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Everything posted by RealityGal

  1. she has that vague vacant smile. It would not be a surprise to see her on an episode of Snapped and they find some Mo chili, Mo and beans, Mo patties
  2. Yeah, this has sort of annoyed me too. When Danny first told Amy, he almost told her in a tone where it was like "don't worry Amy, its not your fault for being black, its okay, don't feel bad about the fact that you're black and my dad won't like you" instead of saying "listen, my dad is a complete racist jackass, please don't blame me for the racist loins from which I have sprung."
  3. Not only that, I don't know about the Philippines, but my parents are foreign, and I can tell you, they were/are totally confused by the more forgiving American style of parenting. What they were used to was a much more disciplinarian style, and I think with the way they raised us, they would have been confused if we had locked the door on them on purpose. Thats just not how we were raised, children always showed respect to adults. They didn't do a lot of talking back. Daya may not be used to a child like Cassidy.
  4. The old man leer is not to be missed or underestimated! Old men do not give a fuck, I guess they figure they only have a limited amount of time left, they might as well stare at women as much as they can. I remember those....blerf
  5. The woman had smallpox, so I guess thats what it was, but it makes no sense, because at least one of the people in the town had their throat cut and someone else had been stabbed in the neck. Unless smallpox makes people crazy and they start cutting throats? Stabbing people and cutting throats for no real reason seems like the work of the Swede, but I don't know how he would be able to accomplish it.
  6. Two more years!?!??? I was under the impression next season was the last? I actually think this season could have been the last because they are sending away or getting rid of all the characters. Oh man, so is this either going to be Cullen on a two year quest to find his snippy mormon wife, or is he going to find her and then I'll have to watch her angry faces for two years?
  7. See, thats the thing. I haven't seen the episode, but it seems like Jason feels like he is going for a "dry wit and delivery", but it comes off very potential serial killer to me.
  8. But truly, if it had been anyone else besides Cynthia, Porsha would have apologized for being an hour late or she would have been a little more timely. She just figures she can do that to Cynthia and not apologize because she doesn't think she has to respect Cynthia. Porsha should have walked in apologizing, she didn't need to sit down to do it. Her apology shouldn't have to do with whether or not she thinks she needs to be nice with someone, it should have to do with simple courtesy. If you arrive an hour late, apologize because its the right thing to do. Just because you think someone is calm and cool enough to not go off on you for being late is no reason not to walk in apologizing for being an hour late. Kandi tries to pull that nonsense too, like if she just randomly shows up two hours late no one should say anything, and she should just hope that no one notices. Simply put, IMHO, you should apologize because you did something wrong, not based on whether or not you're cool with someone or if you think that they are going to go off on you for doing something wrong. Showing up an hour late to a lunch you set up is wrong.
  9. She gets on my last damn nerve with that shit. She either needs to shoot him or shut the fuck up about it already. I'm am remarkably tired of her self righteous posturings, Cullen didn't want to kill him. She knows damn well there was no way she and Elam were going to waltz off into the sunset together. I have no idea why the writers seem invested on making Eva as annoying as humanly possible now, but I'm at the point where I wish she would get eaten by a bear too.
  10. Seriously, apparently there is one divorce attorney in Atlanta. Maybe thats why Phaedra was trying to handle Sheree's family law matters. Perhaps there is just a shortage of family law attorneys in Atlanta. They are all trying to keep their peaches. I'm not sure who put out the memo, but everyone seems to have turned up a notch or two. I don't know whats going on with her, her affects are so over the top. Its like she is always making an inside joke that I am not a party to. I'm not sure how I feel about the word flip flopper. I think sometimes people reflect on a situation and change their minds. I have no respect for people who doggedly hold onto a point of view just because they don't want to be perceived as weak or a flip flopper. Certainly some people change their minds only so they can have the most friends, but maybe Cynthia just reflected on the situation, listened to the other side and thought the arguments were well reasoned. I think people should be allowed to change their minds. Well lets hope that when she gets to that age she will have accomplished something. Say what you will about Cynthia, she had a career as an international model, and to me, she still looks better than Porsha. Porsha has not accomplished much of anything on her own and before the show. LMAO I went to college right out of high school, and I wish I had taken a year or two off to figure out what it was I really wanted to do, and to explore different paths before going to college. I think college is a much better experience if you can study something that you have a passion for or an interest in. But going to college just to go may not be the wisest idea. Maybe Kayla will do some exploring in the fashion industry, and maybe she will like it, and can see how college can fit into helping her with that, or she will not like it and then she can look at something else without having wasted her time on classes she won't use and doesn't need.
  11. Wow Riley....that college comment was ungracious. Even if you feel that way you don't say that in front of people. Geez. Kandi should take a step back and make sure she isn't raising a brat.
  12. Oh my goodness y'all, I'm watching this show called Blue Bloods, and season 4, episode 22 features this couple (the girl is the one in the bottom picture in the purple dress) He is a "Syrian National" in the US on a student visa that is going to expire in 48 hours, so he needs to marry his girlfriend who is the "love of his life." Her father thinks its a scam because he is mr. tall, dark and slick, and she is a "little pork dumpling" I'm not sure if TLC found Dani and Mo first, or if this episode of BlueBloods inspired something, or maybe its just a total coincidence. Its just funny that its not just a middle eastern man and a white woman, but even the coloring on the female characters is the same. Very pale, very white, with reddish hair.
