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Everything posted by RealityGal

  1. Mei was in the top and she had to use the crap ingredients, so it could be done. I'm still rooting for Gregory, Mei and Doug. Melissa is okay, the rest get on my nerves to varying degrees.
  2. I can understand the confusion when you thought you had two friends and one of them is telling you that the other is talking shit, even if thats a crazy ass drunk. Crazy ass drunks sometimes tell the truth, and Julie has a history of talking shit behind people's back from her own season IIRC. As for the camera, its more the fact that Jada had called someone else out for doing the exact same thing. Taking someones stuff, hiding it or destroying it and then not confessing to it. Don't be sneaky, if you stole someones camera and destroying it admit to it. You're upset with Camilla, but Jada has said time and time and time again that if she has a problem she will take it up with the person to their face. Stealing someones camera and destroying it because you're upset with them is weak. It makes it look like she was too scared to tell Camilla that she thought she was wrong for saying that about her mother, because she won't admit to it. And Camilla was wrong to say that about Jada's mother. But if Jada had a problem (and she didn't until Rocky and Julie talked her into it a la Natalie/Judi) she should have taken it up to Camilla's face. I can't fault Camilla, because the only way you can keep someone from stealing your stuff if they are bound to do it is to carry it with you everywhere. I don't think anyone should have to carry all their expensive belongings into the bathroom and on their person at all times to avoid people stealing and destroying their shit. Jada is a hypocrite.
  3. I know that I totally do what your brother does. When I would travel for work, it would always happen. If I went to Texas, I would find myself talking in like the love child of Yosemite Sam and Peggy Hill. If I was in the south, I would start with a southern accent if I had to travel to the South. It was nuts. She might have a child support order, I believe that they would take the money out of his unemployment check or any tax refund he would receive. But of course that would probably require her to file a complaint or some sort of paperwork and I'm not 100% sold that she would be on the ball about doing any of that.
  4. I could see that if they wanted viewers to get to know the chefs better and really be invested in them so that more people will watch last chance kitchen and care. And the dishes might be better once they get rid of the cannon fodder. But I've never watched so maybe the dishes on LCK are always good.
  5. Oh, I've only seen the movies, which had Catwoman as a lowly secretary living in a small apartment. So who knows what adult version of Catwoman they are going to shoot for and how they are planning to get there? I've already forgotten the Anne Hathaway version :(
  6. I'm telling you man, the shit gets real in Halo commercials....really real.
  7. Yeah, I do too, but the only comfort I get is that Stacy was probably not going to win it, and she got to go home on a challenge where she did a great job instead of on one where she did a shit job and felt like she let Boston down. My heart broke for her when she described how much pressure she felt to properly represent her city and how it was keeping her up at night. I think she did Boston proud, she went home on a dish that everyone liked. He is adorable. But I think they both are. Man, can you imagine a house full of chefs making breakfast.....hot dog! I wonder if the crew tries to get in on that food....I know I would. First off, let me say that I love your name. I love 30 Rock and remember that episode. Second, my thinking was that they judged the dishes on their own merits. No one had a gross dish, the three bottom were really just the least favorites, not the worst, which I think makes it more difficult than having three shitty dishes, one of which was cooked by a great contestant. I also think Gregory was given extra points for taking on the challenge of the goose, which everyone seemed to recognize was him more "aiming for the fences." Now if it had turned out to be straight up gross, I don't think it matters that the chef was aiming for the fences, but in the case where there are three good dishes in the bottom it may make a difference because you took on a challenge and overall produced a good, but not great dish. I personally thought it was going to be Melissa going home because of the whole lack of a protein thing. I think the issue with Stacy's was it was tasty, but at some points it tasted bad/gross. I don't think Gregory's tasted bad per se, I just think the protein was cooked wrong. The case of the vanilla chop was just different because that dish was just gross, I think it was undercooked and the vanilla was not tasty. It wasn't a good dish that just happened to not be perfect so it was in the bottom, it was a bad dish overall. But, I can see your point about having to live and die by your last dish. I do like for there to be some leeway and consideration given to past performance when all other things are equal, but I understand when people say it should all be based on the last dish.
  8. I do want what they are selling, but not with 95% of the men on any of those sites.
  9. I feel like they have enough time to sneak in the offer of a threesome at some point, if viewership starts to wane. What is going to be interesting to me is to see how Selina goes from what seems to be a good situation at Wayne Manor and turning into the villain Catwoman. I want to see how that goes down, right now she seems happy, precocious but with a good heart. How does she get booted from Wayne Manor? How does she lose touch with Bruce since she seems like his only friend and someone he would want to have around? Do they drift apart as Bruce becomes a little older and girls in his own social circle become interested in him? Do they lose contact after Bruce goes away to college? And what happens to Selina to make her into Catwoman. In the movies it was one specific event, and that makes sense, but how was she ever in that situation?
