the runway? Did you see the level of stuff I made last year? I know you can do better." Why do we keep getting Kate? Why can't we keep getting him to compete? I love his stuff so much, just seeing it walk down the runway makes me smile.
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