  13. My spidey senses tell me high interest credit cards and cash advances on said credit cards. I also wouldn't be surprised to learn that she spends all of the money she makes working on Mo, and tries to live exclusively off of any state assistance or child support payments. I would also think she would get a pretty reasonable income tax check back every year, and that also must go straight towards whatever she is planning for Mo. The look on Mo's face says anything but a fetish for middle aged larger ladies. Whenever Danielle starts grabbing at his forearm he looks ready to gnaw it off so he can escape. But hey, if he can convince America he is a nice guy who can really love a Danielle, I think women might come out of the woodwork who are at least a little better off.
  14. You know, I've never seen the numbers, but I wonder how much of an improvement in sales were recognized by being open on Thursday rather than Friday. I feel like when Wal Mart started it, it might have been a power move in a down economy to encourage people to shop. Or to get to the limited budget people have for the holidays earlier than other retailers and therefore get a bigger cut of the pie. But retailers have made more profit every year which they think is due to being open earlier and earlier on Thanksgiving, but I wonder if its not somehow just due to the economy getting a little better. I mean in some ways, it makes sense, I know that at least one year our family went to the movies on Thanksgiving, so I guess people are looking for things to do. But the first day of shopping, to me, are going to be the doorbuster people. Those are the people that you are going to get regardless of when you open, they are committed to sleeping in line and potentially peeing in bottles. Maybe they just figure the retailer who opens earliest will get first spend of all the money. In that case, in about 10 years we'll be having doorbusters in July.
  15. She was talking about pee pees! Old man pee pee's! Old men having sex with their pee pee's that are erect for 4 hours!
  16. I agree. It looked like hair loss, her hair had a bit of dye on it, so she may just be a bad kitchen beautician.
  17. Your post is brilliant. I think his face is hilarious too. Especially when she tries to grab his forearm, its like he is actively fighting the instinct to yank his arm away and make for the hills, or the nearest Diary Queen. Wherever he can go to feel safe (well the local DQ is probably not it, since it sounds like it would be the hangout for Dani's friends and family). While she isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, I do think that she realizes this is some sort of exchange, which is why she hid her financial problems for as long as possible. And don't feel bad, my sister is the one who turned me onto show, her opening selling point is "its one of those shows that will make you feel better about yourself." And then she told me the story of Dani and Mo, she was like "you could tell he was like trying to hide behind a post or something" and I truly wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he had ordered an Uber or a Lyft and had to quickly cancel it once she found his hiding place.
  18. a) No Dani and Mo? boo! b) I can already feel my eyes rolling at Chelsea
  19. See? this is why I can't hate Mohammed. He is putting in a lot of work for that green card.
  20. I don't watch Fox News, but is that really the line they are selling? That somehow being a doctor in an Emergency Room is the same as being the guy who has to tell me where I can find the lotion? I maintain that the entire "open on Thanksgiving" thing was created by Wal-Mart and is now a race to the bottom. I find it hard to believe that people's credit cards were burning such a monumental hole in their pocket that they couldn't wait until Friday morning. The entire black Friday thing is now based around doorbusters, but the doorbuster folk are very committed. You don't need to lure them in by opening up on Thursday. They are going to be sleeping in line if you open on Thursday, or if you open on Friday. The last place I want to be, after stuffing myself silly with turkey is in a Wal-Mart with someone's unwashed armpit in my face. I also do not want to be in a big box store on Friday with someones washed armpit in my face. I do not like crowds. I just can't see how any increased profits are due to being open on Thanksgiving that you wouldn't get if you just opened on Friday. And I say this as someone who happily worked the front desk of a hotel on holidays. But you can't just leave a hotel unattended, and the hotel was always dead so it was a pretty breezy way to make time and a half. I could do my eight hour breezy shift and head home. But retail on the holidays is a mess, and they are telling these people they have to work 12 hour shifts when it really doesn't seem necessary.
  21. I would hate for a race of aliens to think that Helen represented humanity. Could we send up someone less embarrassing? Maybe Gilbert Gottfried? Fart Man? Octomom? The unattractive Kardashaian? Snooki and/or JWow? Right Said Fred? The surviving member of Milli Vanilli?
  22. I'm just looking at the screen shot and I'm scared. All three of them look like they are about to try to bust into a too bright, too sassy song and dance routine. Something mommy sassy about finding all the right gifts at Big Lots. ETA: I decided to give it a try, and got exactly 1 second in. I guess it is a sassy song and dance routine! I'm some kind of commercial clairvoyant.
  23. I don't know, I've watched a lot of stories about Mafia and SEC take downs, and from as best as I can tell, a Federal Investigation may take years, or years upon years. Some people may be charged first, but others under investigation. They may still be investigating her. I also think the Feds will only proceed if they think they have a good case that they think they can win in court. I've worked on some federal cases, and once the government brings a case against you, its no joke, its like a cocoon of evidence wrapped very tight around you. I don't think they would rest their case on one potential co-conspirator.
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