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Everything posted by RealityGal

  1. Exactly. I couldn't have said it better, she wants all the reward with as little effort as possible. Its pretty much a contract with equal consideration. Mo brings youth, good looks, a degree of intelligence. Danielle brings financial support and a green card. I think they both knew the score going in, so to me, she is just as much, if not more of a con than Mo, because to date, he has kept up his end of the bargain, and she has not kept up with the financial support. Without the green card + financial support Mo is clearly out of her league. And its not just because she is overweight, a lot of men like women with curves, and men from the middle east most especially (from my experience). But she is sloppy looking. She always looks messy, and its not due to her being overweight. I've met many overweight women who take great care with their appearance, and they look great. She always looks messy. She knows full well that a man who looks like Mo, at his age, with a reasonable amount of intelligence, is not going to truly be interested in an sloppy overweight woman, 15 years his senior, with 4 daughters, barely making ends meet and can barely speak English. She just doesn't want to put in the work and effort it would require to be the type of woman that can attract a man she wants, so, like you said, she took the route that required the least amount of effort.
  2. Good, now can we all bond over how much of a bitch Justin's SIL is? JK, I'm sure she is an absolute peach.
  3. huh? why doesn't your dad just pay his bills online at home? and why does mom have to go with him, does it take the two of them to pay bills electronically?
  4. When you're young, it only has to be sweet to be a winner. I shudder to think of the things I used to think were tasty.....pixie sticks are at the very top of the list. Those were really just sugar in a tube, no aromatics, no subtle undertones or notes of flavor, no richness, just sugar, slightly flavored, very colorful.
  5. LOL, me too, my excuse was that its on Netflix Watch Instant....so I had to. And I'm so glad I did. Not only was it visually stunning, but IMO it has so much good dialogue, great actors and crazy chemistry. damn it, you got me. I can't even blame auto correct. I meant sexiest. The debate still rages!
  6. I'm more disturbed that someone is trying to make "Quaker up" happen.
  7. you're right, if a condition is only "mild to moderate" I can't take it seriously :)
  8. I actually think the dictionary is a better starting point since its more objective than a game. A man who did that is applying his own code to the situation, its simply one you don't agree with. The same argument could be made that certain things trigger Batman's response. If lawful is simply a personal code of conduct and belief, one could simply say that the man believes it is right for him to engage in that conduct based on his wife not cleaning the house. Even if its what I don't agree with. I don't agree that all personal actions and behavior are lawful, but thats the definition that you've set up, not me. I think any definition of lawful has to include a societal perspective which gives it a level of objectivity. A subjective code that you live by is not per se lawful.
  9. I'm telling you, Brett is a professional victim. He isn't new the game on how to put himself into a piss poor position and then blame anyone around him when difficulty inevitably arises. Of course he had time to make better arrangements, but he didn't want to, he wanted to save money and put himself in the position to be pitied. I wouldn't be surprised if Cassidy's mom is just as shocked at the sleeping arrangement as everyone else. He probably either misrepresented, or she really didn't even think to ask because it seems so ridiculous. Trust me, when Brett tells the story, its never going to be gee, I should have done a better job in making arrangements and its the reason why problems have developed, its going to be to blame Cassidy "I'm not sure why, but she just acts up with Daya and won't accept her" even though, a child visiting YOU for the summer has every reason to be disappointed that you've basically stuck her with an adult stranger she doesn't know for a month and she gets no alone time with you. I still don't think the child should act out, but her feelings are justified. Or, its going to be to blame Daya, "gosh, Daya just isn't very understanding, she is just a little girl and she is trying to get used to the situation, but Daya is being so mean to her" Nevermind that Daya flew over to the US to be with you, which is stressful enough, but now you have her playing full time Nanny to a chlid she doesn't know, and who has been set up to hate her. Cassidy probably does, and could easily see Daya as the reason she doesn't get to spend more time with her dad and get him all to herself and blame Daya for that. But of course, even though Brett set up that situation, it would never be his fault. He is an asshole.
  10. He is going to think he is endorsing a new variety of fruit.
  11. A disease is only serious once its an acronym or they abbreviate it. Once its known as CDE or "chrondry E" I'll take it a little more seriously.
