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Everything posted by Shorty186

  1. I feel like if there was a "Six of Crows" spinoff, they would cast younger versions of the characters. Maybe to show has Kaz, Inej and Jesper first met.
  2. I don't like him either anymore. He popped up as a guest star on a show I watch and I was not happy. I think the only reason he didn't go to jail is because FH was the one who paid the money if I remember correctly.
  3. I wonder if the producers know (or even care) how much Felicity Huffman seems to be a detractor to viewers of a potential spin-off. If I didn't like Kennedy McMann so much, I definitely would not watch a show with FH. If they were smart, they would recast.
  4. I'm really confused. I though Charlie was driving further east with every episode, but she's only in Colorado? Or was this episode actually supposed to be aired 2nd?
  5. Omigod, THANK YOU. I was getting crazy annoyed.
  6. Why is there a person narrating everything single thing happening? The producers should realize this gimmick is not working and needs to stop.
  7. Oh boy, Kat is sounding like Gabby 2.0 worrying she's unlovable and Zach is gonna judge her because she has a strained relationship with her mom. Gabby played that card to death unfortunately.
  8. Which house did they choose in Vaucluse? My recording cut off just before the reveal.
  9. I think Madison just experienced an entire season's worth of emotions in one night.
  10. But weren't they? I thought that was why Helen was breaking them all over the place (as well as letting out her anger). They were the gasoline she needed to start the initial fire?
  11. I just thought of something else that didn’t line up. If Duke crossed paths with Miles just after he left Andie to die in her garage, how come Duke, Claire and Lionel didn’t find her? They were banging all over outside her house, but didn’t try there? They would have heard the car running. I liked the movie, just to make it clear, but when it’s a mystery, I can’t help but double check that everything makes sense.
  12. Okay, two things I don't get about Miles Bron. If he's not actually a genius, why did Andie need him? She was the creator and brains of Alpha. Don't think he was bankrolling anyone until he made Alpha $$. Is it just that he's a great bullshitter? Second, why did he send Andie the box after he killed her? Everyone thought it was weird that he invited her, so no one would have batted an eyelash if he hadn't. I guess it was his own hubris that lead to (Benoit Blanc, which lead to) his downfall.
  13. Hmm, I was aware she was new to Christianity but I didn't know CCB had introduced her. That's like Tom Cruise introducing you to Scientology. Christianity is a huge religion with many different subsets (I'm Catholic), so not all are as judgmental as CCB seems to be. Lead actors in TV movies can make pretty good money once they've built up their resume. At least $150K-$200K for 2 or 3 weeks' work. No idea what the GAF deals entail though. I think Neal's a good actor, though, and I'm glad he had the balls to say something.
  14. Wait, did they just show Victoria on The Bachelor?
  15. Gross. More of the audience should have booed those fame-whores.
  16. Wow Brittany seemed so matter of fact and cold. I did love you. Now I don't. It would make sense if she fell for someone else, but he just texted too much?
  17. Omg Eliza is too wishy washy. She went to Justin and *he* rejected *her.* Now she still has feelings for Rodney? Run Rodney, run. You deserve so much better.
  18. I'm really surprised that Kate didn't throw over Logan for Hayden. He had the bank account she wanted. Maybe she hates dogs. Actually, most definitely, it seems like a Kate thing to do.
  19. I felt like Jesse was too separated from the contestants. He would only pop up to give them good or bad news. Not sure if that's how it was with Chris Harrison too since last season was the first time I watched BiP. I liked the guest host format they had last season. David Spade was hilarious. And Wells was the only constant, so it made him seem like he was down in the trenches with them. Obviously by producer design. But that's why he didn't bother me this season.
  20. So I'm not seriously watching GH (I have it as background) but is Lucy really dead? Because that would be such a letdown. This Holly flashback is the first I've seen that she's not just missing but I could have likely missed something.
  21. Does anyone know if the actors with movies on GAF (but not the ones with exclusive deals) were aware they were doing movies for that channel? I know a lot of times Christmas movies can end up being bought by any channel, but not sure what the deal is with GAF since I hadn’t even known actors could be signed exclusively until they started doing it (or making an actor their CCO). There are a lot of Hallmark actors with Christmas movies on GAF that would surprise me being okay with their narrow-minded viewpoint.
  22. So can charter schools kick out students for not doing well academically? Also, if charter schools and public schools are both funded by tax payers, why does it seem like charter schools have more resources/funding?
  23. I wonder why Rodney is so unlucky in love (although being 30 and single isn't the worst. Thing. Evah). Is it because he's the "nice guy?" Everyone on that island loves him, except the one he wanted.
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