  10. That would totally suck for Emily. Charlotte and then Jack's strange partner? And then David acting like a weirdo? I would try to avoid family holidays at all costs if I were her.
  11. well, it now makes sense that they all play basketball together. I didn't realize Omarion was so short.
  12. Oh no, you gotta elevate that problem to the VP of Incontinence, or at the very least the Director of Incontinence! Grandpa peeing on kitchen surfaces is beyond the pay grade of a mere specialist! This is where incontinence careers are made or lost!
  13. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that this was all part of same evil masterplan. She just wants to get a plane ticket to the US, and then realizes she has a 90 day window to "trade up" at least to a guy who has his own apartment, or a pool that doesn't look like a breeding ground. If she can't trade up in 90 days, she is stuck with Jason, if she can, maybe she convinces the new guy to marry her. I feel like the "trade up" thing is easier to do if you're already in the country. I know this is all conspiracy theory, but if I found out she was on some sugardaddy site or "richolddudes.com" I wouldn't be surprised at all. I'm sure you were much prettier than Cassia. Your personality alone makes you better looking. ;) but maybe I just have a thing for toaster pastries.
  14. I know right! And all that shit Jada was talking about Judi and Sarah not owning up to things. Rocky and Julie were immediately distancing themselves from Jada. I have no idea what it is with these girls and destroying other people's stuff, its so strange, I wouldn't even think to do that. I know, I can't believe I'm having any positive feelings towards Danni. Maybe Gabby was the asshole all along? I hope that once the cameras are off and they are away from the house they can repair their friendship. A lot of it seems to stem from petty stuff, but then the drama is exacerbated by the other girls in the house.
  15. I bet thats not the truth at all. Although, I would not be surprised if she was on that laptop trolling for other men online, this was probably not what she imagined when he told her he lived in Florida.
  16. *coming around the side and sneaking in some mean kicks when no one is paying attention*
  17. Ugh, I'm thinking about buying some shoes from EBay, but the idea that they might have been subjected to a home like Jason's is making me think twice. I don't want my shoes to have Florida sneeze snot all over them. I don't even want them to have been within the same vicinity as that pool. just thinking of this picture 12 hours later is making me smile. It is very Danielle
  18. I think writing terrible female characters crosses genres. Women seem so two dimensional. Either naggy know it all's, wallflowers, badass trying to hard, always right or a mixture of any or all of the above. I think its why I tend to enjoy female villains because they seem to have more depth. But awww, I think Bruce is cute with his little stuffy suits and sweater vests. I feel like its part of what makes him so different, if he were a normal kid he would probably reject Cat, but he is so serious. And I like Cat too. But I read Babysitters Club back in the day, so I'm okay with a little pre-teen flirting.
  19. I know, once he gets his green card he'll be like "ma! the meatloaf!" and bring it to me in a neutral location because I don't want you to know where I live!
  20. Oh Jada, I'm so disappointed. For all the shit you talk about keeping it real and being 100 and all of that.....you stole Camilla's camera and destroyed it as a way to get back at her? Thats so fucking ridiculous and whack that I can't even fathom it. The exact same thing you talked shit on Judi for doing...not fessing up, is exactly what you're doing. If you are upset about what Camilla said about your mom, thats fine, and totally understandable, Camilla was being a bitch, but say it to her face if you aren't scared, don't sneak around taking her camera. Lame. I also don't like Julie and Rocky trying to hype Jada up. I mean there is always a line, but if Jada didn't feel it, why force her to get upset? Camilla was wrong for calling Jada's mom a crackhead, its not like Camilla has such an illustrious family history to where she can talk shit. She is the last person to throw stones.
  21. I'm scared for you! Danielle probably screens his FB page, I don't want her coming after you! Can you just imagine, you're sleeping and you suddenly wake up with a knife to your throat and Danielle with that vacant smile in your face.
  22. January is the very worst month at my gym....the very worst. It only lets up around March/April when people finally give up.
  23. The best is makeup companies trying to convince people that clumpy lashes are now en vogue. My conspiracy theory is that Maybelline realized that they had a factory full of mascara that had gone bad or expired, they sold the mascara to Rimmel and Rimmel put new stickers on it, created an ad campaign extolling the virtues of clumpy lashes and now charge $3 more per mascara tube. Now I'll have to go into hiding so the mascara mafia doesn't find me. If I'm found dead with clumpy lashes I want a full investigation.
  24. Weed-names! LMAO As for Nikki, she will be back next week....on a date with Fizz.......I wonder how Moniece will feel about that? My only focus now when Tierra is on screen is that awful hair. It should get its own place in the opening credits, it can replace Morgan. He was really giving some toddler realness in that outfit he had on But seriously, these girls are all fighting over a song that doesn't even sound good.
  25. well, how are your guests going to learn these important life lessons if you don't leave the pillows in their room? And of course, to avoid the smothering ;)
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