  12. I don't think her son will watch the show right now, but I think the parents are her sons friends are going to watch the show and talk mad shit. And 5 year old kids will talk mad shit to him. And its gonna be tough to put a 5 year old in a position of having to defend or be ashamed of his momma.
  13. Its really the most humane option isn't it? Sucks about your friend....yikes, what did she end up doing?
  14. I hope thats not the case, for her sake. Because someone like Jennifer will see Evelin's desire for a close family as a weakness she can attack. She can either influence his brother to stay away, or make sure to make every family gathering unpleasant for Evelin. Everyone else in that family appears happy to let Jennifer be a bitch, and they are probably just happy that they aren't her target. I think Jennifer knows, to some degree, that if she pushes to hard with Justin, he will just say "fuck it" and stay away, because he doesn't seem to need them. But if she knows that Evelin really wants a close family dynamic she probably figures she can be as mean as she wants and Evelin will keep coming back because family is so important to her. I'm happy that Evelin is inviting Justin's mom dress shopping. Maybe they end up just inviting mom to the ceremony. I wouldn't want Jennifer around, because a wedding is supposed to be a happy and joyous day, and she just seems like a black cloud of negative energy.
  15. I vaguely remember that, who was that? Was it that Mimi girl who slept with Justin Bieber and kept insisting that she was only half black, not full black as if this somehow made her better? My biggest issue with Jada is that she should have just said that she took/destroyed the camera. She called other people out for not admitting to doing things, and if she did it, and she was angry and she felt it was the right thing to do than just admit to it. Like "yeah, I took the camera, after you decided to pick on my mom for being a crackhead, and now what?" I think taking someone's camera is a little ridiculous, but if you did it, you did it, and if you're a bad girl, admit to it. Other than that, Camilla was a bitch for talking shit about Jada's mom. She knew she was wrong, you don't do that, and you really don't do that considering your own mother is ghetto as fuck. lmao @ danni claiming she got impaled. She was being so ridiculous, people have made less of a commotion after getting stabbed, geez. ITA about Danni and that dress, I didn't realize how very low cut it was until later in the show. Why would you ever wear something like that around your parents or anyone else's? And she knew she was wrong, her dad was giving her side eye and she was like "the dress?" Bitch, of course the dress, no father wants to see his daughter in some daytime hoochie wear! Danni just seems to over-dramatize things, which makes me question a lot of the things she says. I feel for Sarah, goodness its cute to have "fun dad" but its another issue when you have to pay your dad's child support and he lives with you. That shit is not cute.
  16. Is it called "Pretty Woman?" or "Scent of an ex-hooker?"
  17. I'm watching Batman Returns right now, and my goodness, its so beautiful. Tim Burton is some sort of visual genius. I also think that its hard to determine if Michael Keaton or Christian Bale is the sexist batman, but it has to be between the two of them. Sorry George Clooney and Val Kilmer, and I'm not even going to consider Ben Affleck.
  18. I don't know, I can't be too upset with Selina for that. For one, she knew the assassins were after her, not Bruce, the assassin seemed to know he was lying when he said that he "didn't know where she was." when Selina was at the window, which is why I think she put the gun to his head. But when Selina slipped out, and he was able to say "she's gone" it probably came off as the truth, because it was the truth and the assassin really had no reason to kill him. Second, the assassin squad seemed very focused on only killing who they were there to kill. That lady could have easily killed Gordon, but she didn't, she could have even made it look like a murder/suicide of some sort. I'm not sure they killed the gardener, it seems a little gratuitous, and I'm not sure why no one else could have cut their finger to give her a little blood to wipe on her face. Granted, Selina didn't know that, but to me, the alternative would be that she surrender herself, and its likely that the assassins kill them both. Or, if they think Bruce knows where she is, he will at least live long enough for someone to find him. And from Selina's standpoint, Bruce, with all of his money, is the sort of kid that the GCPD won't let slip through the cracks, the search for him will be high, low and thorough. Like a colonoscopy for Gotham. Add to that, anyone who gets their hands on Bruce Wayne is likely to realize that he can be ransomed for vast sums of money. I don't know who actually hired the assassins, but all the crime in the city right now seems to go through Maroni and Falcone, I don't think either of them is stupid enough to allow anyone to kill Bruce Wayne because of the level of heat it would bring on them.
