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Everything posted by ebk57

  1. Along with Mayor Rudy. Double blergh... ^^Jinx!! :-)
  2. Not only there, but talking. Quite a pleasant surprise.
  3. Last night, I discovered that 1st Look - which comes on right after SNL, and usually stays on in my house because I'm too lazy to look for something else to watch and it's mostly benign - is actually an official NBC production. I always figured it was one of those syndicated shows that local stations put on in the middle of the night. Anyway, last night the show was all about SNL with a bunch of cast interviews. https://twitter.com/1stlooktv A few different folks than I've seen talking about it, plus some sweet interviews with the current cast. Could have done without Paris Hilton though.
  4. I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Maybe because I was afraid it would be awful, and it wasn't. That makes it a win for me.
  5. I think the whole religion theme was probably pushing the envelope for the times. I love all music and the comedians showing up (although I do agree with WendyCR72 that Valri wasn't all that funny). This was kind of an old fashioned variety show mixed with some rather radical and/or surreal stuff.
  6. I'm watching! I've heard the George Carlin baseball/football routing so many times, I could almost recite it with him. And I mean that in a good way. I think there was another show on another network at that time called Saturday Night Live, so they couldn't call it that until the other show was cancelled.
  7. Last Saturday, Mr ebk and I went to see Craig at the Warner Theater. Josh opened the show. Secretariat was there (he ran on just before Craig came on and then came out for the bows). This is the third time we've seen Craig in concert and this show was definitely the best of them all. And they've all been great! I so miss him on my TV.
  8. I am thoroughly enjoying the Steve Martin episodes that VH1 Classic is airing tonight! The one that just started opened with The Blues Brothers singing Hey Bartender...and Paul Shaffer saying "Live From New York..." ETA: this is the one with Dancing in the Dark. I teared up a little bit. Really loved the one with The Kinks.as the musical guest.
  9. Jessie J I tried to find a clip of the Dave Grohl tribute but i'm coming up dry. It was lovely though...
  10. Nothing that opening another bottle of wine won't fix! Everything's better with wine...
  11. I just got the NYT alert with the "major" winners. Doesn't that mean the show should be over??
  12. I did. His favorite song by his favorite band. I'm gonna miss Dave!
  13. I know a lot of folks think he's a tool, but I like Dave Grohl. And I love David Letterman. That was a lovely tribute.
  14. I have the entire Nancy Drew series with the yellow spines (stopping when I stopped reading them, so technically it's not the entire series, I guess) in the bookcase at the top of the stairs. Whenever I go into a used bookstore, I head straight for the children's book section to see if there are any rare copies that I might want. And yet, I haven't cracked one to actually read in...years. Lots o' years. What a great idea!
  15. ebk57

    NFL Thread

    This makes me laugh :-)
  16. I'll see you the puking couple and raise you the "chaise" couple. I will never, never, ever, ever buy furniture from this place. Never ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eK1UWQjc-I And I apologize if someone already posted this. Hell, I apologize anyway for posting it myself.
  17. I'm watching the Newshour on PBS and during a piece with John Cleese, he mentioned the time he was on with "Joe Maher." Hehehehehe
  18. Missed the first half, but turned in as the deli skit was happening. I'd not seen it before - pretty surreal and really funny. Agree about the Buckwheat sketch. Loved the doll commentary during the news (could they not call it Weekend Update during the non-Lorne years?). And an added bonus - Robert Plant!!
  19. Speaking of VH1, they are going to run a 433 hour maration of SNL starting at the end of the month. Yay!...? http://thepub.viacom.com/sites/vh1press/Pages/snl.aspx
  20. I feel like I have eleventy billion channels on my TV...but Classic isn't one of them. Dammit. Way too much talking on the other 4 channels showing this game.
  21. I feel like the speeches were too long tonight. And that deprived us of more Tina and Amy.
  22. Is it wrong that my favorite part of the tribute was George killing Kenny?
  23. I'm loving Kristen and Bill. And I don't normally love Kristen.
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