  19. Interesting preview for next week. 1. the formal introduction to the racist father in law - I'm not sure if Texas is a separate country, but interracial couples are everywhere and doing just fine. And not for nothing, but I think the racism and apartheid exist in South Africa, and it can be quite a bit worse, so I'm sure Amy is ready. But, by all means, if you want to alienate yourself from your child and potentially from your grandchildren by being a racist, have at it old man. 2. What in the world does Dani spring on Mo next week? I can't wait!
  20. Continued.... 4. Yamir's meeting - I don't want to be a cynic, but I'm smelling a setup. These two producers seem like great people, but they have worked with Stevie Wonder and Tom Waits. I know that music can be appreciated and loved by different people, and people can love different styles of music, but it doesn't seem like they would know the ins and outs of reggaton and how to even promote such an artist or how to really produce the best album for a reggaton artist. I don't think his audition went terrible, especially if he was using another track, but their time is precious, and why would they spend it on an artist whose music they may not be able to really help shine? 5. Brett - yes, you are absolutely right, Cassidy is not used to someone else being around, or you having a girlfriend. Thats why I wonder why you chose the worst possible way to introduce both of those things to her. Instead of taking Daya out for day or two to where Cassidy's mother lives and letting Cassidy meet her naturally, you instead chose to introduce your child to your fiance by simply putting them in the same bed and forcing them to spend most of their time together for a month. For the month that YOU are supposed to be spending with YOUR child. The only person who didn't consider Cassidy's feelings was Brett, nor did he consider Daya's feelings, he only considered Brett's feelings. 5b. Brett - And typical Brett style, he is bound and determined to make himself a victim of everything. Yes, he set up the worst situation for everyone involved, but now Daya is put in the position of being an uncaring bitch when she wants him to discipline Cassidy. And if he goes and talks to Cassidy, guess who he will blame for him having to be "mean dad"...oh thats right, that can all be placed on Daya. He is such a victim of everything, what is he supposed to do? Make her stay in a prison? How about, you let her go to daycamp a few days a week so she can make friends and she isn't stuck with a total stranger all day? How about take a few days off from work to smooth things over? Nope, the only solution that will work is the one that makes Daya out to be a bitch, and Brett out to be the suffering victim. Because when he tells the story, it won't be that Brett set up an awful situation, it will be that Daya just isn't being understanding towards his child. He is such a monumental loser. Thats the thing, I know if he were my brother I would have many of the same questions, because I know how it looks, and I wouldn't want to see either of my brothers get taken advantage of. So I would have those questions, but there is a way you ask, and a tone you can use. Unless you think someone is beneath you and they don't deserve your respect you don't come right out and start interrogating them. LOL, yeah, I'm wondering what the pot of gold they think is at the end of the rainbow for Evelin. He is just a PE teacher, its a good job, but he isn't exactly rolling in the dough. and might I add. It may take time for Cassidy to get used to Daya, but that doesn't excuse being bratty and rude. Of course it does to Brett, because he doesn't want to have to be "the bad guy."
  21. 12 minutes in, and a few things.... 1. Daya - your threats to call Brett when Cassidy acts up are misplaced. That little girl is not scared of her father the way you and I would be. She could give, not even one shit about whether or not you call her dad, because her dad...is a wimp. Look forward to always being the bad guy with that little girl, because Brett will run off and leave her with you at the first possible moment so he doesn't have to be anything other than "fun dad" and he will always leave you to do the heavy work. 2. Justin's SIL Jennifer - first off, I actually do think she may be a drunk, they were showing footage of her from the family BBQ when he first brought over Evelin and there is something about the way she talks, its slow enough and belligerent enough to come off very drunk-y. Like she has to wade through her mind to come up with someone to say to match her level of drunken belligerence. Almost like a slowed reaction time due to alcohol. And when she does do an action it seems so affected and over the top. She also had that same thing going, but to a lesser degree, when they were doing their TH in front of the apartment complex before they went in. second, how long has she known Justin, why is she so super hurt that she won't be involved in his wedding. She clearly doesn't like Evelin so why does she want to insert herself? So she can throw out angry looks,talk shit and sabotage things? 3. Justin's SIL and brother - giving Evelin the third degree is not going to get you a wedding invitation. And I don't think its so much the questions, but they are asking like she owes them answers. I think they could ask the same questions with a different tone, and it would come off much better. How the two of them are shocked that he is going to elope is beyond me. For one, even if his family wasn't acting like jackasses, it is only 90 days to plan a wedding. Its much easier for them to get married under the 90 day window and then plan a huge reception/party afterwards when they have the benefit of time. Second, with the way you're acting why would he want either of you there? and by the way, WTF is up with Justin's brother and SIL going in the same shirt? weird, she probably dresses him.
  22. A few more notes: 4. Sarah - what the hell is going on with her makeup? She ought to fix that immediately 5. Julie - I may not be a fan of Julie, but I hate the life coach so I give her props for telling Laura to shove it 6. Danni - she is too damn dramatic. someone "put a hole in her face?" she is going to "need stitches?" She looked like she had a tiny cut around her eyebrow, it wasn't pretty, but it was hardly worth breaking down over. I think this is why her dad can't take her seriously, he probably realizes that she makes a mountain out of a molehill and knows that whatever she and Julie are fighting over is some petty bullshit that she has made into a huge issue. Danni's own mother was like "you need to stop crying." and unless you're known for being one of those people that makes something out of nothing, thats not the response you're going to get from your mother when you tell her you were hit in the head with a shoe. 7. Camilla - I agree with Julie, it sucks monkey balls that your camera is gone, but its....gone. So its time to move on. It sucks that it had all those memories on it, but the lesson is that from now on you have to upload your shit on the regular or back it up. She keeps talking about how she is going to keep talking about the camera like she is going to win an award for it. You're not hurting anyone but yourself by continuing to talk about that camera. I'm not sure why she is going to be upset with Julie for the camera. It sounds like its because Julie didn't actively hurl herself in front of Jada to stop her from destroying the camera. 7b. Camilla - And no, its not a good look to talk shit about someone's mother for being a crackhead, because from where I sit, your mother is ghetto as fuck, so you have no room to throw stones at anyone else's mom. You haven't descended from the Obama's, your dad is pathetic enough to take one of Sarah's "calendars" and your mom is encouraging you to beat bitches up. You hardly have some classy pedigree that is so superior to Jada's. 8. Sarah - come on, giving out calendars to the male family members of your friends? Just stop. I think its funny as hell that Rocky threw away the one meant for her brother.
  23. 11 minutes in and three observations 1. Rima - I will admit she looks very good. But I sort of thing BGC isn't a place for the mother of a 5 year old child. Do you really want your child to see footage of you shaking your ass in "da club?" How do you think thats going to play with his little friends at school? She is still super lame, so I think they should have picked someone else. 2. Jada - listen, I don't like Camilla talking about your mom, but you still aren't admitting to taking her camera, and at this point, its just looking like you're too scared to say anything. I can't respect that, if you did it, just say you did it and let the chips fall where they may. Dani is right, Jada is going to come off looking bad for not admitting to taking the camera. 3. Sarah - come on, forget that everyone else's dad is going to be there, but who the hell wants to wear a tight ass bikini around their own dad?
  24. great post CurbUrEnthusiasm! I'm still not 100% sure what THOT means, but I surely do know there are 365 days in a year, and that the Underground Railroad wasn't an actual locomotive underground. And I'm not even from a famous civil rights family. I would only add that while I would agree that Cynthia hasn't made much of her time on RHOA, Kenya was cast on Celebrity Apprentice which is a pretty big show on a pretty big network. She had that song/video which were popular for about a minute, and any money made from that had to be all profit, because that video couldn't have cost any more than $100 to make. I think both she and Phaedra ended up selling copies of their workout video, in large part, probably based on the controversy from the show. Certainly none of them have had the success that Kandi has found through RHOA, but Kandi has a lot of her own capital to invest in projects, so I think its a little different. And please, please don't encourage another reality show star to create another tacky fashion line. I mean, do they all have a meeting and decide on the one oversaturated industry that they have no experience in but are going to try to make a go at?
  25. Gunnar got dumped and is sad about it. Dimitri is single and ready to mingle. Samantha is in a relationship and it makes her feel sparkly. Sonji is in a relationship and she is caged in, but thats a good thing. Ben got out of a bad relationship and got a tattoo Michelle got divorced and for somehow found another sucker, I mean man willing to marry her Helen dumped/got dumped by a guy smart enough to avoid hanging out with her I don't remember Jay's story
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